VolumeXXXIV No. 10 October 1979 INFORMATION tSSUED BY THE ASSOOAJm OF aWBH RERIGHS IN 6REAT BRITAm between the ghetto and the "Aryan" Under ground Resistance Movements. Later that year, TRIBUTE TO GHETTO HEROES the ghetto set about arming themselves, and building bunkers and underground tunnels to An Address by Baroness Hornsby-Smith protect non-combatants. Again in January 1943 Nazis rounded up thousands from the ghetto ^t this year's memorial meeting on the anni­ Birkenau—a mere 15 sq. miles—well over 3-4 for Treblinka. Heroically the inadequately versary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the million people were murdered by cyanide poison­ equipped, and hopelessly outnumbered Under­ fnain address was given by Baroness Hornsby- ing. ground, inside and outside the ghetto, fought in ^mith. It was a moving tribute by a British Despite all our efforts—and as Principal Private the streets. In London we learned of these heroic Gentile to the heroism of those who were Secretary to the Minister responsible for the attacks with anguish, we could not reach them killed after a tremendous fight, and we are Underground and SOE, Lord Selborne, I typed with anything approaching adequate help. How­ privileged to be allowed to publish an extract some of his passionate pleas about the ghetto, ever, for the first time, the "Aryan" public in f''om that speech. the forced labour and the extermination camps- Poland leamed something of the diabolical treat­ I am proud and honoured to have been given it was some time before the Western Allies and ment of their Jewish citizens. '[js opportunity to pay my tribute to the faith, the national press could credit the facts and pub­ '"« gallantry and the fortitude of the Polish lish even expurgated reports. For a time, ordinary, The Ultimate Horror if^ish population incarcerated in the Warsaw decent-minded people thought we were descending Yet again, Nazi forces raided the ghetto for '-'"etto. The more tolerant Western World has to Goebbels* level and manufacturing horror further deportations: again the Jewish fighters never really assimilated the horrors imposed by stories. In an endeavour to bring home to the initially repulsed the Nazis: again street fighting •he Nazis on Eastem Europe, West the full horror of Nazi doctrine, one heroic occurred. Then the Germans cleared street by Pole, Witold Pilecki, a junior cavalry officer, .Not having been conquered and occupied for street, buming people to death in the houses and though over 40, volunteered to get himself arres­ "'"e centuries, we in Britain tend to forget the the bunkers. By May 1943 major resistance had ted and sent to Auschwitz, in order to report been defeated, and by August they had virtually °^umented evidence of Nazi plans when they back the true conditions. He escaped, with irre­ Anticipated winning the Battle of Britain, "All cleared the ghetto at a cost of 56,000 Jewish futable evidence and later fought in the Warsaw lives. A wave of horror swept the Western world. An'e bodied men between 17 and 45 to be trans- uprising. ^"•'ed to Labour camps in Central and Eastern Resistance continued in Greater Poland. Jews turope," For British Jews—extermination, Until July 1942, fighting alone, virtually un­ were joined by non-Jewish resistance fighters, and |n conquered Eastern Europe the Nazis were armed, the Jewish Underground, and Polish heroically fought on, sabotaging the German e to implement that very racial and racist "Aiyan" groups sabotaged services and factories, defence against the approaching Allied armies. P?''cy on a scale of inhumanity unparalleled in and from outside the ghetto sought to provide Then came the final treachery: the Russians 'Story, Evicted from their business and home, what aid they could to the Jews in the ghetto. deliberately delayed entering Warsaw for long ^'f properties confiscated, sacked from their In that July, in reprisal, the Germans dragged enough to see the gallantly resisting Poles, Jew and Gentile, eliminated, depriving Poland of ^^'^^ssions, half starved and crammed 13 into a from their homes and murdered in the streets heroic leaders who would not lightly accept Com­ r?™ 'f you could obtain shelter, the unquench- hundreds of Jews. Then began the mass deporta­ tion to Treblinka—on average 7,000 daily, until munist control. We mourn today the victims of n'e spirit of the Polish Jews in the Warsaw the satanic Nazi policy which took place nearly j^netto rose above these sub-human degradations. the 370,000 inhabitants in the ghetto dropped to 35,000. Communications were then established 40 years ago in the Warsaw Ghetto, but these "espite the agony of seeing 100,000 of their are not horrors of the past, much of the enmity "mber die in the ghetto by 1942, and thousands and hatred is still reflected today, under a diff'er- ^^ore rounded up for slave labour, their spirit ent regime—the Communists. In defiance of thc or"'^'"^^ unbroken. With superb discipline and UN Charter of Human Rights, the USSR con­ 8anising genius, they provided health and wel- ANNUAL CHARITY CONCERT sistently denies free speech, freedom of worship, an^ '^^"tres, they sought to educate the children by SELF AID OF REFUGEES and the right to voice criticism, and pursues a j^Q they upheld their faith. They pooled tools (in conjunction with A,J.R.) particular racist vendetta against the Jewish race. ?m^^' up workshops, the produce of which was f^Uggied out to buy food. The underground in- at How can we bring home to today's young cou"^""" services with heroic ingenuity and people, who weren't alive at the time of the Queen Elizabeth Hall Warsaw Ghetto, the perfidy of those who profess tin 'maintained quite extraordinary clandes- Monday, November 5, 1979 "^ newspapers, support for the Charter of Human Rights and at 7.45 p.m. who signed the Helsinki Agreement, and toss it 1*01 *^^* *™^' ^'^ ^^^ '" England thousands of „ es wityith our regulareeular forces and active SpeciaSnecial aside like a Kleenex tissue in relation to their Ope JUPITER ORCHESTRA rations Executives underground forces. Infor- own regime or those regimes who pursue their niai CONDUCTED BY PETER GELLHORN 'on was passed to Moscow, London and Wash- WITH IVRY GITLIS (VIOLIN) Communist ideology? We owe to those brave ^8ton, Moscow didn't want to know—if the victims of the Warsaw Ghetto that we shall Ij^'^ans eliminated men of independence, intel- Programme includes Works by Beethoven, continue to fight for the freedom and dignity of ^^ence and culture, so much easier would it be Mendelssohn and Rossini man. It will not be easy—you will be accused 'rnpose Soviet control when their long-term "Dazzling playing which we shall not readily of prejudice, of exaggeration, and, as I have Dia"i s matured. In Washington it was dismissed forget."—Tho Times. been, of hysteria. The heroic resistance of the "A beauty of tone rarely heard among violinists Warsaw Ghetto was confined to a few hundred <^verdone and over-exaggerated propaganda. It these days.—New York Herald Tribune. acres. Today, the battlefield and the victims cover (, ?'"ed American credibility to believe that a millions of square miles, and dozens of coun­ ^ 'Ured and modem state could be embarking on Tickets: £1.50, £2.50, £3,50, £5,00 and tries where human rights are consistently denied. ^Policy of wholesale extermination of all Jewish £6.00 (incl. VAT) are available now from We fought the Nazis to defend freedom. The jj^'^ens. The Special Operations Executive (SOE), Self Aid of Refugees, 8 Fairfax Mansions, victims of the Warsaw Ghetto never gave up. In Sarn"^ very popular with the regular Services, London, NWS 6JY. Telephone: 01-328 their memory and for the future generations jj!?""ed evidence of this tyranny through men 3256/6, and from October 5, 1979, from the Box Office, Royal Festival Hall, London neither must we. Some of you may find it strange tia'll '^f''^'"8 tJ'eir lives in the Underground. Ini- that I, a Gentile and an Anglican, should have tfj •' '' *as dismissed as unreliable or exaggera- SEI 8XX. Telephone: 01-928 3191. Propaganda. In the area of Auschwitz and Continued at column I, page 2 Page 2 AJR INFORMATION October 1979 NEWS FROM ABROAD THE EASTERN ORBIT MORE EXIT PERMITS EXPECTED UNTTED STATES FASCIST BOOK BANNED IN BELGIUM In July, 4,600 Soviet Jews received perinits to emigrate to Israel, three times as much as in y^j New Vanessa Redgrave Row The Brussels public prosecutor has forbidden 1978. Jewish leaders in Moscow expect ^^^^\ Jewish leaders have protested to CBS TV publication of a book "Open Letter to the Pope liberalisation of emigration which by the f"O o against the choice of Vanessa Redgrave to play concerning Auschwitz" by Leon Degrelle, a this year may rise to well over 60,000, twice tne Fania Fenelon, an Auschwitz survivor, in a three- notorious pre-war antisemite and war -time colla­ record figure of 1973. , .,;, hour TV film based on her book "Playing for borator with the Nazis who now lives in exile in Mr. Raphael Kotlowitz, head of the Je««n Time". When Vanessa Redgrave received an Spain, The book repeats the neo-Nazi claim that Agency's immigration department, announced tna Oscar in 1978, she referred to "Zionist hoodlums" no Jews were gassed and that the Jews killed this year has been a 67 per cent increase m t" in her acceptance speech. Recently she attempted were victims of Anglo-American bombing of thc number of Soviet Jews settling in Israel---<'.'*'6i to persuade Equity, the British actors' union, to camps. Mr.
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