Vaal River Mining Rights: 1. MPTRO REF: 12/2009, including endorsement in terms of Section 102 MPTRO REF: 15/2012 (DMR Reference No.: NW30/5/1/1/2/016MR) (“Vaal River AngloGold Ashanti Operations: Moab Khotsong, Great Noligwa and Kopanang mines”) pending MPRDA Section 102 /Regulation44 application to incorporate Mine Waste Vaal River Operations Solutions into this Mining Right. 2. MPTRO REF: 05/2008 (DMR Reference No.: NW30/5/1/2/2/04MR) (“Edom and Kleinfontein”) 3. MPTRO REF: 80/2007 (DMR Reference No.: NW30/5/1/2/2/15MR) (“Moab Extension”) 4. MPTRO REF: 105/2013 (DMR Reference No.: NW30/5/1/1/2/14MR) in respect of the “Farm Grootdraai” pending Section 102 application for Social and Labour Plan inclusion of minerals and extension of mining area to include further farm portions i.e. Vaalbrug Dolomiet, De Pont Landing and Altona. 2015-2019 And in support of the following application for a new order mining right made on the SAMRAD system: . A portion of the Farm Altona 50HP (which is an area adjacent to areas covered by the aforementioned right in 1 above, currently applied for under DMR Date of Original submission: 31 October 2014 REF No.: NW/30/5/1/1/2/10039MR. A Section 102 Date of Revised submission: 11 July 2016 Application was submitted on Monday, 18 February 2013 to incorporate the Altona mining right application area into the Grootdraai Mining Right. Once S102 application has been granted, the Altona Mining Right application will be withdrawn. AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 1 of 234 CONTENTS PAGE NO. Signed Undertaking 2 Contents 3 SLP Glossary of Terms and Acronyms / Abbreviations 6 A. Introduction 9 SECTION 1: B. Background and Context on the 2010 – 2014 Social and Labour Plan 16 PREAMBLE C. Summary - Performance Against the Mining Charter Scorecard 18 D. Way Forward and Undertakings 23 Guiding Principles and Introduction 27 A. Employees (18.1) 31 2.1 A Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) 31 2.2 The Education and Training System within AGA 32 2.3 Adult Basic Education and Training 33 2.4 Portable Skills 38 SECTION 2: 2.5 Trainee Programmes and Learnerships 40 HUMAN RESOURCE 2.6 Learnerships (Mining and Engineering) 45 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2.7 Study Assistance 49 2.8 Career Progression Plan 51 2.9 Mentorship Plan 52 2.10 Management Development 65 2.11 Talent Pool Development 68 B. Community (18.2) 69 2.12 Portable Skills 69 AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 3 of 234 CONTENTS PAGE NO. 2.13 Mining Skills 71 2.14 Community Mining Engineering Assistant Training Programme 73 2.15 Internships 74 2.16 Learnerships 76 2.17 Bursaries 79 2.18 Vocational Bursaries 80 2.19 Training for Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries and Enrolled Nurses 80 2.20 Community Human Resources Development Projects 81 C. Employment Equity Plan 85 A. Socio-Economic Development 103 3.1 Context and Background 104 3.2 Aligning the Legislative Framework 108 3.3 Other Policy Considerations 109 3.4 Key Guiding Principles 109 SECTION 3: 3.5 Classification of Local Economic Development(LED) Projects 110 LOCAL-ECOMONIC DEVELOPMENT 3.6 Consultations with the Stakeholders 110 PROGRAMME 3.7 Social and Economic Background Information of Host and Labour Sending Communities 111 3.8 Local Economic Development (LED) Projects 114 3.9 Social Leases 138 B. Housing and Living Conditions 139 C. Nutrition 141 AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 4 of 234 CONTENTS PAGE NO. 4.1 142 Context and Background SECTION 4: 4.2 Our Approach to Procurement 143 PROCUREMENT AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT 4.3 Our Approach to Enterprises Development 146 5.1 Background 148 SECTION 5: MEASURES TO AMELIORATE 5.2 Mechanisms to Save Jobs and avoid Job Losses 150 THE IMPACT OF 5.3 Mechanisms to provide alternative solutions and procedures for creating job security where job 150 DOWNSCALING & losses cannot be avoided RETRENCHMENTS 5.4 Mechanisms to ameliorate the social and economic impact on individuals, regions and economies 151 where retrenchment or closure of the operation is certain 6.1 Financial Provision Human Resources Development 153 SECTION 6: 6.2 Financial Provision Local Economic Development 154 FINANCIAL PROVISION 6.3 Financial Provision Downscaling and Retrenchment 156 SECTION 7. 7.1 Monitoring 157 MONITORING , EVALUATION & REPORTING 7.2 Reporting 157 Annexure 1.1 - Breakdown of Employees per sending area Annexure 1.2 - Locality Map of South African Operations Annexure 2.1 - Form Q ANNEXURES 158 Annexure 2.2 - Form R Annexure 2.3 - Form S Annexure 3 - Form T AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 5 of 234 SLP Glossary Of Terms And Acronyms / Abbreviations Abbreviation Full Word ABET Adult Basic Education and Training AET Adult Education and Training AGA AngloGold Ashanti AGAH AngloGold Ashanti Health AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMCU Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union ATDS AngloGold Ashanti's Training and Development Services ATR Annual Training Report BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment BEE Black Economic Empowerment BO Black Owned BWO Black Women Owned CBOs Community Based Organisations CSDC Central Skills Development Committee CSI Corporate Social Investment DMR Department of Mineral Resources DoL Department of Labour DTI Department of Trade and Industry EAP Economically Active Population EE Employment Equity ENA Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary FET Further Education & Training FLC Foundational Learning Competence GETCA General Education and Training Certificate for adults HDSA Historically disadvantaged South Africans HIV Human Immunodeficiency virus HRD Human Resources Development IDP Integrated Development Plan LED Local Economic Development M Million AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 6 of 234 SLP Glossary Of Terms And Acronyms / Abbreviations Abbreviation Full Word AGA financing and enterprise development vehicle whose main objective is to fund and support the creation and development Masakhisane of commercially viable enterprises in the host and labour sending areas. Mining Charter (MC) or the Charter Broad-Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining Industry METF Mineral Education Trust Fund MoR Manager-once-Removed Mineral Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002), as amended from time to time, which came into effect MPRDA on the 11 May 2004. MPRDA Regulations Mineral Petroleum Resources Development Regulations as Gazetted by the President on 23 April 2004. MQA Mines Qualifications Authority AGA entered into an agreement with First Uranium Limited, in terms of which it acquired ownership over First Uranium South MWS Africa which holds 100% of Mine Waste Solutions (Pty) Ltd, which in turn holds 100% of Chemwes (Pty) Ltd (collectively, more commonly known as the “Mine Waste Solutions Operations (MWS)). NGO Non-Government Organisation NPAT Net Profit After Tax NPO Non-Profit Organisation NQF National Qualifications Framework NUM National Union of Mineworkers (South Africa) NWP North West Province Paterson Grading System Job Evaluation System generally used in the South African Mining Industry and AngloGold Ashanti SAR Operations PEA /PER Personal Effectiveness Appraisal /Personal Effectiveness Review QCTO Quality Council for Trades and Occupations Rand (R) South African Rand RPL Recognition of Prior Learning SA South Africa SANC South African Nursing Council SAR South Africa Region SARS South Africa Regional Services SARTSC South Africa Region Transformation Steering Committee SDC Skills Development Committee Stakeholder Engagement Action Plans - plan to engage with stakeholders, formally and timeously in respect of issues that SEAP relate to the operation and may affect them AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 7 of 234 SLP Glossary Of Terms And Acronyms / Abbreviations Abbreviation Full Word SETA Sector Education Training Authority SLP Social and Labour Plan SMME’s Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises Solidarity Solidarity Trade Union SoR Subordinate-once-Removed SP Systems for People The Employment Bureau of Africa- An institution that has historically recruited labour for the Mining Industry which now also Teba fulfils a broader social role in addition to its recruitment function UASA United Association of South Africa Umalusi An education quality assurance body in South Africa VR Vaal River Operations WSP/ATR Workplace Skills Plan/ Annual Training Report WW West Wits Operations AngloGold Ashanti: Vaal River Social and Labour Plan 2015-2019 Rev 01 Page 8 of 234 SECTION 1: PREAMBLE In this section we address REGULATION 46 (a) of the Mineral Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002) (MPRDA) which provides that the contents of a social and labour plan must include, inter alia, a preamble which provides the background information of the mine in question. The following is a brief background of AngloGold Ashanti South Africa Region: A. INTRODUCTION AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) is a global gold mining and exploration company with a diverse portfolio of mining operations and projects on four continents, headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, AngloGold Ashanti has 20 operations in 10 countries of which 6 of these operations are located in South Africa, 3 of which are located in Merafong (WW) and Matlosana (VR), respectively. In terms of its location, the Vaal River Operations are situated approximately 180 kilometres (km) west of Johannesburg within the North West Province and Free State. The site is approximately 15km south of Klerksdorp in the North West Province. Other neighbouring towns include Orkney and Stilfontein, which are situated 10km and 10km respectively to the west and east of the Vaal River Operations. The land occupied by the Vaal River Operations straddles the boundary between the Free State and North West provinces which can be seen in the map above and a more detailed map is contained in Annexure 1.2.
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