Rollercoaster Records Photograph list 31/05/2003 Ref Size Description (reading from left to right) Price The following photographs are in limited quanties and many cannot be reprinted at these prices. Please add £3.00 postage per order 2323 PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Buddy Holly holding guitar - early Nashville publicity picture £2.00 2347 PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Mauldin , Curtis (singing), Allison Gaumont 77 £2.00 3365 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly & the Two-Tones (Sonny Curtis & Don Guess) 1955 £4.00 2222TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Buddy Holly details as 3222TM £2.00 2223TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Buddy Holly, Lewis, Mauldin details as 3223TM £2.00 2228TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Buddy Holly details as 3228TM £2.00 2241TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" JI Allison, Buddy Holly, Mauldin as details 3241TM £2.00 2252A PHOTO - b/w 7.5" x 6" Buddy Holly details as 3252A £2.00 2252TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Buddy Holly details as 3252TM £2.00 2300TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Buddy Holly, Mauldin, Allison as details 3300TM £2.00 2314TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, Mauldin - early publicity picture at June Clark's house £2.00 2333TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Mauldin, Buddy Holly, Allison standing next to pickup truck and motorbike £2.00 2340 TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Joe B Mauldin, Allison on stage during '77 concert at Gaumont State, Kilburn £2.00 2342 TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 9" Mike Berry on stage with Bill Kuy, Dave Peacock & the Crickets, Gaumont State, London 1977£2.00 2566 TM PHOTO - b/w - 6.5" x 8.5" Elvis Presley doing Knee bend still from "Jailhouse Rock" £2.00 3222TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly '56 publicity picture - poor quality £5.00 3223TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Mauldin in Australia '58 £5.00 3224TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Allison, Mauldin, Sullivan, Buddy Holly in jeans & t-shirts '57 £5.00 3225TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly full face - 1959 Bruno of New York picture £5.00 3227TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Mauldin, Buddy Holly, Allison, Sullivan standing by car '57 £5.00 3228TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly standing with arms folded - Bruno '59 £5.00 3229TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly - '56 full face Decca publicity picture £5.00 3232 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Sullivan, Buddy Holly, Allison, Mauldin in white t-shirts '57,taken from above £5.00 3233 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" The Four Teens - Mauldin, Brownie Higgs, Terry Noland, Larry Welborn '57 £5.00 3234TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Allison, Buddy Holly, Mauldin - '58 Kriegsmann publicity picture £5.00 3235 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly - Kreigsmann publicity photo - as Showcase album & Coral EPs £4.00 3239 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Allison standing by car in snow Lubbock '57 £5.00 3240TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Allison, Mauldin rehearsing in studio '58 £5.00 3241TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Allison, Buddy Holly, Mauldin after appearance at Gaumont State, Kilburn March '58 £5.00 3242TM PHOTO - b/w -6.5"x 8.5" Alan Freed, Larry Williams, Buddy Holly '58 - poor quality £2.00 3242TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Alan Freed, Larry Williams, Buddy Holly '58 - poor quality £5.00 3243 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Mauldin, Buddy Holly, Allison (head invisible) + unidentified musicians backstage £4.00 3250ATM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" sepia tint Buddy Holly head and shoulders, arms folded - Bruno '59 £5.00 3250TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly head and shoulders, arms folded - Bruno '59 £5.00 3251ATM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" sepia tint Buddy Holly head and shoulders, laughing - Bruno '59 £5.00 3251TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly head and shoulders, laughing - Bruno '59 £5.00 3252A TMPHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" as 3252 but with Buddy Holly smiling £4.00 3252B TMPHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" print fault as 4252 £1.00 3252TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly head and shoulders, same picture as Buddy Holly Story LP cover - Bruno '59 £5.00 3253A TMPHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" print fault Buddy Holly sitting wearing tweed suit - Bruno '59 £2.00 3253TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly sitting wearing tweed suit - Bruno '59 £5.00 3254TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly waist up, arms folded - Bruno '59 £5.00 3255TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly head and shoulders in tweed suit - Bruno '59 £5.00 3259 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly recording in Nashville studio '56 £5.00 3260TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Jim Lounsbury, Big Bopper, Debbie Stevens, Frankie Sardo, Buddy Holly in Chicago '59 £5.00 3261TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Waylon Jennings, Buddy Holly - photo booth picture '59 £5.00 3299TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Similiar to 3306TM £5.00 3300TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Mauldin, Allison backstage Trocadero Theatre, London March '58 £5.00 3301TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Allison, Buddy Holly holding drumsticks in Mauldin's ears Trocadero Theatre, March '58 £5.00 3309TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" print fault Mauldin, Buddy Holly, Allison on BBC TV 'Off The Record' '58 £2.00 3310TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly holding guitar on BBC TV 'Off The Record' '58 £5.00 3311 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly standing against studio background New York '58 £5.00 3312 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly on stage with Strat London Palladium £4.00 3314 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, Mauldin - early publicity picture at June Clark's house £5.00 Please order by Reference number and give alternatives if possible Limited stock on some items Rollercoaster Records Photograph list 31/05/2003 3315TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Larry Trider, Jerry Allison, Larry Welborn, Doug Walding on stage Dallas '65 £5.00 3316 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Joe B Mauldin, Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly sitting on motorcycles Dallas '58 £5.00 3318TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Poster showing Crickets and other artists billing on Alan Freed Show New York '57 £5.00 3319 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Niki Sullivan, Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, Joe B Mauldin rockin' on stage New York '57 £5.00 3320TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Similar to 3319TM £5.00 3321 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Similar to 3319TM £4.00 3323 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly holding guitar - early Nashville publicity picture £5.00 3325TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Allison - Ivan publicity picture '58 - with 'flat top' haircut £5.00 3326TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Jerry Naylor, Glen D Hardin, Sonny Curtis, Jerry Allison - LA publicity picture '63 £5.00 3328TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Maria Elena on wedding day 1958 £5.00 3329TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" James Allison, Joe B Mauldin, Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly outside Jerry's house '58 £5.00 3330TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Niki Sullivan, Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, Joe Mauldin on stage Paramount 1957 £5.00 3331TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Joe Mauldin, Jerry Allison, Sonny Curtis - 1960 publicity picture £5.00 3334 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Sullivan,Mauldin,Buddy Holly(white suit),Allison-"Buddy Holly& Crickets" £4.00 3336TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Niki Sullivan, Buddy Holly, Jerry Allison, Mauldin on Ed Sullivan Show '57 - TV quality £5.00 3338TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Similar to 3336TM but close-up excluding Mauldin £5.00 3339A PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" as3339 but with just visible J Allison behind kit £4.00 3340 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Joe B Mauldin, Allison on stage during '77 concert at Gaumont State, Kilburn £5.00 3341TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Jerry Allison on stage Gaumont State Theatre, London 1977 £5.00 3343A TMPHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Almost identical to 3343 £4.00 3343TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Billy Kuy, Mauldin, Mike Berry, Allison, Sonny Curtis, Dave Peacock, Mike Burt '77 £5.00 3346TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Jerry Allison, Joe Mauldin with Valentine magazine editors London March 1958 £5.00 3348A TMPHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Allison, Buddy Holly, Mauldin (swinging girl) dancing with girlsas 3348 £4.00 3348TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Jerry Allison, Joe B Mauldin dancing with girls from Valentine magazine '58 £5.00 3349TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly with The Tanner Sisters backstage at Trocadero Theatre, London March '58 £5.00 3350 PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly wearing black jacket and playing guitar backstage at Trocadero, March '58 £5.00 3352TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Joe B Mauldin, Godfrey Evans, Buddy Holly, Denis Compton, Allison with cricket bat £5.00 3353TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, Joe B Mauldin, Sullivan in Canada with unknown DJ £5.00 3355TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, Joe Mauldin in Trocadero dressing room 1958 £5.00 3356TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Geoff Goddard, John Beecher, Mike Berry in Joe Meek's studio control room 1961 £5.00 3357TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Sonny Curtis, Joe Mauldin on stage, Gaumont State Theatre, London 1977 £5.00 3358TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Sonny Curtis on stage, Gaumont State Theatre, London 1977 £5.00 3360TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Buddy Holly with South African boxer Willie Toweel, backstage at Trocadero London March 1958£5.00 3361TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Maria Elena/Buddy Holly, unknown, Phil Everly New York 1958 £4.00 3362 TM PHOTO - b/W - 10"x8" Buddy Holly, Niki Sullivan, Jerry Allison, Joe Mauldin - early shot on couch, Petty Studios £4.00 3363 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Niki Sullivan, Joe Mauldin, unknown, Buddy Holly, Jerry Allison in stage suits next to tour bus£4.00 1957 3364 TM PHOTO -b/w - 10"x8" Jerry Allison, Freeman Hover, Buddy Holly, 1957 £4.00 3366 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Lonnie Donegan,Buddy Holly, Mauldin (sitting),Allison backstage £10.00 3367TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Almost identical to 3366 £10.00 3368 TM PHOTO - b/w - 10"x8" Alan Freed "Holiday of stars" Paramount theatre display,inc Buddy Holly,Lewis £4.00 3369 TM PHOTO - b/w
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