Page Six DAILY WORKER. NEW YORK. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1934 Daihj SgWorker United Front~With Whom? MORMAN THOMAS, this week, permits fMTMI OR CAN COMMUNIST PARTY M.5.A. (StCTtON Os COMMUNIST 'VTfRMAYIOMA) himself in the Thaelmann; Demonstrate Week March 3! *’ latest issue of the Socialist New Leader, some Defend “America's Only of Working Class Dally Newspaper" com- ment on the recent events in Madison Square Garden, FOUNDED 1974 • Remarkably enough, he maintains an airtight si- PIPIIsHEn EXCEPT BY THE OUR ANSWV” —flv liurck DAILY. SUNDAY. lence on the brutal assault of the Socialist and trade Second Mutiny (OMPRODAILY 9 Plan Protests PUBLISHING CO.. INC., 5« East 15th union officials against Clarence Hathaway. Street, New York. N. Y'. But as he is on this Telephone: ALgonquin 4-7954. silent vicious act of provoca- Breaks Out in tion against the united front of the working class, In W orld-Wide N‘ WO“I ***** he becomes voluble indeed on the very point D ’ which *c’ was the source of the outburts of anger of the workers Midwest Bureau: 101 South WeUs St. Room 70S. British Fleet Defense at the Garden. He voluble his Drive Chicago. 111. Telephone: Dearborn 3931. is In defense of the Socialist leadership’s invitation to Subscription Rates: Matthew Woll and LaGuardia to sit on the platform and to the Australian Sailor* 8l ..Skti 'except Manhattan and Bronx), s -«t>. as.oo' address International Spy to Be. S months. S 3 50: 3 months. 52.00. 1 month, 0.76 cent*. antl-Fasclst meeting. He not only defends this act, FoHoyy Manhattan, Foreign Example Bronx, and Canada: 1 year, S« 00, this “united front” with Woll and LaGuardia, but he Nazi ‘‘Witness” in By Weekly, repeats of English Carrier: is cents: monthly, 75 cents. once again his plea to Roosevelt to act as “Treason Trial” the leader of the "protest against Fascism.” Once 27, LONDON, Feb. 26.—Report of & TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1934 again he goes to the leading representative* Feb. 26—George of Wall mutiny on the cruiser Canberra, flag- BERLIN. Schwaix, capitalist calling for many years a spy in employ Street reaction, upon him to help in ship of the Australian naw. is rr:b- if the French espionage the fight of the working class against Fascism, lished in the “Daily Herald” today, of the apparatus, will be one of the chief He as a dispatch from Hobart, Tasmania. "witnesses” The Next Step the states: of the Nazi secret state police against of N.R.A. “It that The dispatch also reported a threat Ernst of Ger- happens I do no* like the pottex* uiat at the Thaelmann. leader the TODAY IN WASHINGTON begins a series of Matt of strike Jervis Bay naval man Communist Party, hear- Woll stands for In the A. F. of I*, but even depot, in Southern Australia. who will face ings that of greatest the a Nazi court in March on a charge are the importance to every Communists, If they are sincere in fighting The enlisted men are reported pro- Fas- : of "treason,” for which the prosecu- worker in the country. They forecast a new develop- cism, ought to understand testing against overwork and bad 1 that when right-wing, will death • ment xn the NH.A., a development which i tion demand the penalty. had its origin non-socialist labor elements Join m in fighting Fas- meat. in the of This Schwarz, together with smashing strikes, in the widespread foisting cism. it is not we who have surrendered them, This latest mutiny follows a similar the to : provocateur, of company unions on the workers, and in the original but they who have come one on a British cruiser on its way stool-pigeon and August to see the force of our po- 1 who betrayed of •etablishment of the slave codes. sition. ,If to the several weeks ago, Lass, dozens Com- we cannot get such a united front we Antipodes, also due to bad rations and over- munists to the Nazis before he was In order to shield shall be united In common disaster the more open control of the ft is a United work. The British, in rushing prep- exposed by the German Communist NJI.A by the Front on a great issue...” | of the bosses, eliminating all pretenses at "col- arations for war In the Far East, Party, is typical scum the bargaining,” Nazis are drilling in their desperate lective and workers’ rights. General John- Here, in bald language, is the classic, stock-m- have aroused deep discontent among son begins efforts to sustain a case against the the staging of a vast public hearing. But --tr&de theory of Social-Fascism, the tactic that led the the enlisted men in the navy by put- the real ting under high pressure heroic leader of the German workers. work is to be done after this hearing is closed German working class Into the trap of Fascism, and them and j Then representatives which on short rations, and failing to pro- j * • • of 500 industrial concerns (em- has Just surrendered the Austrian proletariat ploying 90 per into the vide for the rigors of suddenly or- j NEW YORK—Plans cent of the workers under codes) Fascist hands of Dollfuss and for demon- N.RA.. Prince Von dered tropical cruises. * and will meet in secret to lay down Starhemberg. -1 stratlons mass meetings in de- the real tactics and fense of Thaelmann are being made policies of the N.RA. Tt is not we, but they who hare surrendered’— on a world-wide scale, at the call of The Communist Party has demanded the right to 80 runs the universal song of the Socialist leaders In the International Labor Defense oe every Chicago heard at the widely advertised public hearings in country, as they strive to bind the antl-Fascist Socialist which has designated March 3 to 10 to as a special week of International order expose the whole purpose of the N.R.A.. and workers to the leadership of capitalist reactionary the of the agents. struggle for the release of Thaelmann, intent capitalists in their subsequent secret meetings Youth Join in after the public hearings concluded. Y.C.L. Among the first demonstration#, are announced in New York is Militant rank and file groups of the A. F. of and THE SOCIALIST leaders strive to break the one called L. United the Young Communist for delegation# of the revolutionary Front of the workers, i by League trade unions will also Socialist and Communist. Austrian Protest Saturday, March at 1:30 p.m., In make their voice heard and present Instead 3, their demands. they try to bind the Socialist workers to a front of the German Consulate, 17 utilizing every United While means to bring before the Front with capitalist agents—with Woll, La- Negro, White Workers Battery Place. The appeal of the workers Guardia, etc. the wage-cutting, company union, strike- Y. C. L. Is addressed to all youth breaking policy Unite in Protest organizations, especially young of the N.R.A. at the Washington hear- LaGuardia’s police clubbed 10,000 antl-Fascist work- and to ings, the members of the Socialist Party and Communist Party points out that General ers demonstrating befofe the Austrian Meetings Johnson consulate. The A. F. of L. unions. and other N.R.A. officials dS not propose to Socialist leaders invited him to the Garden Chicago Socialist Workers change for *a Ready or disturb the whole chain of codes binding united front on a great Issue.” CHICAGO, Febb. 26.—Representa- Soviet to and crushing the American tives of the Young Communist workers. This can be done Woll is the representative of everything that only by the action and organization 1* League, the Socialist Club of Chicago Seek Unity Despite Leaders of the workers reactionary, corrupt, traitorous in the upper official- University, Talk Railway Roosevelt in War themselves in the shops and factories, Young America and the Sale through their dom of the A. F. of L. bureaucracy. is profes- Internationa] trade unions, through united He a Youth Section of the action of all workers sional "red baiter” and a racketeer. IBs Workers Order faced 25 cops whether organized or hands are were by Tom McKenna, of Anti-War League, Describes the Japan Deal WithFilipino unorganized, whether belonging filthy with traffic In ant.l-Soviet forgeries. when they called at the Austrian con- With Again to the A. P. of L. or any other trade union. sulate to protest against the It is with this advance agent of fascist Sabotage of Socialist Party Heads The whole N.R.A., as American Fas- attacks on the Austrian workers and Release the Communists pointed out cism that the Socialist leaders urge the workers of Officials Bourgeois Groups m its inception, is an attack against the to to demand immediate release of all workers’ living form a United Front—but not with Communists. political prisoners in Austria. NEW YORK.—A telegram was re- called a separate demonstration. De- 1 Opeus for standards, their struggles and organization, and Wav Talks only *lt la a united The consul finally promised to for- ceived yesterday by the Daily Worker spite this blow at unity, the Socialist I by the sharpest offensive against the front on a great Issue,” says from Tom Workers’ Delegation Will whole act, against Thomas. Here Is ward the demands of the delegation McKenna, secretary of the workers showed a real desire for I Says “Pravda” the whole program, can revealed the technique of binding Chicago League Against large the working class defeat the the workers to to the Austrian Embassy in Washing- War and united action when a section Demand Freedom for oppressive program reactionary leaders.
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