Journal of Human Anatomy MEDWIN PUBLISHERS ISSN: 2578-5079 Committed to Create Value for Researchers The Intra Gastric Effects of Grape Juice on Histological Structure of Liver Tissue in Castrated Treated Mice Homady MH*1, ALquraishi LO2, Tanya S Salih1 and Juma ASM1 Research Article 1College of Science, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Volume 4 Issue 1 Region, Iraq Received Date: July 27, 2020 2College of Dentistry, Babylon University, Iraq Published Date: August 11, 2020 DOI: 10.23880/jhua-16000147 *Corresponding author: Homady MH, College of Science, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Tel: 009647517118678; Email: merzahh@ yahoo.com Abstract The effect of ingestion of freshly prepared ethanoic extract of grape juice was investigated on the histology of liver tissue on both castrated and castrated treated with 10 µl/g of grape juice. The histological sections of liver tissue from castrated group showed ballooning degeneration, macro and micro vesicular steatosis, lobular inflammation, hydropic degeneration, administration of 10µl/g grape juice for 6 weeks to castrated subjects was able to restore the histological structure of liver cellular inflammatory of lymphocytes and acidophil bodies (Councilman Body) as compared with the control group. The orally tissue to normal structure as compared with the control group. These results suggest that the fresh extract of grape juice can exert hepatoprotective effects of castration. Keywords: Liver; Histology; Castration; Steatosis; Grape Juice Introduction hyperglycaemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholerteremia The liver tissue is made up of the largely predominant risk factors of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes [8].and high LDL (low density lipoprotein) that are predictive endothelialparenchymatous cells [1-3].cells (hepatocytes),Nonalcoholic fattyas wellliver diseaseas Ito (perisinusoidal cells), Kupffer cells and sinusoidal world. It is present in 30% of the general adult population. insulinTestosterone resistance anddeficiency accumulation has intrahepaticbeen associated lipids, withthus (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the theincreased lower testosterone accumulation levels of Visceral are associated Adipose with Tissues nonalcoholic (VAT), abnormalities that are observable in liver histological slides, In reality, NAFLD comprise as a spectrum of hepatic to eliminate breeding and reduce aggressive behavior [11,12]fatty liver Hypogonadism disease [9,10]. after Farm castration animals have caused been abdominal castrated from a simple intrahepatic accumulation of fat (steatosis or obesity, impaired fasting glucose, excess accumulation of Simplenonalcoholic steatosis fatty rarelyliver, NAFL) progresses to various to degreesadvanced of necroticdisease, liver triglyceride, and thigh muscle loss. Castration also whereas,inflammation in approximately(NASH nonalcoholic 20% of steatohepatitis)patients with NASH,[4-7]. induced increase of visceral fat mass and decreased thigh muscle mass in mice [13]. Castration promotes progression manifestationit progresses ofto metabolicfibrosis and syndrome, cirrhosis which and ispotentially a cluster toof complexhepatocellular conditions, carcinoma. including NAFLD central is also obesity, deemed hypertension, to be hepatic to steatohepatitis through activation of the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress pathway and enhancement of macro The Intra Gastric Effects of Grape Juice on Histological Structure of Liver Tissue in Castrated Treated J Human Anat Mice 2 Journal of Human Anatomy vesicular droplet. Testosterone suppresses ER stress, inhibits given daily as orally administered for six weeks. Animals the formation of macro vesicular lipid droplets, promotes lipid export, and ameliorates steatohepatitis induced by ketamine and Xylazine as anesthetic drugs to anesthetize the castration [14] Low serum testosterone levels have a higher mice.were sacrificed at the end of the experiments, with using risk of developing hepatic steatosis [15]. Histological sections were prepared according to the procedure described by Chong WC [25] as following: fruits globally. It possesses a wide range of pharmacological activitiesVitis viniferadue to its(Grape) rich polyphenolis one of theingredients most consumed most of hours. which have been demonstrated to have therapeutic or health a) WashingFixation: samplesand dehydration: were fixed samplesin formalin were 10% washed for 24-48 by promoting properties [16]. As the largest group of grape b) series of increasing ethanol concentrations 50%, 70%, to have biological properties, including but not limited to 80%,water 90%, to prevent 95%, forover 1-2 fixing. hours And than transferred 100% for overnight.to graded polyphenols, flavonoids are the main candidates considered Clearing: using xylene for twice at half – one hour. antiviral, cardioprotective, and hepatoprotective [17]. Embedding: the samples were embedded by using antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer antimicrobial, c) ° in the thermal console for apoptotic effects of cytokines, chemotherapeutic agents, and d) 1-2 hour. gammaMoreover, radiation Flavonoids [18]. Thealso present have shownstudy was to aimedinfluence to study the Aftersoluble Embedding paraffin wax tissues, in 60C samples transferred to blocks, the effects of both castration and manipulation of fresh grape let go in room temperature to acquire solidly by cryo juice on structure of liver tissue. e) console. Sectioning: histological sections were prepared by using Materials and Methods f) ° Then,auto-microtome dry by slide at dryer. thickness of (5µm), cut by tapes transferred to water bath in temperature (55-50C ). Swiss albino male mice weighting between (14-17) g., Sectionsg) are stained by using Acid Eosin Hematoxylin stain Universityand aged (3weeks) of Kufa. wereAnimals used were in the kept present in ventilated study, the cages, mice [25] as following: were obtained from the Animal House, Faculty of Science/ A. was used balanced, rodent food pellet and water were in the oven at 58-65 C° temperature for a half hour and providedwith a temperature ad libitum of [19]. (25±2Cº) All experimental at 12:12 h light,protocols dark usingcycle Paraffin wax was removed from glass slides by placing B. Section are dried from xylene then rehydration by according to guidelines for the care and use of laboratory passingplaced in through xylene (twice) a series for ofa half alcohol hour tofrom remove descending all wax. animalslive animals in biomedical were first research reviewed, [20]. approved and accepted A total number of 45 Swiss albino mice were used in the C. concentrations for (2-3 minutes), then placed in tap D. water for (5 minutes). castration and treatment was started at the age of 21 days E. Sections are duckedplaced in in Hematoxylin acid – alcohol for for (10-15) little seconds minutes. to forpresent 6 weeks study. as: Animals were divided into 3 groups (N=15), preventSections over are washed the stain. by tap water (5) minutes. Group 1: Intact male mice received tap-water as control. Sections are washed by tap water for 5 minutes until Group 11: Castrated male mice received tap-water as return the blue color. G.F. Group 111: Castrated male mice treated daily with 10µl/g. H. Sections are washed by tap water. grape(positive juice, group). the surgical castration method was done I. DehydrationSections are placedfrom glass in Eosin slides stain by passingfor (10-30) through seconds. series of ascending concentrations of ethanol alcohol for 2-3 Plant material extract: Vitis vinifera minutes for each concentrate. according to Al-Fatlawi AA [21]. J. Sections are placed in xylene for half hour. blundered by using a commercialBlack grape blender ( without separating) obtained K. from local market (Baghdad, Iraq) 100g of grape was Then, cover specimen by cover slide with Histofluid the seeds, and then it was filtered to remove the residue. Results(DPX). accordingThe resulting to Al-Ahmadi extract (10 AA mls) [22]. was stored in the refrigerator Doseat 4˚C, Selection: and used Aafter previous one hour. study The documented extract was that prepared 10µl/g/ The histological sections of liver tissue from intact male protocol, 10µl /g/day are used in the present study and was can identify the boundaries of the liver lobule by locating day of grape juice extract was effective dose [23,24]. For this mice (Figure 1) showed a normal histological structure that Homady MH, et al. The Intra Gastric Effects of Grape Juice on Histological Structure of Copyright© Homady MH, et al. Liver Tissue in Castrated Treated Mice. J Human Anat 2020, 4(1): 000147. 3 Journal of Human Anatomy arethe centralcuboidal vein in shapeat its center,and are and arranged portal triadsin plates, (portal one vein, cell thick,hepatic usually, artery andseparated bile duct) by at sinusoids its periphery. contain The hepatocytessome blood cells (Figure 2). Sections of liver tissue from castrated male mice (Figures peripherally3 & 4) appeared located ballooning nuclei. degenerationMoreover, castration of hepatocyte also and lipid accumulation (Macro vesicular steatosis), with hydropic degeneration and Micro vesicular steatosis with resulted in cellular inflammation (Figure 5) as well as the sections also showed acidophilic bodies (Councilman Figure 3: Cross histological section of liver tissue from cellular inflammatory of lymphocytes (Figure 6). Mean time and lipid accumulation in hepatocytes. Macro vesicular liverBody)
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