V^'^^v^ \J*^?^-V^ ^V'^^^V ^'^^ />l^/\^ ^/^,^>o^ /.V^%\ ^''^•^ 0° .'^ii^'. °o .-i^' HZSTOI^.'y OP EAST ST. LOITIS RESOURCES, STATISTICS, RAILROADS, PHYSICAL FEATURES BUSINESS AND ADVANTAGES. ROBERT A. TYSON, Professor of Rhetoric-- Hove Uiterary IiisfiluW. WITH ILLUSiRATIONS. EAST sr. LolJis; I'ltnti <l l)y .Tohn Haps & Co. , Nutional !>tock Yal'dSi 1875v OfEast St. Loui!> Ilh. Of Belleville, Ills. BOWMAN & HALBERT OFFICE: IN THE BOWMAN BUILDING, ON MAIN STREET, (Orr. CITY HALL,) EAST ST. LOUIS, ILLS. ST.CLAIH LAUD TITLE OFFICE SWINEFORD ^ SCHRADER i MANAGERS, OFFICE— Tlie Coart House, ITezt Door to Recorder's Office at BELLEVILLE ILLINOIS, \V<' li;u o a fully posted al>stract of all conveyances anil decrees recorded in St. C'lair Comity, lllin« is. relating to Real Estate in the Connty: m'so jifou- nte plats of all recorded divisions of land and lots, both of the County at Jar<r<! and of tlie ninnicip;dities of: I'^itwt Nt. lioiiis, Belleville, Hew Athens, liebaiio", Miiseoutali, Freebwrg, Ceiitel'ville (Miilsladt), Siiiii- ]iiei'flel«l. I'aseyvillp, Ocorgetowii, Etist Caroii- clelet, Brooklyn, Caliokia. <&e. This enables us, at, short notice, to furnish information about Title, Location and Value of Real E tate in all parts of the County of St Clair. «;onveyaucingand tax paying attended to promptly, correctly and with dis- patch. Address, SWINEFORD & SCHRADER. Belleville, Ills. \j 1 1 X OF T ST LOUIS OF EAST ST. LOUIS ITS \ RESOURCES, STATISTICS, RAILROADS, PHYSICAL FEATURES' BUSINESS AND ADVANTAGES. / ROBERT A. TYSON, Professor of Rhetoric—Ho\ve Literary Institute. WITH ILLUSIEATIONS. EAST Sr. LOUIS: 9i^ . I'riutecl by John Haps & Co. , yutioual stock Yards. 1S75. CITY OF EAST ST LOUIS D© W 3 Scale /zaoh te / / ncA Eiitcretl according to Act of Cjugress, in the year 1875. By ROBEPtT A. TYSON, In Ihe Ofliceof the Librai-ian ot Congress, at Washington ; All rights reserved. DEDICATION. To His Honor, the Mayor, the Board of Alder- men and the Citi- zens of East St.Eouis ^vhose friendly counsel encouraged me to begin, prosecute, and successfully consumate an undertak- in^g environed with every difficulty,- this work is respectfully dedicated by THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. In the execution of the object of showing the History and Resources of East St. Louis, 1 have relied mainly on knowled^je obtained at first band, having personally visited the several pub- lic and private institutions of our enterprising city and conversed Avith their owners. The courtesy of these gentlen?en is hereby acknowledged. Among the works consulted I hereby acknowledge the asbist- ance derived from "Peck's Western Annals," "Melnotte's Yalley of the Mississippi," Shea's ''Discovery and Explorations of the Mississippi by Marquette, LaSalle, AUouez, Membre, Hennepin and Douay," "Smith's Railway Celebrations of 1857," "Ford's Illinois," "History of St. Louis and Missouri," by E. Shepard, and various pamphlets and papers. I have in ray possession a mass of historical data, including a fac simile of a map drawn in 1763, by James Marquette, of the Mississippi river and Illinois countiy, that was unavailable for the present object, which is, as stated in my original prospectus, to illustrate and exhibit the great natural resources of East St. Louis. In a future publication I design utilizing this data, and also add to the historical value of this work by means of such emendations, corrections and additions as may be suggested by friends, and which properl}' belong to the permanent History of East St. Louis. THE AUTHOR. Howe Literary Institute, October 4, 1875. ORIGINAL PROSPECTUS. Original Prospectus, June, 1876. HISTORY OF EAST ST. LOUIS. ITS EESOUKCES, GEOWTH AND ATTRACTIONS The subscriber respectfully directs the attention of the public to the above work. It is intended lo supply a want felt by all for a sketch of the pro<:^res8 and present standing of East St. Louis among other western cities. The plan is to present a view of important events which have occured from the earliest records to the present time. Information is solicited; all that is available will be drawn from tha records existing and from persons still living who have been eyewitnesses of the eliy'B growth, of ''Scenes which the}' saw. Part of which they were." The work will be issued in pamphlet form, in order that public spirited citizens may send it at small outlay to their friends, B}'' thus showing in a convenient form this view of the social and busi- ness advantages of the place, citizens may at a day near at hand have the satisfaction of causing a large number of enterprising people (including their friends and kinsfolk) to move here to share the general prosperity. Authentic anecdotes connected with the subject will be ad- mitted. As the work will be circulated freely far and near among reading people, who will read its advertisements to get a true view of the business enterprise shown here, it thus becomes a first- class means of bringing together seller and buj^er. Henca such advertisements will be admitted, at cheap rates, as will give a just idea of the enterprise of the young city. The first editien of three ; OUIGIXAL rnOSPECTUS. f^ thousand copies will bo published in paper covers lor general dis- tribulion. The interests nf East St. Louis are identical with those of St. Louis. Their interests are one and the same by nature, situation, language and common pursuits. Community of interests inter- lace and lock them together in the friendly bonds of prosperous brotherhood. Their interests are as nearly related as those of mother and child. The pursuits of manufacturing, commerce, science, art and literature are alike open to both. The develop- ment of the great natural resources of each, of excellence in the above pur.snils, and as the grand result of these the development of noble character in the individual citizen, that he may be public spirited, wise, far-seeing, patriotic, fraternal and progressive, is the aim alike of the best classes in both the elder and younger St. Louis. To this end may tie adopt as his motto thcoc noble senti- ments of the world's poet: •'Corruption wins not more than honesty; Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace. To silence envious tongues. Be just and fear not Let all the ends thou aim'st at, be thy Country's, God's, and Truth's."' As an effort looking toward this end, the above work is un- dertaken by the author. Application for copyright has already been made. EGBERT A. TYSON, Howe Literary Institute, East St. Louis. "We, the undersigaed, heartily endorse the above work of Prof. Tyson. We promise him our assistance and patronage, and re- spectfully- urge every public spirited citizen to do the same. Samuel S. Hake, Mayor; Maurice Joj-ce, P. W. Vaughan, John Benner, Christ. Rohm, John Doyle, John Niemes, John V. Tefft, Nicholas Colgan, Counfilmen. Ernest W. Wider, Wm. C. Ellisop, Luke II. Ilite, Marcus Finch, Harrj" Elliot, John W. Renshaw, L. M. St. John, J. Phillips, Prop. St. Louis Hotel, Henry Schall, Dry Goods and Clothing, Vital Jarrot, Bunker j Jasper & Kocling, Dry Goods and Clothing, J. B. Sikking, P. M; Henry Jackieseh, j. D. Manners, Arch'd Beatt}^, James H. Campbell, Thomas Quick, Geo. W. Brackett, J. B. Messick. OFFICERS OF ILLINOIS. OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, FROM ISOO TO 1S74. Illinois wai5 Constituted a separate Territory by Act of Congress Febni ;ry 2, 1S09. ILLINOIS TKIiKIOKV. Name of Officer. Office. Date of Commission or Inauguration. Natlifiniel Pope^ Secretary ol the Territoiy.March 7, 1809. Ninian Edwards Governor April 24, ISOU. H. H. Maxwell Auditor Public xVccounts 1816. Daniel P. Cook Auditor Public Accounts. January IB, 1816. Joseph Phillips Secretary December 17, 1816. Kobert Blackwell Auditor 'Public Accounts.April 5, 1817. Eiig-ahC. Berry....* Auditor Public Accounts.Auoust 2t>, 1S17. John Thomas Treasurer 1818. STATE OF ILLINOIS. Shadrach Bond (^iovernor October G, 181S. Pierre Menard Lieut-Governor October 6, 1818. Elias K. Kane Secretary of State October 6, 1818. Elijah C. Berry Auditor Public Accounts 1818. John Thomas Treasurer isis. EobertK. McLauo-hlin... .Treasurer Au^-ust 2, 1819. Edward Coles Governor December, 1822. Adolphus F. Hubbard Lieut-Governor December, 1822. Samuel D. Lockwood Secretary of State Decembe IS, 1S22. Abner Field Treasurer Januarj^ li. 1823. David Blackwell Secretary of State April 2. 1823. JMorris Birbeck Secretary of State October 15, 1824. George Forquer Secretary of State January 15, 1825. Niniaii Edwards Governor December, 1826. William Kinney Lieut-Governor December, 1826. James Hall Treasurer February 12, 1827. Alexander P. Field Secretary of State January 23, 1829. John lieynolds Governor December 9, 1830. Zadock Casey Lieut-Governor December 9, 1830. Jolin Dement Treasurer February 5. 1831. James T. B. Stapp Auditor Public Accounts.August 27, 1831. Joseph Duncan Governor December, 1834. Alexandrer M. Jenkins. ..Lieut Governor December, 1834, Levi Davis Auditor Public Accounts. November 16, 1835. Charles Gregory Treasurer December 5, 1836. Jchn D. Whiteside Treasurer March 4, 1837. 'J'homas Carlin Governor December, 1838. Stinson H. Anderson Lieut-Governor December, 1S3S. Stephen A. Douglas Secretary of State Xovember 30, 1840. OFFICERS OF ILLINOIS. Lymap Triin;biill Secretar}' of State March ], 1841. 2\liliaii Carpi'iiter Trcasuit'r Marcii, 1.S41. Jaiiifs Sliic'id.s Aiitlilor Public Accounts. March, 1S41. Thomas P'orcl Governor Dcccinljor 8, 1842. John Moort' Liout-Governor Dtccnibor 8, 1842. Tlionias Cauiplicll yccrctary ot State Maryh (i, 1843. WiUiani 1.. IJ. Kwing Auilitor*rublic Accounts. Marcli G, 1843. Thomas H. Campbell Auditor P. A. {to fill vac. )March 20. 184G. *Au<ru<tiis C. French Governor December 1), 184G. Josepli K. Weils Lieut-Governor Decemb<'r U.
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