GENETICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN ABSTRACTS of Papers given at the HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIRST MEETiNG of the Society held on 6th, 7th and 8th JULY 1966, at the UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE SYMPOSIUM—GENETIC INSTABILITIES INTRODUCTION—MUTATION AND PARAMUTATION J. R. S. FINCHAM John Innes Institute, 8oy ford bury, Hertford, Herts Allknown genetic elements are subject to mutation or loss—otherwise they could never have been recognised. Unusual genetic instability, beyond what can reasonably be explained by the typically rather low frequencies of gene mutation, may be of several quite distinct kinds including the following: i. An enhanced frequency of "ordinary" mutation, as in at least one well analysed case in Escijerichia o1i; in such a case we have an enhanced mutation frequency in all genes, and a plausible explanation in molecular terms. .Moreor less extreme instability in specific genes, often under very dedicate and specific control by environmental factors and/or genetic "controlling elements ". Thisis the phenomenon covered by Brink's term "paramutation ",usedin the broad sense. One reasonable view of paramutation is that it represents, in deranged form, a normal mechanism for control of gene activity during differentiation of cells. Variegated-type position effect in Drosophila, and perhaps chromosome inactivation in mammals, may be related phenomena. We are obviously very far from being able to explain these effects in molecular terms. 3. Conditioning, in the sense of a predictable change of genotype in response to particular conditions of growth. Some kind of directed mutation may be involved here, and at least some such effects seem to be associated with changes in the nuclear genotype rather than with the cytoplasm. The underlying mechanism may have something in common with that involved in paramutation. 4. Genetic variability based on the cytoplasm underlies many of the responses to vegetative selection reported in fungi and probably also in green plants. Some results, obtained by the author and B. J. Harrison, on genetic instability of the paramutational type in Antirrhinum will be reported. INSTABILITIESIN SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM OLIVER DARLINGTON Biology Laboratory, University of Sussex Inthe bacterium, Salmon€lla lyphimurium, certain slow-growing reversions of the leucine auxotroph, leu-151, exhibit a high rate of reversion back to auxotrophy. Most of these auxotrophs are themselves unstable, reverting to the slow-growing type. Both stable slow-growing and stable auxotrophic strains may be isolated from the unstable classes. The occurrence of unstable revertants of a praline auxotrophic mutant, in the unstable strain, was found to correlate with the loss of the instability from the slow- growing reversions of leu-15r. 527 528 GENETICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN In experiments on a proline auxotroph, pro-4o1, a peculiar type of reversion was found. The revertant colonies consisted entirely of auxotrophic cells. When the original auxotroph was used in homologous transductional crosses (selling) an unusually large number of wild-type recombinants were found. Among the reversions of a second leucine auxotroph, leu-12o, the two slow-growing classes proved to be unstable, reverting to faster growing types, termed sernjfasts. These specifically revert back to the slow-growing forms, with a very high frequency. The properties of these systems will be described and mechanisms for the in- stability will be discussed. INSTABILITYAND SELECTIVE MUTATIONS IN THE AROMATIC GENES OF SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM S. RIYASATY Department of Genetics, Trinity College, Dublin Thepattern of instability which may involve one or more of the loci concerned with the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids, and the pattern of spontaneous mutations within the tryAand tryBloci associated with a slow growing reversion of tryA-4will be described. Some models known to account for observations on other unstable systems will be discussed in relation to the results to be presented. UNSTABLEGENES IN DROSOPHILA 1.ALDERSON Department of Genetics, Cambridge Thepaper reviews examples of unstable genes in Drosophila. Particular emphasis is directed towards the behaviour of induced mutational instabilities in Drosophila, which are used as the basis for a molecular model to explain the genetic nature of unstable genes. THEINDUCTION OF REPLICATING INSTABILITIES IN SCHIZOSACCHAROMYCES POMBE M. ANWAR NASIM Muta genesis Research Unit, Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh 9 Theinduction of instabilities of the replicating type was studied after mutagenic treatment with nitrous acid, ethylmethanesuiphonate, N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitroso- guanidine, hydroxylamine and ultraviolet irradiation. With the exception of nitrous acid, all the mutagens tested induced such instabilities. The bearing of these results on the nature of induced replicating instabilities will be discussed. Since in these cases the induced instabilities replicate as such, "replication errors "inFreese's sense cannot explain them. It seems likely that an explanation will have to be sought for at the supramolecular level. UNSTABLEPHENOTYPES IN ASPERGILLUS NIDULANS J. H. CROFT Department of Genetics, University of Birmingham Unstablephenotypes are very common in Aspergillus nidulans. At least three mechanisms for the control of this instability have been suggested: (i) cytoplasmic GENETICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN 529 " genes";(ii)metabolic steady states;(iii) chromosomal irregularities, e.g. aneuploidy. These three mechanisms will be discussed by reference to three groups of unstable morphological variants. Similarities and differences in the behaviour of these variants and methods at present available for distinguishing between the three proposed mechanisms will be emphasised. RESPONSETO SELECTION WITHIN CLONES IN HIGHER PLANTS E. L. BREESE Welsh Plant Breeding Station, Aberystwyth Sofar there have been few reported instances of response to selection within clones of higher plants. Recent experiments with perennial ryegrass have shown that small continuous differences in growth rates between sub-clones (ramets) can be accumulated by selection to give major phenotypic differences. These differences can have a high degree of persistency and are presumed to be consequence of changes in the plasmon. Response is genotype-dependent, and somatic lability appears to be a feature of genotypes deriving from populations with histories of long-continued asexual propagation. Genetic studies with a range of persistent ryegrass population indicate that such differences may be transmitted over sexual cycles and have adaptive significance. Wider implications of these results will be discussed in relation to other reported examples of extranuclear phenomena. ENVIRONMENTALLYINDUCED HERITABLE CHANGES IN HIGHER ORGANISMS A. DURRANT Department of Agricultural Botany, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth Thereis evidence for the occurrence of environmentally induced heritable changes that cannot be classified as mutations. They have the following characteristics: (i) They are induced by environments which are not exceptionally different from those normally experienced. (ii) All similar plants similarly treated change identically (iii) The response is quantitative, the more prolonged or the wider the range of treatment levels the greater the induced changes. Accepting only those experiments wherein the principles of Mendelian inheritance are recognised and homozygosity appreciated, the amount of information is so far limited. In other experiments the possibilities of cytoplasmic, hormonal or maternal effects have yet to be excluded. Induced changes in flax are nuclear and permanent though in some environments some reversion occurs with respect to some characters. In peas (H. R. Highkin) the permanency is dependent upon the continuation of the inducing environment but there is also evidence of pollen effects. Changes in Xicotiana (J. Hill) may be similar to those in flax. There is no evidence that the induced changes are adaptive. They may occur because the plants arc less capable of controlling their metabolism, or the changes may constitute a mechanism for promoting additional genetic variation. Lines inbred from natural populations are probably the most suitable material for the induction of heritable change. Symposium:SummIng up—C. Auerbach 53° GENETICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN OTHERPAPERS MUTATIONAL INSTABILITIES PRODUCED BY ETHYL METHANESULPHONATE IN DROSOPHILA T. ALDERSON and A. H. KHAN Department of Genetics, Cambridge Followingtreatment of Drosophila spermatozoa with ethyl methanesulphonate, fourteen lines have been isolated which continue to show apparent germinal mosaic- ism; for second chromosome recessive lethal mutations throughout succeeding genera- tions all lines originated from independent mutational events in individual sperma- tozoa from different treated males. The recurring lethal mutations originating within a line are found to be allelic both with one another and with the original mutation from which the line derived; but there is no allelisni between lethal mutations from different lines. These observations establish each continuing lethal-mosaic as a mutational instability, and suggest that a pre-inutational event can be produced by ethyl methanesuiphonate on a chromosome. Its unstable nature is subsequently characterised by its apparent behaviour in being repeatedly maintained throughout all the cell divisions which separate the fertilised ovum of one generation from that of the next generation
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