VOL. XXX, No. 26 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] MARCH 29, 1928 Cleveland Alumni Honor Professor C. L. Durham '99 with Latin Cup for School Contest Professor Isaac P. Roberts Dies— First Dean of College of Agriculture Fencers Qualify in Foils and Sabers for Intercollegiate Champion- ship Matches Michigan Wins Indoor Meet, 50 to 45—Last Event, Relay Race, Settles Issue Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS ίEMPLEί IOURS Lehigh Valley Train Service 50 Spring &. Summer Tours To EUROPE Over Famous Old World Routes Extensive Motoring & Sightseeing Small Parties, Splendid Leaders Spring Recess Medium &. Low Prices Cpecial Summer Cruise in the MEDITERRANEAN On fine new motor ship Theophile Gautier, with Tours through the To NEW YORK NEAR EAST & EUROPE Most interesting trip in the world (PENNSYLVANIA STATION) Medium &. Low Prices Send for booklet desired SPECIAL TRAINS 442-Q Park Square Building, Boston New York, Chicago, Washington, Friday, March 30th San Francisco Lv. Ithaca f!2:30 Noon *11:30P.M. Ar. Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Aves.) 7:15 P.M. 7:00 A.M. Ar. New York (Penna. Sta.) 7:45 P.M. 7:30 A.M. f Parlor Cars, Coaches, Dining Car. Stopping at Bethlehem and Easton. PROVIDENCE HARTFORD *Sleeping Cars, Club Car, Coaches. Ready for occupancy 9:00 P. M. ESTABROOK & Co. Special Train, Saturday, March 31st Lv. Ithaca 1:30 P.M. Ar. Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Aves.) 8:15 P.M. Sound Investments Ar. New York (Penna. Sta.) 8:45 P.M. Parlor Cars, Coaches, Dining Car. Stopping at Bethlehem and Easton. New York Boston Lehigh Valley trains take you to the heart of New York, PENNSYLVANIA 24 Broad 15 State STATION, convenient to all parts of the City. ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 New York Resident Partner To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD and WASHINGTON Special Trains Friday Saturday Hemphill, Noyes £& Co. March 30th March 31st Lv. Ithaca 12:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 37 Wall Street, New York Ar. Philadelphia (Reading Term.) 8:08 P.M. 8:10 P.M. Ar. Baltimore (B. & O. Ry.) 10:24 P.M. 10:24 P.M. Investment Securities Ar. Washington (B. & O. Ry.) 11:30 P.M. 11:30 P.M. Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Parlor Car, Diner and Coaches to Philadelphia. Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill From NEW YORK Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold Strong Special Trains, Sunday, April 8th Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 Lv. New York (Penna. Sta.) 11:15 P.M. Lv. New York (Hudson Terminal) 11:00 P.M. Members of the New York Stock Exchange Lv. Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Aves.) 12:00 P.M. Ar. Ithaca 7:00 A.M. Sleeping Cars and Coaches. From PHILADELPHIA Write for the Catalogue Baltimore and Washington Special Trains, Sunday, April 8th SHELDON Lv. Washington (B. & O. R. R.) 7:00 P.M. Lv. Baltimore (Camden Station) 8:13 P.M. COURT Lv. Philadelphia (Reading Terminal) 11:00 P.M. Ar. Ithaca 7:00 A.M. Through sleepers from Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Modern, fireproof. A private dor- mitory for men students at Cornell Additional Special Trains to Buffalo and Chicago, also convenient serv- ice to Syracuse, Central New York and New England. See special folder A. R. Congdon, Mgr., Ithaca, N. Y. for details. Prompt reservation jof Pullman accommodations suggested. Alfred Kittler, Division Passenger Agent, 300 East State Street, Ithaca, N. Y., Telephone 2306-7. MERCERSBURG ACADEMY Offers a thorough physical, mental and moral train- ing for college or business. Under Christian masters from the great universities. Located in the Cum- Lehighλfolley Railroad berland Valley. New gymnasium. Equipment modern. Write for catalogue. Clhe Route of The Black Diamond WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, LL.D., Head-master Mercersburg, Pennsylvania CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. xxx, No. 2.6 ITHACA, NEW YORK, MARCH 2.9, 192.8 PRICE 12. CENTS Former Trustee Dies The climatic conditions of the island and Honor Professor Durham the varieties of tropical growths make James Parker Hall '94, Dean of Chicago Porto Rico a most favorable place for such Cleveland Alumni Give High School Latin Law School, Represented Faculty a school. President Farrand believes Cup in Recognition of His Service on Board, 1922-1925 "The presence of an established school of to Cornell tropical medicine on the island tended to James Parker Hall '94, Trustee from intensify our interest in the general pro- Professor C. L. Durham '99 of the De- 1922 to 1925 and dean of the University ject." He said the results of the survey partment of Classics has had a signal of Chicago Law School since 1904, died will be presented to the Board of Trustees honor paid him by the Board of Education in Chicago on March 13, following an and to the National Research Council. and the Cornell Club of Cleveland, Ohio. operation. While on the island President Farrand, A cup to be awarded each year to the high He was born in Frewsburg, N. Y., on Dean Mann, and Professor Knudson school in Cleveland that achieves the September 30, 1871. He graduated from served as official delegates at the twenty- highest grades in Latin has been named the Jamestown High School in 1890 and fifth anniversary celebration of the Uni- after him. The official announcement received the degree of A.B. from Cornell versity of Porto Rico. President Farrand made by J. P. Harris Όi of Cleveland, in 1894. He was a member of Phi Beta was one of the speakers at the anniversary reads as follows: Kappa, Sphinx Head, and Sigma Chi, banquet. "At the suggestion of the Board of president of his class in his freshman year, President Farrand found many Cornell Education of the city of Cleveland, the a Woodford speaker, and Commencement alumni resident on the island. On arrival Cornell Club of Cleveland has donated an orator. at San Juan on March 5 the Cornell appropriate silver cup that will be pre- He received his law degree from Har- delegates heard the strains of the Alma sented each year to the senior high school vard in 1897. He practiced in Buffalo for Mater, played by a band which enthus- in the city of Cleveland whose students three years, also lecturing at the Buffalo iastic alumni had assembled at the dock. have made during such year the best Law School. He was associate professor Two large meetings of alumni were held in record in Latin. Award will be made on of law at Stanford from 1900 to 1902, and San Juan—a smoker on March 5, and a the basis of the record and progress of all then became professor of law at the Uni- luncheon on March 15. the Latin students in said school as a versity of Chicago, the year the Law President Farrand reports that a per- group. The cup will be awarded each School was founded. He was made dean manent alumni organization was formed at year for a period of ten years, at the end in 1904. He wrote extensively on legal one of the meetings. "Wherever we went of which time the school that has won it subjects and was the author of several on the island whether in the larger cities the largest number of times will be per- volumes on constitutional law. or in some remote settlement, we found mitted to retain it permanently. From 1922 to 1925 he was a Faculty Cornell men," said Dr. Farrand. "We "In recognition of the brilliant record, representative on the Board of Trustees, had occasion to visit various sugar planta- accumulating over many years, which he the only man who has been elected to this tions, power developments, and irrigation has made as teacher, scholar and as in- post who was not a member of the Cornell projects while on the island, and in these terpreter to the world at large of Cornell's Faculty. various endeavors we generally found spirit and of Cornell's goal of cultural He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Cornell men. The trip was altogether idealism, the Cleveland Club has unanim- Movius Hall, and two sons, Livingston fascinating, and as a result of the great ously voted that the above Latin cup shall and James Parker, Jr. cordiality of Porto Ricans generally I con- be named the 'Charles Love Durham sider our trip an altogether profitable and Cup' in honor of Professor Durham, and PRESIDENT FARRAND RETURNS enjoyable one." as a testimonial of the high regard and President Farrand, Dean Albert R. Professor Knudson, of the Department affection in which the Cleveland Alumni Mann '04 and Professor Lewis Knudson of Plant Physiology, who returned with hold him. The cup will be first awarded Ph. D.'12 have returned to Ithaca after President Farrand and Dean Mann, will sometime this spring as the gift of the a three weeks trip to Porto Rico in con- leave for Guatemala next week. Cornell Club of Cleveland, and it is nection with an agricultural survey of the planned that the presentation speech shall island made at the request of the Porto MILWAUKEE CLUB ELECTS be delivered by Professor Durham him- Rican government. Cornell was asked to The Cornell Club of Milwaukee elected self." make the survey in order to determine the officers for the ensuing year as follows: Professor Durham has been professor of advisability of establishing a school of president, C. Raymond McCallum Ί8; Latin since 1909.
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