MANCHESTER Bufirer John, Pork Butcher, 123 Chapel St

MANCHESTER Bufirer John, Pork Butcher, 123 Chapel St

DIRECTORY BUH TO BUR MANCHESTER Bufirer John, pork butcher, 123 Chapel st. Slillord Bunting !\lary Ann, householdE>r, 109 Duke si;. Chorlton rd. Builders' Association, 49 & 50 Arcade chambers, St. Mary's gate Samuel, grocer, 1 Stanley pi. Rochdale rd. Harpnrbey J. H. Andrew, secretary - William, baker, 34 Owcn st. Hulme Bnilding Society & General Fire Insurance Co. Old Bank cham- Bun ton Susannah, householder, 4 New Ja.mea at. Ellor st bers, 87 Market st-John Wainwright, secretary; Willia.m Buo ys A. W. & Oo. fruit. preservers, 59 to 61 Edward st Oldham M Thomson, 26 Victoria st. agent Burbidge Edwin, printei", 13 Kmgston Bt. Chester Bt. Hulme Bnlcock James, shopkeeper, 169 Abbey Hey la. Gorton [brookst Joseph, fret cutter,S9 Chester st; house, 21 Holgate st. H Bull Arthnr, pickle manufacturer, 89 Oxford st. Hulla.rd at. Corn· Joseph, police constable, 2 Lorn st. Chester rd --Charles, fishmonger, 193 Tipping st. Ardwick I Pritchard & Bartleet (London,, tea merchants, 42 _Lancaster --Elizabeth, householder, 58 Hyde grove, Plymouth grove, a OD M avenue, Fennel st-Charles B. Walker, agent -- George P_ stover, 19 Williams st. Chapel st. Balford William, salesman, 13 BuckinRham rd. Lovenshulme --Harry, clerk, 60 Herbert st. Cheetham Burbie Brothers, provisio-4 merchants, Pigot"a court, 66 Oorpora­ --John, designer, 6 Anne st. Cheetham Hill tion st -- Joseph C. traveller, 73 Park st. Greenheys Bureh Joseph, patent agent, Exchange buildings, CroiPford coarl, --Robert James, grocer, &a. 88 London rd Market st; house, Adswood grove, 8to11kport Bullen .Bonjamin, wine cooper, B Ma.tlock pl. C on M: Bur () Mrs. Elizabeth, 82 Chodton rd. Hulme -- BenjaJP1n, vanman, 7 Boundary lane, C on M Burd Frederick, district manager f'or the 'Star LU"e --James, householder, 8 \Valter st. Portland grove, I?allowfield A ssurauce Society, &; agent to the Manchester Fire, 'he -~John, beer retailer, 46 Liverpool :rd N orwich & London Accident, the London Guarantee & Accident --Joseph, draper, Stewart ter. 273 Gorton lane, W G c o. Limited, & other insnrauce companies, Wellingion chambt!Ps, --Joaeph, brass finisher, 26 Cooke st. Rutland st. Hulme 2 Victoria st ; house, Birch wood House, Heaton Moor -- Margaret, beer retailer, 13 Broughton lane Bur d George, calico printer (W. Rumney et Co.), Palatin& :rd. Bnller Edwin, joiner, 4 Earl st. Rusholme Withington [(} on M --Thomas, warehouseman, 19 Langworthy rd. Weaste John G. commission agent, lB Lever at; house, 48 Dover st. -- Thomas, draper, 273 Gorton lane, West Gorton Bpr dpkin Benjamin, briokmaker, 23 Bradburn st. Johnson 811. Bnllick John, tailor, S Devonshire st. Hnlme Cheetham Bullipg Jat.aes, labourer, 82 East Ordsallano, Salford Gcorgc, shoemaker, 46 Grecnga.te, Salford Bnllivant A. R. joiner & builder, Lewis st. Rochdale rd John Thomas, clerk, 15 Raglan st. Hulme --.~Amos Ueed, l'lhopkeeper, 97 CollyhurRt At Mary, butcher, 344 Regent rd. Sal1ord --James 0. tobacconi~t. 44 Regent rd. Sal!ord Sophia, householder, 37 Woodst. Grcenheys --Lingham, grocer, 43 Roger st. Red bank Burder Henry Cllarles, solicitor (Warner & Burder), Kingswood, 5 -- Mary, milliner & dressmaker, 32 Queen's rd St. Mary's rd. Higher Crumpsall -- Nathaniel, draper, 79 Dale st. Hulme [Murray & Reekie, a.gen ts John, solicitor, notary public, secretary to the llishop of Bnlloeh Brothers (Belfast), shirt manufacturers, 77 Fountain st.--­ Manchester, & deputy registrar of the dioce~e, 7 St.James's Bullock Ada, confectioner, 69 Great Ducie st square; house, 8 Wilton polygou, Cheetham Hill ~,.-Alfred, beer retail£r, 17 James st. Lower Crnmpsall Burdett George, shopkeeper, 21 Upper Medlock st. Stratford rd. R --Alfred H. chemist & druggist, 209 Oldfield rd. Salford James, householder, BO Carli3le st. Hnlme -- & Worthington, solicitors, 40 Kennedy st Thomas, coru merchant (Jobnson & Burdett), 160 Earl et. L --Ann, householder, 8 Peel st. Lloyd st. Hulme William 0. cabinet maker, 40 Bonsall st. Hulme --Ann, hQuseholder, 14 Grosvenor st. Chcetham IIill Bur ditt Frank A. traveller, 13 Small fit. C on M -- .Annic, cmbl'Oiderer, 125 Bradford rd Bur don Henry, clerk, 35 Ellesmere st. Moss Side --Elizabeth, Wellington Hotel, 120 Regent st. Salford Burge Phillis, householder, 1 Gretney st. Raglan st. Hulme -- Francis, LL.D. academy, 162 Radnor !!t. Hnlme Richard, old bookseller, 11 Princess st; house, 24 Poyntpn Bt. -- George H. dairyman, 87 Faii·field st Greenheys George W. carver & gilder, SO & B2 Albcrt st. St. Mary's; h 0. B urgess & Co. general earlier& and agents for Sut­ Ellesmere park, Eccles t on & Co. daily parcel express carriers, 32a. Fonn. --Henry, householder, 57 Bickley st. Moss Side tain st --Henry, chemist (po~t receiving house), 95 Oldfield rd. Salfor d. Burgess & Galt, joiners & builders, contractors, 20 Upton st. Stock­ --Henry, carver & gilder, 27 Water st. Bridge st. & 14 l<'ountalD port rd st; house, 65 Talbot st. Moss Side & Henshaw, soap manufacturers, Green lane, Brook st. a on M --James, beer 1·etailer & greengrocer, 816 Stockport rd. Con M Ann, householder, 32 Plymouth grove --John Henry, solicitor (Bullock & Worthington), Blackpoo~ Ann, milk dealer, 37 Ordsallane, Salford --Joseph, shopkeeper, 31 Briscoe st. Ardwick Arthur H. general printer, stationer, &c. 88 Cannon st; ~ouse, --Joseph, boot & shoe maker, R9 Beswick st. Beswick 166 Stocks st. Oheetbam ' --Julia, day school,44 Raby st. Moss Side Charles R. shopkeeper, 2 Clitf st. Higher Broughton -- Lewis, messenger, 3B China. lane, Piccadilly Edward, dairyman, 300 Ordsallane, Salford -- Mary, householder, 20 Camarvon st. Cheetb&m Edwin, wine & spirit merchant, & ale & porter merchant, BB --Michael, shopkeeper, 834 Abbey Hey lane, Gorton Ardwick green --Peter, joiner, 8 Tennant st. Everton rd. Con M Edwin, agent, 1 Sndley ter. Moss lane, East -- Rnpert, shopkeeper, 21 Norwood st. Nelson st. Con M Elizabeth, laundress, 34 Nelson st. Monmouth st. Rusholme --Samuel, confectioner, 90 Tatton st. Salford Ellen, clothes broker, 1 Back Kay st. Rusholme rd -- Thmnas, LT,.n_ 24 Marlborough rd. Cheetham Emma, tobacconist, 24 Bury Old rd. Cheetham Hill --Thomas, shopkeeper, 45 Park avenue, Longsight [C on M Emest, grocer, 186 Roehdale rd --Thomas, plumber & hardware olealer, 60 & 390 Stocltport r d. Fletcher J_ engineer, 3 River st. Salford -- W. 0. manager (the Manchester, Limited), Anchor l~ot el, George, labourer, 9 Wellington st. Bradford Urmston George, engine driver, :n Newall st. Bury New rd. Sa.lford -- William, shopkeeper, 83 Tamworth st. Hulme George, clerk, 21 Greame st. )foss Side Bullough Carolina, midwife, 82 Monsall st. Queen's rd -- George, wheelwright, 79 Uollyhurst st. Rochdale rd -~ James, watchman, 16 ::-:.tonehewcr st. Rochdale rd Georg-e, cotton manutacturer (Burgess, Ledward & Co.), --J ames, packer, 46 Hflrrison st. Pendleton Ellesmere park, E~cle-& --John George, solicitor, 39 Princess st; house, 3 Oxford ter. 0 T Georgo, Joiner, 20 Lamb st. Richmond grove East. Long sight --Lawrence, new,agent, 6 Union st. Ardwick George, carter, 21 Union st. Greenheys -- Mrs. Margaret, 3 Oxford ter. Stretford rd. Old Trafford George Robert, cashier, 229 Oldham rd -- Thomas, pattern card maker, 16 Saxby st. Claremont r d. - Hamlet Lowe, traveller, 131 Church st. Newton Heat:t,1. Ir!ams-o' -th'-Height Harriet, householder, 1 Mercfr st. Embden st. Hnlme Bullus Gem·ge, wheel maker, Brownsfield Mill, Great Ancoats s t. Henry, traveller, 15 Upper Hulton st. Moss Side house, 9 Union st. Great Ancoats st ' Henry, pawnbroker (Henry Burgess & Son), Box Cottage, Green Bulman John, engineer, 54 Ashton rd. Openshaw lane, \Vitbington Bulmer Ellen, tailor & draper, 86 Cross lane, Salford Henry, pawnbroker, 37 Gcorge at. Hulme --Isabella, householder, 42 Sidney st. C on M Henry, pawnbroker (Henry Burgess & Son), 24 Vine st. Hulme -- William H. warehouseman, :tferbert st. B lackley Henry, labourer, 10 HDdgson st. Union st. Lower Broughtonrd Bulow William, druggists' assistant, 119 Great Western s t. Henry, beer 1 etailer, 370 & 372 Oldham rd Alexandra rd. Moss Side Henry, foreman, 497 Oldham rd. Newton Heath Bultoel Mr. Samuel William, 1 Buckingham crescent, Victoria park Henry, joiner, 28 Botham st. Moss Side Bulthy Mine Lead & .Barytes Works Company, 56 Deansgate-Allan Henry, labourer, 121 Tatton st. Salford F. Dutton Henry & Son, :(lawnbrokers,154 Medlock st. Hnlnle Bumby Prederick Edward, householder, 13 Duke st. Monmouth st .R J ames, maker-up, 5 Tipper st. H ulrne --Thomas Wood, butcher, 205 Regent rd. Salford James, currier & stmpping manufacturer, Naylor Street Works, --- William D. silverplater, 3 RGbert st. Con M Oldham rd -Pay day, first Tuesday-honso, Franklip Bumstead John, currier, &c. (John Bumstead &; Co.;, Holly Vil la, House, Harpnrhey Massie st. Cheadle James, police constable, 9 Leak st. Cornbrook --John & C'o. leather merchants, 43 Bridge st. Deansgate, 28 Jamcs, labourer, 69 ~Ionmouth st. Wilmslow rd. Rusholme Oldham rd. & 149 Stretford rd. Hnlme B urgess James (successor to Abel Clegg), manufac• --Thomas 'l'. cashier, 16 V ere st. Eccles New rd. Salford turer of all kinds of lamp wicks & sponge cloths, 13 & 15 Brad­ Bunce 'Ibomas, traveller, 242 Brunswick st. Con l\I [Deansgate sh aw st. Shudehill; house, 22 Elizabeth st. Oheetham Bunn & Thorpe, embroidery designers, 39 & 40 Exchange arcad e, Burgess James, householder,:> Waiters pi. Hyde st. Hulme -- Sarah Ann, householder, 28 Wrigbt st_ Greenheys James Stanley, chemist & dentist, 63 Regent rd. Salford --\V. .F. de~igner (.Bunn & Thorpc), 29 Thomas st. Chectham Hi·u Janc, householder, 27 Greame st. Moss Side -- William T salesman, 16 Brentwood, Eccles Old rd. P John, dyer,4 Glad stone st. Salford Bunner 'l'lwmas, traveller, 2J Cmft st. Lower Rronghton John, S"llesman, 4 N clson st. Old ham rd_ Miles Platting Bunning Robert, joiner, 188 .Maine rd. Moss Side John. t· vrller, 14 Thompson Bt. Strangcways -- Robert, cowke per, 22 Augustus st. Brool s's bar J In'> fur an, 23 Chapel field rd. Ardwick Bunt Edward, manufaduring confectionLr, 43 Oxford st. Con M John, cl er , tlO Bradford rd Ilunting & Chadwick, yarn ftgents, 4 Blue Boar court John, w relwus man, 45 Goodier's lane, Regent rd.

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