Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 8-26-1998 Arbiter, August 26 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. The···· · August26"t998'Vol~rne12 Issye4 First Copy Free Terrorlsminferferes ,with presidential philandering 9 Relax.You're ~fe (sortc».f) ,'21, 25 _ ..,.:..•,.".:,..,;.,c. ...,........•....••••...•..." ...••.••.••............. 2 .....•.•.• The Arbiter_.' ---. --- Angust26,1998 3 __ ----' 1910 University Drive • ·1'1'11 . Boise, Idaho 83725 , ..,.-, ", .. ,. arblter:ldbsu.edu Editor in Chief Opinion ASBSU'srecycling coordinator talks Kelly Millington Teal about aluminum, plastic and Java •••. .' •..•••• ' ••.•..•.. .4 Business Manager Brad Arendt Dale-n-lra share some precious moments •••.•...••••••••• 5 News Editor New columnist lesleigh Owen hits the F-Spot •..•....•••••• 7 Carissa Wolf Sports Editor Michael Coxe What's Going On? SeeManufacturing Consent andBuilt to Spill ...•.•..•...•• 11' Arts & Entertainment Editor Erica Hili If you're interested in joining Kappa Sigma, members have plenty Online Editor happening this week ........·......................11 Carrie Nielson Advertising Sales Sean Murphy News Check out the Newsbucket for schedules of lectures and bands •. 12 C1assifieds What has PeopleSoft done to BSU? ...•.•.•.....•.••••. ~15 Kelly Moody Production Manager Carrie Nielson Find out what Pegand larry Blake mean to students .........16 ," . Staff Writers Benjamin Bauer.Autumn Hayne Scott Huntsman Cover Feeling a bit mystified by student health insurance? Charlie Jokisaari • Jessi Loerch Doreen Martinek We erase the confusion 18 Nate Peterson Gene Plccottl • Toby Stelskal Allison Wornell Arts ft Entertainment Readabout groovy productions coming to a theater near you ••• ,.16 Photographers Troy Kurtz Student ProgramsBoardis on thebaUl . ~lIesha Oberbllllg . Columnists. Foreign films are taking over theSPE~'i""·:·· ..~•••• · ,.~27i.· ..;.' .' ~iMellssa Albert., Ira Amyx Damon Hunzeker Catchup on thelat,~tr~!~~.~'wi~hf~p~ule~~~rrs .. ~.•. •.. ~29 . Leslelgh Owen : ...• ·c .. c-- " • ,.: ,,"',';;. " __ ; ,_.. , .• ;.' Asenclon Ramirez. Dale Slack 'Intramura(s start soon. The big p(us?Youcan wfn$150 .••••••• 3p\ Cartoonists Sports. Ira Amyx • Eric Ellis Get the update on volleyball and rugby ••••••••••• ~•••••• 31 Lisa Goetzman Jeremy Lanningham Dale Slack Distribution Supervisor Study Break! We give you all the regular stress relief-now really stretch Nathan Goff your brain with Boise State trivia ••.•• . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .34 Distribution Nathan Shake 'Biter of the Week ... Peter Wollheim, our intrepid advisor, ,d~serves at least this. He Reception sticks with us from beginning to end, keeps us sane, and heck, he s m the Top Ten! Stefanle Wood Editorial Advisor TheArbiter is the official stu- Peter Wollhelm dent newspaper of Boise State Business Advisor University. Its mission is to pro- Whine and dine at WIlliam Hart vide a forum for the discussionof The Arbiter online. Contact Os! issues affecting students~faculty Phone 208.345.8204 and staff. The Arbiters budget Fax 208.426.3198 consists oHees paid by students [email protected] [email protected] and advertising sales. The'paper http://arbiter.idbsu.edu [email protected] is distributed to the campus on . [email protected] [email protected] Wednesdays during the school year. The firstcopy is ,·free. The Arbiter Encourages Reader Response Additional I:oplescost·· $1.00 each, payable at. The Arbiter News, a & e and sports go~dies '... and Letters to the Editor llllti~I_'. now presenting your very owri gripe.. 1910·Unlverslty Drive office. j Bolse,ID 83725 k::i?f:ii_eW:; iF forum (http://arbiter.idbsu.edu/opinion.htm). [email protected] ••• I'" '.''',... • I f t"" " • .. ~ ' .. w ~ _ .•• ,:~._._._._ _~ ~ .•• _. _. .__ __ ._..-._-. ...;.. ' .• _. •__ ~ • __ ._. .~ _ .. l.__ ,•• ~~ __ ~ ·_· ·-···_··-_··-··-·-- Angmt26,1998 _.:..-- ...... 4 Give me Damon or give The Arbiter death! Damon or give The Arbiter parentsthe year CabbagePatch Despite my disturbing dis-. To the editor: deathI" Kidswerethe rage.Perhaps,like I searched high and appointment, I write you not.to complain, but rather to warn Sincerely, Whenevera new edition of my folks, The Arbiter wrote a low for my 1.0iU., :you of the rumors circulating MiChelle Dunlop TheArbiter emerges,I peelaway little promissory note-not for amonga selectcircle of Flaming President, Cabbage Patch layersof wrapping,like achild at the doll with a dimpledfaceillu- looking in every Taurusfans. An uprising by a Recuperation Project . her birthday lookingfor her pres- minated by "corn silk'" hair (the , page, every piece of groupcalled the HunzekerHuns Member, Damon'sDarlings ent, her prize. I expected my child spawn of King Cabbage will occur unlessyou give in to approachto the July edition to Xavier Something-or-Other)-but .'wrapping, every their demandsof printing week- Editor's explanation:, You be no exception. After tearing for onearticle written by the Big cabbage leaf, every ly one Damon original plus must forgive us! The July issue was through The, Arbiter package, Bender Boy himself,· Damon basement bar on explaining the missing piece, overf'owing with articles; due to however, I found no prize; a Hunzeker. space constr~lnts we printed return- more thorough examination I searchedhigh and low for Tenth Street. the prize. Beware. Eventhe ,USWest ing columnist Melissa Albert in revealedno treasure. myI.O.U., lookingin everypage, workers have been intimidated place of Damon Hunzeker. May we Hmm • • . perhaps The every piece of wrapping, every wasfound. by the striking Huns' catchy assure you we will do our best not Arbiter was running a little cabbage leaf, every basement Is the pageblank, the party to let it happen again? P.S~Thanks behind schedule and forgot to bar on Tenth Street. Alas, no over?Arethe fields barren, the chants of "Show me the Hunzeker!" and "Give me for the intensely faithful following! "pick up" the present-like my article, no I.O.U., no Hunzeker glassesempty? . I ': RecyclingTechnician(WorkStudy i. My name is Carolyn ASBSUhasalso beenworking bag-its (two bagshookedonto a November titled 'America position onlyl). If interested, . Farrugiaand I am the cur- on a recyclingmug.Wedeveloped rack) for paper.Someof the alu- RecyclesDay.' Its main purposeis please inquire at ASBSUat 426- • rent ASBSU Recycling it to promote recycling on cam- minum recycling bins will be to create awareness.Moredetails H 1440. Director.I amexcitedto inform all pus, and to reduce placed out- will follow. I want to thank all students students that recycling is alive the useof disposable side, between ASBSUis creating and devel- We are currently who participated in recycling and well. Over the last year, cupsat the universi- buildings. This opingtwo brochuresfor students. projects last ASBSURecycling has achieved ty. We are currently designing and will enable One will focus on We are seeking year, indud- many goals, and is continuing to designingand order- ordering a mug for students to recycling·.throughout i n g accomplishmore everyday.Some ing a mug for stu- recycle their campus, and the organized individuals Earthweek, of the challengeswe faced last dents to use in the students to use in beverage cans other will look at interested in making the Residence year were to pick up materialson SUB, and at area the SUB, and at area more easily. recycling in the. resi- a difference on Hall Spring a consistent basis; and protect Moxie Java loca- We are hoping dence halls. We are Cleanup, those from the weather. tions. The mug Moxie Java these bins will also working on fly- campus. Adopt a Bin, Sofar, we havefulfilled both should be available be in placeand ers, table. tents, ..our locations. the Recycling those challenges_Currently, we for students to pur- 1 0 cat e d own logo, and a page Rally,and the havepurchaseda shedlocat- chase when' school t h r 0 ugh 0 ut . that will be linked to B-Greenmeetings.ASBSUhopesto ed nearcampus.Wealsopick starts. Eachmugcosts$2.50,and campusby the time schoolstarts. the ASBSUmainweb page. continue work with those stu- to'.,' ~ up all recycling materials students wiU receive a beverage ASBSUis workingon a couple FinaUy,weare seekingorgan- ,', . dentsand many more. Ourgoalis - every Monday, Wednesday discount for using the mug.from of specialprojectsfor studentsto izedindividualsinterestedin mak- to increaserecycling on campus, ~ and Friday afternoons. It is the abovelocations. participate in. We have plans to inga difference.on campus. We while enhancing awarenessand still important that each Over the last few months, celebrate Earth Dayin April, and have two voluntary .positions j education on campUsand in our -; department caUthe Physical ASBSUhas been preparingfor to host the Second Annual (internship credit is a~soavail- community•.Thanksl. .!i Plant, at extension 1409 to more recycling stations on cam- ResidenceHaUSpringCleanupin able) andoneworkstudyposition ~ request a. pick up. Physical. pus. Sofar we havebeenable to May.This event was a huge
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