34. MEĐUNARODNA VESLAČKA REGATA 34th INTERNATIONAL ROWING REGATTA Croatia Open 2017 8. i 9. travnja 2017. 8th and 9th of April 2017 Organizator/Organizer: Veslački savez Zagreba/Zagreb Rowing Federation VK “Croatia” Zagreb/RC “Croatia” Zagreb Hrvatski veslački savez/Croatian Rowing Federation Croatia Open 2017 www.vsz.hr - www.vk-croatia.hr Poštovani veslači i veslačice, dragi gosti i prijatelji veslanja, velika mi je čast i zadovoljstvo poţeljeti Vam dobrodošlicu u Zagreb, grad u kojem veslačka tradicija traje veš više od stotinu trideset godina. Drago nam je da tolike godine rada, značajan broj medalja s najveših međunarodnih natjecanja, te najljepša veslačka staza u Hrvatskoj čine Zagreb značajnim veslačkim centrom europskih i svjetskih razmjera. Veseli nas što ste prepoznali naš trud, kvalitetu i značaj ovog veslačkog događaja te svojom nazočnoššu učinili ga još vešim i ljepšim. Kvalitetu Zagreba kao veslačkog centra, regatne staze, djelatnika Veslačkog saveza Zagreba i VK Croatia dodatno potvrđuje uvrštenje ove regate u kalendar međunarodnih natjecanja Svjetske veslačke federacije, a uz dosadašnje pohvale i priznanja bili smo dodatno motivirani učiniti sve da organizacija 34. Međunarodne Veslačke regate “Croatia Open 2017” bude još bolja. Regata se ove godine odvija pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Zagreba, a u organizaciji sudjeluju i pomaţu mnogobrojni zanesenjaci i prijatelji veslanja okupljeni oko Veslačkog saveza Zagreba. Dati šemo sve od sebe da Vam osiguramo dobar ugođaj za prašenje sportskog natjecanja najboljih veslača. Ţelimo Vam ugodan boravak, da brzo veslate kako bi postigli ţeljene rezultate, te se nadamo da šemo opravdati Vaša očekivanja. U nadi da se vidimo i slijedeše godine, u ime organizacijskog odbora i u svoje osobno ime, srdačno Vas pozdravljam. DOBRODOŠLI ! PREDSJEDNIK ORGANIZACIJSKOG ODBORA Pero Grujin, dipl.oecc Croatia Open 2017 www.vsz.hr - www.vk-croatia.hr Dear rowers, guests and friends of rowing, It is my great honour to welcome you to Zagreb, a city in which rowing tradition lasts for more than one hundred and thirty years. We are very pleased that so many years of work, numerous medals from greatest international competitions and the most beautiful rowing course in Croatia have made Zagreb a rowing centre of European and world-wide significance. We are very pleased that you have recognized our efforts, as well as the quality and significance of this rowing event and made it even bigger with your presence. Importance of Zagreb as a rowing centre, quality of it’s regatta course and efforts of Zagreb Rowing Federation and RC Croatia members were recognized by including the regatta into the International rowing world federation race schedule, and with the compliments and recognitions we have received, we are extra motivated to make 34th International Rowing Regatta “Croatia Open 2017” even better. This year’s event is sponsored by the of City of Zagreb, and is organized with participation and help of many rowing enthusiasts and friends gathered around Zagreb Rowing Federation. We will do our best to provide you with the best possible atmosphere to enjoy the best world class rowers’ competitions. We wish you a pleasant stay and great racing in order to achieve the desired results. Also, we hope that the organization of the competition will live up to your expectations. Hoping to see you again next year, on behalf of the organizing committee and my own I warmly greet you. WELCOME TO ZAGREB ! PRESIDENT OF ORGANISING COMMITTEE Pero Grujin, dipl.oecc Croatia Open 2017 www.vsz.hr - www.vk-croatia.hr RASPIS CROATIA OPEN 2017 1. Veslački savez Zagreba, VK Croatia i Hrvatski veslački savez organiziraju i priređuju Međunarodnu regatu Croatia Open 2017. 2. Regata še se odrţati 8. – 9. travnja 2017. godine na veslačkoj stazi jezera Jarun. 3. Na regati se primjenjuju FISA Rules of racing i pravila vaţešeg Pravilnika o veslačkim natjecanjima Hrvatskog veslačkog saveza. 4. Prijave na sluţbenom obrascu (disciplina, kategorija i sastave posade) trebaju se dostaviti najkasnije do četvrtka, 30. oţujka 2017. na elektronsku adresu organizatora: [email protected] Molimo klubove da u prijavi navedu godinu rođenja veslača i navedu posade lakih veslača. Ako klubovi prijavljuju više posada u jednoj disciplini, molimo klubove da ih prijavljuju redoslijedom po jačini. 5. Prijavnine za regatu se ne plaćaju. 6. Brojevi na čamcu mogu se iznajmiti uz kauciju od 50 kn po broju. 7. Veslači i veslačice seniori, juniori “A”, juniori “B” natječu se na stazi duţine 2000 metara, veslači i veslačice kadeti natječu se na stazi duţine 1000 metara. 8. Nastup veslača i veslačica bit še dozvoljen samo uz predočenje natjecateljske iskaznice ili putovnice, uz potvrdu da su zdravstveno sposobni za nastup. 9. Svi natjecatelji moraju nastupiti u svojim klupskim dresovima, jednoobrazno obučeni. 10. Veslači i veslačice kadeti su duţni nastupati sa veslima tipa Macon. 11. U slučaju da se u pojedinoj disciplini prijavi manje od tri posade, ta se utrka neće odrţati, a cijeli se program pomiče unaprijed. Ukoliko se za pojedinu utrku prijavi više od sedam posada, odrţat še se prednatjecanja istoga dana sa početkom u 8 sati. Za prva tri osvojena mjesta u A finalu bit še podijeljena zlatna, srebrna i brončana medalja. B finala za discipline u kojima je prijavljeno više od devet posada bit še odrţana prije A finala. 12. Organizator pridrţava pravo prilagođavanja satnice prema broju prijavljenih posada. 13. Sudačku sluţbu organizira Zbor veslačkih sudaca Hrvatske, uz suce goste iz inozemstva. 14. Sluţbu spašavanja i zdravstvenu sluţbu osigurava Priređivač. 15. Sastanak predstavnika klubova odrţat še se u petak, 7. travnja 2017. u 17 sati u prostorijama Doma športaša (iznad veslačkih hangara). 16. Startne liste uručit še se predstavnicima klubova jedan sat nakon završetka sastanka predstavnika klubova. Molimo Vas da zbog bolje operativnosti sve promjene u prijavama i sl. predate Regatnom odboru na vrijeme. 17. Raspis, stanje prijava, startne liste, rezultati i ostale potrebne informacije bit še objavljene na web stranicama Veslačkog saveza Zagreba na adresi www.vsz.hr . Za sve ostale informacije obratite se tajništvu Veslačkog saveza Zagreba [email protected]. 18. Smještaj i prehranu za sudionike moţete prijaviti do 22.03.2017. na e-mail: [email protected] GSM: + 385994926681 (Maro Šikiš) 19. Hranu moţete naručiti na stazi (cca. 9€ u kn) ili direktno u hotelima. Ovu informaciju pošaljite na mail organizatora do 22.03.2017. 20. Svi sudionici u natjecanju sudjeluju o vlastitu riziku. Organizator, njegovi suradnici i opunomošenici ne prihvašaju nikakvu odgovornost za bilo kakav gubitak, štetu, povredu ili nezgodu nastalu iz bilo kojeg razloga. Svaki sudionik je osobno odgovoran za svoje zdravlje i mora biti fizički spreman za napore veslačke utrke. Ţamci za vrijeme, prije i nakon natjecanja nisu osigurani. Croatia Open 2017 www.vsz.hr - www.vk-croatia.hr INVITATION CROATIA OPEN 2017 1. Zagreb Rowing Federation, VK Croatia and Croatian Rowing Federation are organizing International rowing regatta Croatia Open 2017. 2. Regatta will be held on the 8th – 9th of April 2017, at Regatta course of lake Jarun. 3. On the regatta FISA Rules of racing are being implemented. 4. Entries form (discipline, category, crew) should be sent not later than Thursday, 30th of March 2017 to the Organizers e-mail address: [email protected] If the clubs are registering more teams for one discipline, please register them according to their previous results (or faster crew CRO1, slower CRO2 and so on...). We are also requesting the clubs to mark the LGW crews and age (date and year of birth) of each competitor. 5. There is no registration fee. 6. You can get number for your boats for 50 Kuna down payments (deposit). 7. All senior rowers along with «A» and «B» juniors are competing on 2000m long rowing course, cadets are competing on 1000m at the same course. 8. All rowers have to be identified by passport, identity card, or rowing license, healthy to compete confirmed by medical doctor signature. 9. Rowers have to be dressed equal in their rowing club colors and sports-wear. 10. All cadet rowers must use Macon blades. 11. In case that less than three crews are registered for one discipline this race will not be held. In case of more than seven crews are registered for one race, elimination race will be held on the same day starting at 8:00. For winning first three places in A finals a gold, silver and bronze medal will be given. B finals in which more than 9 crews are registered will be held before all A finals. 12. Organizer reserves the right to change time schedule. 13. Umpiring is provided by Croatian Rowing Umpires Association, all other umpires are welcome. 14. The organizer will provide lifeguards and medical service. 15. Team Managers meeting will be held at Friday, 07th of April 2017 at 5:00 P.M. in Conference hall above rowing hangars. 16. Starting list will be handed to the clubs representatives one hour after the conclusion of Team managers meeting. Please give all changes (etc.) on time. 17. Invitation, list of entries, starting lists, results and all other information will be available as soon as possible on Zagreb Rowing Federation web pages at www.vsz.hr . 18. Accommodation and booking room please reserve before 22nd of March, 2017. on e-mail: [email protected], GSM: + 385994926681 (Maro Šikiš) 19. Food – lunch at regatta course (9€) or hotel. Please send this information to us before 22nd of March, 2017. 20. Transport - airport transfer included. Clubs / teams are responsible for their own transport, other needs please to contact OC. 21. All those taking part in the event do so at their own risk. The organizing authority, its associates and appointees accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience incurred, howsoever caused. Every participant is personally responsible for his health and has to ensure that he is up to the physical demands of a rowing race.
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