"A Time to Make Music . ." Everyone will be trying to make music or at least finding out how others make music when they attend the Fine Arts Pvt Camp, August 4 to 14, at Rio Lindo Acad- emy. Dr. Perry Beach will direct the music theory classes as all music students study a period a day of music theory. Dr. Beach Ft will also direct in the piano instruction, 0IMCOIR co le assisted by Mrs. Yvonne Caro Howard of OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Pacific Union College. Featured will be multi-piano selections and group instruc- NEVADA • UTAH ARIZONA • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • tion on piano, a thrilling experience for all concerned. Organ instruction will also be available VOL. 62 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 17, 1963 NO. 47 at the camp, so don't delay in getting in your application if you have talent along do so at the time. He knows they are music and art lines. Write to Fine Arts The Signs You Sponsor May Do Double Duty Seventh-day Adventist books. He often Camp, Box 146, Glendale 5, California. comes in contact with Signs of the Times R. DALE MCCUNE, Signs of the Times is very versatile. some books which were advertised in the in the post office. Now and then subscrib- Camp Director. Every issue is mailed with a prayer that its Signs. Brother Glenn Shelton, a literature ers move and leave no forwarding address. messages will be a blessing to the sub- evangelist for over fifty years, responded. Since he is not allowed to take the copies All Church Members Should scriber, but many times it is found to be a The man was friendly indeed and gladly home, he reads them in the post office on Attend Sabbath School blessing to the postman whose responsi- received his book. Since then he has pur- his own time. When there are copies bility it is to carry the Signs to the homes. chased Bible Readings and Daniel and the We believe that every effort should be which cannot be delivered or returned he made to get those who know not God into Yes, Signs of the Times can do double duty Revelation. takes them to a hospital and business of- in ministering to hungry hearts. the Sabbath School and church. However, He made the statement that Seventh-day fices for people to read. This good man it seems to me that we should do more An inquiry concerning some books ad- Adventist literature is tops, the illustrations holds an important position in his local vertised in Signs of the Times was sent to than we are doing, perhaps, to get the ones superb! He talks like a Seventh-day Ad- Latter Day Saints church, but he surely who are now church members, but who literature evangelist Ray Day in Salinas, ventist. He believes that the seventh day likes Signs of the Times. are not faithful in attending the Sabbath California. As Brother Day visited with is the Sabbath and is accepting many of the Yes, Signs of the Times is doing double School, to gain the blessings that are af- this family he discovered they sincerely other doctrinal points. Brother Shelton is duty, or who knows, maybe triple duty! forded by this weekly spiritual feast of love the Lord. The husband had been conducting Bible studies in his home. Have you ordered your Signs subscription? study and fellowship. Therefore, I am reared in the Mormon faith. However, the So another postman is happy. We hope If not, do so today. The special price appealing especially to those who are family was attending an Evangelical church the copies of Signs that he is distributing expires June 30, 1963. When you place church members—really good people—but nearby. Nevertheless, they were not satis- personally will also do double duty. your order, offer a prayer that God's Spirit who are not faithful in Sabbath School fied, and they were searching for some- The other day Sister Wallace, a faithful will bless the ministry of Signs of the attendance. thing that would bring peace to their literature evangelist in the Idaho Confer- Times. hearts. There are many good reasons why Chris- ence, canvassed a postman in a town in L. R. HIxsoN, Assoc. Manager, tians should regularly attend the Sabbath The husband, who is a postman, has a her district. He plans to purchase the books Circulation Department, School. First, we might mention that burning desire to rear his children in the she presented, but wasn't in a position to Pacific Press Publishing Assn. Jesus, our example, whose footsteps we fear of the Lord. One day while he was are to follow, had a "custom" or "habit" on his route delivering mail which includes of attending church services. (Luke 4:16.) copies of Signs of the Times to its sub- "I have given you an example," He said, scribers, the wind blew the back page of An Encouraging Word "that ye should do as I have done."—John the April Signs open just as he was getting Here is an encouraging report from a holic and problem drinker and give guid- 13:15. Then, too, we have the promise ready to place a copy in a mail box. Thus Nazarene minister who attended the Insti- ance to the families involved. Christian that "where two or three are gathered to- he was exposed to the advertisement on tute of Scientific Studies in Seattle last leaders are concerned too with the educa- gether in my name, there am I in the page 35 for Treasures of Life. Immediately summer. I thought you would be inter- tional necessities that our nation's drinking midst of them."—Matthew 18:20. he was impressed that here were the books ested in this good word. places upon us. Many insights into one of he needed to help him give spiritual lead- In Hebrews 10:25 the apostle tells us, "For Christian Action: Last summer I our nation's major public-health problems ership to his family. He copied the address "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves had an unusual opportunity. It was my can be gained by attendance at one of the and mailed the letter to the Signs office. together, as the manner of some is; but privilege to attend the thirteenth session Institutes of Scientific Studies for the Pre- Especially due to the interest of their four- exhorting one another: and so much the of the Loma Linda Institute of Scientific vention of Alcoholism. teen-year-old daughter, they decided to more, as ye see the day approaching." Studies for the Prevention of Alcoholism purchase the big library which included "Two of these institutes will be held Here we are plainly told to be faithful in that was conducted on the campus of Se- the set of Bible Stories. this summer. I would heartily recommend attending the services of the church, espe- attle Pacific College, Seattle, Washington, Yes, it took but one exposure to help them both. They will have a distinguished cially as we see the end approaching. It August 6 to 17, 1962. The Institute was Signs of the Times to.do double duty—to faculty. Rev. Andrew G. Hanners, the was "the manner of some" in Paul's day to of high caliber. It was characterized by the subscriber and to the postman. Both director of education for the California stay away from church. It is "the manner outstanding lectures and lively discussions. are being blessed. Council on Alcohol Problems and an elder of some" today to stay away from the Sab- Some twenty authorities, who formed the In another part of the country again we in the Church of the Nazarene, will be a bath School service, as well as other serv- distinguished faculty, presented the physi- find the Signs keeping the postman happy, featured speaker at both of these institutes. ices of the church. Those wo do this lose ological, neurological, psychiatric, and eco- but you may question whether it is doing These institutes will be held as follows": the special blessing of God. If this prac- nomic aspects of the alcohol problem. The double duty. One day in Des Moines, tice is continued, these people will lose social, legal, and educational phases of the July 8 to 19, 1963— Iowa, a postman approached a certain their interest in the services of the church problem were also treated. Loma Linda Institute house to deliver the mail which included Loma Linda University and eventually lose their own souls. "Today there are probably over one mil- a copy of Signs of the Times. It so hap- Loma Linda, California There is another good reason why Chris- lion alcoholic American women, who are pened that the man of the house was home July 29 to August 9, 1963— tians should be faithful in attending the hidden behind the doors of their own Washington Institute and waiting for his mail. Upon receiving services of the church. That is because of homes. Washington D.C. his mail he said, "Oh, there's that Signs their own personal example and influence. of the Times again." "Some two million alcoholics—men and The conferences of the Pacific Union "None of us liveth to himself."—Romans The postman quickly asked, "Don't you women—are regularly employed by United are interested in sponsoring some non-Ad- 14:7. We are either gathering for Christ read it?" States businesses, but they cost industry at ventist key individuals such as state and or scattering from Him.
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