* 'r r^S, ‘ ■ ■■-:- nV Average Daily Circulation For the Month e f AprU, 1B41 6,722 Member of the Andit Bnrean of OlrcntoUone Manchepter^A City of Village Charm (aaselSed Advertlelng On Page 12) VOL. LX., NO. 203 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1941 British Avenge Hood, Sinking Bismarck; Destroyed by Pursuing Warships, Planes l5o/on Sees British Send Bismarck to Bottom to Avenge Hood Proud New WarsKip A id Needed B y Britain Is Sent to Bottom; Bridges Asserts End of British Empire Would Mean *End of Life as Nazi Planes Attack We Know It* Now. Boston, May 27—(JP) — Senator Battleship Sunk by Coi»: Give Styles Bridges (R., N. H.), said to­ bined Might of Britsl day that “without the aid we alone ish Navy and Its can give her, England cannot long marck Attacked by > New Pledge atand." % Three Battleships, Air­ Force; Torpedo PIan< Torpedo planes from the aircraft carrier Ark Royal, backed by ships of the Royal Navy’s Atlantic fleet, sent the 33,000-ton German Asserting the end of the British battleship Bismarck (shown above in an exclusive broadside view) to the bottom of the Atlantic at 11 a. m. today in a stem revenge for craft Carrier, Numer­ in Empire would mean "the end of About Fleet p.ruelp.. the siidiing of the mighty battle cruiser Hood. life as we know It,” he told the Ad­ ous Cruisers and De­ American Made vertising Federation of America: "N o matter what ,the service de­ stroyers; Admiral and Note Containing Specific lina Hunts Do manded or the sacrifice required, Cousin of King George we must render both without com­ Truman Urges Commander Lost. Guarantees on Ships^ Quarry Long Sought* Aboard Lmt Destroyer plaint and with the hope that we Bntain Loses Six shall be able to aerve and aacrifice London, May 27.—(P)—Lord Colonies Delivered London, May 27.— Berlin. May 27.— (fP)— Ger­ enough to make poaalble the con­ AFL to Expel Louis Mountbatten, second tinuation of our oiirn nation and many’s most powerful battle­ By Washington Envoy Germany’s proud new battlsi-^' cousin of King George VI, was ship Bismarck, crippled andy the aariatance that will enable commander of the destroyer Ships in Blocking ship, the 35,000-ton Bis­ other free peoples to remain free.” Washington, 'M ay 27—(F)—The staggering in wild circles u: Machine Unit Kelly, lost in the Naval fight­ marck, was destroyed in the Sees Faith to Future ing off Crete. North Atlantic today by a French government gave renewed der the blows of aerial tO] Expressing belief that American Although the Navy announc­ formidable squadron of Brit­ aasuronces in writing today to does, was sunk today by thi business men have faith in the Advocates Action Be ed that eight officers and 120 Landing on Crete ish warships and planes the United State# that the French combined might of the Bi future of the United States, men, the greater part of the Bridges said he was confident that which had pursued the Nazi fleet and colonies would not be ish N avy and its A ir Force Taken Against Associa­ ship’s complement, were res­ surrendered to Germany o r any “when this critical period haa cued, there atill la no report of vessel since Saturday, when full revenge for destructioli tion for Approving other power. what happened to Lord Liouls. Two Cruisers and '^ o u r she sank the 42,100-ton bat­ A note containing specific gusr- of the battlecruiser Hood. A (Continued On Page Twelve) Pacific Coast Strike. Nazis Report tlecruiser Hood. The German 11 o’clock this morning, thr Destroyers Victim^ of high command, acknowledg­ (Oontinned Oa Fags Tsa) days after tlie Hood had basn^ i Senatfe Votes Bulletin! Author Avers Nazi Air Attacks 14 Merchant ing the loss of the Bismarck, blown to bits by a hit in tiiff Washington, May 27.— — Effort to Prevent Sea- said that in the final engage­ magazine from one of the Bis»i An American Federation of ment the British had three More Money march's 16-inch shells, thil; Laiwr official charged today Borne Germans Land-| Vessels Sunk 35,000-ton Bismarck henNlj To KiU Birth before the Senate Defense In- Effort Made battleships, an aircraft car- veeUgattng Couunlttee that in | ; on Gi^k Island.! xlet. andLmuneroua cruisers Now Sought settled under the surface Of Sidney HUImau, oo-director ef and destroyers, and that the Atlantic. ■ ControTBiH the Office of Production Man­ To Block Aid Cairo, Egypt, May 27.— (/P) Made Down with her went some 1,L agement had a part to ‘’stimu­ these in turn had been attack­ — Britain’s Mediterranean Sinkings men, a great German admlnl^ lating” a strike to ,the V uUm ed by Nazi planes. For Defense Guenther Luetjens, and about A ircraft Manufacturing plant fleet has lost two cruisers and TheTha German Navy'sNa^^'s fighting ad- Rejects Measure Relax­ Asserts ‘Reds’ Try to Few Days fourth of Germany'* known In Cniifomto. four destroyers in the raging miral, Guenther Cueuetjens, fleet tal ship strength. ing Ban on Practice Obstruct Shipments of Not. commander, and the Bismarck's Roosevelt Asks $3,319,* Participating to the kill Waahtngton, May 27—(/P)— Sen­ week-old Battle of Crete but commander, Captain Lindemann, By 23 to 9 Week has balked German efforts to 000,000 for More ator Truman (D-Mo) propoaed to­ Supplies to Britain; Berlin, May 27.— (ff)\Fourteen as well as an undetermined num­ .(Oouttaaod Qu Page' Ught) land sea-borne troops, and the ber of the crew were lost, the high After House Passage. day that the American Fedemtlon Units Aboard All Ships "heavily laden enemy mS^chant- Airplanes; To Extend of Labor expel the International epic struggle on land now command said. men tptalUng 77,600 tons" \havo It was not disclosed what had Machinists Association from its ‘‘hangs in the balance,” the His Chat 15- Minutes. state Capitol, Hartford, May 27 ranks for approving a strike of Washington, May 27 — OP) — : been sunk "in waters West of happened to the rest of Leutjen's British announced ,to(lay. — (JP)— The Senate killed the con­ machinists which haa tiled up work Richard Krebs, German author rica"' by German submarines, fleet or whether he even had ad­ (In London the Admiralty an­ ditional warships accompanying Washington, May 27—(F). —In F la sh es! troversial birth control bill today In San Francisco ship yards in vio­ and former Communist, told the lation of an A F L agreement nounced that it had accounted for high conunand announced today. e Bismarck. the midst of preparing a moment­ (Late ^gllettas el tSa (ff) W in) by a roll call vote of 23 to 9. House Committee on UnAmerican President William Green of the 60 officers and 956 men from the Informed sources indicated the / Sunk By Ftonea ous pronounesment on goverq- The Senate, after a qery debate AFL, testifying In the Senate De­ Activities today .that “Communist ships lost. It said there was good sinklngB hays occurred during the mental policy. President Roosevelt Jap Navy Ready for Aetlea before crowded galleries, rejected TbKhlgh command said the Bis­ fense Investigating Committee’s organisations make all possible reason to believe that other* will last few days. asked Congress today for $3,319,- 'Pekyo, May 27. — (J V -U i the measure relaxing Connecticut's, marck w u actually stmic by planes inquiry into the walkout at 11 efforts to obstruct United State# be reported later.) It was not disclosed whether the from an\Mrplane carrier and by 000,000 in appropriations for more etatemeat mads oa the 60-year-old ban on the practice of shipyards, stopping $500,000,000 shipments of supplies to Grekt Beaidea the sunken ahipa high vessels reported sunk were In a birth control exactly a week after three B r i t ^ battleahlps. airplanes. Pieeideat RaoeevelfB of ship construction, said Tru­ Britain." official quarters said, that two bat- ■Ingle convoy, or whether the re­ Numerous^c^sers and destroy­ Stephen Elarly, presidential eec- toalght Cap*, mdee Hlralde, Navy it had passed the House, 164 votes man’s proposal would constitute Moscow holds the "whip band,” Ueships and several other crubrnrs port covered a series of unrelated to 64. i ers also were m ^ e British squad­ retary, told reporter* that the Mtolstry s^esnaui, declared "extreme ateps." he asserted, because "no ship sails had been damaged, but said "there operations. chief executive would extend hla Vote On BUI ron. Damaged Saturday in her duel laqierfal Navy I* always preparsA “It seems to'm e that this is an that does not have aboard a Com­ ia no question whatever of our. One 3,000-ton British tanker fireside chat tonight an extra 15 ta meet aay eveatoali^. Ta^. Those voting for the bill 4n- with the Hood. th ^ ,qp 0 -ton ship extreme case and more than the munist unit.” i. Naval position in the eastern Medi­ was sttok yesterday near the Ork­ was further diaablw^ln the des­ minutes and asserted: buadred warships riuded: welfare of the A F L is involved,” Earlier, he told the committee terranean having been prejudicial­ ney Islands and anoUier of 4,000 perate chase which foi “ I think you can any that by gaged la patrol duty aloag Ui^ Senators Curtiss, E!nquisL...C. F, Truman retorted. "The welfare of that Tommy Ray, whom he iden-l ly affected." tons was destroyed somewhere In Wednesday morning there can no Baldwin, Bingham, Waracke, Peet, The high command add^, how­ Ohiaa eeast with 'the United States la involved.” tifled aa a Communist leader, is Receiving Reinforoements the North Atlantic, the Germans longer be any doubt ae to what addItloBal warsblpe together Judaon, Holbrook and MUls.
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