f > JUNE nm H| \*3>\ 1768. /££ OF GRAfflBV, IYIASSACHUSETTS Receipts Where They Came From REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY 49.7% AUTO & FARM EXCISE 6.8% | FEDERAL GRANTS 4.9% I STATE AID & GRANTS 29.3% [ HIGHWAY AID 1.6' ALL OTHER 7.7% Expenditures Where They Went GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5.7% PUBLIC SAFETY 3.1% HIGHWAYS 6.0%0 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 2.7%o SCHOOLS 61.7% DEBT SERVICE (Int.&Prin.) 14.9% ASSESSMENTS 3.9% ALL OTHER 2.0% 1 Index ELECTED OFFICIALS 4 APPOINTED OFFICERS 4 SELECTMEN'S REPORT 6 ASSESSOR S REPORT 7 PLANNING BOARD 8 LIBRARY TRUSTEES 9 TOWN CLERK 9 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 10 BUILDING INSPECTOR 10 PLUMBING INSPECTOR 10 WIRING INSPECTOR 10 INSPECTOR OF ANIMALS AND LIVESTOCK . .10 DOG OFFICER 11 POLICE DEPARTMENT 11 TREE WARDEN 12 BOARD OF HEALTH 12 CIVIL DEFENSE DEPARTMENT . .12 FIRE CHIEF 13 BELCHERTOWN-GRANBY WELFARE . .13 WELFARE DISTRICT DIRECTOR .... 14 BELCHERTOWN-GRANBY WELFARE DISTRICT TREASURER'S REPORT 14 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14 CONSERVATION COMMISSION 15 TOWN COUNSEL 15 PARKS AND RECREATION STUDY COMMISSION . 15 LIST OF JURORS 15 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 16 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 21 TOWN ELECTION 21 TAX COLLECTOR 22 TOWN TREASURER 23 GRANBY BI-CENTENNIAL ELECTION COMMITTEE 23 FINANCE COMMITTEE 23 TOWN ACCOUNTANT 24 SCHOOL COMMITTEE 34 TOWN WARRANT 44 BUDGET 1968 46 Elected Officials Term Expires Maureen Blais 1969 TOWN CLERK Edna S. Palmer 1969 Luella A. Bousqueet 1968 Barbara J. Ruel 1969 Ann A. Buckley TOWN TREASURER 1970 Eleanor M. Forget 1970 Luella A. Bousquet 1970 Lucille R. LeGrand 1970 TAX COLLECTOR TREE WARDEN V. Gallup Jean 1970 John Rosinski 1968 SELECTMEN AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE CONSTABLES Romeo N. Monat 1968 John A. Baker 1970 LcRoy A. Nutting 1969 Raymond A. Bergeron 1970 Everett O'Connor J. 1970 William W. Gallup 1970 ASSESSORS Dwight J. Tucker 1970 Harvey Lafleche John H. Scott 1968 1970 Bradford S. Yarber 1969 COMMISSIONERS OF BURIAL GROUNDS Harold B. Taylor 1970 Robert Hatch 1968 SCHOOL COMMITTEE Charles A. Fiske 1969 E. Thornton Clark Daniel M. Sullivan 1968 1970 James M. Kemp 1969 PLANNING BOARD G. Lalonde John 1969 Patrick P. O'Sullivan 1968 James MacMonegle, Jr. 1970 Robert L. Bray, Jr. 1969 Frederick A. Palmer 1970 James B. Buckley, Jr. 1970 PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEES Albert H. Bail 1971 Richard Lofland Maureen Bail 1968 1972 Maurice A. Kidder 1968 MODERATOR Margaret O'Sullivan 1968 Dermot P. Shea 1968 Appointed Officers FINANCE COMMITTEE Dwight J. Tucker 1968 Everett W. Shaw 1968 William B. French 1968 Norman Klaucke 1968 Edward J. Martin 1968 Nicholas C. White 1968 J. Leslie Harris 1968 James G. Haggerty 1 9&9 George Atherholt 1968 Robert F. Sheehan 1970 Harvey Lafleche 1968 Medard Viens, FENCE VIEWERS J. Jr. 1968 Raymond A. Poulin 1968 E. Thornton Clark 1968 Hervey C. Moise 1968 G. Newell Galusha 1968 William R. Galipeau 1968 Stanley Kizior 1968 Martin Merrill (Special) 1968 FIELD DRIVERS Michael Szaban (Special) 1968 Lindolph O. Parker (Special) 1968 Joseph Rosinski 1968 Francis E. DeWitt (Special) 1968 Richard Hatch 1968 Julien Gauthier (Special) 1968 INSPECTOR OF ANIMALS Earl Prentiss (Special) 1968 Francis E. DeWitt 1968 John C. Kirchhof (Special) 1968 John Lalonde (Special) 1968 INSPECTOR OF PROVISIONS Lorraine B. Carriveau (Special) 1968 Francis E. DeWitt 1968 Emile W. Judicki (Town Dump) 1968 CHIEF OF POLICE OLD AGE ADMINISTRATOR John K. Kirchof 1968 Everett J. O'Connor 1968 VETERANS AGENT APPOINTED POLICE OFFICERS Romeo N. Monat 1968 George J. Scholl, Captain 1968 John A. Baker, Lieutenant 1968 BOARD OF HEALTH Joseph M. Lajoie, Sgt. 1968 LeRoy A. Nutting, Chairman 1968 Adelard J. Fournier, Sgt. 1968 Everett J. O'Connor 1968 Raymond A. Bergeron 1968 Romeo N. Monat 1968 4 BOARD OF REGISTRARS PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Luella A. Bousquet—Town Clerk 1968 Bette L. Ponton 1968 Alice L. Dupont 1968 Ruth Fiske 1969 TOWN ACCOUNTANT Richard Langlois 1970 Harold D. Ranger 1968 ASSISTANT TOWN CLERK) TOWN COUNSEL Alphonse C. Turcotte 1968 ASSISTANT TREASURER ) Lorraine B. Carriveau September 1968 CIVIL DEFENSE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Henry F. Baerman, Director 1968 Henry T. Randall 1968 Advisory Council Robert Brainerd BOARD OF APPEALS LeRoy A. Nutting Thomas Cooke 1968 William B. French Herbert R. Durant 1969 AUXILIARY POLICE (Civil Defense only) Lawrence W. Bray I 97° Albert R. Bessette, Chief John McCool, Associate Member 1968 J. Edward O'Daniel, Capt. SURVEYORS OF WOOD AND LUMBER Edward Allen Charles A. Fiske 1968 Clarence Burdick, Jr. Wilber H. Easton 1968 Donald Puffer Francis E. DeWitt 1968 Ernest Trompke Francis Patenaude FOREST WARDEN Earl Lamoureux Lindolph O. Parker June i, 1968 Ralph Himmelreich Francis Gay, Jr. CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Frank Pasternak Lindolph Parker O. 1968 Joseph Paulin Gerald F. Mongeau DEPUTY CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Martin Merrill 1968 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE Theodore Orson, Chairman SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS John H. Scott, Secretary Szaban Michael 1968 Richard J. Lussier James E. MacMonegle, Jr. DUTCH ELM DISEASE CONTROL Arnold R. Helm Michael Szaban 1968 Ray H. Brooks MOTH SUPERINTENDENT INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Michael Szaban 1968 Ernest E. Trompke Ora McKay SANITARY CONTROL SUPERINTENDENT John Hoffman Michael Szaban 1968 CONSERVATION OFFICER DOG OFFICER Ralph Tupper 1968 Francis E. DeWitt 1968 CONSERVATION COMMISSION POUND KEEPER Edward Trompke, Chairman Robert Nutting, Vice Chairman Francis E. DeWitt 1968 Mrs. William Quirk, Publicity ALMONERS WHITING STREET FUND William French, Advisor Robert Ruel Inez W. Durant 1968 Elbert C. Aldrich Winifred Fiske 1968 Grover Twiss Richard J. Lussier 1968 ASSESSORS' CLERK ARMED SERVICES COMMISSION Robert Grumoli 1968 Mytrle E. Wilson 1968 SELECTMEN'S SECRETARY SANITARY CONTROL SITE COMMITTEE John Leith 1968 Lorraine B. Carriveau 1968 James Whyte 1968 PLUMBING INSPECTOR Robert Dressel 1968 Francis McCain J. 1968 PARKS AND RECREATION STUDY COMMITTEE BUILDING INSPECTOR Robert Ruel 1968 Arnold R. Helm 1968 Marcel Archambault 1968 Albert Desjardins 1968 GAS INSPECTOR Richard Lussier 1968 Edward Trompkc 1968 Robert Sheehan 1968 5 Report of Board of Selectmen SELECTMEN AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE — LcRoy A. Nutting, Romeo N. Mount, Chairman, Everett J. O'Connor, standing. The Board of Selectmen met to reorganize on March 7, you the progress made in this department. 1967 with Romeo N. Monat, Chairman of the Board of Once again we wish to thank all the Elected and Ap- Selectmen and Veterans Agent; LeRoy A. Nutting, Chair- pointed Officials for their untiring cooperation in the many man of the Board of Health; Everett J. O'Connor, Clerk and varied problems that have arisen throughout the year. and Chairman of the Board of Welfare. Also our sincere thanks to the townspeople for their coop- This year a number of new projects have been intro- eration and understanding as we endeavored to perform duced and many old ones continued. Last Spring we saw the various duties of our office. the acceptance of the Federal Loan for preliminary plan- ning of a water system for the Town of Granby. These Respectfully submitted, plans are nearing completion and will soon be ready to ROMEO N. MONAT, Chairman submit to the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- LeROY A. NUTTING ment for approval, after which Advance or Final Planning EVERETT J. O'CONNOR Grants may be applied for to finalize a portion of the plan. Kellogg Hall received a much needed painting last sum- mer, a new sign has been erected, and many repairs made to make our building more inviting and functional. The new police station is well underway and occupancy is ex- pected some time in the late spring. A Parks and Recreation Study Commission was organ- ized this year to determine the need for a permanent Parks and Recreation Commission. Their report will outline for Lorraine B. Carrivean, Secretary 6 51 Assessor's Report Town Meeting and your Finance Board, as well as your Assessors, has to allocate values, etc. to the best of their ability but you, as voters, have the say as to the total expense which so vitally effects the tax rate. Your Board of Assessors sincerely appreciates the pa- tience and understanding of the Townspeople as we have endeavored to arrive at an honest and satisfactory decision to the many problems presented to us during the year. Sincerely, JOHN H. SCOTT, Chairman BRADFORD S. YARBER HAROLD B. TAYLOR Board of Assessors 1967 RECAPITULATION Total Appropriations to be Raised by Taxation $1,235,882.12 Total Appropriations to be Taken from Available Funds 28,048.61 Tax Title Foreclosure 90.00 Deficits due to Abatements in Excess of Overlay of Prior Years 9,971.40 Veterans' District 1,186.78 School Lunches and Libraries 11,751.75 County Tax 27,556.34 County Hospital 1,978.05 State Recreation Areas 3,596.9 State Recreation Areas— 1966 Underestimate on Cherry Sheet 541.64 Overlay of Current Year 28,090.63 Harold 1,471.78 ASSESSORS — Bradford S. Yarbcr, John H. Scott, Chairman, ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE FUNDS B. Taylor, standing. Local Aid and Agency Funds 43 1,003.78 Your Assessors, over the years, have given in their Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise 5,000.00 perhaps, annual report various figures and statistics which, Licenses 4»574-4 5 have not meant too much to the average taxpayer but are, Fines 478.63 in themselves, important. General Government 2,539.07 During the past few years, the Town has grown, new Protection of Persons and Property 1,242.88 properties, increased valuation, new schools, increased fire Health and Sanitation 796.50 requirements 5.00 and police protection and many other modern School 2 1 have meant increased town expenditures. These additional Public Service Enterprises 90.00 expenses, of course, have to be met by the taxpayer. It is Cemeteries 813.85 true that sales tax money and many other exemptions have Interest 1,500.00 been granted in various departments and these have helped Farm Animal Excise 866.21 to a large degree but you, the taxpayer, still have to pay Miscellaneous Receipts 4,476.22 the balance and it is the work of your Board of Assessors to study values in their true light and assess taxes as fairly 533.596.39 as they can.
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