* GENERAL ELECTRIC Shoemaker Construction proudly presents & WITH ' ^ ( TIGHT TOR LIVING V 'HTAI1NG and COOLING I KITCHEN am) LAUNORV j for those who want the very best You are invited to visit and inspect these "luxury class' homes - designed to give all the extras in convenience and beauty! IDYLLWILDE brings a new concept of the "better home" to Central Florida - with roomy interiors, fabulous floor plans> complete heating and air conditioning by G.E. Weathertron, dream kitchens fully equipped by General Electric, ultra-modern bathrooms, color-paved patios, and many other features you'll need to see to believe! See our model home • furnished in excellent taste especially for this occasion by the FURNITURE CENTER - Sanford's modern mart for fine furniture at 1100 French Avenue. children, and plenty while you browse at DIRECTION) Turn West nt the Irnfflc Withl on 17-92 and 20th St. Drive 2 mile* I.. IMYI.LWIUJl S h D S W ia k & A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 1N( ('untom HulMing n Specialty 911 ii* ct tiencrul Office FA 2*3109 211 n . *5lh ST. Sale* Office FA 2*7193 1 / / m Chamber To Ask (UiTi' Hjrraiit WEATHER: Cloudy with d unce of nhower* through Tue,Kitty. lliuh toduy, 88-95. lx>vv tonijjht. 70-7G. Big Budget Boost VOL. 83 United Promt leaned Wire Eatabllfthed I90S * M0N1»AY. JULY 24. 1W’*I SANFORD. FLORIDA NO. 241 JUZLVA... The Seminole County Chamber! ■ Ofciclafs plan to ask the eitjr | Chamber officials plan to eite 0/ Commerce plans an increase for the added money at the City h* progress of the nuannatun «t almoit 410.000 in n* proposed Cu mm it non meeting scheduled at the City Commission meeting budget for 1961-62, it u i learned for 1 p. m, today. BRIEFS Howling Anna Hits Honduras tonight. *pday. The proposed 1961-62 budget bat ^Chamber offlciaU plan to n k been estimated a 1I2.7T.V as com The chamber .1- hope, m«m-| p r<)poses FoolJ B an k MIAMI (l *1*1 > — Iliirrieune Anita sent its 85-mils*- 75 rn.p.h. but stjualls extended Otllward between 80 and bersbipt for the new ftaral year the city and county to imreate pared to 433.UU) last year, WASHINGTON <tTI> - S'n an-hour wind* howling into Southern ltritinh llotuiurua 100 miles. will bring in 412.000. tl « ahare of budget apprupria- u,e chamber hopea to increase A V ugdtr Wiley (R-Wisi. hai today and lieg.m to weaken over the Central American The bureau said the it a. m. advisory would be the lions from 4!0.eno to 412.003 each. last to os issued. ------------• -------------------------- me aalariea of ita employe! from proposed Mtabltabmenc a/ a oa country .« rmigit terrain, the Miami W eather bureau re­ 413.TOO to 411.300; auto expen-es lionet food bank. ported. "Heavy mine w .11 continue in the storm area to­ from *2.100 to 43.300 and advert!*- In an advisory issued at II a. tu., Ihe bureau ait id day and tonight," the bureau said, "with flash floods :SateJhie3J«i)5., * ••"HI T)r<oi«nfkl ii i** fpwa*** • r o Hear ir.>er-u^iArt1uh_Hl.V^Trro t* s Anna rhswjfd («(« \hn TnntT* nd in the Mungo Crwk likely in hlUv and mono 'nous areas of IJritish llomiur- liv.uov,. CHICAGO (UPD — ykaiier ititn V»' nulw wiiTfi itTtiVv. tvii"^*' » *1 y~**\ o r tir r . • a— *.-» 'hs»«* ‘ *•*’“ >1 *3rW ----------- - r -fyr* •A n, A^teVWc ‘ The chamber alao plana to In Jamea McNwrney nf the L’nivvi*. It was ex|wtt*d to koetp a general westerly course at altutg the ctsist today bu. , tall craft should remain m create the funda for the armed Request For Cost ity of Michigan. ha« been named about eijjht miles per hour before breaking tip in th<* sato harbor until seas subs* Leaalw Action force! from 4500 to 41.000 preai.tent of the .National Hit* mountains later today And tonight. Anna blew up front an area of low pressure in the Croat Aaaoeiation. The advisory pinpointed the storm's center near Caribbean on Thursday. Its center had not touched any Of Living Boost latitude 16.5 north, longitude 89.0 west. It said the sea* of the Central American mainland until today, although l gainst Sanford New Group Head son's first hurricane started to slacken in intensity it wallowed just off the coast of Honduras Saturday and The City Commission, at shortly after moving over land. Winds dropped to Sunday. The Stale Board of Health Sun­ regular meeting tonight, wdl LAFAYETTE. Ind. lU Ph — day instructed Ita State Health ZMr*. O. Ivan Cote of Cincinnati, prevented a request for.... coat. .. ...of Qiiio, has been named president ol Officer to write Sanford aaymg living increavei for ad city cm- .... ... ... , . „ the International Christ.in Wom-| the board will take legal action ptoyei. ca » Fellow vhtp. if the city doet not pro.ide an All cay employe* were given approved sewage disposal system a slight colt of living enervate before laying any more aewera. la*t year. Polygamy Hit $Th* City Commiaaion. meeting Records at City Hall today re- CONAKRY. Guinea (UPI) - in regular aenion tonight, is ex­ waled lltat of lb* lot city em­ Polygamy wa* branded the worst pected to answer the advisory ploye* exctuiive of ftremro and enemy of African womanhood at from the at ale policemen, 62 van. lew than 43<M s conference here thu weekend. Slate health oflirrra already per month. Imprnaliim came in second. bad naiiwd cuy officials that no By LARRY VERSHKI, The lap six ears.a ; abov* 4(on more aewer can be laid without The police depart mem honored or more are the finance director, Coral an adequate treatment plant. Chief Roy Williams with a iur- public work* director, planning GREEN COVE SPRINGS (fP l) However, Sanlord already hax privc party at Jim Spencer > Fri­ and bulletin a official, park* an I Vincent Henderson, 13. died Sat atarted paving the way for a day night. Chief William* cele­ reerva un director, mutant fin- urday afler being bitten by a treatment plant with the hiring of brated hi! 62nd birthday and i> ance director and street superm Coral *nake he found while mo*-, ^iglncera to draw up prelimin­ now rounding out hia (2nd year lendent. m i s t»*n. I ary plant and specific* lion* for with the local department. A breakdown of 111* monthly . the plant. • • • salary cla**ihr*lion ihowi that I lltC J f 1'iltC U t In othrr buaineia, at (he elate The County Commission really -t employe* earn from 4U« to FORT LAUDERDALE (UPI)— health meeting Sunday. Ur Eu- wit) have Ita handa full on the $:oo fier month; 23 earn from gene J. Peak Jr. of Ocala waa The first large-scale move to 1901-62 budget—We hear that bud 420! to 4220 ; 26 earn from 4231 integrate the public beach at elec ed preaident of the board get requests total well over 4W0,- to 4300; tix earn Irani 4310 to 4330 succeeding Dr. John O. M.llon o! Fort Lauderdale cam* peacefully 000. and 10 earn from 4331 to 4(03 Sunday. Miami. • • • Tlw meeting it scheduled to Idle new schedule lor the Ft begin st 6 p. rn. Hawkins Mctloa Park swimming poo! re a! GAINESVILLE U PI) — Fune­ UN Secretary ly wdl be beneficial for the public ral services were scheduled at wuh ill ibote additional hour*. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Toe pool will tie upen Monday U. S. Plane Forced Tuesday for Dr. J Ft. Hawkins, Speeds To Tunis through Saturday—9:00 a. m. un head of the I'niveroly of Florida til noon and t 30 p. m until Department of lititnry. TUNIS. Tunisia <UPI) - United p. m. The pool will be open on| To Fly To Cuba Nation! Secretary General Uag Tuesdays and Thursdays front Worried Hamniarakinld iped on a peace p m. until 9 p. m. and Sunday* MIAMI lllPH — An Eastern from 2 p. m. until 6 p m. ORLANDO (UPI) - Georgia mission to Tunisia today am id Air lanes plane carrying 33 pa*- SI* c Itrp. Alpha Fowler said report! thal a French waraiup Sanger* mid a crew of five w»* Saturday night Georgia is worried ■tas unloading new troop rein- There’s also been a change In T3ir pilot of an EaMrrn Air that oilier state* may p**s Jaw* TorccmentJ near battle sc*!™ ( He Ci»>c Center scledul* (o-< ft".Jay* Bigbl* rh# facility wdl be I nr> plane iariylux It- V ,dl" similar to Fiurula’a poultry in- Biaerte. on a routinr Xliaml-Tainpa tun spec.ion and tagging law. Turn Mar. toured ta d that re­ open to Jtiumr High yaungitrr« only and on Sa urday night*— via* Inrird at gunpoint today to inforcement! were being put fly la llivsns whrre Fidel Csi- Cooper • ahnre at Cape Blane. three mile* Senior and Junior High combined « * • tru it grttlltg *rt fv.r I naliunsl CORAL CABLES (LTD — Dr Donald Arnold, wax chat pud with driving while intoxi­ nor tit iv eat of til re etc. The report A ZO-YKAH-OU) A|K)|iku man ('ucapiM scrltnia injury rrtrhration. John A. D. Cooper, issociate dean cated and taken tu Kemimdu M rnm rud Hua)>itiU and could not be confirmed Immedi­ Now Gial the Kent building ha* when bin enr nlnmnied in In n rnncretu hritltce on Sit -II!*, Changed hand*, the Downtown Ira- of Northwestern University Mcdl- five mil*** mirth of Oviedo early Sunday.
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