I CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 4331 Muskingum County, Ohio, asking the donation of four condemned Mr. SPRINGER. I desire the Chair to bear·me. cannon for tlle use of said association-to the Committee on Military Mr. TUCKElt. Does the Chair hold the motion to lay on the table is out of order 1 The SPEAKE Lt. The Chair holds that the motion is not in order on the question Affairs. of the adoption of this proposed t·ule. · By l!'Ir. BOWl\iAN: The 11etition of Elizabeth Warren, of Lynn, Mr. TUCKER. And does the Chair' refuse to entertain an appeal from its de- :Massachusetts, for the passage of the French spoliation claims bill­ cisioni The SPEAKER. Unquestionably. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. SPRINGElt. I call the attention of the Chair-- Dy 1\-lr. DOWD: The petition of J. W . Ewing and others, citi­ The SPEAKER proceeded to put the question on Mr. REKD's motion for the pre- zens of Montgomery County, Alabama, for an appropriation for edu­ vious question, cational purposes-to the Committee on Education and Labor. Mr. SPUINGER. I call the attention oft.he Chair-- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from lllinois is not in order. - By-Mr. DUNN : The petition of .A.. W. Shuey & Co. and others, Mr. SPRINGRR. I desire to state the q,uestion-- for the passa~e of a law creating a uniform system of bankruptcy­ The SPEAKER rapped t~ order and sa11l: The Chair bas heard the question and t o the Committee Qn the Judiciary. overrules it. Dy Mr. KING: Tho petition of J. Harry Brigham and others, citi­ Mr. SPRINGER. I rise to a question of privilege. The SPE.A.KER. The Chair cannot entertain it now. The Chair is very indulgent zens of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, for an appropriation for edn­ to the gentleman from DlinoisA a-nd has heanl him on his application, but the gen­ ca,tional purposes-to the Committee on Education and Labor. tleman must now desi!!t from tnrtber insisting on this matter. By Mr. l\10RSE: The petition of Emily M. Kee11 and of L. G. Mr. f:iPIU~GER. I have raised a prhileged question and desire the Chair to rule Mitchell and John C. Mitchell, for the passage of the French spolia­ 011 it. The SPEAKER. The Chair has ruled on it. tion claims bill-severally to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. SPRn'GER. I appeal from the decision of tl1e Chair. By Mr. PETTIBONE : Papers relating to the claim ofT. C. Fon­ The SPEAKER. The Chair declines to entertain that appeal. <h·ew-to the Committee on War Claims. Several MEMDERS, (to Mr. SPRINGER.) Sit down. By Mr. E . "\V. ROBERTSON: Paper relating to the relinquish­ Mr. SPRINGER. I will not sit down, lJut will stand up and will protest ogain~t such ruling aslona as I am a member. ment of the cotton tax collected from the States of },fississippi, .A.r­ The SPEAKER. The question is on the motion of the gentleman from Maine, [Mr. ka-nsaA, Missouri, Tennessee, and Illinois, and appropriatins_ the REED,] who demands the previous question on agreeing to the report of the Com­ same for the impro>ement of the navigation of the Mississippi H.i>er mittee on Rules. Several members called for the yeas and nays . .and the 11rotection of its >alley-to the Committee on \Vays and The yeas and nays were ordered. Means. Mr. KENNA. I deRire to make a parliamentary inquiry. Dy )Ir. HENRY G. TURNER: The petition of J. R. Brittan nnd The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. -others, citizens of Lowndes County, Georgia, for ::m appropriation Mr. KEI\--x A. I desire to ask w betber unuer the present ruling and conduct of the Chair it is of any use to amond the rules as suggested by the report of the commit­ for educational purposes-to the Committee on Education and Labor. tee, if the Chair is not doing under the present rules what is sought to be accom­ By Mr. \VAT SON: The petition of merchants, manufacturers, and plished by the amended rule 7 lmsine s men of Eric, Pennsylvania, for increase of pensions to such The SPEAKER. That is a question to address to the gentleman haling the report Fwldiers of tho late wa,r as lost an arm or a leg while in the line of in charge. The question was taken; and there were-yeas 151, nays 3, not voting 137; as duty-to tlw Committee on Invalid Pensions. follows: By l\Ir. WILSON: The petition of J. Dood Bell, praying that a pension be granted to the heirs of Isaac Bell, a soldier of the Revo­ Mr. SPRINGER. I now ask the Clerk to read what! have marked lutionary war-to the Committee on Pensions. on pnge 50. The Clerk read as follows : So tho pretious question was orderfld. Mr. REED. I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the names be dispensed with. Mr. RAl\-nALL. I ha>e no objection to that, but we desire the yeas and Mys on the adoption of the new rule. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. REED. That is all right. Mr. SPRIXGKR. If I may be permitteu, I object to dispensing with the reading TUESDAY, May 30, 1882. of the names. The SPEAKER. Objection is made, and the names will be read. The House met at eleven o'clock u,. m. Prayer by the Chapl::tin, The names of those voting were read, after which the result was announced as above stated. Rev. F. D . Po~ER . APPROVAL OF JOURNAL. wi~rin~;::O~!!~ ~~~clt 1s:e~~l ~~h~cY::k~oJ~~~- which is to commit this report The SPEAKER. The Chair holds that the motion is not in order. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. Mr. SPRINGER. I call the attention of the Chair to the language of Rule XVII. 'l'he SPEAKER. In the absence of objection the Journal will be The SPEAKER. The Chair remembers the rule very well . .approved as read. Mr. C.UIP. Debate is not in order. l\fr. SPRINGER. I object. Mr. SPRINGER. I ask tha.t the rule be read. It shows that "it shall be in order, pending the motion for or after the pre"ious question shall ha.ve been ordered on The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman from Illinois rise to correct 1ts "RasRage "-- the Jomnal Y 'I he SPEAKEn. On the passage of a bill. Mr. SPRINGER. I do. From the reading of the J ournal I :find Mr. SPRIXGER. On the passage of any motion-'' for the Speaker to entertain that all that part of the proceedings of yesterday which are printed one motion to commit with or without instructions." I snbllllt that motion under the rule and ask t hat tl1e instructions may be read. on page 49 and pago 50 of the RECORD has been omitted; that por­ The SPEAKER. The Chair bas beard the gentleman's statement, and rules his tion embracing two very important motions that I submitted which motion out of oruer. the Speaker 1·efnsed to entertain, also my appeals from the Speaker's Mr. SPRINOEH. Tlw Chair cannot mle upon it until it is read. decisions which the Chair also refused to entertain. I ask tile Clerk The SPEAKRn. The Chair bas bea-rd the gentleman's statement, and it was quite intelligible. [Lau~llter.) to read the portions of the RECORD which I have ruarkeu covering Mr. SPRD\O& It. Will the Chair allow the motion to be read 1 the matter omitted by the J ournal. The Sl'leAKEH. Tl1e Chair will not. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. SPUL'\f'Jtn. Then I move that this report be recommitted with instructions to the committee to report the same back with an amendment so that it shall be Mr. RUED. I now call the pt·evious question upon the adoption of the report in order pending a contested-election case to mo\·e to amend, to recommit, or to made b:v- the Committee on Ru1es. lay th~ sulJject on the tHble. lfr. SPRIXGER. I move to lay tho report on the table. The Sl'EAKRtt. The Chair thinks that the motion to recommit a. contested·elec· The SPEAKER. That motion is not entertained. tion case would be in ordor under the mles. Mr. SPRIXGEU. I movo to lay tho report of the Committee on Rules on the table. 1\fr. SPRING Ell. That is what I desire to have incorporated in the new rules. Mr. CO~VEU E. I ask the gentleman from Maine permission to make a motion ThA SPEAKER. The gentleman's motion is not in order. The question is uuon to ameml the report so far as it relates to suspending the rules, so that it shall the atloptiou of t he report from the Committee on Rules . .apply only to cases of election contests. Mr. n~-nALL. And on tlu1.t I call for the yeas and nays. J\lr. Ronxso~. That is in the rule now. This incorporates the existing rule, so Mr. SPRIXOElt. I appeal from the decision of the Cha1r. :far as that is concerned. The SPEAKER. Tho Chair does uot entertain the appeal. Mr. SPRIXGER. I move to la.ythe report on the table. J\!r. SPI<INGEJt. 'l'ho Chair does not 1 The SPEAKim. The motion is not entertained. The gentleman from lllinois is The SrEAKEt:. The Chair uoos not. not recognized to mako it. Mr. SPUIXGEU.
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