Title Call # Category Lang./Notes K-19 : the widowmaker 45205 Kaajal 36701 Family/Musical Ka-annanā ʻishrūn mustaḥīl = Like 20 impossibles 41819 Ara Kaante 36702 Crime Hin Kabhi kabhie 33803 Drama/Musical Hin Kabhi khushi kabhie gham-- 36203 Drama/Musical Hin Kabot Thāo Sīsudāčhan = The king maker 43141 Kabul transit 47824 Documentary Kabuliwala 35724 Drama/Musical Hin Kadının adı yok 34302 Turk/VCD Kadosh =The sacred 30209 Heb Kaenmaŭl = Seaside village 37973 Kor Kagemusha = Shadow warrior 40289 Drama Jpn Kagerōza 42414 Fantasy Jpn Kaidan nobori ryu = Blind woman's curse 46186 Thriller Jpn Kaiju big battel 36973 Kairo = Pulse 42539 Horror Jpn Kaitei gunkan = Atragon 42425 Adventure Jpn Kākka... kākka... 37057 Tamil Kakushi ken oni no tsume = The hidden blade 43744 Romance Jpn Kakushi toride no san akunin = Hidden fortress 33161 Adventure Jpn Kal aaj aur kal 39597 Romance/Musical Hin Kal ho naa ho 41312, 42386 Romance Hin Kalyug 36119 Drama Hin Kama Sutra 45480 Kamata koshin-kyoku = Fall guy 39766 Comedy Jpn Kān Klūai 45239 Kantana Animation Thai Kanak Attack 41817 Drama Region 2 Kanal = Canal 36907, 40541 Pol Kandahar : Safar e Ghandehar 35473 Farsi Kangwŏn-do ŭi him = The power of Kangwon province 38158 Kor Kannathil muthamittal = Peck on the cheek 45098 Tamil Kansas City 46053 Kansas City confidential 36761 Kanto mushuku = Kanto warrior 36879 Crime Jpn Kanzo sensei = Dr. Akagi 35201 Comedy Jpn Kao = Face 41449 Drama Jpn Kaos 47213 Ita Kaosu = Chaos 36900 Mystery Jpn Karakkaze yarô = Afraid to die 45336 Crime Jpn Karakter = Character 45357 Dut Karas = The prophecy 46597 Animation Jpn Karate Kid 45378 Karavanen = Caravan 46406 Dan Kargil 37500 PAL Kárhozat = Damnation 43356 Karisuma = Charisma 39891 Drama Jpn Karma 36703 Action Hin Karmen Geï 39756 Musical Fre Ḳarov la-bayit = Close to home 45769 Heb Karz 36704 Action/Musical Hin Kaspar Hauser 46687 Ger Katakuri-ke no kôfuku = Happiness of the Katakuris 36420 Horror Jpn Katharine Hepburn 44968 Katok i Skripka = Steamroller and the Violin 34570 Rus Katutubo = Memory of dances 38057 VCD/Tagalog Katzelmacher 37841 Drama Ger Kaubôi bibappu = Cowboy bebop 36227 Animation Jpn Kaŭl tonghwa = Autumn in my heart 40451 - 40456 Kor Kavkazskiĭ plennik = Prisoner of the mountains 36278 Rus Kawelka : Ongka's big moka 41008 Kaze no tani no = Nausicaä of the valley of the wind 39722 Animation Jpn Keane 42239 Keaton plus 33553 Kedamono no ken = Sword of the beast 42542 Action Jpn Keep an eye...; Make & break (Judi Dench collection) 46043 Keep the faith, baby 46206 Keep the river on your right 34820 Keeping the elephants away 47303 Keeping the faith 30192 Keeping the old game alive 47380 Keeping up appearances (4 separate discs) 46923 Keimusho no naka = Doing time 43959 Comedy Jpn Keiner liebt mich 41988 Comedy Kekexili = Mountian Patrol 43576 Drama Chi Kelly's heroes 42212 Kenka erejii = Fighting elegy 39117 Action Jpn Kenka no hanamich = The way to fight 40183 Comedy Jpn Kennedys 32460 Kentucky Theatre 46461 Keoma : the violent breed 32954 Keru ron 46486 Fre/PAL Key constitutional concepts 45008 Key Largo 30310 Keys of the kingdom 43531 Khadak 47395 Mon Khajuraho : beyond erotica 44630 Khal nayak = The villain 30671 Action Hin Khayal Darpan 43487 Urdu Khel khel mein 34047 Thriller/Musical Hin Khiladi 33932 Thriller Hin Khubsoorat = Khūbasūrata 36705 Comedy/Family Hin Khuda Gawah 33809 Action Hin Kichiku = The demon 38705 Mystery Jpn Kicking and screaming 43194 Kid & I, The 44352 Kid and A Dog's life 31331 Kid stays in the picture 37030 Kid, The 36745 Kidam 47870 Kor Kidnapped ; Rabid dogs (Mario Bava collection II) 46575 Kidnapped aka Rabid dogs 45084 Kids in the hall (Season 1) 36985 - 36988 Kids in the hall (Season 2) 38896 - 38898 Kids in the hall (Season 3) 41560 - 41563 Kids in the hall (Season 4, 4 separate discs) 43208 Kids in the hall (Season 5, 4 separate discs) 45365 Kika 31784 Comedy Spa Kiki's delivery service = Majo no takkyûbin 35781 Comedy kid-friendly Kikoku = Yakuza demon 40769 Action Jpn Kikujirō no natsu 40179 Comedy Jpn Kill Bill 37466 Kill Bill 2 38594 Kill or cure? 44321 Kill your idols 44278 Kill, Baby... Kill! (Mario Bava collection I) 46416 Killer bargain 45656 Killer klowns from outer space 33036 Killer of sheep (Charles Burnett collection) 46561 Killer's kiss 32236 Killers, Ernest Hemingway's ( Lee Marvin) 35192 Killers, Ernest Hemingway's (1949 radio, 1956 student versions) 35191 Killing 29483 Killing fields 31848 Killing machine 45712 Killing of a Chinese bookie 32493 Killing of Kashmir 39303 Killing of Sister George 31739 Killing poverty 44455 Killing screens 35962 Killing us softly 3 34785 Kimba: the white lion (11 separate discs) 46712 Adventure kid-friendly Kimi ga wakamono nara = If you were young: rage 39768 Drama Jpn Kimyô na sâkasu = Strange circus 45278 Horror Jpn Kind hearts and coronets 34813, 43760 King (Paul Winfield, Cicely Tyson) 39147 King and I, Rodgers & Hammerstein's 30796 King and the clown FVL/H1: King Creole 36335 King gimp 42219 King in New York 36747 King in New York, and, woman of Paris 31788 King John 31224 King Kong (Fay Ray) 41365 King Kong (Jeff Bridges, Charles Grodin, Jessica Lange) 29660 King Kong (Naomi Watts, Jack Black) 42738, 43773 King Lear (BBC) 31235 King Lear (BBC) 37924 King Lear (Ian Holm) 38179 King Lear (James Earl Jones) 33077 King Lear (Laurence Olivier) 33020 King of California 47730 King of comedy 35014 King of kings 40504 King of Kong : fistful of quaters 47196 King Rat 36247 King solomon's mines (Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granger) 40156 King Solomon's mines (Paul Robeson, Cedric Hardwicke) 37199 King: man of peace in a time of war 44281 Kingdom (Jamie Foxx) 46929 Kingdom = I yuan feng yun 33023 Dan Kingdom II 33024 Dan Kingdom of Heaven 41691, 43031 Kings row 43711 Kingsize = Kingsajz 43548 Pol Kino-eye ; Three songs about Lenin 31643 Kinsey 40123 Kinsey (Liam Neeson) 40122 Kippur 34425 Kirikou and the sorceress 45206 Kirikou et la sorcière = Kirikou and the sorceress 45206 Animated Fre Kiru = Kill! 42541 Comedy Jpn Kishiwada shōnen gurentai = Young thugs 41447 Action Jpn Kishiwada shōnen gurentai = Young thugs innocent blood 41446 Action Jpn Kiss before dying 35044 Kiss kiss bang bang 43369 Kiss me deadly 32643 Kiss me Kate 35803 Kiss me, stupid 36147 Kiss of the spider woman 47987 Kissin' cousins 46256 Kissing Jessica Stein 34602 Kite runner 46672 Kitty Foyle 41986 Kizzu ritân = Kids return 43082 Drama Jpn Kkotsŏm(Ggot seom) = Flower Island 43101 Drama Kor/Can Kleine Freiheit 42592 Drama PAL ger/tur Klute 33844 Knight's tale 41680 Knives Of The Avenger (Mario Bava collection I) 46416 Knocked up 46183 Know! Your 15 influences on food choices 44107 Kod Amidže Idriza = Days and hours 47034 Bosnian Kohayagawake no aki 47238 Jpn Kōhī jikō = Café Lumiere 39170 Drama Jpn Kōiki bōryoku ryūketsu no shima = Bloody territories 39170 Crime Jpn Kŏjinmal = Lies 37881 Kor Koko, a talking gorilla 42951 Kokoyakyu = High school basketball 44091 Documentary Jpn Kolchak: night stalker (3 separate discs) 42548 Kölneutz 41896 DVD-ROM Kolya 34514 Cze Koma 39886 Chi Komediant 38413 Yiddish Kŏmi sup = Spider forest 47229 Kor Konggong = Public enemy 47392 Kor Kon-Tiki 32475 Nor Kontroll 43511 Hun Kʻŏpʻi pʻŭrinsŭ = coffee prince (8 separate discs) 47358 Romance Kor Korean War stories 36563 Kôrei = Séance 40371 Horror Jpn Korolʻ Lir 45105 Rus Koroshi no rakuin = Branded to kill 38314 Crime Jpn Koroshiya 1 = Ichi the killer 36620 Action Jpn Kosovo: house divided 44304 Kosovo: rebuilding the dream 41481 Kounandi 43862 Jula Koyaanisqatsi = Life out of balance 35457 Koyangi rŭl putʻakhae 37974 Kor Kozure ōkami = Lone wolf & cub. Baby cart in peril 38214 Drama Jpn Kozure Ôkami: Jigoku e ikuzo! Daigoro = White heaven in hell 38590 Action Jpn Kozure Ôkami: Kowokashi udekashi tsukamatsuru = Sword of vengeance 38231 Action Jpn Kozure Ôkami: Meifumadô = Baby cart at the River Styx 38232 Action Jpn Kozure Ôkami: Meifumadô = Crossroads to Hell 45269 Action Jpn Kozure Ôkami: Shinikazeni mukau ubaguruma = Baby cart to hades 38591 Action Jpn K-PAX 44314 Kramer vs. Kramer 33033 Kranti 36706 Adventure Hi Krieger und die Kaiserin, Der = Princess and the warrior 40195 Romance Ger Krodhi 39542 Action Hin Krug Vtoroy = Second circle 42930 Rus Krush Groove 38514 Kŭ ttae kŭ saramdŭl = President's last bang 46834 Kor Kuch kuch hota hai 44924 Comedy/Family Hin Kuduz 47037 Kŭkchangjŏn = Tale of cinema 41036 Kor Kukumi 45949 Albanian Kʻŭllaesik = Classic 41427 Kor Kumars at no. 42 41359 Kumonosu-jō = Throne of blood 36237 Thriller Jpn Kundun 32166 Kung fu (Season 1) 37042 - 37044 Kung fu (Season 2) 40359 - 40362 Kung fu (Season 3) 41572 - 41575 Kung fu hustle 40680, 47825 Kung Fu. 37042 - 37044 Kŭnyŏ rŭl morŭmyŏn kanchʻŏp = Spy girl 38012 Kor Kurenai no buta = Porco Rosso 39668 Animation Jpn Kuro no shisōsha = Black test 45015 Crime Jpn Kurosawa 34569 Kurt & Courtney 32482 Kurt Cobain. 46743 Kurt Vonnegut 42104 Kurutta kajitsu = Crazed fruit 42374 Drama Jpn Kurz und schmerzlos 40614 Crime Ger/No subtitles, PAL Kusama's self-obliteration (1967) 43971 Kusisqa waqashayku : Musical rituals of Q'eros, Peru 47266 Kuyucaklı Yusuf 32197 Turk/VCD Kwaidan 30187 Horror Jpn Kyojin to gangu = Giants & toys 33985 Comedy Jpn Kyōkanoko musume Dōjōji: kabuki dance 36460 Documentary Jpn Kyokatsu koso Waga Jinsei = Blackmail is my life 36955 Crime Jpn Kyŏrhon ŭn michʻin chit ida = Crazy marriage 37984 Kor Kyŏul yŏnʻga = Winter love song 40975 - 40980 Kor Kyua = Cure 36886 Horror Jpn L word (Season 1, 4 separate discs) 43237 L word (Season 2, 4 separate discs) 43240 L word (Season
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