1004 GODOLPHIN. COR~TWALL. [KELLY'S Treloar Jane Morris (Mrs.), farmer, Uren John, Camel', Tregoning hill Williams J n.GeoJarmer,Penhaleandrea­ Trescowe WaIters WiUiam, frmr. Trescowe corn Williams In.Jas. farmer, Penhaleandrea. Tyack George, farmer, Herland cross White James, butcher, Herland cross GOLANT, see ST. SAMPSON'S. GORRAN, or ST. GORAN, is a parishand village, situated Caerhays Castle, St. Michael Caerhays, Mr. F. Slade-Gully, on the coast of the English Channel, 8 miles south from St. William Cole Pendarves B.A., J.P., D.L. of Pendarves, Cam­ Anstell station on the Cornwall (Great Western) railway and borne, and T. G. Graham esqs. The soil is a rich loam ~ 3 south-south-west from Mevagissey, in the Mid division of snbsoil, kiIIas and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, the county, east division of the hundred of Powder, petty oats and roots. The area is 4,725 acres; rateable value, sessional division of Powder East, St. Austell union and £5,544; and the population in 1881 was 958. county court district, rura~ deanery of St. Austell, arch- TREVEOR, I mile south-west, TREVARRICK, I north-west; deac~nry of Cornwa~ and dIOcese of Truro.. The ~h~rch of PENARE, I~ south, RESCASSA, liwest, TREGAVARAS, I~ south­ St. Go~an, erected Ill. the 16th century, IS. a bUIldIng of west and BOSWINGRAN I south are hamlets. stone, III the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel '.', .. and nave, unitedly of eight bays, south aisle extending along ,About I mile south-ea~t ~rom the.church IS the VIllage of both, north transept, south porch, and a lofty embattled GORH~N HAVE!', or, as I~ IS sometImes called, PORTEAS'.I'. western tower with four pinnacles, built in 1606, and con- Here IS an anCI~nt chapel m the Late T';1dor style, sup~osed taining 6 bells, all cast in 1772, one of which is broken: to have been bUIlt by t~e ~odrugan family a~ou~ the mIddle there are two piscinre: the nave and aisle retain some good of. the ISt~ century: It IS ~ rectangular bUIldmg of stone. benches with well-carved ends, many of them bearing With a <'';1rlOus and InterestIng pentagonal tower, and.was initials' there is an ancient monument in the nave to Richard restored m 1885, at a cost of nearly £600, under the dlrec­ Edgcu~be, of Bodrugan esq. ob. 1655, and a brass to ti?n of ~Ir. J. P. St. Aubyn, as honor~r! architect: the ~ast William Algernon Slade-Gully M.A. d. 1870, with other wmdowl~ the work ol.th.e Rev. W. WIlhmott M.A. late VIcar modern memorials; some once existing here to the Tre- of QuethlOck: the bUIl~mg and court have b~en .conveyed vanions have now disappeared: there are two stained by: t~e Earl of Mount Edgcumbe to the EccleSIastiCal. Com­ windows and some fragments of old glass in the aisle; in mlSSlOners. Gorran Haven was, .doubtless, at .one tlm~, a. the chancel stands a curious oak chair, elaborately carved place of some note, as m~y be mferred from Its old p.ler, at the back with the figure of a man and various emblems: sUPl?osed to hav:e bee':! bmlt ?y the Bodrugans, an ancient. the tower is a weIl.known sea mark and is a conspicuous fa~l!y who flonrlshed m the rmgn of Ed.ward n. but becam6: object for many miles round: a new roof was erected in extmct after the battle of Bosworth FIeld, Aug: 21, 148,=;, 1870, from designs by J. P. St. Aubyn esq. and in 1875 the when the greater part of the property was give? to the­ body of the church was restored by the same architect: Edgcumbes; Bod~gan (the hou~e on the down) IS now a.. there are 365 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials far~ house, and Go~ran Haven I~ known on~y as a small dates from the year 1661 ; marriages, 1668. The living is a fishmg place.. .Opposite. the haven IS the" Gwmeas " rock. vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £336, net yearly value Sexton, Wllham Tregllgas. £251, with residence and I acre of glebe, in the gift. of the POST OFFICE.-William Harvey, postmaster. Letters from Bishop of Truro, and held since 1869 by the Rev. Charles St. AusteIl arrive at 8.5 a.m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m. Richard Sowell :B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. There is a The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Meva- Wesleyan chapel at High Lanes and a Bible Christian chapel gissey. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid at Boswinger, and at Gorran Haven are Wesleyan and Con- INSURANCE AGENT.-Northern, J. Ball gregationaI chapels. The" Deadman" (Scand. clod, a Coast Guard, Gorran Haven, Joseph Forward, chief officer round-topped hill, and Celt. maen, a stone) is a bold head- I A School Board of 5 members was formed July 6, 1876, with land, 379 feet in height, on the summit of which is placed St. Michael Carhayes contributory with 2 members; the signal house of the coast guard. Trevennen is the Robert Henry Lanyon, clerk to the board; William Henry residence of Stephen Hy. Dickerson esq. The principal Michell, attendance officer landowners are the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe L.L., J.P. who Board School (mixed), built in 1880 at a cost of £1,600, for is lord of the manor, John Tremayne esq. ;T.P., D.L. of 195 children; average attendance, 51 boys, 39 girls & 3~ Heligan, St. Austell, John Charles Williams esq. of infants; Joseph Treneer, master; Miss Bessie Toye, mist. Dickerson Stephen Henry, Trevenneu Kendall "William, jun. farmer, Cotna OliveI' Thomas, mason, Gorran haven Sowell Rev. Charles Rd. B.A. Vicarage Kerkin Charles, farmer, Tregavarras Parnall Augustus SamLfarmer,Trewall COMMERCIAL. Kerkin Henry, farmer, Rescassa Pearce Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Tregarrick Ball James, draper & grocer Kerkin In. farmr. & butcher,Trevarrick Pill Margaret (Mrs.), miller (water) &. Bassett Thomas, farmer, Trevarrick Kerkin William Henry, farmer, Penare farmer, Galowras Bumett Joseph, Centries Kitto WilIiam, saddler Pill Richard, boat builder, Gorran haven Carveth James Melhuish, farmer, Lan- Lanyon Edwin, farmer, Godaricks Pomery Phihp, shopkpr. Gorran haven callen Lanyon Robert, farmer, Treveague Pound WaIter, farmer, Trevennen Chenoweth Francis, farmer, Methrose Lanyon Robert Henry, farmer &clerk to RichardsAgnes(Miss),shpkr.Menagwins Chesterfield John, shoe ma. High lanes school board, 'frewolla Richards William, Barley Sheaf P.R. &.. Chesterfield Stephen, farmer, Penhale Lawry John Canning, farmer,Tregarton blacksmith Coast Guard (Joseph :Forward, chief Lawry William, farmer, 'freveor Rickard Jacob, farmer, Cooks officer), Gorran haven Liddicoat Simeon, jun. frmr. Hemmick Rickard William, farmer, Rescassa Dingle Joseph, shoe maker Martin George, wheelwright,High lanes Rowe John, farmer, Galowras Farran John, farmer, LancalIan Michell Joseph, farmer, Tregondean Rowse John, farmer, Penvorgate Fisher Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, MicheURichd.Nicholls,farmr.Trevascus Shear Gabriel, shopkpr. Gorran haven Gorranhaven Michell William Hy. farmer, Boswinger Spears William, farmer, Highlanes Fisher Samuel, blacksmith, Rescassa :Michell William Henry jun. farmer & Stephens WilIiam, farmer, Penare Fraucis Edwin, farmer, Penare assistant overseer, Penare Whetter F. & J. farmers, Benhurden Glidden & Robins, farmers, Polsue Nicholls William, farmer, 'frevarrick Whetter John, farmer, Lambledra Harvey Wm. grocer & draper, Post off Nott MaryJ8.ne(Mrs. ),farmr.Trevarrick Whetter Peter, farmer, TreIispin Hennah John, farmer, Gorran haven OliveI' Edward,carpenter, Gorran haven "Whetter Peter, jun. farmer, .Boswinger Bill James, butcher OliverOlive(Miss),shpkpr.Gorran haven Whetter William, farmer, Trevesson Jory William, blacksmith, Treveor OliveI' Richard, Iarmer, Gorran haven Wills John, farmer, Treninick Kendall William, farmer, Bodrugan GRADE is a parish, situated on the coast, 2 miles north- and placed at the east end of the nave in 1862, being a large. east from the Lizard, 10 south-south-east from Helston slab of Delabole stone, with brasses to.Tames Erisey, ob. 17th. terminal station of a branch of t,he Great Western railway, October, 1522, and Margaret (Durant) hi.swife; this memorial and 18 south-west from Falmouth, in the Truro division of includes effigies of both, the former being in plate armour the county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of over a hauberk; below are figures of IQ children and an Kerrier West, Helston union and county court district, rural inscription, and at the angles of the slab four shields of arms. deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of of a chevron between three escutcheons, each charged with. Truro. The church of St. Grade and the Holy Cross, re- a griffin segreant: the other monuments have been placed built, with the exception of the tower, in 1862, is an edifice in the tower: in the churchyard is a tomb with arms, t~ of stone, in the Early Decorated style, and consists of chancel, Hugh Mason, gent. 1671 : there are 140 sittings. The regis­ nave, south porch, and an embattled west.ern tower with ter dates from the year 1707. The living]s a rectory, with. pinnacles containing 3 bells, of which the first two are dated that of Ruan Minor annexed, tithe rent-charge (Grade) 1832 and 1618; the tenor has an inscription in Old English £295, joint gross yearly value £360, including 12 acres of characters: the chancel has a piscina, sedile and credence glebe, with house, in the gilL of the Rev. C. H. G. Vivian table, and there are four stamed windows, including the east B.A. and held since 1888 by the Rev. John Jervis Mallock window, given by the late rector, and several memorials to M.A. Exeter College, Oxford. St. Ruan's well, situated about. the Erisey family, formerly in the south aisle; one, reset a quarter of a mile eabt of the church, is a structure of.
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