ULSTER' DEFENCE WISH W 1/- DEMOCRAT EGIMENT No. 304 DECEMBER 1969 United demonstration says release prisoners Callaghan told "drop charges" ^ CAMPAIGN has been launched in Britain to assist in securing the release from Belfast Jail of Frank Card and Matachy McGurran. Both men have been imprisoned since August under the infamous Special Powers Acts. On Sunday, November 9th, a Civil Rights Association; Pat Hen- parade was organised in London by sey, Joe Deighan and Sean Red- mond, of the Connolly Association; the Connblly Association. This was and Padraig O'Sullivan, Clann - na supported by Clann na hEireann, hEireann. Tcynical fraud is being attempted. The Ulster Defence the London Branch, Northern Ire- A collection was taken up at the; Regiment of the British Army is going to be little more than the land Civil Rights Association, the end of the parade, and a stun: of Movement for Colonial Freedom, £17 was subsequently sent to the B-Specials under a new name. Northern Defence Fund. and the Socialist Charter, a Labour Soma of the Specials will become a reserve force of the Party group connected with "Tri- bune." Present also were members R.U.C. Its uniform may be changed fatttft R.I.C. green to of Birmingham Clann nahEireann London blue. The greater part wiH go ieto the Ulster Defence and Coventry Branch, Campaign Regiment lor Social Justice in Northern Ire- • • • -- •. - *"It was revealed at West- more respectable in the eyes of the land. " world, hot so much like occupoStec minster that their officers had or colonialism. And it is cheaper. After a meeting in Hyde Park, THE British Government has intimated that the Special already distributed applications the parade went to Whitehall, 1 But it won't solve the problem. Where a statement was handed in Powers Act is to go. —before the Bill establishing In the long (run only reuniting for the Home Secretary. This the force had been passed at called on him to take appropriate Why then do they refuse to answer Miss Devlin's questions Ireland will solve the problem. But Westminster. action to secure the release of the relating to the holding of two men, Card end McGurran, in we have to see to the short run too. two men, and the dropping of the Crumlki Road jail under this Act ? KHAKI Here is how to play political judo charges against them. Sir Arthur Young recently spoke In Newry. He promised that Its uniform is to be khaki. Its with the enemies of Irish independ- ence. Frank Card, a 46-year-old Belfast- the Speoial Powers Act will go. members must swear an oath of al- legiance to the Queen of England. man, and Malachy McGurran (29), But when will it go? INTERVENTION from Lurgan, are charged with the They will be allowed to keep arms We suspeet when Card and McGurran have been sent down for in their homes. Republicans will be By putting through the Bill to put possession of documents relating to a good, long stretoh. the Republican movement, and kept out. the B-men in khaki, the British That, at any rate, most people who know the Unionists think is Government have made liars of Frank Card is also charged with Members of Parliament friendly possessing arms on August 15th. the game that Is being played. every Prime Minister and Home Sec- to Irish freedom have been trying retary for fifty years. And the legal Or Is the British Cabinet not sincere in its talk of ending this to modify some of the worst fea- experts. And the horse-faced top The letter handed in at the Home notorious Aot? Office deplored the fact that any- tures. They have protested at the civil servants. ' »-- V * I '•• V, K » . one could be charged with possess- brazen appropriation of the name ing documents, a charge which is CERTAINLY people wiU want to know why it is that the British Ulster to the force of a puppet state. They all said Westminster oouldi only possible under the Special Government can take over exMUy what It like* and They are trying to keep down the not intervene in six-county affairs. Powers Acts. And on the jjuestion appoint whom It likes in the six counties, without giving the six numbers. The best thing to come out of this of the arms charge, which has not counties government any oholoe, and oan put English boys' lives at year is that now the world knows rMt Ml the Mm* basis, and ytrt Is unable to answer a question m But there has been no attempt to who rules the six counties. been proven, the point was made to conceal the fact that the purpose the Home Secretary, that in mid- the British Parliament about Injustices being done now under an Aot due for abolition. of the new force* like that of the vVery well then. They've legis- August, when Frank Card was B-men, is to preserve partitieh. lated now. They've discussed. arrested, the homes of Republicans Card and MeOurrah are among the most capable of the Republi- They've intervened. They have the in Belfast were under attack from a can leaders. U the game to keep them In jail so that the Republicans The English Government is going power. > combined force of B-Bpecials, may be deprived of the benefit of their counsel while the powers to raise a native army so that its Paisley!tes and R.U.O. that be are swagsrt m every trick they can think of to confuse, and own boys can go home. It looks Let them intervene again. AM If possible, divide the oivH rights and Republican movement*? them Introduce a Bill of Rights* The meeting In Hyde Park was it may be Ihe game But It Is a gun that must bo made to over the heads of Stormont. Lot addressed by Mr. Seamus Rhattigan, fail. Pasa milntHns M trade union branches, write to Members LEEDS T.C. who travelled from Dublin to speak of Parliament And send letters and oards and telegrams to Harold it alter the constitution and tahe on behalf of Sinn Fein; Brendan Katone'teMl am lea an an. And. what m mere, pay them away from the Unionists the McQQl and Sean McDermott, of the compensation for all they have suffered. AC TS OH POWER to imprison, ban, InthnW London Branch, Northern Ireland MJRHTOLLET Ati, gerrymander and di&Of hnlnMi. IRISHMEN OH ARMS CHARGES IN HUDDERSFIELD WEE REPUBLIC YITHAT Mr. Bowes Egan has got had been kept six weeks in their Police evidence was> that they And If Stormont refuses? There Tp OUR alleged I.RA-men '' that enabled him to interview are two alternatives. Either "ttK. pleaded not guilty to arms cells tor 28 hours a day. But bail went lato an ahns dealer's shop on people suspected of taking part in was refused. OctOber 6th and offered to spend forces impose U.K. law. Or faWng conspiracy charges when they the notorious Burn toilet ambush and that the six counties is kicked out of They were Eamonn Smullen £300,000 got by raiding Irish banks, drag the truth out of them in then- appeared in a Huddersfleld (Highgate), Thomas Doherty (Glas- to buy flame-throwers, anti-tank the United Kingdom, and lei-it own homes, requires more than one start up a wee republic on its own." A \ court handcuffed to policemen. gow), John Brankln <Ooatbridge) weapons, hand grefculee, mortars adjective—guts, ingenuity, yes, and Defending counsel claimed they and John Meefaam (Hudderafleld). and bazooka rocket launchers. a brass neck. But we know, they know, and the Government knows that the A NOTHER arms case involving The result is a classic. If yon would like to hove the "DEMOCRAT' posted to ' Irishmen was heard in Ox- Orangemen would toe the line. ford. when Barry Bruton, stated by The Connolly Association sent out Then after a few years Ireland yon, send this cut-out wMr year subscription to: the police to be a Communist in Bel- eighty free copies and appreciations could be peacefully reunited because The IRISH DEMOCRAT, 2S3 Grays Inn Rd, Condon, W.0.1 fast, pleaded guilty to inducing are just coming in. where there is no wrong there ia no soldier Alan Mcllveen to part with hatred. with 1 •/• for a year 8/- for six months his rifle. Leeds Trades Council's secretary Beryl Hufflnley reports lively inte- The Judge refused to believe he The cry must go up. A Name ... rest And the book helped make wanted it for self-defence in the up the Trades Unionists' minds to rights must be passed at Address city of Belfast. Bruton got four send Betty Sinclair £7 for the dis- star. The central faot years, Mcllveen three. tress fund. It is not yet known whether the avoid Is that this Is England's men will appeal against sentence. Good for Bowes-Egan! England must dear It up. December 1969 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT December 1969 3 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT WORLD COMMENTARY By PAT DEVI Hi TURF LODGE ARE YOU ON IRIS28H3 Gray DEMOCRAs Inn Road, T mg London, W.C.I. THAT VOTING Editor: DESMOND GREAVES GROWING UP IN DERRY DICTATOR' Associate Editor: LIST? SEAN REDMOND PRESIDENT NIXON JS STILL A WARMONGER By BRIDGET McGOWAN AT iHE new electoral register is now Irish Books: GERARD CCRRAN I being compiled, and as there Songs: Patrick Bond PRESIDENT NIXON'S speech reality of American policy in South The war danger is a direct conse- application of the following prin- N my late teens I had to and said that I had had a good will most likely be a General Elec- Administration: in reply to the great Mori- Vietnam which no amount of mis- quence of the aggressive policies of ciples which should always be lesson in keeping my fingers tion next year, you should make A.
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