COMMUNISM HITS SOUTH WITH NON-SEGREGATION Jewish Marxists Threaten Negro Revolt In America! \/ j/ ctmtmutuAm & itzmd/m commwt, denie Communists Plan Black Republic In South Ike Milan's Mti-tammunist Paper By EUSTACE MULLINS (Readers of Common Sense will be shocked to learn that the recent decision of the Supreme "All the News Court outlawing segregation in schools actually Kept Out of Print" carried out a 1921 Resolution of the Commu- nist International! Mr. Mullins spent weeks Com man Sense tracing the sinister origin of this un-American decision.) JULY 1st. 1954 Although millions of American citizens EIGHTH YEAR ISSUE 209 $1.00 PER YEAR were stunned by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that segregation in public schools must be ended, few realized that this decision was the culmination of a vicious campaign to destroy American liber- ties. This campaign had its origin in a 1921 directive of the Communist International written by the Soviet Chief of Propaganda, Karl Radek, the alias of a Jewish revolu- tionary named Sobelsohn. The Radek directive gave explicit orders to the Communist Party of America to stir up racial strife between white and black American citizens, to force the two groups together in order to create race riots, and to carry on relentless agitation for "Negro rights". This directive was read at the Bridgman Michigan convention of the Communist Negro Communist Leader Party of America on August 20, 1922. It laid down the basis for "civil rights" agitation and step by step outlined the methods which IHE ANSWER! VIEWS P A NORTHERN NEGRO have been used since that date by tfie Ameri- Address by Tom Linder, Commissioner of During recent years, the press of the can Jewish Congress and its subsidiary, the United States has reflected various opinions National Association for the Advancement Dept. of Agriculture Before the Georgia concerning segregation in our public of Colored People. Education Commission, Senate Chamber, schools — and the probable effect of infe- State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia, June 25, gration on the pupils, and the community Two days later, on August 22, 1922, the 1954. Bridgman Convention was raided by gov- as a whole. The problem has reached the ernment agents and the Radek directive as Your Excellency, Governor Talmadgie; Supreme Court. well as hundreds of other Communist docu- Members of the Commission, and On-Jsnuary 25, 1953, Davis Lee, Negro ments were seized. These documents are in visitors: Publi&'Vo and editor of the Newark, N. J., the files of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- There is no reason to abolish or discontinue Telegi^ i, expressed this sound and timely tion today, but J. Edgar Hoover is under our present public schools. The people of view ol :he repercussions we might expect Georgia, I am sure, are determined to maintain if the forces of agitation prove victorious. strict orders not to reveal the Radek direc- It is the best argument we have read. tive at any cost, because it would brand the segregation of the races in He said: Supreme Court as a front or agent of the our public educational insti- "The efforts being made by certain paid Communist International. tutions. They are equally agitators and pressure groups to have seg- One of the great authorities on Commu- determined to maintain their regated schools in the South declared nist infiltration, R. M. "Whitney, wrote in his system of public education. unconstitutional — may cause Southern definitive work "Reds In America",* pub- There is no reason why they Negroes to lose a lot more than they will lished in 1924 by the Beckwith Press, on should not be able to do gain. page 189. both. "The trouble with this group, as with Every white child and its similar ones, is that the initiators don't "The Communists' earliest program in the parents shall have the oppor- count the overall cost to the race. The United States included the use of the negro TOM LINDER tunity to attend an all-white present effort is designed to destroy the masses in its campaign to bring about the school. Every colored child and its parents shall whole pattern of segregation — and to overthrow of the Government of this coun- have the opportunity to attend an all-colored establish an integrated social order in try by violence." which there will be no distinction made in school. No white child will be forced to attend a this country on the basis of race, religion, At the Sixth World Congress of the Com- mixed school and no colored child will be forced munist International held in Moscow in color or nationality. to attend a mixed school. If there be those "This is a laudable objective, but human 1928, the slogan for America "Self-Determi- among us afflicted with a sociological complex nature just has not changed that much, and nation in the Black Belt" was devised. In or psychological complex, or that are suffering the achievement of such a.n objective could 1930 the Communist Party published the from some perverted instinct that makes it cause repercussions that might set the official "Resolution of the Communist Inter- impossible for them to be happy and contented Negro back fifty years. national on the Negro Question in the United with their own race, the Legislature will make "Integration in the schools in the North States". "We quote from this resolution, provisions to provide for such cases, either in and East — is not a howling success. A "The main Communist slogan must be: public institutions or in private institutions. All Negro can attend most of the schools up The right of self-determination of the Ne- these things are consistent with the Constitu- here — and get an education — but few of groes in the Black Belt. ... If the slogan of tion, with the statutes and even with the latest the states that educate him will hire him as a teacher. The State of Connecticut self-determination of the Negroes is to be decision of the Supreme Court. doesn't have twenty-five Negro teachers . put into force it is necessary wherever pos- In the future, the people of Georgia and the "Nowhere in these integrated states do sible to bring together into one governmen- other states must see to it that the seats in the Negroes get anywhere near proportionate tal unit all districts of the South where the United States Senate and House of Represen- representation. Every device is employed majority of the settled population consists tatives are filled with men who will use every to keep qualified Negroes from being of Negroes. The right of the Negroes to right, prerogative and power at their command assigned. Recently a reputable New York governmental separation will be uncondi- to erase from the government and the courts labor union made a report on the employ- tionally realized by the Communist Party. every individual guilty of usurpation of powers ment of Negro teachers in New York City . The Communist Party must stand up and exercising unauthorized use of constituted — and charged that a systematic scheme with all strength and courage for the strug- powers to destroy the rights of the states under has been adopted to exclude Negroes as gle to win independence and for the estab- teachers. lishment of a Negro Republic in the Black the Constitution which is the real basis of our "This is not true in the South. The State Belt." present problem which has been brought to us of Georgia employs 7,313 Negro teachers. ready-made by outsiders and does hot, in any and paid them close to $15,000,000 in On March 16, 1930, the Political Secreta- way, originate among the people of Georgia, salaries last year. North Carolina paid its —(Continued on Page 2)— —<Continued on Page 4)— —(Continued on Page 3)— has been advocated for the Presidency ofj Communism Takes Over the United States by these groups. He recent- ly accepted a $1000 Sidney Hillman Award South Through Non , ^ from Jewish labor leaders. Segregation Law Chief Justice Earl Warren was appointed to that post by Eisenhower for the specific —(Continued from Page 1)— job of ratifying the anti-segregation de- riat of the Executive Committee of the Com- cision. Wrarren as Governor of California munist International stated in a letter to the spent so much time at Jewish banquets that American Communist Party, it was said he lost his taste for Christian "Communists must unreservedly carry on food. a struggle for the self-determination of the Justice Tom Clark has cravenly refused Negro population in the Black Belt in accor- to appear before Congressional Committees dance with the decisions of the Sixth World investigating the startling corruption of the Congress of the Communist International." Department of Justice during his term as This dictate has been periodically restated Attorney General. He has been sharply crit- by the Communist Party, and in December, ARTHUR SPINGARN Herbert Lehman icized by many Congressmen investigating 1946 it was reissued as a "Resolution on this corruption. A typical greedy, self-serv- Negro Rights and Self-Determination." American Civil Liberties Union with Wil- liam Z. Foster, an open and professed Com- ing politician, he eagerly went along with Felix Frankfurter muist and the active leader of the Commu- the anti-segregation decision, although he is The anti-segregation decision of the Su- nist Party of America. Also on this National from Dallas, Texas, where he was unknown preme Court was dictated by one of the most Committee was Morris Hillquit, counsel for in the legal profession. sinister men in America, an Austrian Jew the American Communist Party, and many Jewish Revolutionaries Enlist named Felix Frankfurter, leader of the rad- other leaders of the Communist conspiracy.
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