PE 30 July 22" 196/6 Ghairman Mao ls the Red $un in the lI Hearts of the People of the llorld An occount of the visits of friends from five continents to Choirmon Moo's birthploce ot Shooshoq 4 D.R.Y. President Ho Chi Minh lssues " An Appeol to the People A Of the Whole Country" A New Stsge of the Sociolist -{L Revolution in Chino Benmin Riboo editoriol. July 22, 1966 Vol. 9, No. 30 PEKING REVIEW ), i Published in English, French, Sponish, I I Joponese Germon editions ond 1 I i i I IHE UEEK Choiryncn Moo Receires Delegotes orrd Obrerrer to Afro-Asion lVriters'Emer- gEilcy Heeting; Choirmoo !'loo Recefoes ltleplese Crorvn Pnnce; Chen Yi Condemns U.S.-Soviet-lndion Piot to 'Force Peoce Tolks Through Bombing" {p. 3) ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS t*'TT in the Hecrts or the Peopre or the worrd f;:"':,1ff.fii',i'J, A New Stcge of the Sociolist Revolution in Chins - Renntin Riboo Eciitoriol {P'11} President Flo Chi Minh's Appeo! io the ?eople of the Whole Country (p. 13) Order of the President ol the Democrotic Republic of Vietncm (p. 14) Decision of the Stsnding Committee of the D.R.V. N,:tionol F.ssembly (p. 15) Communique of the D.R.V. Supreme Notionol Defence Council (p. l5) Chino Reody ot Any Time to Tske All Necessary Actions to Aid Vietnomese People's Struggle Agoinst U.5. lmperiolism to the End (p. 17) - The 700 Million Chinese People Pledge to Bock the Vletnomese People RenmLn Siboo Editoriol (p. i8) - . "Denying o Rumour" or Spreccling o Rumour? Renmin.Riboo Cornmentotor (p' 1e) - Students Propose New Educqtionol System in Arts Foculties (p. 20) fhe Battte to Moke Our Oxygen Cylinders - by Meng Teh-ho (p. 23) Creotiveiy Study ond Apply lr4oc Tse-tung's Thought-Excerpts From Comrode Wong Chieh's Diory (p. 29) Pub{is}red rery fridoy by PEKING ft.EVlEW ,Poi Wsn Chrcng, Peking B7), Chino Post oJfice Registrolion No. ?-922 t Ccble Address: Peking 2910 Printed in the People's Republic of Chino I I I rL_ THE ttrEEK @8*Z UtWBtffiiW W'rc"//rar;t8 Choirmon Mso Receives Delegotes cnd ObserYers to Afro-Asien \ffriters' Emergency Meeting (-THAIRMAN Mao Tse-tung on JuIy C1aude N Dalla of Congo (Brazza- Sotrle Amadou and llamidou Idris- \J 17 received the delegates to the ville); sa of Niger; recent Afro-Asian Emer- Writers' Wen Ming Chyuan of North Kali- gency Meeting and ebservers from Kib*'e Constantin-Marie of Congo mantan; international organizations lvho at- (Leopoldville); and Ishfaq Ah- tended the meeting. Armah and J. Biki of Ghana; Shaukat Siddiqui med Khan ef Fakistaa; These friends frorn various coun- Sekou Camara and Keita Athanase Abu Selma of Falestine; tries and regions greeted Chairrnan of Guinea; Mao with warm applause when he Amado V. Hernandez and Rolando met them. Chairman Mao also Agam Wispi, Ibrahim Isa, Rondang O. Fadul of the Philippines; clapped his hands expressing his E. Marpaung and Rasjid A.L. of warm welcome, and posed for a Indonesia; Mario Fonseca and Onesimo Sil- photograph with them. veira of "Portuguese" Guinea and Ramin and Khosrarvi of Iran; the Cape Verde Islands; The delegates who were received Yousif Izzidien Iraq; were: oi Karuretwa Francois and Mungaru- lire Pierre of Rrvanda; Bon Shiraishi, Kenzo Nakajima D. Manuweera, representative of and his wife. Kinkazu Saionji, Yoko the Secretary*General of the Afro- Mrs. Nancy Grant, Mrs. Salimatu Matsuoka, Shogo Koide. Shigeko Asian Writers' Bureau; Turay and Edward Lamin of Sierra Yuki. Shigeo Sato, Seizi Shimota, Sei Leone; Viriato Dacruz of Angola; Kubota, Udai Fuji-shima. Toru Taka- hashi and Nobuyoshi Terada of Ja- N[ohamed Dahan of Soma]i Coast L Morrison, Riehard Darrovr, p,an; ("French"); Ahmed Gora Ebrahim and Vusurnzi Somalia; Make of Azania (South Africa); Mazen Ahmad of Jordan; Abdulaziz Nur Hersi of Kauraisa, Katjinnuina Veii C.D.M. Mokhehle and Ntsi Mohale Choi Yeng lfwa, Choi Il Lyong and Charles South West of Basutoland; Kirn Byeng Hyu of the Democratic and Uatja Kaukuetu of People's Republic of Korea; Africa; Bobby Mack and Valentine Phu- Osman Hassan Ahmed and his Choulamany, Chaleun maphi of Bechuanaland; Outama wife, Hamid Mahmoud Wafi and his Vongsama5rg and Shivin Ura Sadet- wife of Sudan; Trinh Hoanh, Chau Xeng Ua, Keuk tan of Laos; Ky Heang and his wife of Cambodia; Albert Nxumalo, D.C.D. Nxumalo Ibrahirn Saleme of Lebanon; Feze Marcel and l\Iouzong ot and H.F. Nkosi of Swaziland; Cameroon; P.V. Sarma of Malaya; Jaoudat al-Rikabi and Salame Manavodatsa Malagasy; (fubied of Syria; Antonio Cubillo of the Canary Is- Andria of lands; Mohamed Lamine Cisse and Oumar Yahya Mohamed Hassani and Mo- Mali; Tanzania; D- Caldera and K.R Saputantri of Traore of hamed Ali Hemedi of Ceylon: Ali Oumlil of 1\Iorocco; Kularb Saipradit, Kulish Indusakti and Chanid Saipradit of Thailand; Abdou P:akari Boina of the Como- Siddhi Charan Shrestha and Go- ro Islands; vind Bhatt of Nepal; Mehmed Nejad of TurkeY; JuLy 22, 1966 Chairman Mao witb the tlelegates antl observers to the Afro-Asiao Bin lt{usa of Uganda; Also received were Absalom Ba- Those present on the occasion in- cluded Kuo Mo-jo, head, and Hsu Xuan Truong, Hoang Trung Thong, hule, observer from Mozambique; B. Kuang-ping, Pa Chin and Liu pai-yu, Hong Chuong and Nguyen Dung of Bakon, observer from Cameroon; vice-heads, of the Chinese delegation the Democratic Repubiic of Vietnam; Han Suyin, famous from writer to the Afro-Asian Writers' Emergency Southeast Asia; and Mrs. Kheir, rvife Tran Dinh Van and phan Tu of Meeting; and Liao Cheng-chih, the Sor-rth Vietnarn National Front of Ahrned Mohamrned Kheir, a Su- Chairman of the Chinese Committee for Liberation; danese poet. fol Afro-Asian Solidarity. Saleh Dahhan and Mohamed Abdul Razzaq Makeen of yen-ren; EUas Rusike, G. Savanhu. A.H. l\llombeshora and p.T. Chizegeni of Zimbabrve. Observers frcm international or- ganizations lviro rl,ere also received were: Djarvolo (Indonesia), I. Sugiyama (Japan), Supeno (Indonesia), yang Yi (China) and Umar Sard (Indonesia) of the Afro-Asian Journalists, Asso- ciation; Mrs. Theja Gunawardhana (Cey- ion) of the Asian Eccnomic Serninar; Willy Hariandja and his wife (In- donesia) of the Peace Liaison Com- mittee of the Asian ar.rd pacilic Re- gions. The delegates and observers greet Chairman Mao 4 Pekine Reuieu. No. 30 L* r ' Vice-Preniier Chen Yi said: "The bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong by U.S. imperiai- ism shows that the Johnson Administration has gone down a blind alley in its rvar of aggression in Vietnam. and that it is trying vainiy to re- sort to military blackrnail try extending its air raids to force the Vietnamese people to give u'ay and to accept, the 'peace talks' fraud. In co- ordinati.on with the frenzied bornbing by U.S. imperialism, those who have always busied themseLves with the 'peace talks' fraud became very ac- tive again. The Indian Gov- ernment hastily brought forth the so-called seven-point proposal for realizing 'peace' in Vietnam. The 'united ac- tion: taken by U.S. imperlal- ism, Soviet modern revision- ism and the Indian reacti.on- Writers' Emergency Meeting aries to push the big con- spiracy of 'forcing peace talks through bombii-rg' has finally Chairman Mao Receives Nepalese been exposed to broad daylight." The Vice-Premier addecl: "What Crown Prince kind of stuff is the Indian Govern- ment's proposal made of after all? (-\HAIRMAN Mao Tse-tung received factory results were reached. To \r It is a carbon-copy of the proposal Nepalese Crown Prince Birendra assist Nepal in its economic develop- for so-called unconditional negotia- Shah during the latter's visit to China ment, the Chinese Gover'nment has tions repeatedly put forward by the anC had a friendly talk with him. agreed to provide His Majesty's Gov- United States. It is a proposal which He also received Prince Himalaya etnment of Nepal rvith further aid appears to uphold the banner of the Shah and his rvife, Princess Princep which. as before, r,r'ill be [r'ee of any Geneva agreements but rvhich utterly Shah, and other members the of condiIions. violates the Geneva agreements. Crown Prince's party at the same Completely ignoring the explicit time. The Nepalese Crown Prince left provisions of the Geneva agreements, During his visit, the Crown Prince Shanghai for home on Jul;r 13 after it n-rakes no demand whatever that had talks with leaders of the Chinese visiting various parts of the country the United States immediateiy stop Government on the further develop- for more than trvo wereks. Premier its aggression against Vietnam as a ment of friendly relations and eco- Chou En-lai and over 1,000 people rvhole and withdraw' all of its ag- nomic and technical co-operation be- from all rvalks of life in the city saw gressor troops from south Vietnam tween China and Nepal, and satis- him off at the airporL without delay. By git ing the same status to both aggressors and victims of aggression, it demands that the Chen Yi Condemns U.S.-Soviet-lndian Plot to Victnamese people hold talks with the U.S. gangsters at a time rvhen "Force Peace Talks Through Bombing" the U.S. aggressor troops still remain is in every q PEAKING at a banquet given by Vice-Premier Chen Yi strongly con- on the soil of Vietnam. It sense proposal that serves to en- \-./ Korean Charge d'Af laires ad demned U.S. imperialism, Sovj.et a interim Kim Jai Sook on JuIy 12 in modern revisionism and the Indian sure the continued occupation of south Vietnam by the United States Peking in ct,lebral.ion of the 5th an- reactionaries for taking "united permanent partition of niversary of the signing of the Sino- action" on the Vietnam question to and the Kcrean Treaty of Friendship, Co- push the big conspiracy of "forcing Vietnam." operation and Mutual Assistance, peace talks thrt-rlrgh bombing." (Contir,.ued on p.
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