THE FRISCO-MAN 21 Louis, Louisville, IJittsburg, Zaines- Engineer- J. J. O'Brien and Vireman ville, >It. Sterling, Ohio; Parliersburg, J. 31. Barton were in charge of engine TV. Va., and other cities along the route 1054, and the regular "Hill Crew," who estended courtesies, we are 11~0- founclly greatful, and shall only long whose names could not be learned at for an opportunity to show our appre- the time, were in charge of 1259. ciation in a more fitting ancl substantial The picture was taken by Herron way . Westhay, February 3, 1913 These resolutions would be incom- plete indeed unless we aclino\vleclge obligations to one Harry Cook of the Slcivvin Hotel, of Oklahoma City, for his untiring energy and successful ef- R. H. Edmondson. forts as the 11rince of entertainers, in R. H. Edmondson, car inspector, malting the occasion one continual died at the Frisco Hospital, Spring- round of pleasure long to be remem- field, Mo., February 3, aged seventy- bexd by us, each and all. (Signed) JUDGE C. LYNN, six years. HARRY H. l)l.YhIOND, Mr. Edmondson was an old "Mem- Committee. phis man" and was held in high es- teem by all of his railroad associates. From 1882 up to the ti~neof his death, A Snow Snap. he mas employed as car inspector at The accompanying reproduction is Springfield, No., rounding out thirty- from a photograph taken from the one years of continuous service. window of a chair car. Train No. 3, In Mr. Ed~nondson'sdeath the com- and shows the train on curve on Dixon Hill, Mile 132, east of Dixon, 3x0, At the time the train was snapped No. 3 mas in charge of Conductor H. pany loses one of its most conscien- tious and loyal employes, and many expressions of sorrow at the news of his death were heard up and down the line from Springfield to Kansas City. Mr. Edmondson leaves a wife and C. Parvin and Brakeman T. Hickey, six children, to whom sincere sym- and was pulled by engines Nos. 1259 pathy is extended. One son, T. H. and 1054, No. 1259 being the regular Edmondson, chief car inspector, Kan- "hill" engine used as helper on Dixon sas City, has been connected with the Hill, between Newburg and Dixon. Frisco for the last twenty-one years. 22 THE FRISCO-MAN -- .- "Economy in Little Things." St,. Louis, i\Io., BiIarcli 1, 1913. To Employes, Frisco Lines I call your att,eiitiou t,o the Tact that the cost of many articles in di~il~ruse on all railroads has ~iialeriallyincreased in recent years, alid I request that yo11 aid as ill p~~veiitiiigall possi1,le waste. As the cost of inat~riillsand sapplics has increased, your effort, to help us .saw now will produce n~uchgreater results than it did solne years ago. If each employe engaged in 17Iainte1iance of Way, i\Iaintcnancc of Equipinent ar~cl Transportatioii work would save an average of even five cents a day for tile company by prcvent,ing the waste or itiisuse of little things, the stiviiig in one year would be ilearly $400,000.00. EVERY ONE OF YOU CAN HELP. The prospcl8iby of' the raili.ouc1 cmploye is dependent upon the prosperity of the railroad. To bring home forcibly to you what the waste or niisuse of some of the colninon articles of e\-eryclay use costs the Frisco, I invitc your attention tto the follo~~~ingtahlc showing tlle ainount of service me must imder the public lo gct enough n1011c.3~t,o buy tliern. This t,able gives the distance wl~iclill~e Ii'i*isco must haul ail avevage ton of' freight to get enough net mvenuc t,o purcl~asethe articles nicnt,ionecl: Miles Track spike ................................................ 3 Track bolt .................................................. 9 Tie plate ................................................... 39 Axe ........................................................138 Track shovel ...............................................171 Spike maul ................................................231 Cross tiewhite oak ........................................132 Cross tie-creosoted ........................................ 210 Crossing plank-:3xl2slQ ................................... 162 Crossing plank-3~12x16 ...................................25s Track jack ..................................................1275 Tin dipper ............................................ 30 12-quart Water Bucket ...................................... 69 %-gallon oil can. ...........................................48 I-Gallon oil can... .......................................... 72 2-Gallon oil can... .......................................... 84 5-Gallon oil can... .......................................... 324 10-Gallon oil can.. ..........................................414 Track torpedo. ............................................. 3 5-Minute fusee ............................................. 15 10-Minute fusee ......................................... 21 White lantern globe.. .......................................36 Red lantern globe ...........................................150 THE FRISCO-MAN 23 Air hose ...................................................360 Steam hose ................................................1161 Pound of cotton waste ...................................... 16% Engine torch ................................................ ., 9 3 Water gauge la~np.......................................... 99 Steam gauge lamp .......................................... 111 Engine hammer ............................................ 117 Spring engine oiler ..........................................120 Locomotive scoop shovel .................................... 138 12-Inch screw wrench .......................................120 15-Inch screw wrench .......................................201 18-Inch screw wrench .......................................255 Engineers' kit box .......................................... 348 Pair engine markers ........................................2301 24-inch screw jack ..........................................3336 16-inch file .................................................. 66 1 Pound of nails ............................................ 6 1 Dozen wood screws (average size) ........................ 6 &Inchine bolt (average size) ................................. 21 1 Dozen square nuts (average size) ......................... 21 Cast iron brake shoe-freight car ........................... 105 Cast iron brake shoe-l~assenger car ........................ 138 Cast iron brake shoe-engine ...............................360 Two sheets carbon paper .................. ..... ..... ...... 3 Black lead pencil ........................................... 4% Copying pencil .............................................. 6 Rubber eraser .............................................. 9 Plain ink-stand ..............................................15 Stamp pad .................................................. 21 lVo. 19-order hoop ........................................... 30 Box of pins ........................................ 27 Letter file ................................................... 45 3 Train order blanlts ........................................ 3 10 Waybill blanks (y~size) .................................. 3 5 Waybill blanks (full size) ................................. 3 Broom ................................................ 66 Steel cuspidor ...............................................117 Grain door ................................................. 66 Warehouse truck ............................................2250 The use of all these avticles is necessa1.y on railroads. You c;~n not influence the price. but you can aid us by gctting the maximum service ant of the articles in your charge. Railroad men as a class are second to none in loyalty to their employers and Frisco incn ha~ealways been abovc the average in Ihis respect. The splcnclid co-operati\-e spirit you lltlve shown in the Safety First movcme~~tcan 1)e made to tcll in "economy in little things." 24 THE FRISCO-MAN - One on Coppage. The brakeman took a side glance at him and mswered as he gave his The Pittsburg Headlight tells of lantern a swing: "Pard, I have not this interesti~lgincident in which a got a cent; hop into that box car if Frisco brakenla11 running out of Fort you want a ride into town." Scott, and Superintendent Coppage of this city figwed: After the train had started out from the depot and was dragging along There is one brakeman on the with as much of the wreclt as it could Frisco who will not talk so last lrom carry, the same man came to the now on, because he made a talk to a brakeman in the rocking caboose and certain fellox who happened to be said: "I did not ride in that box car the superintendent. At least that is you pointed out, but I'm glad to meet the story that is going on among the a man that is always looking out for boys. The story is something like the common people, to keep them this: There was a wreck and the from getting hurt." superintendent and the trainmaster The brake:nan looked at him for a came down to look after it. The second and said: "That's all right, bralteman knew the trainmaster' but pard, and keep the change." not the "super." The wrecker was working and the crane had just picked He then went out and climbed the hurricane deck for a few minutes and up the end of a car and the brake- dropped down in the caboose again man was out giving signals to the and still the same fellow was there. engineer and doing his work in the The brakeman wallted back to the regnlar way, when he noticed a man other end of the caboose and aslteu standing in a place where it was dan- his conductor
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