NOVEMBER 1965 oight of the ... den West See pllgt 324 ) 65 CENTS .)criptio. Rate .,e YEAR 57.00 ~ , ',-.' e u:J1 789 PAGES: 7 1h by 9 inches, clothbound 221 dia9rams 493 idea variations 1704 practical variations 463 supplementary variations 3894 notes to all variations and 439 COMPLETE GAMESI BY I. A. HOROWITZ in collaboration, with Former World Champion, Dr. Max Euwe, Ernest Gruenfeld, Hans Kmoch, and many other authorities This latest and immense work, the 1110st exha ustive of its kind, ex· plains in encyclopedic detail the fi ne points of all openings. It carrie" Ihe reader well into the middle game, evaluates 'the prospects there and often gives complete exemplary games so that he is not left hanging in mid-position with the query: What happens now? A logical sequence binds the continuity in each opening. Fi r~ 1 come the moves with footnotes leading to the key position. TIlen fol­ BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observations, illustrated by "Idea Variations." Finally, Glossy paper, handsome print. Practi cal and Supplementary Variations, well annotated, exemplify the effective possibilities. Each line is appraised: or =, spacious pa9in9 and all the +; - The large format- 71/2 x 9 inches- is designed for ease of rea d· other appurtenances of exquis· ing and playing. It eliminates much tiresome shuffling of pages ite boolc-malcinCJ combine to between the principal lines and the respective comments. Clear. make this the handsomest of legi ble type, a wide margin for inserting notes and va riation-identify­ in g diagrams are other plus features. chess books! In addition to all else, this book contains 439 complete games- a golden treasury in itself! r --- - ------------------------- I Please send me Chess Opening$: Theory and Practice at S12.50 I Narne . , , . , . , , . , . , . , . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . • . ' . , . , . , . , I Address ,., .. ,. , ....... " .• , ..... .. ....... • . • , • ... , .. ,',." ." . ,' .•. , I City & State ' , . .... , . .. .. , . , , . , ... , . , . .. • ' . , .. , , . ..•. , , . Zip Code No . .. , . , . .. _ . IL C___hec k/ Money ______order c nelosed ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ ____ _ - - 55 Rd SS Tlllt in 2 divisions: Champion­ ship EF 86 (students 84) & USCF & FCA CHESS dues; Class B Dh'ision EF $4 (3tudents 82) & FCA dues; restricted 10 lower than REVIEW 1800 rating: $.':) per EFs, minimum $50 'HI ..,crUll CHU$ MAOAI'H' guaranteed winner of Championship Divi­ Volume 33 Number 11 Novembe r 1%5 sion : inquiries to L. Busquets, 1856 5W 22 Terrace, Miami, Fla. EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY !. A. Horowitz Californ ia _ N ove m ber 19 to 23 Herman Steiner Memorial Tournament Table of Contents at Steiner Chess Group (address as ill item above): 7 Rd SS Tmt: EF $15: Challengers Round Games .. .. .. .. 348 other details in advertisement, page 295. Chess Club Directory .. ....... .. ... 352 California item above conjoin s. Chess Quiz ...... ..... , . .. .... 332 COMING EVENTS IN THE U. S. Finis h ing Touch .. ... ... ... ... .. 330 AND CANADA New Jersey _ November 19 to 21 Game of the Month •. ..• ... ...... 328 Abbr ~vl atlo ns-SS Tmt: SwisB System Tour_ Soath Jersey Amatelir Open at Walt Games from Recent Events ..... ... 336 nament (In 1st round entries paired by lot Junior W orld Championship . ...... 328 or .. election: In subSequent rounds player.. Whitman Hotel, Camden, New Jersey: 6 with almllar scores paired). RR Tmt: Round Rd SS Tmt, 50 moves/ 2 ho urs, 15 per Larsen-Iv kov Match ... .. .. .. .... 349 Robin Tournament (each man plays ~vel"Y Matches toward other man). KO Tmt: Knock-out T ourna.­ after, adjudications after 5 hours: regi~ . World Championship .... ... 333 ment (losers or low scorers eliminated). ter by 8 PM, Nov. 19: EF $5 (juniors $3) $$: Caah prize... EF: Entl"Y tee. CC Chess On t he Cover ... .... .. ... ... .. ... 324 Club. CF: Chess Federation. CAl Chess As­ & USCF dues : open to all below master Postal Chess .. ... ... ... .. ....... 342 sociation. CL: Chess League. Rd: rounds. rating: Irophies for lst, 2d, 3d, top A, USCF dues: $5 membership per year. Solitaire Chess ... .. .. ... ..... 329 B. C, D and unrated and woman & book Spotlight on Openings .. ... .. .... 350 Massachusetts _ Nove mb61r 13 to 14 prizes: special hotel rates : inq uire 1. E. T ahl-Portisch Match .. .... .. 333, 34S .Northeast Open at Lynn YMCA Bldg, Wood, 1425 Sycamore St., Haddon The U A Wand Chess .. ... ... .. 327 85 Market St., Lynn, Mass. 5 Rd SS Tmt, World of Chess .. .••. ... ...... .... 323 Heights, N . .T. 35 movesJl Yz hours: register by 9 AM: EF $5 & USC}, & MSCA dues: SS, Idt Iowa _ Nov ember 20 to 21 Irophy & $30 minimum, others pe r EFs: 81h Annual Tltanbgivjng 30·30 Open EXECUTIVE EDITOR inquiries to D. V. Haffner, 16 Drexel at Cedar Valley CC of YfI"lCA, Waterloo, Jack Straley Battell Drive, West Chelmsford, l\-1ass. 01863. Iow~: 6 Rd SS Tmt: register by 2 PM, CONTRIBUTING E DITORS New York - November 13 to 14 Nov. 20: EF $5 (adults refund $1, stu· A. B. :Slsg-uier, J . W . Collins. dents $2): $$ $24. S18, $12 & S6: in· T. A. Dunst, Dr. M. Euwe, Hans Kmoch. 16th Lake Erie Open at Hotel Rich· \V. Korn and Dr. P . Trifunovlch. ford , 210 Delaware Av., Buffalo, New quiries to J. M. Osness, 320 Columbia Circle, Waterloo, rowa 50701. CORRESPONDENTS York: 5 Rd SS Tmt, 50 movesJ 2 hours (adjudications early Rd each day): EF Ala bama E . M. Cockrell. Massachusetts _ November 21 &. 28 California Dr. H. Ralston. M. J. Royer. $7 & USCF dues : register by 8 :30 AM, Colorado J . J . ReId. Nov. 13 : S$ 2d gual'anteed S100, others American InternaliOllal College Chess Dlttrlct of Columbia R. S. Cantwell. Club' Op en in Campus Center Auditorium, Florldil R. C. Eastwood. per EFs: EFs & inquiries to G. J. :Mauer, Georg ia Braswell Deen. 14 Rawlins St., Buffalo, N. Y. 14211. American International College, Spring. Idilho R. S. Vandenberg. fidd, Mass. 01109: 6 Rd S5 Tmt, 50 illinois J. G. \Vanen. California _ November 19 to 21 Indiilna D. C. HIllB. D. E. Rhead. movesJ2 hours : EF' SIO (Juniors under 10Wil J. M. Osness. Mission Bay Open at Steiner Chess 18, $4) & USeF dues (recvd after Nov. Kansas K . R. MacDonald Group, 3447 Ingraham St., San Diego, Lo uisiana J. F . Acers, A. L .... ,,;n.uw 18 much higher! ) : latest registralion Y Maine L. Eldridge. California 92109: 4 Rd SS Tm t : EF $7.50 A~I , Nov. 21: $$ $30 & tl'ophy for 1st; Maryland Charles Barasch. Dr.n.f'!· R. for non·maslcT.';: masters invited; in· trophi e~ to ot hers, also $8 per EFs: ad­ Bundick. Milssachusetts R. B. Goo&... eed. qui re free accommodations and expenses: vance EFs &: inquiries to Harvey Burger, Michigan R. Buskager. $S per adverlisement, pag;e 29.'). Item be· 67 llryant St. , Springfield 8, Mass. Minnesotil R. C. Gove. Mississippi E. A. DUrning. low conjoins. Nebraska B. E. Ellsworth. Jack Spence. North Carol ina - November 21 Florida - November 19 to 21 Nevada R. L. \Vheeler. iVCCA Alillual 30·30 Tournament at New Hampshire Ralph M . Gerth. Capablanca Open ~t C~pabjanca Cc. New York Edward Lasker. H. M. Phillips. ~ew s & 22.')5 West Flagler 51., }Iiumi, Florida: Ohserve Bldg. (2d floor), North Carolina Dr. S. Noblin. ltalcigh, North Carolina : register 9 Al>l: North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. Ohio R. B. Hayes. J. R. SChroeder. Items printed for benefit Df our readers EF S3, all to pri7.e fund: $30 1st prize: OklilhDma J. Haley. if reported by iluthDrized offi cials at least EFs and inquiries 10 Dr. A. M. Jenkins, Pennsy lvania J . E. Armstrong. two mDnths in advance , and kept to brief SDu t h Carolina Prof. L. L . Foster. essentials. Readers: nearly all tourneys ask 2'17 Bryan Bldg., Raleigh, NOl1h Caro· SDuth Dakota M. F. Anderson. your aid by brInging own chess sets, hoards lina. Tennessee Mrs. Martha Hardt, J. G. S..,I1I- and clocks. Also. write for further details ror which nO space here. but mention you van. Jr. (Concluded on page 326) Texas Homer H . Hyde. heard through Chess Revi~w! Utah Harold Lundstrom. Vi rgin ia Leonard Morgan. CHESS REVIEW is published monthly by Su bscription Rates: One year S7 .00. two W lsoonsin E . Olfe. CHESS REVIEW, 134 W . 72d St., New York, years $13.00. three years $17.75. world-Wide. WYDming E . F. Rohlf!. New York 10023. Printed In U. S. A. Re­ Change of Address: S ix wMks' notice r e­ entered as second-class matter AUgust 7, Quired. Please furnish an addre.;s stencil CANADA impression from the wrapper of I\. r ecent 19-17. a t the Post Office at :-"ew York. N. Y., Iss·ue . Address changes cannot be made with­ Alberta L . Steele. under t he Act or March 3. 1879. British CDlumbia Dr. N . Dlvlnsky. out the old addre.;s as well as the new one. Manitoba M. Stover. Gene ral Offices: 134 West 72d St~eet, New UnSO li cited manuscripts and photographs OntariO R. D . J acQues. York. N. Y. 10023. Sales Department open will not be return~d unless accompilnied by Quebec M. Moss. dailY 9:30 to 5:30 PM _ Saturdays from return pDstag~ and s elf.addreosed envelope. Saskatchewan Frank Yerhofl. 2 to 5 PM. Telephone: LYeeum 5-1620. Distributed nationally by Eastern News. CHESS REVIEW, NOVEMBER, 1965 321 A royal chess treasury compiled by two of the world's foremost authorities by I. A. Horowitz Editor and Publisher of Chess Review, and Jack Straley Battell, former President of the Brooklyn Chess League E very chess enthusiast - from the tournament-caliber player to the be­ ginning kibitzer - will relish this highly entertaining gift-book collection of chess fact and fiction selected from 33 years of Chess Review. Here, in a richly illustrated potpourri, the greatest players of the past and present exhibit their prowess in 50 thoroughly annotated grand masterpieces: Alekhine, Botvinnik, Euwe, Capablanca, Lasker, Steinitz, Smys!ov, Tahl, the ClllTent titleholder Petrosyan, and America's most brilliant chess master, Bobby Fischer.
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