Starting School 2008/09 Designated Area by Road Guide Abingdon Aston Close 6/J Bucklers Road 5/F Audlett Drive 8/J Buckles Close 2/L Abingdon is served by 3 Austin Place 3/F Burgess Close 6/J Secondary and 10 Primary Avon Road 2/L Burton Close 1/L schools (one of which is a Bailie Close 1/L Bury Street 6/L Catholic (voluntary aided) Baker Road 7/L Buscot Drive 5/F Ballard Chase 3,4/F Byron Close 1/L school). Banbury Court 6/J Caldecott Close 1/L St Edmund’s Catholic Primary Barfleur Close 5/F Caldecott Gardens 1/L School serves all roads in the civil Barrow Hill Close 8/F Caldecott Road 1/L parish of Abingdon. Barrow Road 2/L Cameron Avenue 5/F Barton Court 8/J Campion Road 8/J The following key will help Barton Lane 8/J Carse Close 5/F identify your designated area: Bath Court 6/J Cemetery Road 2/L Bath Street (1–37 & 2–52) 6/L Challenor Close 7/L Primary Schools Bath Street (39–105) 6/J Champs Close 8/F 1 = Caldecott Bath Street (54–76) 2/L Chandlers Close 8/F 2 = Carswell Beagle Close 5/F Charney Avenue 5/F 3 = Dunmore Primary Benson Road 3/J Chaunterell Way 1/L 4 = Long Furlong Bergen Avenue 8/L Checker Walk 6/J 5 = Rush Common Berrycroft 2/J Cherry Tree Drive 2/L 6 = St Nicolas Beverley Close 3/J Cherwell Close 5/F 7 = Thameside Blacklands Way 2/L Chestnut Tree Close 2/L Blacknall Road 1/L Cheyney Walk 3/J 8 = Thomas Reade Boreford Road 5/F Childrey Way 5/F Secondary Schools Borough Walk 6/J Chilton Close 5/F Bostock Road 2/L Cholswell Road 2/L F = Fitzharrys Boulter Drive 3,4/F Church Walk 3/J J = John Mason Bourlon Wood 2/J Clarendon Close 8/J L = Larkmead Bowgrave Copse 8/F Clevelands 3/J Bowyer Road 6/J Clifton Drive 6/J Abbey Close 6/J Boxhill Road 6/J Coleridge Drive 1/L Abbott Road 6/J Boxhill Walk 6/J Collingwood Close 3/J Abingdon Lock 8/J Boxwell Close 5/F Colwell Drive 2/L Allder Close 3,4/F Brampton Close 2/J Compton Drive 5/F Alexander Close 3,4/F Brampton Road 2/J Conduit Road 2/L Almshouses 6/L Brick Alley 6/L Conway Road 2/L Amyce Close 5/F Bridge Street (odds) 6/L Coopers Lane 2/L Andersey Way 7/L Bridge Street (evens) 6/J Copenhagen Drive 2/J Anna Pavlova Close 2/L Bridges Close 1/L Cornavill Close 8/F Appleford Drive 5/F Broad Street (odds) 6/J Coromandel 7/L Argentan Close 7/L Broad Street (evens) 6/L Cotman Close 7/L Ashenden Close 3/J Brode Close 5/F Covent Close 5/F Ashgate 7/L Brookside 3/J Croasdell Close 7/L Ashmole Road 7/L Bucklands Mews 2/L Crosslands Drive 2/J Apply on-line at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions - Starting School on 2008/09 137 Abingdon Starting School 2008/09 Culham Close 5/F Fieldside 2/J Herman Close 8/F Cullerne Close 3,4/F Finmore Close 6/J Hermitage Road 1/L Curtis Avenue 8/J Fishermans Wharf 7/L Heron Court (North Quay) 7/L Curtyn Close 2/J Fitchett Yard 2/L Herons Walk 6/J Daisy Bank 8/J Fitzharry’s Road 6/J High Street 6/L Darrel Way (1–11) 3/J Foster Road 3,4/F Hill View Road 3/F Darrel Way (2–40 & 13–65) 6/J Foxcombe Court 2/L Hive Mews 6/L Dearlove Close 3/J Francis Little Drive 1/L Hobbs Close 8/J Dart Road 2/L Franklyn Close 3,4/F Hogarth Place 7/L Denton Close 8/J Fullwell Close 2/J Holland Road 3/F Derwent Close 2/L Gainsborough Green Holywell Close 5/F Dodson Court 6/J (1-145) 1/L Hound Close 8/F Dorchester Crescent 5/F Gainsborough Green Hunter Close 5/F Draymans Walk 2/L (2-150) 7/L Hyde Place 7/L Drayton Road Gainsborough Green Inkerman Close 2/J (1–67 & evens) 1/L (147-163) 7/L Isis Close 5/F Drayton Road (69–107) 7/L Gall Close 8/J Jackman Close 6/J Duffield Close 5/F Galley Fields 5/F Jenyns Court 1/L Dundas Close 8/J Gardiner Close 8/J John Mason Road 6/J Dunmore Road 3/F Garford Close 5/F John Morris Road 1/L Eason Drive 8/J Geoffrey Barbour Road 6/J Kempster Close 8/J East St Helen’s Street 6/L Gibson Close 3,4/F Kennet Road 5/F Eden Croft 3/F Ginge Close 5/F Kensington Close 7/L Edward Street 2/L Glyme Close 5/F Kent Close 8/J Eldridge Close 3,4/F Godfrey Close 1/L Kimber Road 2/L Elizabeth Avenue 5/F Godwyn Close 2/J Kingfisher Close 7/L Elm Tree Walk 2/L Golafre Road 1/L Kingston Close 6/J Elwes Close 8/J Gordon Drive 5/F Knapp Close 2/J Ely Close 1/L Grebe Close 7/L Knolly’s Close 3,4/F Eney Close 8/F Grundy Close 8/J Kysbie Close 3,4/F Ethelhelm Close 5/F Hadland Road 8/J Laburnum Avenue 2/F Evelin Road 2/J Hamble Drive 5/F Lacies Court 2/L Evenlode Park 5/F Hanson Road 3,4/F Lady Elenor Court 1/L Exbourne Road 2/L Harcourt Way (1–29) 3/J Ladygrove Meadow 1/L Eyston Way 2/L Harcourt Way (31–43 & 2-4) 6/J Ladygrove Paddock 1/L Fairacres 2/L Harding Road 2/J Lambrick Way 7/L Fairfield Place 6/J Hart Close 8/J Lammas Close 6/J Fairlawn Wharf 6/F Harwell Close 5/F Landseer Walk 7/L Faringdon Road (south side) 2/L Hawthorne Avenue 2/L Langley Road 3,4/F Faringdon Road (north side) 2/J Healey Close 1/L Larkhill Place 2/J Farm Road 3/F Hean Close 5/F Larkhill Road 2/J Farriers Mews 6/J Heathcote Place 8/J Lee Avenue 8/J Fennel Way 8/J Hedgemead Avenue 8/F Lely Court 7/L Ferguson Place 8/J Hendred Way 5/F Lenthall Road 6/J Ferry Walk 1/L Henor Mill Close 5/F Letcombe Avenue 6/J 138 Apply on-line at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions - Starting School on 2008/09 Starting School 2008/09 Abingdon Levery Close 8/J Norman Avenue 5/J Quakers Court 6/J Lindsay Drive 5/F Norris Close 5/F Queen Street 6/L Loddon Close 5/F North Avenue 3/F Radley Road (1–51 & 2–24) 6/J Lombard Street 6/L North Quay 7/L Radley Road (53–115) 5,6/J Longfellow Drive 1/L Northcourt Lane 3/J Radley Road (117–279) 5/F Longmead 2/J Northcourt Road Radley Road (south side) 8/F Long Alley 6/L (north side) 3/F Rainbow Way 5/F Long Tow 2/L Northcourt Road Ramsons Way 8/J Lovelace Close 3,4/F (south side) 3/J Rawling Grove 2/J Loyd Close 3,4/F Northcourt Walk 6/J Reade Avenue 8/J Lucca Drive 7/L Northfield Road 3/F Reynolds Way 1/L Lumberd Road 5/F Nuffield Way 2/L Riley Close 1/L Lyford Way 5/F Nuneham Square 6/J River Close 7/L Lynges Close 5/F Nyatt Road 8/J River View Terrace 2/L Lyon Close 3/J Ock Mill Close 2/L Rivy Close 8/J Maberley Close 1/L Ock Street 2/L Rookery Close 2/L Magnette Close 6/J Oday Road 7/L Rose Avenue 3,4/F Mandeville Close 3/F Old Farm Close 8/J Roysse’s Lane 2/L Manor Court 1/L Orchard Close 5,6/J Rushmead Copse 5/F Marcham Road 2/L Orpwood Way 1/L Ruskin Avenue 7/L Market Place 6/L Otwell Close 5/F Rutherford Close 5/F Masefield Crescent 1/L Overmead 7/L Sadlers Court 5/F Matlock Way 5/F Ox Close 6/J Saffron Court 8/J Mattock Way 5/F Oxford Road (1–7 & 4–46) 6/J St Amand Drive 1/L Mayotts Road 2/L Oxford Road (9–39) 5,6/J St Andrew’s Close 5/F Meadowside 2/L Oxford Road (41–53) 5/J St Edmund’s Lane 6/L Medlicott Drive 1/L Oxford Road (57–163) 5/F St Helen’s Court 6/L Medway Close 2/L Oxford Road (106–190) 3/F St Helen’s Mill 1/L Medway Road 2/L Pagisters Road 8/F St Helen’s Place 1/L Merlin Road 2/L Palmer Place 7/L St Helen’s Wharf (1–4) 1/L Metcalf Close 7/L Park Crescent 2/L St John’s Road 6/J Midget Close 7/L Park Road 2/L St Mary’s Green 6/J Mill Lane 1/L Parsons Mead 3/J St Michael’s Avenue 2/L Mill Paddock 1/L Peachcroft Road 5/F St Nicholas 6/J Mill Road 1/L Peep-o-day Lane 7/L St Peter’s Road 5/F Minchins Close 8/J Penlon Place 6/J Sandford Close 5/F Mons Way 2/J Penn Close 5/F Saxton Road Morton Close 8/J Picklers Hill 3/F (1–141a & 2-254) 1/L Mullard Way 2/L Potenger Way 1/L Saxton Road (141–223) 7/L Musson Close 1/L Preston Road 7/L Schongau Close 7/L Napier Court 8/J Prince Grove 3,4/F Sellwood Road 3/F Nash Drive 1/L Pudsey Close 7/L Sewell Close 8/J Nene Road 2/L Purslane 8/J Severn Road 2/L New Street 6/J Pykes Close 5/F Shelley Close 3/F Norbrook Close 5/F Pytenry Close 5/F Shepherd Gardens 1/L Apply on-line at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions - Starting School on 2008/09 139 Abingdon Starting School 2008/09 Sherwood Avenue 8/J The Chestnuts 8/J Welland Court 2/L Shrieves Close 5/F The Copse 8/J Wellesbourne Close 8/J Sint Niklaas Close 7/L The Grove 5/F West Avenue 3/F South Avenue 3/F The Holt 6/J West Quay 7/L South Moor Way 2/J The Hyde 7/L West St Helen’s Street 6/L South Quay 7/L The Motte 6/J Westfields 2/L South Road 3/F The Quadrant 8/J Wharf Close 1/L Spenlove Close 3,4/F The Spinney 2/J Wheatcroft Close 3/F Spey Road 2/L The Square 6/L Whitehouse Close 2/L Spring Gardens 2/L The Warren 8/J Whitelock Road Spring Road 2/L Thesiger Road 6/J (1–11 & 2-16) 6/J Springfield Drive 2/J Thistlecroft Close 5/F Whitelock Road Stanford Drive 6/J Thorne Avenue 2/L (13–43 & 18-44) 3/J Station Road 6/J Thornhill Walk 2/J Wick Close 5/F Stenton Close 7/L Thurston Close 1/L Wildmoor Gate 2/J Stert Street (evens) 6/L Tower Drive 2/L Willowbrook 2/L Stert Street (odds) 6/J Townsend 7/L Willow Tree Close 2/L Stevenson Drive 2/J Trendell Place 2/J Wilsham Road (1–20) 1/L Stockey End 5/F Trinity Close 5/F Wilsham Road Stonehill Walk 7/L Tuberville Close 1/L (other numbers) 7/L Stratton Way (1–20) 6/L Turnagain Lane 6/L Windrush Court 2/L Stratton Way Turner Road 7/L Windrush Way 5/F (other numbers) 2/L Twelve Acre Drive 5/F Winsmore Lane 6/L Suffolk Way 1/L Tyne Road 2/L Winterborne Road 2/L Summerfields 5/F Upton Close 5/F Withington Court 6/J Sutton Close 6/J Victoria Road 2/L Woodcote Way 7/L Swinburne Road 5,6/J Villeboys Close 8/J Woodley Close 3,4/F Sycamore Close 2/L Vineyard 6/J Wootton Road (251–277) 3/J Sympson Close 1/L Virginia Way 7/L Wootton Road (10–204) 2/J Tatham Road 3/J Wallace Close 7/L Wordsworth Road 1/L Tennyson Drive 1/L Warwick Close 5,6/J Wyndyke Furlong 2/L Terrington Close 3/F Waste Court 2/J Yeld Hall Road 5/F Thames Street 6/J Waxes Close 8/F Yew Tree Mews 6/J Thamesview 6/J Welford Gardens 5/F Ypres Way 2/J 140 Apply on-line
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