Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Oct. 28 2217 many people elsewhere in the world. How Remarks in Chicago, Illinois much time have I spent as your President October 28, 1996 in the Middle East, in Northern Ireland, in Bosnia, sending troops to Rwanda to save The President. Thank you. Thank you. hundreds of thousands of lives, where people Thank you so much. It is always, always good are fighting all over the world because they're to be back in Chicago. Senator Moseley- of different races, religions, tribes, creeds. Braun, thank you so much. And, Mr. Mayor, How many people are there in the world who thank you for your strong support, your get up every day, and the only way they can friendship, and your very moving history les- get through the day is to say, ``Well, whatever son about the times when your father was you think about me, at least I'm not them.'' here with President Kennedy. Maybe a week from tomorrow we can reclaim a lot of our They look down on them. great hopes and take them into the 21st cen- How much hatred will we have to endure tury with pride and energy and vigor. before we finally say, ``Enough''? That is what I want to thank Congressman Bobby Rush, I have worked for in Bosnia, what I worked Congresswoman Cardiss Collins, Congress- for in Haiti, what we're working for in the man Bill Lipinski for being here. And I know Middle East at this very moment. In Amer- that there are some other congressional can- ica, that is why I've fought those church didates other than those that Dick Durbin burnings and the desecration of the syna- mentioned: Clem Balanoff, my friend Danny gogues and the Islamic centers. That is why. Davis, and Rod Blagojevich. We're going to Now, in Minnesota, I want you all to say win that seat back to Congress. Thank you, this election is also about whether we're Cook County Board President John Stroger, going to treat each other with respect, be- Assessor Tom Hynes, State Chair Gary cause I want to be able to say we're going LaPaille, our attorney general candidate, to build this bridge, and it's going to walk Dick DevineÐthank you all for being here. across to the 21st century, to the era of great- I want to thank Kevin Cronin, Koko Tay- est possibility ever known. And all I need lor, the ChildrenÐChildren's Choir, the to know about you is whether you believe Lennox Family, and Perfect Harmony who in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the sang for us tonight and performed. I also Declaration of Independence, and whether want you to know that in addition to Mayor you're willing to show up and do your job Daley we have some other mayors here. It's nearly heresy to say there is another mayor tomorrow. If you are, I don't want to know besides Mayor Daley in Chicago, but we have anything else about you. You're part of my here a very large number of mayors from all America. over the Midwest who have endorsed Al Let's join hands and walk into a bright new Gore and Bill Clinton for reelection today, future. Will you help us build that bridge? including the great mayor of the city of De- Will you help us? Will you be there on Tues- troit, Dennis Archer, who is over here, Mayor day? [Applause] Carlton Finkbeiner of Toledo, who had a God bless you, Minnesota. Thank you. rally with 25,000 people for me late in Toledo Thank you. one night, thank youÐMayor Gordon Bush from East St. Louis, Mayor Sharon Sayles NOTE: The President spoke at 2:40 p.m. at the Belton from Minneapolis, Mayor Kernan Target Center. In his remarks, he referred to Hu- from South Bend, Indiana, and many others bert H. Humphrey III, Minnesota attorney gen- who are here. Thank you, all the mayors, for eral, and Mary Rieder, candidate for Minnesota's coming and for your support. First Congressional District. A portion of these You know, on St. Patrick's Day of 1992, remarks could not be verified because the tape the people of Illinois gave me a great victory was incomplete. in the Democratic primary for President and VerDate 28-OCT-97 07:52 Nov 06, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P44OC4.029 p44oc4 2218 Oct. 28 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 sent me on the way to a nomination and to office, has dropped all 4 years for the first ultimate victory in November, again led by time in the 20th century and is now going the strong support of the people from Illinois to be $107 billion this year. Now, for you, and the strong support of the people from for you that's meant lower interest rates. It Chicago. One week from tomorrow, I want means more investment and more jobs. It to ride home to victory for America on the means lower car payments, lower home shoulders of the people from Illinois one mortgage payments. It means lower college more time. loan payments. That's what that means. I want to say to you how glad I am tonight Now, when we were debating the eco- that so many of you in this audience are nomic plan in 1993, all of our friends on the young. I thank the young people for coming other side, all of our friends on the other tonight. And I want to say how grateful I side voted against it. They said it would in- am for all the various groups of people who crease the deficit. They said it would wreck are represented here: the labor people, the the economy. They said it was a terrible business people, the union leaders, the veter- thing. Dick Durbin voted for it and provided ans' leaders, the Haitian-Americans, the the decisive vote. His courage has given us Asian-Americans, the African-Americans, the the economy we have today, and he deserves Hispanic-Americans, the Irish-Americans, your vote for the United States Senate. the Polish-AmericansÐall of us. And then all Audience members. Durbin! Durbin! the rest of us like me, and whatever is left. Durbin! I say that because you will have to make The President. Not only that, this is about two great decisions in that election a week from tomorrow. It is the last election of the more than economics. The FBI reported last 20th century and the first Presidential elec- week that crime is at a 10-year low in Amer- tion of the 21st century, and you must decide ica, that crime has gone down in each of the whether in that election you believe our best last 4 years. Now, we all know it's still too days are before us, you believe as I do we high, but it's moving in the right direction. are entering a great age of possibility, and And one reason is, our administration has you are determined to see us build a bridge formed a partnership with the city of Chi- to the future, not a bridge to the past. cago, the other cities represented here. And then you must decide, as you look We're putting 100,000 more police on the around this great crowd tonight, whether we street. We're taking assault weapons off the are going forward in that future together. street. We passed the Brady bill. The Brady How many times have we seen America be bill has kept 60,000 felons, fugitives, and put back when we became divided against stalkers from getting handguns. And we just one another? But when all of these different said if you beat up your spouse or your child, people here show up in one crowd and join you can't buy a handgun either. That's what hands, with shared values, shared hopes, and we did. shared dreams, respecting our differences Now, the leaders of the other party, they and cherishing our common values, there is fought us. The toughest crime bill in history nothing that can stop America. We're going with all the law enforcement organizations forward together into that 21st century. in the country behind it, and they wouldn't You know, I remember so many things help. They fought us. They said we were over the last 4 years, and I always get terribly going to take people's guns away, and they nostalgic when I come to Chicago. But I want walked away from an historic opportunity to to say a few things about what's happened make our children, our streets, our neighbor- that affect you and your decision that involve hoods, our schools, our homes safer. Dick Durbin. But Dick Durbin didn't walk away. He You know, when I came here 4 years ago, stood up to bat and helped us hit it out of even though Hillary was from Chicago, you the park. And that's why the crime rate's sort of took me on faith. Well, now there down and why he has earned your support is a record. Today we announced that the for the United States Senate for the future deficit, which was $290 billion when I took of Illinois. Will you help him? [Applause] VerDate 28-OCT-97 07:52 Nov 06, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P44OC4.029 p44oc4 Administration of William J.
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