BUDE & DISTRICT U3A Registered Charity No.1110029 www.budeu3a.co.uk NOVEMBER 2018 NEWSLETTER ^[`WS^ ¾ fţ f f° °° ¾ţ ° nf¯f°ţ ° ° f f f¾ ° n¯¯ţ f¾ ° n°¾¾ ¾¯ n ¯¾ f° °¾f¾n °nf¯° ° ¾ °n°Ŧ f f © f° ¯¾¾Ŧ n°ţ f° ° nf¯ , f¾ ¯°Ŧ ½ ¾½½ f f° °¾f¾n ° ° n¯¯ ¾ f ¾° ţ ¾ f fnf°n¾ n¾ Ŧ f ° ¾ ½fn¾ f f ° fn ©¾ nf¾ f n°n° f ° nf f @¾Ŧ n¯¯ ¯¯¾ f n f °¯° °¾f°n ½ @ @¾Ŧ °¯f° f ¾ ½¾°¾ f½½f¾ ¾ ° ¾ °Ŧ D ¾ f n-½fŦ @ ¯ ¯¯¾ f ½½f f f° ° ¾ °°°ţ n¯¾Ŧ J f f ¯ -¯ ¯½¯°ţ ¾¯ f ° f ¾f f f ° ° f°¾°n¯¯ ţ fţ ° ° ¾ f° f ° °°° ° f° ¯Ŧ @ ¾¯ ½n° ° ° ¯ ¾Ŧ f ¾ ¾ @ ¯¯¾Ŧ °¾°DffŦ ¾ ¯ f¾ ţ ° °Ŧ 9f¾ ° ffŦ @ ¯ n¯ °ţ ¯ f° ¯¯¾½ nf° Ŧ ½ f f f f f ¾Ŧ , ¾ ¾¾ ° ¾¯f¾ f° - fŦ Jo Arnold, Chairman Welcome to New Members J f f¯ n¯ ° ¯¯¾ť f° f °°f f° °° f n ff °½-,f° n ¾ Ǝ fn° f° f° ° f° ½ f n -f°n ¯ °f °¾ ,f© ¾° f Ǝ ¾f° ¾f° °¯ °° ° f° ,n f° f¾ ,°nf f° @f ¾° @¯f¾ I°¾ 9f¯f Jf¯¾ ,f Jn Ann Tizzard, Membership Secretary Cover Photos : Claire Garrett / Photography 1 Group 2 [^`U[ZY \WZ [Z` WW`ZY_ n¯ - ¾¯f¾°nŦfn° -° ° @ D ¾¯f¾ °n ¾ f f @ fn° ţ ţ ° @¾fţ n¯ f Ŧ ½¯Ŧ 9f¾ ¾ ° ¯ f° ¯° ½¾ f ¯¯¾ ¯f ¯° nn f° ¾° ½f¯° ¾ ° - f¾ f ° ° ¯Ŧ ¾ ½f ° ½¾°ţ ¾ f ½° ,° ,° ° -¯ f° f °° ¯¾ ,°° ¯ f¯ Ŧ ½¯ ° J°¾fţ -¯ ¾Ŧ f°f- f¾¾°-°¾ť½fn¾¾f°f°@f° 9¾¾f , f° f¾ fţ f ¾¯f ½ ¾n°¾¾ ° ½ ¯ ¯nf° n°½f¾ ¾n¾¾ f ¯ ° ½ ©° ½f°¾ – ° ½fnfţ f°ţ ¾ °¾ f° ¯°¾Ŧ ¯ţ ½ ° f ½f°¾ ½ ¾f ¾¾¯ f fŦ °ţ ¯f° f° ½ f fŦ -°¾¾ţ ° f ¾¯¾ ° f ¾ ¯ţ f¾ fţ f¾ f f ½ f° D ©° ½¯ f f° ¯¾¾° - f¾¾°-°¾ f° f° ¾ ¯f© ¯°ţ @f°ţ ½ ° °¾ţ @f° f°Ŧ ° f¯¾ f¾ f f¾¾°- °¾ f¾ f°n f° ½f¯¯ °f ° f¾¾° ¯¾½ f ° ° f° f¯¾½Ŧ @ ¾ ½f¯¯ f° ¾ ¾ f° ¾ °Ŧ f ¾ -¾ f¾f ¾¾,f°°°9f °° ¾¾ n¾ţ ° f° f Ŧ ¾ f ½¾ f °¯ ¾¾ţ f° ° f¾ ¾ f f° ¾©n¾ f¾Ŧ n nf° f¯° fnnf ¾° ¾°¾ f° °ffn n¯ °ƌ¾ ¾°Ŧ f¾ n f° ¯ °° f n¾¾ţ nf° ½f¾¾f ¾nf nffn¾Ť ¾fn° f¾ ° ¯nf° ½fţ n½ nn¾ ° - ffŤ nf° ¯°f °¾ f° ¯° ¯ţ f° ½f°° f f° ¾° ¾°Ŧ °ŧ° ƍ¾°ƍ ¾Ŧ ,°¾ff@9f¾ °ţ ţfŦ½¯Ŧ Denni Clarke, Speaker Secretary: 01288 361782 3 aVW_`^U`ŻZZaSWZW^S WW`ZY @ °°f °f ,° Ǝ ¾n D f¾ f 9f¾ °ţ ţ ° n Ŧ @ -f° ¯° f ¾ ¯ ° nf¯f°ţ °° ¾ f¾ n ¾½ ° f f¾ f¾ nf¯f°Ŧ ½ ¾ Ŧ @ ° n¯¯ f¾ n ° n¯° nf¯f°Ŧ ¾ ¯¯¯¯¾¾°9fŦ @f¾ f°,fn ° ½¾° fnn°¾ f° f¾ ½f¾ ¾ f f ¾¯f ¾½¾ f ff° ° nŦ nf¾°¾¾ °n f½° f ¾ ° ©n¾ nf¾ ° n°¾° ° f n ¯ @ @¾ ° n°©°n° f ¯¯¾¾° f f¾ °n¾¾f ¾ ¾ nf¾Ŧ ° f¾ť @ ©n¾ D fť- ff°n¯° nf° f°ţ ° ½fnfţ nf° ½½ f° ¾ f ¯ ¯ ţ f ¯f°¾ţ °n° f¾¾nf fn¾ n°n f°° f° ½¾°f ½¯°Ŧ @ ¾° °¾¾ f °¾f°n n @ @¾ ¾ ¯f°f°Ŧ nf ¾°¾¾ţ ¯¯¾ ½f ° f °f ° ½¾° J Ŧ ¾nn¾¾ f°° n°n ¾¯°¾ ½ f¾ ¾ ½ ¯¯¾ ¾ ½¾ ¾½f f¾ f° © f° ¾° f° D f°Ŧ ,---D9@, , ¾n° f f¾ f f¾ ° ½f¾¾ f°ţ f f¾ ° nf°° f ¯¾ţ f¾ ° f°Ŧ ţ f n ¾f° ° f° f f fŦ ¾ ¯ f ° ¾½½ n¯¯ f ¯f ½¾¾ D nf ° ¾¯ ° ¯ f¾°nŦ ¾ n¾ ¯¾ f° °°-n¯¯ ¯¯¾ f ¾½nn ¾ ½f f° ½ n ° °n° - ¯¯° f f ¾ ¾ f °fŦ ¯¯ ¾ ¾ ¯½f° f° ¾ ¾ °n¾¾f f f f °n°° n¯¯ ¾ fŦ ½f¾ ¾¯ ©°°ţ ¾½nf f ½¾ ½°n n¯¯ f° ¾nff Ŧ ¾ f ¾f°¾¾ f f ½f¾¾° f° Jfţ f ff ¯¯ţ ¾ fŦ ,¯¾½ ¯¯¾½ ° ¾f°¾ f ţ n f ©° ¾ fŦ ¾ nf¾ n°¾f° 9ţ ¯fţ n ¯°°¾ f° ½¾°f n¯¯°f°¾ f ¯¯¾½ ¾ ° ¾°Ŧ @¾ ½ °¾ f ¯ ¾¾ ° DŦ ½°,°,°¾ ¾ fn ½f¾ fţ °n ff° ,, f ° ¯ f f° f¯ ¾ ¾©n¾ ½f¾ ° ¯¾ ¯ f ° °n nf ½f nfţ °°ţ ¾ ¯ f ° f° °¾° f ¾Ŧ f ° ¯¯¾½ nfţ ¾ f ¾ n¯° f ¾ ©¾ f¾ n°Ŧ 9f¾ ¯¯ fţ f¾ ¾½f¾ f ° f ° ff°nţ nf°° fnn½ ¾½°¾ °¾° nn¯¾f°n¾ n ¯f nnŦ 4 ½¾ J ° f ½¾ţ n f ° ¾ f - ¾°ţ nf ¾ţ 9¾n f° @f - f° f n ¾¯ °°° ¾nn¾¾Ŧ @ ½¾ f f¾¾ D f° ° °¾½ţ fn f° n°° f n°n°ţ f¾ f¾ f ¯°Ŧ ° f f ¾n f ¾ f° f ¾¯f ¯¯¾½ Ŧ @ D ½ f ° n f D ½¾ ¾ ¯ ½n ½¯f°n¾ţ f° f ¾ ¯ ° ¾Ŧ ¾ @f° f ¯°ţ f ° f n ¯¯¾½ ¾ f ½ ¯¯Ŧ ¾ ¾f ° ¯¯¾ţ ° ½ţ ,f f° ° ¾ ¾ ° f° ° ¯¯¾ ° f° ¾ f ° ¾ ¾ f f ff°Ŧ J¾ f¯ ¾ f ¯ f ¾ţ n ¾ ° °n°f f° ° nf° ¾ ţ ¾ ¯ ¾Ŧ J f ¾ n f ¾ ° f° ° f¾ f°¾ f° n¯½ ¾ f ¯f fŦ f° ¯ f f f ° ¾ Ŧ ¾¯f¾°n °¾°nn¯¾f°n¾f¾nnf°° ¾¯f¾ °nfn@fn°f°f¯¾fff¾f¾fff n¾°°f¯¯¾Ŧ¾½f¾f¾°½¾f¾Ŧ -¾ f -¾ ¾ ¯ f° ° ¾ f °¯f° f° ½f½¾ f ½ ¾ f°n D Ŧ ¾ţ nf¾ ¯¯¾ ½ f° ¯f° n½¾ -¾ ţ ½¾f f¾ ° nţ n ¾ f °¾Ŧ °n°n¾°ţ ¾f f f° ½° ½ ¯ f° f¾ ¾½½° ¯f° f¾ ½f¾ f f° f¾ ° ° ¾ °¾½°¾f f¯ ¾ ° f½¾° f ¯ f° nf ¾ f° ¾nn¾¾ fŦ f°¾ ¾°° f f° f¾ ¯f° ,, °n¾ f f ° f ¯°¾Ŧ f ¾° f f ½ ¯°¾ f° f ,,¾Ŧ Lynn Biggs, Chairman 2017/2018 ,°°f@J fxţ ° ¾ f ¯°ţ Ŧ f¯ –Ŧ½¯ţ ¯ °ţ f¾ f¾ ¾f¾ ¯¯¾ Ŧ D½n¯°¯°¾ťn¯ţf°fŦ f° ff °°¯¾ţ ° J°¾f ¯°ţ ° f ¯ţ Ŧ f¯ - ½¯ţ ° f° ¾°° D °¾½¾Ŧ °¾ţ f¯ f° ½°f ¯¯¾ f n¯ f¾Ŧ D½n¯°¯°¾ť¾-¯ţn¯ţf°fŦ 5 News From The Groups From the Groups Coordinator .... We were both dismayed and delighted to learn that our very successful Ukulele Group had decided to leave U3A. Dismayed because we didn’t want to lose such a successful and popular group, but delighted and proud that they have left the umbrella of U3A because they are sought after to play at local occasions, and can now collect money for charities. I am also pleased to announce that Marie King has volunteered to keep a Ukulele Group going in Bude U3A and is offering to teach anyone interested. We are also sorry that the Hands On Group are ceasing to meet for the time being. Celia Sousek has decided to give up leading the very popular Rocks and Ruins Group , and we owe her a huge debt of gratitude for the amount of work she has put in to make the group so successful. I am pleased to say that Rosie Bowden has taken the job on with support from Ray and Lydia Kelly. Our thanks to all three. Our thanks also to Heather Stephenson for arranging the AGM displays and to all who took part. The displays bring life to the information given about groups. I have had a number of suggestions for possible new groups, including Folk Dancing, Easy Walking , and a Volunteers Group . Please let me know if any of these are of interest, or if you have difficulty accessing a group. Elizabeth Whattler ALL ABOUT BIRDS meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Dave Gilbert - [email protected] / 07971 258657 or Rosie Bowden – [email protected] / 01409 241506 We have had a lively and varied few months. We had some local summer trips - to Upton walking from the canal at Bude, and walking the cliffs from Sandymouth . In August , we had a talk and slideshow from Adrian Langdon from CBWPS (Cornwall Bird Watching and Preservation Society). Adrian is warden of Walmsley Sanctuary , a 66 acre nature reserve at Wadebridge, a very accomplished photographer, and has a life-long interest in the Camel Estuary. We also held a members’ meeting at Bude Golf Club in August. Jan told of her sabbatical in Bermuda in 2005, working with Dr. David Wingate who had single-handedly brought the cahow, a burrowing bird, back from the brink of extinction on Nonsuch Island. Val and Doug spoke about the many astonishing and beautiful birds they had seen in North America, Dave showed images of birds taken on a trip to Australia, and Les talked about the wonderful sight of the red kite feeding station at Gigrin Farm in Mid-Wales. In September , we had a fantastic speaker from the Barn Owl Trust , a UK charity which aims to conserve the barn owl and its environment. David Ramsden, Head of Conservation and awarded an MBE for Services to Wildlife in 2007, gave an introduction to the barn owl, told us of the effects of changing farming practices, conservation measures and the work of the Trust. He illustrated the close links between barn owls and people, and showed the environmental consequences of everyday human activities. We planned several trips for October , including to Northam Burrows for the overwintering wading birds and to Walmsley Marsh Sanctuary , Several events are planned in January, including another River Exe bird watching boat trip. Dave Gilbert and Rosie Bowden 6 BOOK GROUP meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 2.30 pm in the Holsworthy area Valerie Kerr - 01840 230194 Keith reviewed our first book of the quarter, The Round House by Louise Erdrich, set on the reservation of a Native American tribe in North Dakota. The story centres around a boy, Joe, who seeks justice in the wake of the horrific rape of his mother. Due to legal complexities over jurisdiction of the land, Joe sets about finding, and eventually bringing to justice, the perpetrator of the crime. The group enjoyed the book. However, some felt there were too many subplots and details, and some of the Native American culture was difficult to understand. The book was well written and the group all felt they learned something from reading it. The next book also dealt with a harrowing subject.
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