Page Thm Friday, July 24, 1942. Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune or persons lu charge or the operation 4. Operators of all other vehicular traf- Portage Sunday. They also visit- of such lights, as the case may be. shall fic shall: Pittsville ed at the Bill Palmer and Melvin be responsible tor the obsenauce of this (a) Immediately draw to the side ot Won't Probe provision. In iase of an announced test the highway or street and stop in such Lake homes at Poynette. or trial blackout, street and navigation a manner and in such a place so as not Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tyjeski Sunday dinner guests at the lights, traftic warning and danger sig- to double park or obstruct the reason- and son Bernard and Joseph Tyje- nals may remain lighted without being able Use of the highway or t.Ueet. fire home of Mr. and Mrs. William Problem of dimmed, hooded or otherwise masked hydrant, or police oc fire .station drive- ski, city, Mrs. R. Mass of Bab-Zuehlke were Mr. and Mrs. Rob- unless otherwise ordered by the War way or other emergency driveway. Dur- co',-k enjoyed a. fishing trip to Cot- ert Andre ana son, Mr. and Mrs. Department. ing the period ot such air raid alarm, tonville Sunday. Section 4. IH'TY OK OCCUPANTS. parking regulations pertaining to light*, Emil Lipka and family 'of Spencer. Rubber-Stone OWXEKS AM) JLES3KES. time limits., distances from Intersections Mrs. Rudy Meyer and children, In order to currv out effectively the and parking in prohibited zones, except Miss Marion Zuehlke, who has provision of the foregoing section: bus loading zones s-hall be suspended been visiting at the home of her Mrs. Albert Hofer, Mrs. T. B. Sugar Hill, N. H.-(JP)—Chief (a) No occupant of any building or except insofar :i« their violation may Domke and Mrs. Elizabeth Bolster Justice Harlan F. Stone said today inv portion theieof shall permit such constitute a \iolatiou of these rules and parents, Mr. and Mrs.' William building* or Mich portion thereof a» he regulations.. ZuehlUe for several weeks, spent were Marshfield visitors Monday. that he did not intend to accept the nifl.v occupy to bo lighted or illuminated (b) Extinguish all lights. i few days v.-ith friends in Texas, Mrs. Bolster lemained and is em- task of making: an independent in- (either ou the outside or on the inside. u>) Lock the ignition ot such vehicle. ployed there. quiry in the rubber situation to end in such way that suUi lighting or Illu- but- shall not. in anv <.,IM.- lock the doort> then returned to her work at Wau- mination is \Uiblc trom the outside! of such vehicle if left unattended watosa '1 uesday. Mrs. Winifred Timothy left Mon- present controversies over the prob- ;roui sunset to sunrise, unle-s while so (il\ Set the hand brake of such ve- lighted or illumin.ited there is stationed hicle. Mrs. Caroline Seidl of Marsh- day evening for Greenwood where lem. in such building or sucli portion there- (e) In the case of horse drawn ve- field spent Monday with Mrs. E. she is assisting in putting on a Here for his summer vacation, of, as the case mav be, a person or per- hicles, immediately halter the horse or sons capable of and responsible for im- liorM's thereof tirmly and secured to .1 H. Waido. home talent play. the chief justice, when told stories mediatel) mittinsr out the lights or mak- lived object if one i.s available .unl if i Mr. and Mrs. William Ziehr and Miss Cora >'elson returned home had been published to the effect that ing them inxiMble from the outride 111 none Is available to the vehicle uself Monday after being a patient at the event an air raid warning or signal after unhitching said horses. sons \%ere Sunday evening visitors President Roosevelt had asked him for a blackout is given 'IMs. provision if) Postal vehicles khall not be gov- at the William Boyarski home at the Riverview hospital at Wiscon- to make such an inquiry, said: shall apply to e\ery occupant of any erned bv the provisions of «nl)soiiion sin Rapids building whatsoever. In the case of (c) of this section, but sh.ui be linked Wisconsin Rapios. "I have not accepted any such re- hotels, office buildings., apartment to conform with Tuned States post of Gordon Parker, who has been Mrs. Farl Donahue of Reedsburg sponsibility and 1 do not intend to." houses, lodging houses, bo.irding houses fn-e regulations, or shall be allowed to and Miss Ann Donahue of Milwau- and other buildings to which the pub- drive to the nearest po--t oftue where employed at Cudahy, returned to The New York Times, in a Wash- lic is permitted or united or as to any mail can be reuiou'tt and lot ked up the home of his parents, Mr. and kee were Tuesday visitors at the ington dispatch, said that President portion of w Inch there is a common use 0. Mass transportation \cliicles. such home of Mr. and Mrs. LaVere by the occupants thereof, the owner, as busses, shall stop as soon .is pos-Mi5. George Paiker, this week- Roosevelt had been counseled to lessee or the pers-on 01 per>on> in sible at a location in the street not op- end. Stenerson. Miss Charlotte Dona- nominate some one in whom the charge of the operation thereot, .is the posite a cross street or alltv, and not Mr. and Mrs. Kick Kleifgen, Art hue, who ha? been visiting at the case may be. shall be responsible tor the opposite each other or closer than one public would have full confidence to observance of this provision a< 10 all hundred (1001 feet apart, MI as to give Sovatzke and Miss Pearl Whitney Stenerson home, returned -with get to the bottom of the situation, portions of the building to which the the le.ist Interference in the street. Al! attended the fireman's meeting at them. so that an official policy could be public is permitted or united or as to passengers shall bo permitted to proceed which there is a cotiiinnn Use b\ the- oc- I tr, shelters in nearby buildings All j based on the findings. eupants thereof. In tho f* vacan't llhts on such vehicles shall then be The chief justice said he had no or unoccupied buildings r vacant and blacked, ont except those which aie so unoccupied portions of buildings, the reduced In intensity and concealed -is further comment on the report. owner, lessee or the person or persons may be permitted or approved by the in charge thereof sh.ill be responsible War Department. When so authorized tor the obsenaiice of this proMMon with by the War Department, local mass respect to such vacant buildings or va- transportation busses nun be operaied VKOl'OSKD ORDINANCE cant portions thereof, as the ease may OUDlNA.NCi: .NO In regular servue when equipped with AN ORDINANCE C KEATING RfXKS be. as he shall own, lease or ha\e in special lights conforming to spKitua- AXU RKCl l.ATION* 1'OK BLACK- his charge. tions of the War Department for such (b) No owner, lessee or person or per- lights. Ol'T AM) A1K KA11> 1'KOTKCTION. son in charge of the operation, as the ti During any period of blackout it TH10 COMMON i'Ol'XCJL OK T1IK case limy be, of any sign, billboard, pier shall be unlawful for anv vehicle autlior- CITY OV \\1SCO.NS1N KAI'IDS DU or similar structure, stieer. traffic or OUDA1.N AS ruLUi\\S: l7t?d to be operaied dining said period \ Section 1. BLACKOl/J>. be.lcon light or other lights on .mil in to operate at a speni greater than l be streets. alle\^. squares, parks or twentv (.01 miles per lioui, except lire lu order to protect hie and propertj bridges of the (.'itj of \\ i»consui Itapids, fighting apparatus in the City oi Wisconsin Kapids, the or of any light, including a warning 7. Nothing in these rules and regula- Major is herehv authorised and directed or danger signal, shall permit the same tions shall operate to limit the authority to carrj out blackout and air raid pro- to be illuminated or lighted between of any police officer, to prescribe the tection measures .it such times i»ud lor sunset and sunrise miles such owner. such periods as arc nuthorired or order- place "and manner of the jinking or leSM'e o1r person in ilurgc has made storage of such vehicle or vehicles, in ed In the War Department This auth- luloqiiiU arrangements for imnit'dltitt'ly which event operators ot vehicles shall orization and power shall extend to putting out the Mine in the event of an immediately coinpU with the lawtul practice blackouts auc". air raid drill" air raid or blackout -signal or alarm: directions of such offiier or ofiu-ers. alw.-ns to the order and direction o! l'ro\ided. however That stieet lights, Section H IN.UTIIUKI'/.EI* \V.\KXINC. the War Department. traffic signals, beacon lights, w.irntng Section 2. MLACKOIT AND AIR RAID Oil AKL.-CLKAK MCiNAL I'KOIII- or danger -iiiiials nuiv rein.1111 lighted B1TKI). A\ \RN1NG. during blackouts if they are dimmed, No unauthorized person shall operate Warnings of the beginning and ter- hoodi d or masked in a manner appio\ed a siren or other devise ..o as to simulate mination of blackout and air raid pe- In writing bv the War Department.
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