Rockin Rick at Stagecoach, Story page 6A Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXV, NUMBER 51V VTHURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479 V V SALADOVILLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Library closes for renovation Salado Public Library professional services for will close for approximate- the project. ly four weeks on April 15 “The expansion will to allow for the renovation include new areas for of the current library space children, teens, adult and the moving of collec- computers and a larger tions into the expanded public meeting room with space. restrooms,” stated Librar- The renovation of the ian Jeanie Lively. current space will include The new areas match new carpet and paint. the library’s current inte- The Friends of the Sala- rior and exterior. do Public Library will host “This is a major project an Open House at a date to requiring relocation of all be announced later. the books and shelves in After more than two the current library,” Rob- years of planning, the Sal- inson said, adding, “once ado Public Library broke complete, the entire library Stuck again ground on a 3,200 sq. ft. will look brand new.” An 18-wheeler found itself in the more-and-more common position of being stuck on the I-35 overpass at FM expansion last fall.’ New landscaping will 2268 (Holland Rd.). The trucker was trying to make the turn so that he could head back south on I-35 after At that time, Library di- be put in place at the en- stopping at the JD’s 282 Truck Stop. Because of the narrow lanes due to the construction going on in the area rectors planned on an an- trance of the library. and the small size of the bridge to begin with, the truck could not maneuver the curve and got hung up. This nual mortgage of $15,300 The Book Ends used has happened multiple times, according to residents of the are, one of whom reported that she has even seen to pay down the remaining book store that is operated one of the trucks hanging over the edge of the bridge. The bridge at Thomas Arnold is not much better for the debt on the $362,600 ex- by the Friends of the Li- big trucks to maneuver and with the narrow lanes of the access road on the northbound side, trucks are not pansion project. However, brary will also get a face going to be able to get to the underpass on the north end of town. (PHOTO BY ROYCE WIGGIN) Gail Robinson announced lift before the Library re- that the Library expan- opens. The garage door sion would be opened has been replaced by an Aldermen argue about debt-free. because of suc- entrance door and win- cessful fundraising and a dow and an awning will process to get manager $50,000 Tocker Founda- be put over the door. The tion grant for furnishings bookstore will have new BY TIM FLEISCHER McCort appointed a and shelving throughout signage showing its hours EDITOR-IN-CHIEF committee of Fred Brown, the Library. of operation. Mike Milliser, Steven Er- “We have been raising The Library and a Aldermen will write a vin, Gerry Reihsen, Don Historical Society members unbox the new history funds through our Very group of Library District job description for a po- Engleking and Larry that the group has published. Special Patron Card cam- patrons, with the assis- tential City Manager as Sands to meet with village paign,” said Bill Kinnison, tance of Larry Irsik of the next step in the pro- attorney Alan Bojorquez History gets retold President of the Friends. ARCHITEXAS, an archi- cess, after a lengthy and to examine how the Vil- over a year to compile by ‘The Salado Historical tectural consultant from contentious discussion on lage should go about fill- The Salado Historical Society and Library book Austin, began the project Society has an updated Bill Kinnison and Mary the matter April 4. ing the need for a city Belle Brown. It has been clubs have donated funds in March 2010, to assess Alderman Shannon manager or administrator. addition of the history for specific pieces of fur- the space needs of the li- of Salado now on sale at expanded from 16 to 52 Ashe requested that the Those options include pages with new informa- niture in the new areas.” brary. board consider entering hiring a full time City several locations in town Very Special Patrons The need arose when it including, The Tourism tion on the founding of into an agreement with Manager or Administrator, Salado and Salado Col- will be honored with an was determined the chil- Central Texas Council of hiring a part-time person and Chamber of Com- engraved book plaque ac- dren’s section did not have merce offices, Charlotte’s lege. Included in the up- Governments (CTCOG) for the position, entering dated history, which was knowledging their contri- sufficient space for the and begin negotiating to into a contract with CT- of Salado, Garden Spirits, butions. number of children attend- The Strawberry Patch, The written originally in 2000 put into place a City Ad- COG to provide city man- are a few short biographies The Library District ing programs, the commu- ministrator. agement services or to do 1860 Shop and Taylor’s for board contracted with nity needed free meeting $3 a copy. The cost was of early Salado pioneers. However, after learn- nothing. Members of The Salado Gene Doss Construction space, and that for every ing that Mayor Danney Alderman Susan Terry kept low because of a gen- for the project. Larry Neil, new book coming into the erous donation from First Historic Society may pick McCort had appointed a said that “it is our job to up their free copy of this Architect, from Temple Library one old book had Citizen’s Committee to write the job description. I State Bank provided architectural and to be “weeded out.” The new book took new history at The 1860 research the four possible am not sure it is appropri- shop on Main Street approaches to addressing ate for a citizens commit- city governance, she asked tee to do that.” that this particular item be The board voted 4-0 tabled until the committee (Stephen Peters was ab- met and brought a propos- sent) for the aldermen to al to the board. meet as a committee and Other aldermen, how- draft the job description. ever, felt that having the After that, aldermen will committee discuss how to consider how to fill the po- fill the perceived need for sition and begin the neces- a city manager was, in lay sary steps. terms, putting the cart be- Aldermen also read the fore the horse. Animals and Fowl Ordi- “Isn’t it backward to nance, a 15-page docu- select who we want (for ment that deals with public city manager) and then nuisance animals, includ- write a job description for ing the neighbor’s dog that them,” Alderman Hans poops in your yard every Fields questioned. “How day and barks all night. can we hire someone when The board is set to adopt we don’t know what we this code at its April 18 want?” meeting. More sculptures The Right Reverend C. Andrew Doyle knocks at the door of the St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church at the beginning of the consecration service. (PHOTO BY TIM FLEISCHER) could be heading St. Joseph’s celebrates consecration Following the conse- Vickers, Michael Rudolf and Tamara Clothier, Iona assigned to St. Luke’s and cration of the St. Joseph’s Stollberg, Laura Diane School Deacon Track. St. Joseph’s as their Rector to Village this fall Episcopal Church in Sal- Osborne and Veronika St. Joseph’s began as upon his Ordination. Salado may get more “The goal is to sell art, ado April 3, Bishop C. Ashely Vick. a Parish Mission of St. Regular Sunday ser- public art after Michael increase tourism, and Andrew Doyle baptized Presented for confir- Luke’s Episcopal Church vices became a reality for Epps, from the Texas Soci- raise the quality of culture four into the faith and con- mation were Kimberly in Belton. the members St. Joseph on ety of Sculptors visits here for Salado,” Paxton said. firmed three others. Michelle Austin-Beasley, In 1996 The Rev. Jo- July 1, 2009. Soon a small April 11. “He will discuss how “Let the door be Andrea Lynn McLester seph Sheldon celebrated choir was formed for the Epps will meet with we can bring more out- opened,” the Right Rev. and Tita Marie Ramon. the Ash Wednesday litur- Sunday Eucharist. Public Arts League of door sculpture to Salado Doyle said as he banged Following the service, gy in the little chapel. By 2010 the congrega- Salado, business mem- next Fall,” Paxton said. his crozier on the blue the church members gath- On March 20, 1999, St. tion had grown from about bers, Village officials and Following the 11 a.m. door of the small church ered for refreshments and Joseph’s Chapel was dedi- six on Sunday mornings to the Tourism department to meeting at the Visitors that seats about 100. visitation with the Right cated as a Parish Mission about 36. discuss adding the Village Center, Epps will tour the “Peace be to this house Rev. Doyle, Bishop of the of St. Luke’s, Belton in a A new addition was to a circuit of art that fea- garden. and to all who enter here,” Diocese of Texas, which is ceremony conducted joint- added on to the existing tures about 100 pieces.
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