.7.' i- -I . 1 - * V A Jilt, ./i,. ii.«/ I MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955 P ^ i^ T E E N !^nrl|(ater lEti^mng HmUt ATatags Dallf Nat Prasa R ob k s i Tor Mm Weak TMofi . study at Harvard tha othar half. In school ayatesu tha epportmlty to , A o e h I is, 1888 TUr MlM lloan StiicMand. U Oak Internship Plan a seminar each W||isk. tha interna work with eolleget in recruiting r t , la spending the' week at Star UNAM Plans Busy Program wilt discuas their teaching aaperi- and preparing teachera to fill their About T ir a Isle of Shoals. 10 Kilss encea in the light of course work. needs ^ O A l U C O A . 10,823 'B io a t t T out to sea from Ppitsmouth, Aimed to Solve 1410 program has two broad r«(M w Aatit *^^.0«BMliton e( UlMTty N& IT, K. M.. where she Is acting as a For United Nations Week goals, liie first is to> get able eol- ofCTwIaM w ManehtsUr^—A City o f ViUage Charm Wia hold a rocttlw tomUiic counselor for the second week of Thfit Interfirct Ths the Congregational Touth Con­ Acute Shortage lege graduates Into teaching by of­ IW iiitrmi sight at 8 o’clock In fering new routes to a teaching Wishes Of The PsEiil7 ference. ___ _ < -* o m ig e Hall. )V>llowiag tho moot- Tha United N.atione Association :wlth plans for U.N. Week., At a career. *17118 la eapecially valuable w Paga U ) PRICE FIVR CENTU | u a soda) hour with rofrooh- Miss Helen MaePheraon of 376 MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1955 Mra Signe Sheekey and Mrs. of Manchester, commonly known second meeting on Sept. 9 final ap- for s^ideijitB who do not wish to (FOURTEEN PAGES) m n t i in charge of tho men of tho -j given to the Interim Woodbridge St. took part the last delay teaching for a full year pf Power Shovol JOHN Be BURKE ledgo win ha hold. EUsabeCh Johnson, both of 613 as UNAM. Is planning a busy pro- > eommlttee's proposals and a by- Main St., and Mrs. Johnson's sis­ six weeka in the Harvard-Newton graduate study. FUNERAL HOME ter, Mrs. Alice Unde of Water- gratp for the observance of United | laws 'committee was appointed to Summer Program, a new pattern Secondly, the program gives the For Rent TEU ia-S-8S88 Jke Seen in Favor Jamas O. Glenney. Son of Mr bury, are vacationing in Miamir Nations Week, Oct.* 16 to 24 nnd draw up a set Of by-laws for the ' - and Mrs. John G. Qlennoy of *0 for ' teacher-training' which may For Sewef, Water and S7 BAST CENTER ST. Fla., with Mrs. Unde's daughter, the 10th anniversary of the ratifi- November meeting, p e a e by-laws help to solve the country'! acute Irrigation Ditches. Etc. Bigalow St., haes boon advanc^ Mrs. Elmer Walters, who lives cation Of the United Nations Char-; were<xccepted at he ^ovem ^r a m b u l a n c e SEBVIOB Of Second A-Parley to tho rank of damage coitrol- teacher shortage. Ten Massachu­ Septic Tanke Installed Baldwin man second class, IJSN/ whllo there. ter on Oct. 24. >s1lh members of " L /. a 17 setts colleges, six school eyetems the various commilteesadfaWing fl'ctcci. office^ to Iw installed at and the Harvard Graduate" School FRESH CANDY 1 Curves serving with U.8. t i w i f Mobile .FRANK DAMATO Ganava Auff. 18 IT)— iMWiM Construction Battallon/4 in the A special first anniversary Mass tip plana for tha obeer\’afice during meeting, of Education worked together to Whitman, Schrafft. P. A S. ^ L. Strauaa, chairman of tb.e will-be' held this evening at 7:30. the summer months. Thus, beceuae aome people in develop the idee. i A SONS Worth Africsn arOa. Th4 advance­ Contractors yjB. Atomic iBnergy Oomtala- ment U the result of /Suecossfully at the nevr Church of the Assump­ Plans for the local obae.vanre Manchester do b elief that world Miss MeePherson was among the I aipn, aaiMunced today that completing the Navj^-vddo com­ tion. A meeting of the Family Fes­ include a clothing drive from Mon- P*®*’*, Po»»‘blc. that the Indi­ nearly 100 students representing | Arthur Drug Sturn] PhoM MI 8-7001 or MI 0-0499 L ose Stale Prkaidant EiMnhowcr ta/ored tival committet. will follow. an.. ♦ tn aatiit-a*,.* ' vidual citizen has a responsibiiilj 3* collegea from Maine to Cali-: Candy Cnpbonrd a £ S J / petitive examinatims held in day, Oct. 10, through Saturday. In its achievement and that' the a second world conference op Ffbtuary. / Oct. 22, with the British American fomia which have been attend­ peaceful uaea of atomic energy Lakota Council Nd:<81. Degree t.'nited Nations is the beat Initru- ing the "colIege-withln-a-echoOt- Club aa collection depot; a tree ment yet devised for this purpose, to be held in two or three- of Pocahontas, will meet Wednes­ will be planted. In Ceutcl. Park in system" in Newton. Mass. Hartford, Aug. 16 i / F ) — yean. Sunsel Council'Mo., 49, Degree day at 8 p.m. In Odd FelIovils.Hall. the United Nations Association of Q S ta-^i p i of Pocah'ontait, will' hold its commemoration of the 10th an- A graduate of Radcllff College in Connecticut’a Republican Strauaa made his atatement Members are asked to be on time Manchester t;ame into be.ing. It 1954. Miss MaePhereon plans to monthly meoUng tonight at 8 niversay of the United Nallons: a now has a membrshlp of I.*! "or- Chairman declared it o d ay at a luncheon attended by top as the meeting will start promptly fpreigti gupsti .weekend win be heldj teach Bocial etudlM upon the com­ members o f- the Asiior’ean ^ .a'oleck In 'Timer Hall. After-the af 8 o'clock. ■ganhtatton* slid 90 Indivldirtils, that the GOP "S* currently .transaction /ot business a social with foreign students in this coun­ pletion of her schooling. This fall delegation to the current H. y. Afc>wv„ [ m a s s ^^ try the gtiests of Manchester plus two s(>on.soring organizations, she will become a teaching Intern working harmonioualy And atoma - for .- peace conferenu. hour will bo hold. Mist Barnice Juul, M E. Center whose by-laws do not permit them families: vsrious P*’ ); I to become members of another or in Newton. Mass., mesnwhile car­ Given On C.O.D. Deliveries growing stronger day by including mambe'ra of the Joint St., entertained with a buffet din­ I displays will.be set up and in.stead ,____ Congrassioiral Committee on Mombsi^ of Co. 1, MFD, wilt ganization UNAM hopes to in rying on studies for her master’s dav” in tWa state. ner yeeterdi-y at her Columbia of the usual speaker's- meeting degree at the Hatward Graduate 'Hiat wax state GOP CSialrman Atomic Energy. [Storm’s Cetiter Due h ^ a / meeting tonight at ' 8 LAke cottage, honoring her sister. crease Us membership and it.s 1 other oi ganlzations will be urged sei-v-ices ae time goes on to help School of Education. Clarence F. Baldwin’e reply to a He said it would be out of o'clock At tile firehouse, corner of Mrs. Nettie -««nton. v/ho le vieit- ' to have United Nations programs Under the guidance of nearly 40 CORNELL BAKE SHOP Hartford Courant story quoting a order for a formal proposal to pern .Main hnd HiUiard SU. ing her frtpn Detroit, Mich. About others to form similar organisa­ OHIO ’ during U.N. W9ek. tions so.................. that the. United.................. Natiions........ "master teachers" from public 449 HARTFORD ROAD MAMANCHESTER high Republican parly report as be laid before the present 30 members of the Juul family The Upited Nations Association saying Connecticut le in danger of meeting but added that the The poach ahortcake committee were present. may become really known, under- •rhools and Eastern colleges, they Tomorrow Morning ' of Manchester has been active for stood and supported at the com- have been teaching classes, ob­ becoming a firm Democratic U.8. delegates to the United of /the Muncl.fster Fire Depart­ ' three veara now. In .June of 1680 serving sdiicatlonal methods and RANGE & FUEL OIL state. Nations presumably would In­ ment will meet tomorrow night at Delegates from the Manchester a ania'll* group Intel ested In fur<! '''t l '. * . , The paper said in a story pub­ itiate a proposal "in due Young Democrats CluL aho at- .studying educational principles! WILL BE 8 o'clock at the firehouse. therlng peace thiTiiighoiil the world : ‘ tmtciaie Many of tha students will go On lished today that a Republican course." Charleiiton, S. G . A ug.-16 (IP)—Hurric»n« Diane. herJA- tanded the outing yesterday at the met and decided to do something: The^pre.sent officers and com- this fall to become hytf-pay leXch- team of "inspectora” from Wash­ tensity and forward movement slightly diminished, but^stil! Quartet Club in Now Britain of the aboiit it. Their first action .was to* mittee chairmen are: Edward ington had drawn that conclusion Young Democrats in tha,t city in­ er "interns" in the participating vm ^iA CApii dangqrous, drove menacingly toward the Carolina coas^oday. sponsor an observance of United Bushnell, president; Mrs. Win- school systems, while carrying on The BOLAND OIL CO. aftar a virit to the state during cluded Miee Patricia Ruff, presi­ Nations Week that year.
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