Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Stem Since 1896 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 63 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1964 First In A Scries Past Censorship Attempts Smoking Report„ Brings of CDC Examined Coughing Reaction Here EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the determined. aggressive and unre- Reactions varied among faculty pated the report. "With me it was said to myself I'll never smoke an- first in a three part series on the his- strained student leaders that I have and student leaders yesterday morn- either two packs a day or nothing. other cigarette. I haven't had one all tory of attempts to control the Con- I don't think you can switch to day and that's the first time that's ever known in Storrs. The faculty ing as they coughed and wheezed necticut Daily Campus. pipes or cigars. They're just eva- happened since I was eighteen, did not like Drub Dow and scorned out statements concerning the re- sions. I have given them up for a (thoughtful pause) But ask me The connotation of the word "cen- his policies and beliefs. port given by the Surgeon General's month now and I feel like a super- again tomorrow. sorship", according to Webster, va- The faculty met in those days in ior person in every way. morally ries from "overseeing" on the liberal Office Saturday on the hazards of William Spengeman, English in a room on the first floor of Gul- spiritually, and physically." interpretation, to "cutting out ob- smoking. Dept.; "We quit, my wife and I ley Hall, which had ample room to scene or objectionable material." as David Ivry. Insurance Depart- Jack Davis. English Dept.: "I both quit." However, when asked accommodate the entire staff of that if he expected to stick to his reso- seen by the conservatives. ment said. "Scares the heck out of lime. There were several incendiary lution Mr. Spengeman replied. me. It just codifies what we have Current Proposition speeches at this particular meeting Performs Tonight "Yes. of course. I always do when thought all along. I'm not a cigar- Whether the current proposition of about the sins of the Campus-includ- ette smoker, but I'm a cigar smoker ever 1 decide to stop smoking." making the Connecticut Daily Cam- ing the customary fulmination on and will continue to smoke cigars. Sumner Cohen. Resident Hous- pus a tri-weekly paper is censorship grammatical and typographical er- They said that the effects of over ing: "I think I will give them up. or not is a matter of personal opin- rors. Finally someone introduced a five cigars a day were almost Great Britain tried to educate the ion. But at least one student sena- resolution for a censorship of the negligable. but if I smoked cigar- Canadians to the ill effects of smok- tor has called it so. "Because it is Campus. This went booming through ettes I'd give serious consideration ing anJ they smoke more now than using the budget as a means to tell and was followed by a resolution ap- to giving them up. As an insurance ever. I don't know what effect will the CDC what to print." pointing me as the censor. The senator said that she could man that's concerned with longetiv- be in the U.S. Being somewhat more inflamma- "perhaps see the expenditures being ity. I think it'd be best if everyone Provost Albert Waugh; "I tory then than I am now I arose to controlled, but certainly the writing gave it serious consideration." stopped in 1931. It is hard to say say that the faculty had not hired in the paper should have no connec- Arwood Northby. Dean of Stu- what the effect will be. My son is me in the first place, couldn't fire tion with the budget." a doctor in a large hospital and he me now and that I did not intend dents. "In view of all previous re- Previous Attempts says that one-half to three-quarters to take any orders from the faculty ports, it was just what we expected. All this talk brings to mind pre- of the doctors have quit." of Connecticut Agricultural College. vious attempts of "overseeing" the As for me. I don't smoke." Victor Schachter. ASG President: I admitted that President Beach had Connecticut Daily Campus. The cur- John Cary, English Department, "I think that students were always rent battle is by no means the first (Continued on Page 4. Col. 3) was a man that already had antici- suspicious of the connection between one which the CDC has faced since lung cancer and cigarettes. The its beginning nearly three-quarters of Surgeon General's report crystalises a century ago. the situation. The number of per- In 1953. Walter Stemmons. facul- Montville, Caruso, Donat sonal changes is unknown, the role ty advisor to the Campus at that of student government is question- time for 45 years, gave the following able as far as cigarettes is con- speech at the 34th Annual Campus Elected To Editorships cerned. I am definately cutting Banquet. The banquets were car- down, and I hope to cut them out. Three positions on the Board of THE UNIVERSITY OF CON- ried on for a few more years, until Fpsilon and a seventh semester Some people are fools to keep Directors of the DAILY CAMPUS NECTICUT will present one of the Student Senate cut them out of Marketing Major from Bridgeport. smoking but. a lot of us are fool- were filled Friday at the weekly England's most prominant mezzo- the budget. The speech summarizes Conn. ish sometimes." board meeting. sopranos tonight in an open recital these "censorship" attempts. Advertising Manager John Cole. Sociology Dept.: "It at Von Der Mehden Recital Hall CAMPUS BANQUET The new members are Leigh Since August Donat worked in Montville, News Editor; Guy Ca- the field selling ads for the CAM- Miss Mary Collier will be mak- might follow the pattern it followed Marlborough Tavern ruso. Sports Editor; and Ronald PUS, and after Thanksgiving he ing her debut at UConn in a special in England. In England there was May 9, 1953 Donat. Advertising Manager. was brought into the office to learn 8; 15 p.m. recital with famed pianist a temporary attempt to stop smok- By WALTER STEMMONS Leigh Montville will fill the place the bookkeeping end of the busin- Leonard Seeber as her accompanist. ing but people soon reverted to This is the thirty - fourth annual left vacant by Peter Kierys' resign- ess. Miss Collier comes to UConn their old habits. I am a heav\ ation due to personal reasons. A fifth semester English major. with an impressive background of Campus banquet that I have attend- smoker, and 1 plan to cut down. I ed and the thirty-fourth time that I Liegh has served as Sport Editor Donat lives in Willimantic and is British experience. She has sung notice the tendency to smoke no have made a speech al these ban- since last Spring and has been with married to the former Miss Sally with such major orchestras as the quets. Usually the editor of the the paper for two years. Etclman of Stamford Conn. Halle of Manchester, the Liverpool cigarettees for a while, and then Campus askes me to act as toast- As a junior. Montville will be Sandy King had served as Ad- Philharmonic, and the London to slip into the old habit. There will master, hoping in that way that he the only returning editor next fall, vertising Manager since Spring '63, Symphony. Miss Collier has also be more awareness of trying to stop can stop this annual speech. all others are graduating. and he plans to go on to Air Force broadcast with the British Broad- smoking, and more of an effort. But as this may be the last time An English major and a brother OCS school after graduating in casting Corporation. Whether people actually change or very near the last time thai I of Phi Sigma Kappa Montville February. (Photo By Bradbur>- their habits remains to be seen. will be able to face such an intel- comes from New Haven. lectual and puichritudinous audience. Sports Editor Sophomore Lounge I am determined to make a speech When Montville left the Sports and just tell Carl CaHtim try to stop Department Guy Caruso was chos- me. en to fill his shoes. In view of recent events on the Caruso joined the paper only last campus concerning student publica- fall, and will fill the post of Sports tions I have decided tonighl to re- Editor until the spring elections as view the long record of attempts on a senior he will be unable to be this campus at suppressing the rights reelected. granted under Article I of the Bill Caruso is a brother of Tua Kappa of Rights of the United States Con- stitution. Doubtless these administrators UConn Student Arrested who protest violently that censor- For Reckless Driving ship or control is not contemplated are honest and sincere in their pro- Charles E. Kennedy. Jr.. 24. testations. But they will not be with Theta Xi. was arrested for reck- us always and the machinery is there less driving early yesterday morn- if these benign and benevolent ad- ing by State Police after the car ministrators are succeeded by Hitlers he was driving went out of con- or Huey Longs. trol on North Eagleville Road and Student attempts to control the hit a car owned bv Richard Fraser. editorial policy of the Connecticut 21. Litchfield Hail.
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