1935-05-12 [P G-14]

1935-05-12 [P G-14]

r""" ... ■ ■ ■ ■ .. ■— SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. _SALE—AUTOMOBILES._ _SALE—AUTOMOBILES._ SALE—AUTOMOBILES._ _ _SALE—AUTOMOBILES._ AUTOMOBILES at Weschler’s auto auction. wwwwwwwwwwwwwww* SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIji PARTS—PARTS W8 H n w. every Wednesday and Satur- day, 10 a m. Usually a good assortment. REPOSSESSED CARS For All Cars and Trucks. IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIi! UNUSUALLY Auto Glass Installed and Repair Work. We can't sell all the Being Sold for Balance Due. Re- y ROBERT HERSON AUTO EXCHANGE. INC. possession Costs. Storage. Etc. 72 BELL Florida Ave. N.E. North 10408. At MOTORS! used cars in Washing- 1724 Kalorama Rd. N.W. j *31 Auburn Sedan.$315 = Buiek fl w. w.. .$319 = I sell the 1931 Sedan, UNUSUAL so we just ”48 Buick — V-8 ton, Coupe. 75 ►EASY TERMS s 1933 Chevrolet Sedan. 389 ’35 FORD ”49 Buick Tudor Sedan — 1933 Chevrolet Mast. Sedan.. 393 = re- 145 best of them. And *30 Chevrolet Our New — 1931 De Luxe Sedan. 333 = Coupe. 150 Opening Chrysler Demonstrator *31 y 1933 De Soto Coach. 333 = no Chevrolet Convertible Coupe.. 105 5 member, payments 31 Chevrolet Snt. Roadster. 105 USED CAR DISPLAY S jjc*s Ford Sedan .. 49 = BARGAINS I ► and FORDOR 31 Chevrolet = 1938 Ford Coune 39 = TUDOR while sick or disabled. Sedan.400 *31 Chevrolet Coupe :to5 ► 13» GUARANTEED CARS *31 Down 1 1931 Willys Sedan | Chevrolet Coach .. 105 | Select yours today. *31 ► 1932 Ford Sedan .$27 S 1931 Packard De Luxe Sedan 379 £ Chrysler Coupe. 175 "e” Sedan _$675 *31 Chrysler 499 1935 Hupp 1 193.1— FORD SEDAN. RADIO Sedan..305 = 1931 Plymouth Sedan. E *31 Plymouth Sedan ► 1931 Ford Victoria. 33 “8” F. Cabr... 845 = 1933—FORD V-K COACH u»5 SEDANS 1934 Hupp _ FREE 39 = *33 = 1939 Ford Coach... 193.3— PLYMOUTH 1-DOOR SEDAN Plymouth S~dan 350 ► 1932 535 *30 Ford Coupe....... 35 1932 Nash "8” De. L. Sed.. Packard ..... i. 305 Spt. = 1939 Chevrolet Coune 49 £ § 19.31— DE SOTO 1-DOOR SEDAN Sedan First 200 Miles of Driving ► “8" 295 CHEVROLET MASTER »- *30 Pontiac Coach. I37 1931 Ford De Lx. Rds. 39 1931 Hudson Sedan... 1 10.31— *37 DOOR SEDAN Whippet Coach. 30 on the House. ► "6” Sedan 295 ’38 1930 45 N. Y. Ave. N.W. 1931 Hupp | 1931-CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE Whippet Sedan 30 Ford Tudor. 460 | = All Guaranteed Used Cars * | 1931 Essex “6” Sedan 225 1933-CHRYSLER C. I. «i SEDAN At 1615 O St. I .W. 103.3— DF. SOTO l-DOOR SEDAN 1930 Ford Spt. 49 295 = *31 Chevrolet Spt. Coupe. Sunday and Evenlnxs. E 1931 Hupp “8” Cust. Sedan 193.3— COUPE. CLEAN Roadster. 105 IP.-'irhrv Mast Sedan.$I7» Open aeuau CHEVROLET *30 .. Chrvsler Sedan IS5 MW I Ford Victoria Luxe. 470 1930 Plymouth Spt. Cpe. 31 1931 Nash “8” Con. Sed... 295 = 1933—NASH. MODEL I (Mill SEDAN De *‘49 Dodge Sedan 150 MW I Olds 0-Wheel Sedan 215 | fiinmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiimiimmiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiliiiS ’33 Buick Vet. Sed.. 675 275 1939—FORI) SEDAN *39 Ford 1930 Essex Coach. 31 1931 Hupp “8” C'us. Cabr. 19.33— STl DEKAKER SEDAN Coupe 50 10.22 Fold V-8 De Luxe Coach. 27.5 ^ J~ | *39 Hupmobile 350 “6” Sed. 295 1933—PLYMOUTH P. B. COACH Sedan. 150 I*».*;•; |)p Soto De Luxe Sedan. 215 '30 Cadillac Coupe.. 1930 Buick 7-Pass. *3*4 Nash Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach,,..... 47 I 1931-OLDS MOBILE COACH 350 = 1020 Stude. 6-w. w. 89 ^ 195 *30 Sedan '31 Essex Coach.... 165 1930 Stud. “6” Sedan. | 1931—PONTIAC SPORT COUPE Nash Sedan. 105 ’30 Nash .. ► 1931 Pontiac Sedan. 63 175 10.33— HUPMORII.F. SEDAN Coupe »?5 1929 Reo “6” Sedan *38 Olds Spt I These Cars Can Be Had '29 Hudson Sedan.. 125 | 1931—FORD SEDAN Coupe 50 for Balance 12 are 275 = ’39 Oakland Sedan t Easy Payments These company 1929 Packard “8” Sedan.. 19.31— FORD COUPE 135 j *39 $5 Down and Terms ’32 Hupmobile Sed.. 495 195 R. S. COUPE Oakland Coupe. 85 Matr. 6 Chevrolet! A. t official cars and have 1929 Buick “6” Sedan.... | 1931—FORD Others ’30 Pontiac Coach. loo Many .. ’31 Stud. Royal Sed.. 275 been driven very little. 1929 Auburn “6” Sedan 145 | EASY DOWN PAYMENTS TERMS AND TRADE / at TAYLOR’s\ ’33 Terraplane 8 C’h. 450 Better hurrv down! 50 Other Repossessed Bargains L~ *33 Terraplane 8 C'h.. 395 “Washington’s Finest” I TOM’S meuartMoiors / Coupes and Chs..$395 ’34 Terraplane Sed.. 650 Chryaler-Plymouth c e a u COLUMBIA I Spcl. ‘Coach (Trunk) -419 Evans Inc. 1355 Conn. Ave. || Inc. | ♦ ♦ NOLAN Motor Sales, Palmer, I De Luxe Town Sed.439 I Distributors De Soto-Plymouth 1731 Kalorama Rd. N.W. Col. I«15> | Deo. 3876 Open Sunday Sal** Service 1615 O St. Dec. 5516 t V, (« Whls. and Trunk) I N.W. ^ 14th and L Sti. N.W. V District 1529 14th St. N.W. Tlllllllll.lilllllllllHIII.Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll “.^nother Neighborhood Station” Sport Coupe.$425 j J 4100 l-sr Open Sunday and : Uted Car Lot ^ ^ V Sedans 7I/O** 70A ♦ ♦ .$425 // ULC. Evenings. New York & Florida Avet. N.E. 1503 R. I. Ave. N.E. Ml | |ii| ||, 111 ■ 1 )| ’hi | | J 1 National 3474 J Open 24 Hours a Day J Vl4thSt.atTj/ fa 1111 18th St. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | I til MIA/A /» « K/ II WARFIELD MOiOR CO. if fmwnuwxMJ Ki*fMEW m aCHERMlZEl v' ireconpitiqnedi ★ K ✓ RECOMAA_E_y Pfcftl * ✓ L. AND aaaAgj^eea^ J a T&etkk bn Gtotpahiictt 1931 Ford De Luxe Roadster ind tJd"* #189 1931 .. Chevrolet Coupe ... 239 1933 Ford V-8 De Luxe Tudor 389 1933 Chevrolet Master Cabriolet. 389 1934 Ford V-8 De Luxe Fordor 519 1934 De Soto Sedan (4,400 miles). 845 1935 Plymouth Touring, 2-door 669 1931 Packard Limousine. 585 1932 Auburn Sedan 295 1931 Willys-Knight Sedan 195 I guess we’ve done more to sell license plates for “dear old D. C.” than any one else. Now we're wondering if there are enough license plates 2525 SHERMAN AVE. N.W. to go on all the Chernerized Cars and New Ford V-8s we are selling dur- ing this great Fifth Anniversary Event. Cars are moving off our lots as Adams 8000 fast as if they saw a dust storm coming ... no wonder, though, when Joe Cherner has slashed prices lower than ever before and giving you a “birthday present” of simple, easy terms—that any one can afford! 1 1933 Chevrolet Coach .$385 1930 Packard Sedan... §389 1933 Plymouth P. D. Coupe. 385 35 TRUCKS 1930 Packard Club Sedan. 419 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 275 at REAL 1932 Ford V-8 Tudor. 355 1932 Chevrolet Coach 285 BARGAIN PRICES! 1933 Ford V-8 Coupe. 353 289 1933 Ford V-8 De Luxe 375 1932 Chevrolet Conv. Sedan. All Late Models— Coupe. 1932 Studebaker Brougham .. 369 Dump, Stakes & Panels! 1933 Ford V-8 Fordor. 385 1932 Ford 249 1931 Chevrolet Coach. 189 Today’s Special! 4-Cyl. Coupe. 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. 189 1935'FORD V-8 1932 Ford 4-Cyl. Tudor. 249 MONEY SAVING CHANCE! You owe it to to see these sensational It is a 1931 Coupe.- 219 PANEL (500 Miles) 1932 Ford V-8 Coupe. 265 yourself bargains. Chrysler chance of a lifetime to get the most for your money! The 1931 Pontiac Sedan. 239 1932 Ford V-8 Tudor. 275 biggest used-car values in history. Every one must go! Come $569 and take your pick. DON'T MISS IT! And every one carries 1931 Auburn Sedan. 295 1932 Ford V-8 De Luxe Coupe. 285 early OUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE • A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR CAR TILL PAY DAY • NO. far No. 49*4 769 —'31 Ford Tudor .$189 14th >932 PLYMOUTH BmoamAhnix at!708 mtttjmjtm 760 —'30 Chevrolet Sodan .$169 SEDAN Payment? a? low a? 682 —’29 Plymouth Sadan $95 $2.50 608 —'30 Plymouth Sadan.$195 Prices Weekly! *37 544A—'32 Same Low 1929 Buick Sport Roadster...?149 923.59 Monthly Plymouth Coupo.$295 .. ON ANY BARGAIN ANNEX 1928 Ford Sport Coupe. 59 497A—'29 Willys Sadan. $95 Same Easy Terms 1930 Ford Roadster 119 Car Xo. 7io 692A—'29 Pontiac Sadan. $95 59 1929 Ford Sedan >933 CHEVROLET 434A—'31 Pontiao Conv. Coupo.. $275 CAR WORTH $75 OR MORE! Here's a birthday present of 1929 Ford Tudor 99 129 MASTER COACH 653 —'31 Pontiao Coach.$249 $25.00, WITHOUT ANY 1929 Oldsmohile Sedan. 1929 Oldsmohile 129 960 —'31 Pontiao Coach.$265 STRINGS TIED TO IT. Sport Coupe. 1929 Pontiac Coach 149 DOWN 667 —'30 Oldsmobilo Sadan.$219 Use this cheek just like cash. 69 1929 Pontiac Coupe .,129 Monthly 651 —'31 Oldsmobilo Sadan.$299 Our terms are one-third 1928 Whippet Roadster 39 19 669 —'32 Nash Sedan.$295 down, with the balance in 1928 Whippet Coach far No. 897.4 1929 Ford Roadster 49 423A—'32 Chevrolet Sedan.$259 easy monthly or weekly pay- >932 CHEVROLET 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 119 ments. If the car you buy 756 —'31 Buick Sedan.$295 1930 Ford De Luxe Roadster. 149 COUPE is the check covers 723 —'34 Ford V-8 Coach.$479 only $75, 1931 Ford Dc Luxe Roadster. 189 725 —’34 De L. Sedan .. $649 THE WHOLE DOWN PAY- 1929 Oldsmohile Coach 149 ’19 DOWN Dodge MENT... if you buy a ,$150 1931 F'ord Coupe <R. S.). 219 •24.84 Monthly 698 —'34 Plymouth Do L. Sadan $565 129 car you simply add $25 cash 1928 Hupmohile Sedan 762 —'33 Pontiao Sport Coupo...$469 Sedan 95 to Uncle Joe’s $25 Birthday 1928 Chrysler far No.

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