TRIGA® Reactors TOC-21 TENTH EUROPEAN TRIGA USERS CONFERENCE PAPERS AND ABSTRACTS HELD AT ATOMINSTITUT DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN UNIVERSITÄTEN VIENNA, AUSTRIA SEPTEMBER 14-16, 1988 A GENERAL ATOMICS NOTICE Although General Atomics has attempted to compile the material contained in this issuance with accuracy, neither it, its employees, nor its agents can make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of such information or assume any liability with regard to the use of or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procedure described in this issuance. i&îlAKWVâL •W*C" •:&••• •... ,:«*<* ^ i' • ^Ä;'':":,,v ï . " , S "*' ^fei^;:; ^;Sp§: /1ST OF TRIGA USERS' CONFERENCES 1970, February 19-20 Denver, Colorado, USA 1970, August 25-27 Otaniemi, FINLAND 1972, February 21-22 College Station, Texas, USA 1972, September 12-15 Pavia, ITALY 1974, February 25-27 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 1974, October 29-31 Neuherber g, near Munich, GERMANY 1976, March 1-3 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 1976, September 28-30 Vienna, AUSTRIA 1977, February 28-March 1 Tucson, Arizona, USA 1978, February 28-March 2 Corvailis, Oregon, USA 1978, September 4-6 Portoroz, YUGOSLAVIA 1980, March 2-5 San Diego, California, USA 1980, September 16-18 Mainz, GERMANY 1982, March 8-10 Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA 1982, September 15-17 Istanbul, TURKEY 1984, March 12-14 Anaheim, California, USA 1984, August 21-23 Espoo, FINLAND 1986, April 6-9 College Station, Texas, USA 1986, October 7-9 Casaccia, ITAL Y 1988, April 10-13 Washington, D.C., USA 1988, September 14-16, Vienna, AUSTRIA 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to express sincere appreciation for the efforts of Dr. Helmuth Bock Chairman of the Conference and his colleagues for their efforts in organizing and conducting an outstanding conference On behalf of the conference participants, we wish to acknowledge the hospitality extended by the Atominstitut for all of the social events, including the outstanding dinner in the wine cellar. 11 FOREWORD THE TENTH,EUROPEAN TRIG USERS CONFERENCE WAS HELD IN VIENNA SEPTEMBER 14-16, 1988 UNDER THE SPONSORSHIP OF THE ATOMINSTITUT The papers which follow in this document are presented in the same order as listed in the Conference Program. All papers which were received for publication (forty-eight) have been included. m TENTH EUROPEAN TRIGA USERS CONFERENCE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS AUSTRIA IAEA A-2610 ALCALA F. P.O. Box 100, A-1400, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten BADUREK, G. Shuttelstrasse 115, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten BOCK, H. Schutteistrasse 115, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten BUCHTELA. K. Schutteistrasse 115, WIEN, AUSTRIA IAEA A-2639 BYSZEWSKY, W. P.O. Box 100. A-1400, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten HAMMER, J. Schutteistrasse 115, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten KASPAREC, F. Schutteistrasse 115, WIEN. AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten KIRCHSTEIGER, C. Schutteistrasse 115, WIEN, AUSTRIA IAEA A-2371 MURANAKA, R. P.O. Box 100, A-1400. WIEN, AUSTRIA Reaktorinstitut, Steyrergasse 17 NINAUS, W. A-8010 GRAZ. AUSTRIA IAEA A-2366 ROSENBERG, R. P.O. Box 100, A-1400, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten SLANETZ, H. Schutteistrasse 115, A-1020, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Osterr. Universitäten TSCHURLOVITS, M. Schutteistrasse 115, A-1020, WIEN, AUSTRIA Atominstitut der Oster. Universitäten ZUGAREK, G. Schutteistrasse 115, A-1020, WIEN, AUSTRIA ENGLAND GREEN, D. ICI, Phys. and Radioisotop Service Group Chemicals and Polymers Ltd P.O. Box 1, Billingham. CLEVELAND, ENGLAND IV FINLAND SALMENHAARA, S. Technical Research Centre of Finland Otakaari 3A, SF-02150 ESPOO15, FINLAND GHANA AHAFIA. A. National Nuclear Research Institute Ghana Atomic Energy Com. P.O. Box 80, LEGON-ACCRA, GHANA GERMANY KRAUSS. O. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Institut fur Nuklearmedizin Im Neuenheimerfeld 280 D-6900 HEIDELBERG, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY MAIER-BORSZ W. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Institut fur Nuklearmedizin Im Neuenheimerfeld 280 D-6900 HEIDELBERG, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY MENKE, H. Institut fur Kernchemie, Universität Mainz Postfach 3980, D-6500 MAINZ FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY ROEGLER. H. Interatom GmbH, D-5060 Bergisch Gladbach l FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY HUNGARY GYEMESl Z. Institute of Isotopes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 77, H-1525BUDAPEST, HUNGARY VARGA. C. Institute of Isotopes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 77, H-1525 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY HALX Laboratorio Energia, Nucleare Applicata ALLONI, L. Viale Taramelli 10, 1-27100PAVIA, ITALY Laboratorio Energia, Nucleare Applicata ALTIERI, S. Viale Taramelli 10, 1-27100PAVIA, ITALY Universita di Pavia, L.E.N.A. CINGOLI. E Viale Taramelli 12, 1-27100 PAVIA, ITALY E.N.E.A. Dipartimento TIB FESTINESI. A. CASACCIA-Strada Anguillarese km 1+300 ROMA, ITALY v LOSCHIAVO, V. E.N.E.A. Dipaartimento TIB CASACCIA-Strada Anguillarese km 1+300 ROMA, ITALY MANZELLA, P. E.N.E.A., Division of Nuclear Safety and Health Protection Via V. Brancati 48,1-00144ROMA-EUR, ITALY MELONl S. Universita di Pavia, L.E.N.A. Viaie Taramelli 12, 1-27100PAVIA, ITALY REIS, G. E.N.E.A. Dipartimento TIB CASACCIA-Strada Anguillarese km 1+300 ROMA, ITALY ROSELLI F. E.N.E.A. Division of Nuclear Safety and Health Protection Via V. Brancati 48, 1-00144ROMA-EUR, ITALY SANTORO, E. E.N.E.A. Dipartimento TIB CASACCIA-Strada Anguillarese km 1+300 ROMA, ITALY JAPAN HARASAWA, S. Institute for Atomic Energy Rikkyo University, 2-5-1, Nagaska YOKOSUKA, 240-01, JAPAN HORIUCHL N Atomic Energy Research Lab. Musashi Institute of Technology Ozenji 971, Asoa-ku KAWASAKI, 215. JAPAN N0ZAK1 T. Atomic Energy Research Lab. Musashi Institute of Technology Ozenji 971, Asoa-ku, KAWASAKI 215, JAPAN MOROCCO CNESTEN, 15 Rue de Sebou Agdal BENMANSOUR, A. RABAT, MAROC CNESTEN, 15 Rue de Sebou Agdal HADDOU, A. RABAT, MAROC CNESTEN, 15 Rue de Sebou Agdal HOUARl A. RABAT, MAROC S3HIZEBLANJ2 HOLM, H. General Atomics-Europe Dorfstrasse 63, CH-8126 ZUMIKON SWITZERLAND vx TAIWAN WANG, T. Institute of Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Reactor Division National Tsing-Hua University Hsinchu 30043, TAIWAN, R.O.C. HJBKEX Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Aeronautics &. Astronautics BARLA, M Maslak 80626, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Istanbul Technical University Institute for Nuclear Engineering BAYULKEN.A. Ayazaga Campus 80626, Maslak, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Institute for Nuclear Energy Technical University, Ayazaga Campus 80626 BILGE, A. Maslak, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Istanbul Technical University Nucleer Guc Radiation Lab CIFTCIOGLU. O. Gumussuyu 80191, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Istanbul Technical University Institute for Nuclear Energy DEMIRALP, R. Maslak 80626, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Istanbul Technical University Institute for Nuclear Energy OZGENER, H. Maslak 80626, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Istanbul Technical University Institute for Nuclear Energy TUGRUL, B. Maslak 80626, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI Institute for Nuclear Energy Technical University, Ayazaga Campus 80626 YAVUZ.H. Maslak, ISTANBUL, TÜRKEI U.S.A. General Atomics P.O. Box 85608, SAN DIEGO, CA 92138, U.S.A. CHESWORTH, R. General Atomics P.O. Box 85608, SAN DIEGO. CA 92138. U.S.A. GANLEY, J. General Atomics P.O. Box 85608, SAN DIEGO, CA 92138. U.S.A. HYDE. W. Gamma-Metrics 5550 Oberlin Drive, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121, U.S.A. MILLER, J. vu WELSH, C. Ga m ma-Metrics 5550 Oberlin Drive, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121, U.S.A. YUGOSLAVIA Josef Stefan Institute DIMIC, V. Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN Josef Stefan Institute DUS1C, M Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN Josef Stefan Institute GLUMAC, B. Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN Inst, for Mathematics and Physics JOVANOVIC, S. Univ. "V. Vlahovic" Cetinjski put b.b. YU-81000 TITOGRAD, JUGOSLAWIEN KR1ST0F, E. Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA. JUGOSLAWIEN MELE, I. Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN RANT, J. Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN SMÖDIS, B. Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN VOJNOVIC, D. Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, YU-61000 LJUBLJANA, JUGOSLAWIEN VUKOTIC, P. Institute for Mathematics and Physics Cetinjski-put b.b. YU-81000 TITOGRAD, JUGOSLAWIEN vin CONTENTS SUBMITTED PAPERS TENTH EUROPEAN TRIGA USERS' CONFERENCE SESSION I. REACTOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE - Utilization of Research Reactors - A Global Perspective: R.G. Muranaka, IAEA, AUSTRIA 1-1 Safety Inspections to TRIGA Reactors: W. Byszwesky; IAEA, AUSTRIA 1-11 - Maintenance of the TRIGA Mark II Reactor in Ljubljana and the Disposal of Radioactive Waste: V. Dimic, G. Pregl and B. Pucelj ; "J. Stefan" Institute, YUGOSLAVIA 1-21 - Operation and Utilizations of Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor: P.Z. Hien; Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, VIETNAM 1-25 - Nine Years of Operation of ITU-TRR TRIGA Mark II Reactor: H. Yavuz, A.R. Bayulken, M.A. Yavuz; Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY 1-31 - Initial Operation and Utilization of the Bangladesh 3-MW TRIGA Reactor: M.A. Mannan, M. Hossain; Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka, BANGLADESH 1-39 Operational and Research Activities of the Tsing Hua Open Pool Reactor: Tien-Ko Wang, Der-Ling Tseng, Huai-Pu Chou, Minsun Onyang; National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, TAIWAN, R.O.C 1-55 Operating Experiences at the Finnish TRIGA Reactor: Seppo Salmenhaara; Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, FINLAND 1-73 Operating Experience and Maintenance at the TRIGA Mark II
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