Surgical Instruments Diagnostics Buck Dejerine Buck STI-101-18 STI-103-20 STI-102-18 Percussion Hammer Percussion Hammer 20cm, 18.5 cm, 20cm, Dejerine Taylor Mod. USA Wartenberg STI-104-21 STI-105-20 STI-106-19 Percussion Hammer Percussion Hammer Pinwheel 21cm, 20cm, 18cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Diagnostics Pinard Pinard STI-107-18 STI-108-15 Stethoscope Stethoscope 18 cm, 15cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Anesthesia Magill Miller Millar-Baby STI-101-15 STI-102-00 STI-103-00 Catheter Introducing Forceps Laryngoscope Sets Laryngoscope Sets 14.5 cm,20 cm,25 cm, Miller Guedel-Negus Guedel-Negus STI-104-00 STI-105-00 STI-106-00 Laryngoscope Blade Laryngoscope Sets Laryngoscope Sets Fig. 0,Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Anesthesia Guedel-Negus McIntosh McIntosh STI-107-01 STI-109-00 STI-108-00 Laryngoscope Blades Laryngoscope Blades Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, Fig. 0,Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, McIntosh Foregger Battery Handle STI-110-00 STI-111-01 STI-112-00 Laryngoscope Sets Laryngoscope Blades Battery Handle Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Anesthesia McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh STI-114-00 STI-115-00 STI-116-00 Laryngoscope Sets fiber optic Laryngoscope Sets fiber optic Laryngoscope Sets fiber optic Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3, Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3, Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3, McIntosh STI-113-00 Laryngoscope Sets Fig. 1,Fig. 2,Fig. 3,Fig. 4, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Trocars Universal Nelson Lichtwitz STI-101-04 STI-102-07 STI-103-19 Trocar Trocar Antrum Trocar 14 cm, 20 cm, 18.5 cm, Adson Frazier Frazier STI-104-21 STI-105-10 STI-106-06 Suction Cannula Suction Cannula Suction Cannula 20 cm, 24 cm, 19.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Trocars Yasargil Poppen Luer STI-109-15 STI-107-06 STI-108-30 Suction Tube working length 150 mm with Suction Cannula Suction Tube working length 110 mm Luer hub 18 cm, 21.5 cm, Yankauer Yankauer Poole STI-110-27 STI-111-00 STI-112-22 Suction Tube complete with suction tip and Suction Tube Suction Tube connector 31 cm,15 cm,2.5 cm,10 cm, 22 cm, 31 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Trocars Poole Nuboer Nuboer STI-113-22 STI-114-21 STI-115-21 Suction Tube Suction Tube Suction Tube 22.5 cm, 21 cm, 21 cm, Tuohy Quinke Verres STI-117-12 STI-116-10 STI-118-20 Lumbar Puncture Needle Luer Lock Lumbar Puncture Needle Insufflation Cannula Luer Lock connection connection with special tip 15 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Trocars Verres STI-119-20 Insufflation Cannula Luer Lock connection 17 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Kalt Barraquer-Troutman Arruga STI-105-14 STI-106-10 STI-107-14 Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder 13.5 cm, 10 cm,10.5 cm, 13.5 cm, Barraquer-Troutman Barraquer Barraquer STI-108-10 STI-109-11 STI-110-13 Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder 10.5 cm,11.5 cm, 11.5 cm,13.5 cm,14 cm, 13.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Castroviejo-Fino Castroviejo-Fino Castroviejo-Fino STI-111-01 STI-112-01 STI-113-01 Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder very delicate jaw with lock 13 cm, 13 cm, 13 cm, Castroviejo Castroviejo Castroviejo STI-114-14 STI-115-14 STI-121-14 Micro Needle Holder with lock Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder with lock 14 cm, 14 cm, 14 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Castroviejo Castroviejo Arruga STI-122-14 STI-124-13 STI-123-16 Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder with lock Needle Holder delicate 14 cm, 12 cm, 16 cm, Castroviejo Derf Collier STI-125-12 STI-126-12 STI-127-12 Micro Needle Holder with lock Needle Holder Needle Holder 12 cm, 12 cm,13 cm, 12.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Webster Halsey Neivert STI-128-13 STI-129-13 STI-130-13 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 13 cm, 13.5 cm, 12.5 cm, Hegar-Baumgartner Crile-Murray Crile-Wood STI-131-14 STI-133-15 STI-134-15 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 14.5 cm, 15 cm, 15 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Metzenbaum Adson M. G. Hospital STI-141-18 STI-140-18 STI-142-17 Needle Holder one grooved and fenestrated Needle Holder one fenestrated jaw Needle Holder jaw 18 cm, 17.5 cm, 18.5 cm, Mayo-Hegar Mayo-Hegar Brown STI-143-14 STI-144-16 STI-145-13 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 14.5 cm,16 cm,18.5 cm,20.5 cm,24 cm,26.5 16 cm,18.5 cm,20.5 cm, 13 cm,18 cm, cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Heaney Jamison Masson STI-146-21 STI-147-23 STI-148-27 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 20.5 cm, 23.5 cm, 26.5 cm, Finochietto Wangensteen Johnson STI-149-27 STI-150-27 STI-151-27 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 26.5 cm, 26.5 cm, 27 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Stratte Olsen-Hegar Gillies STI-152-23 STI-153-14 STI-154-16 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 23 cm, 14 cm, 16 cm, Crile Mathieu Mathieu STI-155-15 STI-156-14 STI-157-14 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 15 cm, 14 cm,17 cm,20 cm, 14 cm,16.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Toennis Lichtenberg STI-158-18 STI-159-20 STI-160-16 Needle Holder Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder 18.5 cm, 20 cm, 16 cm, Webster Hepp-Scheidel STI-163-13 STI-161 STI-162-18 Needle Holder with automatic release ratchet Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder smooth jaw also for lefthanders 23 cm,19 cm, 18 cm, 13 cm,15 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture JABOMA Castroviejo STI-164-15 STI-165-18 STI-166 Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder 15 cm,18 cm,21 cm,23 cm, 18 cm, 14.5 cm,18 cm,21.5 cm, Arruga Castroviejo Barraquer STI-167 STI-168-13 STI-169-13 Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder Micro Needle Holder 16 cm, 12.5 cm, 13 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Barraquer Webster Derf STI-170-13 STI-171-13 STI-173-12 Micro Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 13 cm, 13 cm, 12 cm, Kilner Hegar-Baumgartner Halsey STI-172-13 STI-174-13 STI-175-12 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder 13 cm, 13 cm,14.5 cm, 13 cm,12 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Crile-Wood Sarot Mayo-Hegar STI-176-15 STI-177-18 STI-178-16 Needle Holder Needle Holder Needle Holder standard profile 15 cm, 18 cm,20 cm,26 cm, 16 cm,18 cm,20 cm,24 cm,26 cm,30 cm, Heaney DeBakey Masson STI-179-20 STI-180-18 STI-181-27 Needle Holder Needle Holder delicate pattern mini profile Needle Holder 20 cm,24 cm,26 cm, 18 cm,20 cm,23 cm,26 cm,31 cm, 26.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Ryder (Martin) Martin Wangensteen STI-182-13 STI-183-15 STI-184-27 Needle Holder Needle Holder mini profile elastic type Needle Holder standard profile 12.5 cm,15 cm,18 cm,20 cm,23 cm,26 cm, 15 cm,17 cm,20 cm, 27 cm, Hegar-Vascular Bozemann Hegar STI-185-14 STI-186-20 STI-187-20 Needle Holder micro profile Needle Holder standard profile Needle Holder standard profile 14 cm,18.5 cm,20.5 cm,23 cm, 20.5 cm,24 cm,26.5 cm,29 cm, 20 cm,23.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Stratte Microvascular Mathieu STI-188-22 STI-189-00 STI-190-14 Needle Holder standard profile Needle Holder slender pattern micro profile Needle Holder 23 cm, 14 cm,17.5 cm,20 cm,23 cm, 14 cm,17 cm,20 cm, Mathieu Mathieu Toennis STI-192-17 STI-191-14 STI-193-18 Needle Holder standard profile with interior Needle Holder Needle Holder ratchet 14 cm,17 cm,20 cm, 18.5 cm, 17 cm,20 cm,23 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Lichtenberg Zweifel Langenbeck STI-194-20 STI-196-20 STI-195-18 Needle Holder lightweight model standard Needle Holder with hinged ratchet standard Needle Holder profile profile 18 cm,20.5 cm,23 cm, 20 cm, 20.5 cm,23 cm, Reverdin Reverdin Reverdin STI-197-15 STI-198-19 STI-199-23 Reverdin Needle short Reverdin Needle medium Reverdin Needle long 14.5 cm Fig. 1,14.5 cm Fig. 2,14.5 cm Fig. 19.5 cm Fig. 1,19.5 cm Fig. 2,19.5 cm Fig. 23 cm Fig. 1,23 cm Fig. 2,23 cm Fig. 3,23 3,14.5 cm Fig. 4, 3,19.5 cm Fig. 4, cm Fig. 4, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Schmieden-Dick Schmieden STI-201-01 STI-202-21 STI-203-20 Ligature Needle malleable Ligature Needle Ligature Needle malleable 29 cm, 24 cm, 20.5 cm, Cooper Kronecker Deschamps STI-204-19 STI-205-13 STI-206-24 Ligature Needle Ligature Needle delicate for right hand Ligature Needle blunt for right hand 18.5 cm, 12.5 cm, 24 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Deschamps Deschamps Deschamps STI-207-20 STI-208-20 STI-209-21 Ligature Needle blunt for right hand Ligature Needle sharp for right hand Ligature Needle blunt for right hand 20 cm, 20 cm, 20 cm, Deschamps Deschamps Deschamps STI-210-21 STI-211-27 STI-212-27 Ligature Needle sharp for right hand Ligature Needle blunt for right hand Ligature Needle sharp for right hand 20 cm, 27 cm, 27 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Deschamps Deschamps Deschamps STI-213-28 STI-214-20 STI-215-20 Ligature Needle blunt for right hand Ligature Needle sharp for right hand Ligature Needle blunt for right hand 28 cm, 20 cm, 20 cm, Deschamps Brunner Kirschner STI-216-20 STI-217-30 STI-218-25 Ligature Needle blunt for right hand Ligature Needle Ligature Conductor 21 cm, 21 cm, 25.5 cm, www.stisurgical.com.pk Surgical Instruments Suture Modell Wien Michel STI-219-28 STI-220-23 STI-221-12 Ligature Conductor Ligature Catcher Clip Applying Forceps 28 cm, 23.5 cm, 12 cm, Hegenbarth STI-222-12 Clip Applying
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