COURT DIRECTORY.l CHESHIRE. MIT 7C9' _j .Merriman Frank J. P. Church house,: Miller Alexander A. Rocky lane, Heswall, Mills Miss, 133 Stocks lane, Stalybridge Toft road, Knut:sford Birkenhead Mills .Mrs. 33 Central Park aven. Egremont 1 lt!errington Charles H. Chesnut cottage, l\Iil~r Charles J. Oughtrington house, Millii Mrs. John, Derby house, Hoole road, Timperley, Altrincham ' Lymm, \Varrington Hoole, Chester Merrison Capt. William, 13 Lowfield road,. Miller G. ll Grosvenor road, Hoylake Mills Samuel, 40 Cable road, Hoylake Shaw heath, Stockport . Miller H. J. The Firs, Bowdon, Altrincham Mills Thomas, Lytham villa, Parkgate Merritt Henry, Lymc view, Romiley,Stkpt Miller Hugh, 66 Hough green, Chester road, CheRter Merritt Richard Henry, 'London road, .Miller Jas. 121 Astley street, Dukinfield Mills Thomas, 12 Madison avenue, Stapeley, Nantwich , Miller James, 51 Cable road, Hoylake Cheadle Hulme, Stockport. Merry Alfred, 63 Manor road, Liscard Miller John, 14 Grosvenor rd. West Kirby Mills Thos. Hy. 213 ~1ottram rd. Stalybdg Merry Thomas, 108 Mill street, Crewe Miller John, 201 Mottram road, Stalybrdg Mills Tom Hampden, White Bank house, Merryweather Mrs. 13 Croxteth avenue,, Miller John, Yew Tree cottage, N orthen- Brinnington, Stock port Liscard j den road, Sale, Manchester Mills William, Beech grove, Ashton-upon- Merryweather Weir, 11 Westmoreland Miller John Thos. Oak av. Romiley,Stckpt Mersey, Manchester road, Liscard iMiller Joseph B. Folliott house, North- Mills Wm. 36 Hamilton st. Hoole,Chester Messenger John Rev. Farnham M.A. The· gate street, Chester Mills 'Villiam Springfield, Clarendon road, Vicarage, Newton, Hyde Miller Marmaduke, Ashton lane, Ashton- Sale, Manchester Messenger William, 5 Derby road, Heaton upon-~iersey, Manchester Mills \Villiam Downcs, '7 Kingsmearl road Moor, Stockport Miller Mrs. The Birches. Downham road, north, Oxton, Birkenhead Metcalf Edward, 503 West street, Crewe Heswall, Birkenhead :Mills Wm. E. 18 Lorne rd. Oxton, B'he~td Metcalf Giles, The Thorns, Sea Bank Miller Mrs. Fern lea, Moss lane, Bramhall, Mills William H. 11 Stoney Hey road, road, Liscard Stockport New Brighton Metcalfe Hy. 78 Crompton rd.Macclesfield I' Milledirs.l5Slatey rd,Claughton,Birkenhd Mill ward Hy. Langley hall, Macclesfield Metcalfe R. B. B.A. Mostyn house, Miller Mrs. E. C. 18 Cromer drive, Liscard Miln George P. Miln Holm. Brook la.Chstr Parkg ate, Chester Miller N eal, 53 Park road east, Birk'head Milne J. D. Belmont, Cheadle, M'chester Methuen John, Albert park, Wilmslow, Miller Ralph, 17 Park street, Macclesfield Milne Jas. Herbert J.P. Langlands, Manchester Miller Robert, Shanganagh, St. James' Cheadle, Manchester Methuen Mrs. Redcliffe, The Downs, road, New Brighton Milne .1\irs. Killearn, Priory road, Bowdon, Altrincham Miller Rudolf W. 8 Stanley villas, Green- Altrincham Methuen William Finlay, 72 Bidston road, way road, Runcorn Milne Mrs. 4 Poplar rd. Oxton, Birk'head Oxton, Birkenhead Miller Sidney Arthur, 11 Station road, Milne Samuel, Wood Leighton, Park lane, Meunier Stanislas, 98 Manchester road, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport Congleton Heaton Chapel, Stockport Miller Thos. 36 Church rd. West Kirby Milne W. Albert sq. Bowdon, Altrincham Meyer Charles J. Claremont villa, Welling- Miller Thos. jun. 38 Church rd. West Krby Milne W. Ivy ho. Over Winsford R.S.O. ton road, New Brighton Miller Thus. Alfd. 17 Regent rd.Wallasey Milne Waiter, Heathfield, .Fulshaw park, Meyer Jas. River Bank rei. Heswali, B'hd Miller Thomas Jebb, Alston place, The Wilmslow, ~anchester Meyer J. H. Brema, Sea Bank rd. Liscard Firs, Bowdon, Altrincham 1.\-filne \Vm. l James street, Macclesfield Meyer K. 6 Montpellier cres. New Brightn Miller \V. F. Hill side, Heswall, Birk'head Milne William, Riverside Park road, Hale, Michelsen Oluf, Oak,ille, Higher Bebing- ~iller Wm. H. 7 Grove rd. Rck. Frry.B'hd Altrincham ton road, Bebington, Birkenehead Miller Wm. lly. 11 Crescent rd. Egremont Milne-Redhead George Bertrarn, C'rooke, Michelson Edward, 9 Hooley range, Miller William M. 5 Peel Moat road, Aldersey, Chester Heaton :Moor, Stockport Heaton Moor, Stockport Milncr Edwd. Hartford manor, Northwich l\Iichod Madame, Fernville, Curzon park,: Millers John, Hooley range, Heaton Milner F. Pownall grn. Bramhalt, Stockprt Chester Moor, Stockport Milner Geo. Glenscot, Timperley,Altrnchm Mickle Chas. 1~ Glover street, Birkenhead Millett Mrs. 22 Bristol avenue, Egrcmont Milner John, Hale road, Hale, Altrincham 1 Micklewright John, 27 Princess st. Crewe I Milligan John, 33 Grosvenor road, Clangh- ~:lilner John, 6 X a pier road, Heaton Moor, l\Iicklewright Wm. 1 Farington st. Crewe ton, Birkenhead Stockport Midd Joseph G. Wilmslow park, Wilm- Milligan John, Newton cottage, Newton- Milner John, 7 Vaughan rd. New Brighton slow, Manchester by-Frodsham, Kingsley, \Varrington Milner Miss, The Limes, Lymm, Warngton Middlebrook Charles, Glanravon, Sea Milligan ::\Irs. Olinda, Prenton road west, MilnPr Miss, Moore house, Warrington Bank road, Liscard Higher Tranmere, Birkenhead Milner Mrs. Manor ho. Barnston, B'head Middleton Charles, Hawthorne grove, Milligan Wyndham C. A. 22 Devonshire .Milner Ralph .Mottram, The Cottage, Wilmslow, Manchester place, Claughton, Birkenhead Frodsham, Warrington Middleton Frederick, Holly mount, Dids- ~Tilling Henry, Somerville, Latchford, Milncr Samuel G. Hall lane, Mobberley, bury road, Heaton N orris, Stockport \Yarrington Knutsford l\Iiddleton Henry, Brentwood, Overton, :\'Iillington Alfred Arthur, Fern acre, Milnet:J Edwin, 15 Alfred road, Birkenhead Warrington A1derley Edge, Manchester Milnes Miss, 10 King's mount, Birkenhead Middleton John, 269 Cleveland st. B'head l\iillingtonAlfred Leigh, Hawthorn park, M:ilroy William Cunningham M.D.Edin. 1\Iiddleton T. H. 259 Nantwich.rd. Crewe \Vilmslow, Manchester 76 Sea Bank road, Liscard )Iiddleton Waiter, Gatley road, Gatley, ~Iilli~gton Charles, Victoria housp, Vie- ~l!lson Weston, ~ Haydcck road, Liscard Manchester tona road, Chester Milton Mrs. 7 Hooley range, Heaton Middleton William, 19 Grange avenue, Millington Frederick ,V. Mandalay, "·cl- Moor. Stockport Heaton Chapel, Stockport lington rd. nurth, Heaton Norris,Stckpt Milton William, 115 WPst Bank road, Midgley Alfred, Hurst lea, Alrlerley Edge, Millington George, Swiss cottage, Chester Higher Tranmere, Birkcnhead Manchester road. Macclesfield ~Iilward George, 19 Prestbury rd, Mclsfid Midgley Charles, Oak cottage, Heathbank ~iillington GrePnway, 124 Greenway road, ~Iilward Joseph, 27 Queen street, Earle road, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport Runcorn • street, Crewe 1rt:idgley Henry, Thurnscoe, N orthenden, ;\fillington Hy. Teece, 4 'Vhitefriars,Chster MinPrs Frederic J. Fern lea, Rock park, Manchester .1\Iillington John StanlPy, 8 Grange road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead Midgley John Burton, 39 Wilmslow road, Brook lane, Chester Mingay Geo. S. Hatherlow,Bredbry,Stckpfi Cheadle, Manchester Millington Thomas, Thornlea, Timporley, 1.\-iingay Herbert, 123 Stewart street, C'rewe Midgley Mrs. 19 Gibson road, Heaton Altrincham Miniati Alexander, 8 Brook road, Heaton Moor, Stockport ~Tillington Thomas, Woodlands, Tim- Chapel, Stockport Midwood A. R. Fern hill, Over, Knutsford perley, Altrincham Minns Mrs. 57 Manor road, Liscard Midwood George Morris, The Hut, Millington \'\'illiam, 2 Eskdale terraee, Minns Richard Henry, 4 Hemingford Nether Tabley, Knutsford Timperley, Altrincham terrace, Conway street, Birkenhead Midwood W.Hy. Poulton Hey,Birkenhead I Mills Alexander William J.P. Newbie, Minor Philip Scott, Hawthorn park, }!ilbourne John W. 112 Brook st. Chester Green walk, Bo•.vdon, AltrinC"ham Wilmslow, Manchester Miles Rev. John Thomas M. A. Dunclent, ~'!:ills A. 17 Mar! borough grove, Birk'head Minshall A. \V m. 22 Stalhridge rd. Crewe Northwich :Mill~ Edwin, 3 Bennett's hill, Birkenhead Minshall.:Vlrs. Cedars, Leftwch, Northwich Miles Charles Edward, 57 Willow Bank ~lills Frcderick S. Inglewood, TimperlPy, Minshall Mrs. 27 Stalbridge road, Crewe road, Higher Tranmere, Birkenhead Altrincham Minshull Chas. Howard, 5 Lorne st.Chster Miline John, 13 Holland road, Liscard Mills Fredk. W. 16 Cumberland rd. Li~card Minshull Edward, 3 Lame street, Chester Milll\Iiss, Eaton viis. 26 Eaton rd. Chester }!ills HalTV, Elsinore, Westwood avenue, Minshull John, 20 New Hall st. Macclesftd .Miller Alex. Jas. 168 Edleston rd. Crewe Timperley, Altrincham ~:linshull William, Hungerford villas, Millar ~:lrs. 65 Manor road, Liscard Mills James, Grange, West Kirby S.O. Crewe road, Sandbach Millard Wm. C. The Mount, Heswali,B'hd Mills James Edward, Bredbury hall,Stkpt l\Jinton Mrs. The Hurst, Dacre hill, Rock MillerLt.-Col.Geo.T.,J.P.Folliot ho. Chestr Mills John, Coni~ton, \Varwick road, Ferry, Birkenhead Miller Lieut. Archibald Thomas R.N. Hale, Altrincham Mitchell Rev. George, Manor lawn, Nor- H.~LS. Conway, Rock Ferry, Birk'head Mills Lawrence, 3 Rock lane east, Rock man's place, Altrincham Miller Rev. Canon John Robert Charles- Ferry, Birkenhead Mitchell Rev. John. 35 King St. Egremont WQrth M. A. Mottram, Manchester }fills l\lis8, Park housP, Park road, Hale, Mitchell RPv. John Cairns B. D., F.R.A.S. 1\Iiller Rev. Percy Alexander M.A. 6 Altrincham 37 Parkgate road. Chester Liverpool road, Chester Mills Miss, 6 Abbey ~trect, ChPster Mitchell Alexttnder, 13 Irlttm roRcl, Sal11, l'.IillJr A. .Hirehfield. Alsager,Stoke-on-Trt ~!ills Miss, 10 Sandiway rd. Altrincham· Manchastw- • .
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