On the Inside , Weather Merk.l Out of M•• I r ParUl' doucb and ~Dle­ ". Paqe 4 wha, warm~r with aeat­ Playqroundl Open t~red thDnd~nhO'll'en t.- 04ht ud Wedn day. .• , Page 5 me hat ~ooler Wed· OkoboJi Proqraml Scheduled I al owan· 'le5da,.. Bleh tocla,., It: ••• Page 6 lOW, 50. llirh Monu" Est. 1868 - AP Leaaed WIre. AP WIrephoto. UP LeaMd WIre - nve Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, June 20, 19SO - Vol. B4, No, 218 74: low, st. Council. Oka"$ $140,000. For Re~Surfating Streets IOpen .Door To Possible· A $143,906.14 expenditure for street re-surfacing of 107 blocks in Iowa City was approved Monday night by the city council. Second Amerasia Probe Thll program, dating back to May 4 when Alderman Charles T. Smith asked for the improveJ]lents, will begin shortly after the bids for construction are opened July 10. Work is expected Wow! But Barkley to last about two months. Cily gas tax refunds will pay OMAHA (A') - Cla~!iried advel'tlsinl solicitors sometimes for the rc-surtacing over a 10- find themselves in embarrassing situations. Berates GOP Gommentator year period, and at no expense Like the instance described Monday by Walter S. Campbell, to the property owner. first vice-president of the Association of Newspaper Cla~sllied Oppose Flnanelne Advertisinl Manaaers, at the Iroup's convention. Demand for It The local chamber ot com­ Campbell, 01 the ])etroit Free Press, told or a new woman Qpens Lecture WASHINGTON M - Vice­ merce, expected to provide the ad solicitor who got in the wronll room at the Brl(IS Manutac~ Prl!Sldent Alben W. Barkley re~ greatest opposition to the Smith­ turing ccmpany plant. It was filled with undr ed men, job a~ luctantly opened the door to a sponsored re-surfacing plan, Mon­ pllcants waltinl for physical examination. possible second enate investiga­ Series Friday day' night objected only to the A plant executive came out 01 the crowd and saved the day, tion of the tormy Amerasia case Robert Kazmayer, world affairs method ot financirw the plan. Campbell said, The executive said, "Good morning, nursc, we've Monday but publicly berated the writer and radio commentator, The chamber's committee on been expectln, you," and led her out. 21 Republicans who proposed It. good roads baCked the re-surfac­ will open the SUI summer lec­ In an unu uDI acUon, B rkley ture series Friday evening. ing program asked by Smith but asked the money to pay for it be qu tioned Indlr ctly whether Kazmayer will speak on "The raised by revenue bonds up to 75 polltlcs might not lie behind the Ch~nging European Picture" at 8 GOP demand. He also voiced percen~ of the entire amount. ISTC President Resigns; p.m. from the platform of the IJartley Backs Proposal grave doubt over the "wisdom" band shell south of the Iowa Un­ The remaining 25 percent, com­ of using the senate as a "grand ion. In case of rain, the lecture jury" to Investigate public otfi­ mittee r~presen tatives said, should 10.11,. Iowan rhol. by Barney eJ~.. t) wlll be held in Macbride audi­ be assessed to the property own­ \ Wants to Be Professor clals. torium, Prof. M. Willard Lampe, CHRISTMAS N JUNE? NOT QUITE, BUT It'. almost as much tun, accordine to Judy Ditmars. 8, er (totaling about $30,000). Malvern. Judy ill a post-polio patient at the hOlpUal SChOll ror levenly handicapped children. When CEDAR FALLS (AP)-Dr. Malcolm Price Monday an­ Bu 1 he said that since his per­ summer lecture chairman, said sonal opinions have no bearinl on The council ruled in favor of an Omaha newspaper ran a a&ory on Judy, kind· hearted people from five states showered her with nounced his resigl)ntion as president of Towa . tate .Teachers Monday. Smith's proposal, however, ·when 375 letters and 25 packares. the case, he was ref rrlng the Kazmayer's views on the post­ City Atty. William H. Bartley college. He said in a statement to the college faculty thot he RepubUcDn resolution to the scn­ war world will be based partially explained it is impossible to ob­ didn't "choose any longer to be a college president," ate judiciary committee which now must decide wheth r to con~ on recent travels in the Far East, tain any money from the gas tax His resignation is to be effective Sept. 1. His duties as Europe and Russia. refunds for any other than basic Postmen Have Heavy Date with Judy - duct the Inquiry. president will end Aug. 1. He goes on vacation in August. 'His travels started when he improvements. The project, he Whil th lull Judiciary com~ Dr. Price has requested ap­ mitt e must decide wheth r to go worked his way on a trip around said, could not be bonded accord­ 'n ing to sta te rulin¥s. ahead with the ncw invlestllD­ pointment as a professor on lion, Chairman Pal McCarran (0- .d TinV Polio Victim ·Swamp d 'with Mail the ISTC faculty. Suit in 1948 Crash Nev) said In a I It r writt n May c P~dent Since I'•• 17 that h wanted no part of a y Conferees Agree By BARNEY SEIBERT though her three dolls and var- tbe school ore reading the cards Pre~ident of Iowa State Teach· sep rat inquiry. Most popular with postmen in iety or story-books are not ne- and letters to her. ers since 19.0, Dr. Price, who is Settled by Litigants; McCarrall; who lrequcntly dls- Iowa City is little Judy Ditmars. glected, it is the dog which re- Most of them are about the 54 years of ale, told his taculty 8gr s violently with the admin­ On Rent Extension She is staging a one-woman cam~ ceives the lion's share of aUen- same as this one from another in the statement read to them Trucker Gets $400 istration on securIty matt rs, WASHINGTON (JP) - A com- paign which seems bent on mak­ tion. Judy in Nebraska. "We read about thai: wrot tho I tt r to Sen. Hom r promise extension of federal rent ing the mail volume here double Judy can't read yet. She has ~ou in the paper. We are glad you "My 800d friends have coun­ Johnson county jurors were dis­ E. Ferlluson (R-Mich) who put controls through 1950, and for an-I overnight. been busy tiihtlng an uphill bat- ~re going home. Get well soon. seUed me to slow down and take missed today for the rem:linder it in the Con,r ssionnl Record last other six months ih communities Judy is a patient at the hos~ tIe with paralYSis since October, Your friend, Judy." it easy. However, the coUeee is ot the court term, when It was week. Which want them, was agreed pital school for severely handi~ 19~8. But nurses and doctors at She was stricken with polio In not in the coa.tin, sta,e. In announced that the $10,661.85 fact, no colie,e ever stands still. upon Monday by a conference capped children. She is a polio SePtember, 1948, and completely damaie sult of Arlo Barnes, Mal­ committee of the senate and house. victim and has spent a goodly paralyzed. She spent almost a A colleae either moves fOrward or com, a,ainst Vernon Willis, Mus­ Bookmaker Pleads The two branches of congress proportion of her six years in an year in an iron lung at Mercy backward. caUne, was settled out of court. s~i1l must approve the measure. iron lung. Plan Spetial ' Train "n would not be fair to the a hospital in Council Bluffs. Now colleee II I were to take the Clair E. HDmllton, Willis' at­ 1'h1l house will act first, possibly Last week the Omaha World~ she has regained the use of her torney, said the settlement was Guilfy to 60 Charges today. Herald ran a story on Judy, say- counsel of my lriends and take To California for arl$ but she still cannot use it easy." made tor $400. ! There was every indication that jng she was going home tor the Tlie damage suit, Wed Nov. 26, NEW YORK (IP') - Gambler the completed bill will be on Pres- first time in over two years. Since Pa,.. ",50. only stay up t hree 1948, grew out of n head-on car­ Frank Erickson, an old hand at ident Truman's desk well before then Po~trnaste.r DQnaidson hu Iowa's Grlid ' O~ner he~u!~gS~on The position pays $9,500 year tigurin, the odds, Monday played , fU' <hours each day but she makes salary. truel< collision Juno 15, 19~8, ellst June 30, when the present law had to put on extra pony e"xpress of Iowa Cit,)'. II long shot lha t could bring him expires. riders. A special PuJ.W!on traln to Call- the most ot them. She is the cen­ Dr. Price headetl the college ,,'" ;, ,kOBEKT ItAZMAYER fornia tor '~owas 195. 'football ter of a group of other children Willis and Rob rt Crose, sam dell' of lenl ncy, or a 60- No doubts have been voiced Sympathetic people from five during the strenuous war years Mrs. year pl"lson sentence. I:,' Wilt Diaeu s Post-War World opener with Sbuthern California -patients at the school - who and post war yenrs. The site of drIvlnc Willis' 1940 Dodge coupe, that Mr. Truman will sign the states have deluged the school Rllther than , tok his chances ' bill.
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