Srapk Gast & Co., CIQARK flA&NU UFACTURERS ASow WfHOLESALE TOBAGGONISTS. DECATUR, IND. Smoke the COURT ROYAL all Havana Sumatra Wrapper and Hand Made Fc. Cigar. STOP IN THE SHADE AT THEB DECATUR, INDIANA. PRICE, 10 CENTS A RIG. -PEOPLES & RICE, Prop'rs. PETER HOLTHOUSE & CO., DECATUR. INDIANA. Is equal to most Ten Cent Cigars but it only costs Five Cents. Manufactured by T. C. CORBETT, Decatur, Ind. 1 -4_ DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. I )rsch 6 ~e/emeye, Proprietors of the Riverside LimberYards Complete Stock of BUILDING MATERIAL, MOULDING, LATH, SHINGLES, FENCING, FENCE POSTS, SEWER and BUILDING TILE, Etc., Constantly on Hand. Estimates Furnished Free. Telephone No. 12. 2 DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. J. D. HALE, DEALER IN GRAIN,SEEDS,WOOL, SALT, OIL,GOAL LIME, PLASTERING HAIR, CEMENT AND FERTILIZERS, ALSO A FULL LINE OF FARM ck GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Office and Retail Warehouse, S. E. Cor. Second and Jefferson Streets. Your Patronage Solicited. I DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. D. M. HENSLEY, "x.i Examining Eyes and Repairing of all Kinds a Specialty. ' SECOND, STREET.:, H. S. PORTER, LIGHT AND HEAVY Hand-Made Harness; Carriage Trimming and Upholstering. Horse Goods of all kinds. Repairing Done. I BUY AND SELL N W and S(ond=Hand Goods Stoves, Ranges, Furniture, Etc. Also Tents and Awnings. BIG BARGAlnlS. B1 SATISFACTIOn,. 4 DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. WHY SHUFFLE ABOUT IN SHOES TOO LARGE OR LIMP IN A PAIR TOO SMALL ? Comfort, Style, Beauty and Durability are combined in the Artistic Foot Covering sold by Holthouse & Mougey. While in the City give them a call. They will be pleased to show you through their Store. HO.LTHOUSE &mOUEY. A. Holthouse's Old Stand. arney Wemhoff, [ 'nufacturers and Dealers in... ,7arb/e and randte THIRTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE. OFFICE AND WORKS ON MONROE STREET, ONE SQUARE WEST OF ADAMS COUNTY BANK, GEO. WEMHOFF, MANAGER. German Lettering Executed in the Finest Style of the Art. 6 DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. THE DECATUR WASHER IS BEYOND A DOUBT THE LADIES' FRIEND The Latest Improved, the Easiest Running and the Best Washing Machine Now in existence. If you have no Washing Machine, give this Washer a trial. If your Dealer does not handle this Washer, address the undersigned and you will be accommodated. Very Respectfully Yours, PETER KIRSCH Manufacturer of THE DECATUR WASHER. FACTORY AGENTS WANTED. NORTH THIRD ST. TheDecatur ounlry af Moeie ShOn Manufacturers of and Dealers in ?ood and eo/B 'nd 'ills, Vanks, 9 umps, nnyines, Cisterns and ipe..... GENERAL REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. MILLER & FORD, Prop'rs. I I I DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. 7 THE EIGHTH WONDER. During the last Paris exposition there was upon exhibition a wonderful piece of skill and ingenuity, a clock made by Stephen Engle, of Hazelton, Pa. The work, when complete, shows con- clusively that America can proudly take her place at the head of nations for inventions and mechanical skill. The following is a description of this wonderful clock. All the figures are nine inches in height; there are twenty-six in all. When the hour hand approaches the first quarter "Father Time" reverses his. hour- glass and strikes one on a bell with his scythe, when another bell inside responds, then childhood appears. When the hour-hand reaches the second quarter or half-hour, then you hear two strokes of the bell, youth apears and the organ plays a hymn. "Father Time" strikes two and reverses his glass; then two bells respond on the inside. One minute later a chime of bells is heard, when a folding door opens in a lower porch and one at the right of the court, when the Saviour comes walking out, and one by one the Apostles come forth and join him, as well as the three Marys. As the Apostles slowly pass the Savior they bow to him, with the exception of Peter, who turne slowly away; then the cock on the right flaps its wings and crows; Satan then appears above at a window on the left side, the figure of Justice raises her scales; Judas, as he advances, does not look upon the Savious because the devil follows immediately after him, staying long enough to see that Judas is all right, but appears six times at different places during the Apostles' march. At the third quarter Time strikes three blows with her scythe and turns his hour-glass. Manhood then appears. As the hour-hand approaches the hour four bells are heard and the organ plays again (a different tune). Two minutes after old age appears, Death strikes the hour with a bone on the skull, and one minute after the procession of the Apostles takes place. A truly wonderful piece of mechanicism which ranks as the eighth wonder of the world. Yet with all due respect to a mechanical mind, there are other inventions which should be con- sidered before placing the laurels upon the head of one man. This work shows careful study and a very ingenious mind, yet does all this time benefit mankind? Let us contrast another in- vention of about the same date, 1858. A young man invents a shoe that has features possessed by no other make. It is well made, perfect fitting, stylish and thoroughly up to date always. Forty odd years he continues to make and sell these goods, the 8 DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. millions of people who found ease and comfort by their use are benefitted. These goods are as well made to-day as forty years ago. The high standard set then has been maintained; an eniva- ble reputation. To make shoes does not require as much mechani- cal thought as it does to make a clock, but it taks sound judgment and business sagacity to conduct such a business. Therefore I claim that J. B. Lewis and his "Wear Resisters" should be awarded the palm. That his "Wear Resisters" are the eighth wonder of the world is truth without question and their remark- able footwear can be bought from HOLTHOUSE & MOUGEY, Decatur, Ind. H. S. PORTER, Light and Heavy hand-made Harness, Carriage Trimming and Upholstering. Horse goods of all kinds, repairing done. I buy and sell new and second-hand goods, stoves ranges, furniture, etc. Also Tents and Awnings. Big bargains, big satisfaction. THE LYNCH SPOKE MANUFACTURNG CO. Buys Oak and Hickory forrest and second growth. Have their chair factory, which is a substantial building and forty-six by one hundred and fifty feet, located on the C. & E. R. R., will sell or trade the entire plant. Also have some very fine building lots for sale. Call on or address LYNCH SPOKE WORKS, Decatur, Ind. SHOES Almost at your own price for strictly cash. Tan, willow, wine, chocolate, enameled or patent leather for men, women, misses and children, men's Kangaroo shoes, all grade of women's low shoes and all other shades of shoes kept in a first-class store. All stock warranted. GEORGE ROOP, Opposite Hale's Ware House. I r DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. H. F. LINN, Contractor and Building Carpenter. J. S. BOWERS & CO. Our complete stock of Hardware, Farming Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Surreys, Sewing Machines are worthy of in- vestigation. Call and get our prices. We will not be undersold. Call on G. W. BARNETT For a clean shave or hair cut. JOHN A. FETZER, Dealer in New and Second-hand Bicycles. Wheels livery. Repairing a specialty. BOSTON STORE, Dry Goods, Notions and Groceries. KUEBLER & MOLTZ, I. O. O. F. block. ERIE RESTAURANT, Near Erie depot. Warm meals, hot coffee and lunch at reasonable prices. Call and see us. DeLONG & CO. IO DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. MARIE L. HOLLOWAY, M. D. Office and residence nearly oposite M. E. church, No. 199 Fifth street, first door north of Monroe. Attention given to both general and special practice. Specialties, dieseases of women and children. See MOSER, the Lightening Shadow Catcher. Ground floor gallery, one square south of Court House. MISS BECCA STEEL, Leading Modiste. Parlors over Yager Brothers, east side of Second street. Ladies desiring good fits should call. All work guaranteed. FORNAX ROLLER MILLS. I have put in new machinery and am prepared to make as good flour as any mill in the state. Keep on hand bolted corn meal, rye and buckwheat flour and spring wheat flour. Mill feed of all kinds at lowest prices. Give me a trial. H. H. BREMERKAMP. Call for Gold Dust or White Lily Flour. Call at JOHN ELIC For Tile. You will always find a good assortment and Rock Bottom Prices. I I I -r- II DVCATUR, ADAMCS COUNTY. ATTENTION! Ladies wishing Milliner Goods, the best, finest and latest styles, call on ALICE WAND PETERSON, South Second Street. DIBBLE & MEIBERS, City Buss and Hack Line. INDIANA HOUSE. Rates $I.oo per day.............. Mrs. Mary Beglin, Prop. D. H. HUNSICKER, Dealer in Staple Groceries and provisions, corner of Monroe .and Eighth streets. JOHN KING & SON, Builders of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and dealers in Har- ness Goods, Agricultural Implements, Carriages and Wagons. Repairing a specialty. Corner First and Monroe streets. Call at MYERS & GILLIC'S Stone Quarries for your stone. 12 DECATUR, ADAMS COUNTY. DRS. NEPTUNE, Brothers, Dentists, Extracting and Bridgework a specialty. J. CLOSE & SON, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Etc. Call on MRS. ANEZ EGAN For fine Sewing and Dress Making. Second street. D. B. THOMAS, M. D. Office over Paterson & Burner's. C. S. CLARKE, M. D. Office, corner Second and Madison streets. A. L. DeVILBISS, Dentist, I. O. O. F. block. Professional dentist. Teeth ex- tracted without pain. Especial attention given to bridge work.
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