Information Classification: CONTROLLED Cornish National Minority Working Group Agenda Date: Tuesday 30 June 2020 Time: 14.00-16:00 hrs Location: Virtual meeting Chair: Cllr Dick Cole Membership: Cllr Stephen Barnes, Cllr Bert Biscoe, Cllr Malcom Brown, Cllr Dick Cole, Cllr Martin Eddy, Cllr Jesse Foot, Cllr Julian German, Cllr John Pollard, Cllr Jordan Rowse, Will Coleman, Ed Rowe, Ian Saltern In attendance: Matt Barton, Rebecca Cohen, Jane Cox, Paula Ruskin, Tamzyn Smith, Mark Trevethan 1. Welcome and apologies (Cllr Cole) 14:00 2. Minutes and matters arising from previous meeting – 14 January 2020 14:05 (Cllr Cole) 3. Cornish Public Service Media – report for discussion (Mark Trevethan) 14:10 4. Cornish Language Programme (Mark Trevethan) 14:25 4.1 Cornish Language Operational Plan – reports x2 to note 4.2 MHCLG funded Cornish Language and Culture Projects 2019-20 – report to note 4.3 Proposed MHCLG funding Projects 2020-21 and MOU 5. KMTU report and general correspondence regarding remarks towards 14:45 the Cornish – report to note (Dick Cole) 6. Street Signage in Cornwall – verbal item (Malcolm Brown) 15:00 7. Parliamentary Constituencies Bill and Devonwall – letter to note 15:10 (Dick Cole) 8. Cornwall Forum/Conference as part of preparation for UK National 15:20 Minority Summit 2022 – verbal item for discussion (Dick Cole/Jane Cox) 9. Census and Cornish ‘Tick-Box’ – verbal update (Matt Barton/Rebecca 15:30 Cohen) 10. Any other Business 15:45 10.1 Letter from Cherilyn Mackrory MP – letter to note (Dick Cole) 10.2 Education Project update (Jane Cox) 10.3 Verbal roundup on outstanding actions from previous minutes not already discussed as part of the main agenda (Jane Cox) Date of next meeting: TBA For further information on this agenda please contact: Paula Ruskin on 07483 364041 [email protected] Page 1 InformationInformation Classification: Classification: CONTROLLED PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM 2 Cornish National Minority Working Group Minutes Date: Tuesday 14 January 2020 Time: 14.00-16.00 hrs Location: Grenville Room, Lys Kernow, Truro Present: Cllr Dick Cole (Chair), Cllr Julian German, Cllr Bert Biscoe, Cllr Malcolm Brown, Cllr John Pollard, Will Coleman, Ian Saltern Officers: Matt Barton, Mark Trevethan, Catherine Gill (notes), Graeme Plunkett and Michelle Lineham (education project item) In attendance: Cllr Sally Hawken Apologies: Cllr Stephen Barnes, Cllr Jesse Foot, Cllr Martin Eddy, Cllr Jordan Rowse, Rebecca Cohen, Paula Ruskin, Ed Rowe, Tamzyn Smith 1. Welcome and apologies Councillor Cole welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2020. Apologies were noted as recorded above. As Cllr Hawken had to leave for another appointment, it was decided that item 7 - (Education project update) become item 2 on the agenda. Due to the unavailability of Paula Ruskin, Catherine Gill had agreed to take some basic notes of the meeting, which it was noted would not therefore be as comprehensive as previous meetings. 2. Education project update It was noted that Cornwall Council had commissioned an Education Project, to build upon the outcomes of the Azook report commissioned by the Working Group in 2018/19. Following concerns raised at the October meeting, Graeme Plunkett of School Effectiveness and newly appointed Cornish Curriculum Education Development Officer, Michelle Lineham, had been invited to attend this meeting and report further. As previously, members were keen to know how the project was contributing practically to getting a consistent approach to Cornish teaching into schools, developing a deeper understanding of Cornish culture amongst teaching staff, and how the message was being communicated to young children so that they were able to carry it through to adult life. Michelle provided an overview of the intended implementation plan for the Cornish Curriculum and she explained that a Cornish Curriculum Framework was being developed with a view to launch the Pilot Curriculum in September 2020. She added that on 5 March they would be having a “soft launch” of the initiative and Page 2 InformationInformation Classification: Classification: CONTROLLED PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM 2 asking ‘stakeholders’ (e.g. museums, Gorsedh Kernow) what they can do to support the Cornish Curriculum. It was also noted that a related conference was being planned for July to which members of the Working Group, stakeholders and pilot schools would be invited. There was a wide-ranging discussion and numerous questions asked. Cllr Pollard voiced concern over the short period before the September launch date, and questioned where the Cornish Curriculum would sit with the National Curriculum. Michelle confirmed it would sit alongside the National Curriculum. Cllr German enquired about the period of evaluation for pupils, which is planned for two-three years primarily. It was reported that there were to be three Curriculum Consultants appointed to work in schools in July/August and explained that part of their role would be to promote this project. Some members expressed worries about the likely portrayal of Cornish history – wanting it to be accurate and true. Cllr Biscoe stated that there may be existing resources and queried what would be the thoughts of OFSTED, CAPH and CASH. Michelle explained they would also be working with DfE. Ian Saltern added that he welcomed progress of this initiative and suggested referring to Welsh / Scottish models. Serious questions were also raised about how the project would engage with and use the skills of existing professionals in relevant spheres across Cornwall Cllr Cole asked that a plan of their intentions be circulated in February ahead of 5 March Michelle “soft launch.” He added that it was his intention to get a better feel for the project and Lineham / report back to other members of the Working Group. Graeme Plunkett 3. Minutes and matters arising from previous meeting – 15 October 2019 The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record. 4. Census and Cornish ‘Tick-Box’ update Matt Barton explained that the campaign for tick-box was supported by all of Cornwall’s MPs. It was noted that the new MP for Truro and Falmouth, Cherilyn Mackrory, was to be briefed shortly. Ian Saltern asked if anyone had been in contact with Wales / Scotland to ask the value of Matt Barton/ a Cornish tick-box in the other Celtic nations)and made the point that the Council of Rebecca Europe are calling for this tick-box not just Cornwall Council Cohen Cllr German asked for a further letter to be produced to brief MP about the Council’s Matt Barton representations for a tick-box. Matt Barton aware that we must prepare an action plan for Plan A (campaign for the Matt Barton tick-box) and also Plan B (promotion of the write-in option should the tick-box campaign fail) 5. Cornish Culture Fund – Future Funding and New Frontiers update Page 3 InformationInformation Classification: Classification: CONTROLLED PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM 2 Page 4 InformationInformation Classification: Classification: CONTROLLED PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM 2 Mark Trevethan made a funding request for £5000 towards the production of a Mark summary document of the previous public sector broadcast report, so that it could be Trevethan used as a lobbying document. Moved by Cllr Pollard, seconded by Cllr German, it was AGREED that this would be funded. Matt Barton added that there is a refresher of New Frontiers on the way and it could be ahead of Chancellor’s statement in March. 6. Cornwall Council Membership of ELEN It was noted that, at the previous meeting of the Working Group, there had been a discussion about the Council becoming a member of the European Language Equality Mark Network (ELEN). Cllr Cole stated that he could see no reason why Cornwall Council Trevethan / should not be a member of this organisation. It was noted that the annual cost was Cllr Cole £250. Moved by Cllr Cole, seconded by Cllr German, it was AGREED that this would be funded. 7. Conference for Cornwall relaunch It was agreed to defer this item. 8. Communications Plan It was agreed to defer this item. Mark Trevethan added that he would meet with Shirley Mark Northey and Paula Ruskin before next meeting of Working Group. Trevethan 9. Updated Terms of Reference – for information Noted as received. 10. Any other business Ian Saltern raised a query about whether the Working Group could meet more Cllr Cole / frequently? It was noted that this could be arranged if it proved necessary. Paula Ruskin Page 5 Information Classification: CONTROLLED AGENDA ITEM 3 Report to Cornish National Minority Working Group – June 2020 Public Service Media for Kernow Background • Falmouth University was commissioned by Cornwall Council to research the concept of public service media for Cornwall and this was published in summer 2019. • The study highlighted interest from other Celtic broadcasters due to a) need for original content, b) reputation for creativity and story telling in Cornwall, and c) a desire to show a broader range of content • New Frontiers asks for media hub, film talent development, creative industries. PSM Kernow brings all these elements together into one high profile project. • There is pressure on BBC to decentralise and diversify. At the same time, the House of Commons, House of Lords and DCMS exploring the future of public service media and desire for new models. Cornwall Council has submitted the case for PSM Kernow to these committees. • Cornwall has a developing supply chain but no commissioning body. • The creation of Screen Cornwall has raised the profile of film and TV production in Cornwall. • Screen Cornwall has helped ensure individual projects are produced to industry standards and opened doors to our first joint project with S4C – Kara Kana and Cornish language apps for children. • Screen Cornwall/Cornish Language Office/ Falmouth University are developing a presence for Cornish language film with Yn Mor (Fylm K 2018) winning best short drama at the Celtic Media Festival 2020, and An Tarow (Fylm K) being selected for best Celtic short at the BAFTA- qualifying Carmarthen Bay Film Festival 2020.
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