THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1278 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917 VOL 23. NO. 48 dUTAW PLEDGES IS NENRy IKESHEHER, PIONEER, PACNINC HOUSE BROS. DOUBLE SUPPil TO PRESIDENT EORCOKM PASSED AWAy UST TNDRSDAy OF SMOOTH SWINDLER LOCATES III COLOHA CAPACUK OF GANNEilY Bom in Germany, Lived Here F. E. Nellis & Co. Take Over Patriotism Will Be Manifested in Hon. A. A. Worthin^ton of Bu- His Endorsement of Checl^ for Big Plant is Now in Full Blast for Many Years Godfrey Canning Plant Every Proiram. chanan Wiil Deliver Address Customer Cost Him $743. Putting Up Strawberries. Stand by Our Flag. Henry Dukoscheror, one of the oldest Coloma is fast making strides as a pioneers of tho county, died Thursday. letter marketing town for fruit grow- "Long may it wave o'tr th» land Juno 21, 1017, at his home in Benton ers. Work is now underway on the HEN Of NUIKM FAME of Iht frtt and the homt of the PARADE AND BAH CAME Harbor after a sudden attack of illness HAN PRESENTED NOTE FOR big packing house for tho Berrien SEKENTy-fWE PfflPlf ON braO»\" with which ho was strickn on Wednes- County Fruit Association, which will day night. Ho was 84 yean old and handle tho fruit of a largo number of Will CIIIE ADDRESSES Will BE BIC FEATUIES had Iwon In 111 health since last Sep COllECTION; HADE COOD Hi growers. THE PAy 111 THIS WEEK tember. This week tho announcement was music by Francesco I'allaria and his Mr. Dukescherer was a native of made that F. E. Nellis & Co. of Chi- hand; stirring solos by Ruth Helene Germany and came to Berrien county Conveniences of Factory are Now Buy a Season Ticket and Help Amusements Galore Will Be Fur- Sheriff Hojjue is .Working on Case, cago, general commission merchants, Dahly and a wonderful musical climax when 12 years of age. residing bore had selected Coloma as one of their l»est More Marked Than Ever the Local Committee. to the chautauqua by Madame Shank But Has No Clue nished from Early Until Late practically his entire life. He was u shipping points and will make a strong and the Handel Choir. staunch member of the German Baptist The capacity of the Friday Bros. Tbo innato AmorlcanLim of the The stage Is all sot for tho big Fourth St. Joseph Herald Press: Allwrt N, bid for as much of the fruit grown in Among tho lecturers are Rntart church of St. Joseph for over 50 yearn, Canning factory has been doubled since chkutanqim movoment hu never been of July celebration In Coloma next Woodruff, prominent Watervliet real this community as they can secure. Parker Miles, world traveler, giving his uniting with this church shortly after the work of canning apples was finished mora clearly illuMtnitMl than by the wook. If you have not already Invited estate dealer, fell victim to one of the Tho old packing house building, north dramatic lecture "Tallow Dips"; Andre Its organization. last foil. This summer glyes promise of prompt action of the clmulauqua man your friends to siwnd the day with you cleverest pieces of swindling evor of tho Pore Marquette tracks and just Tridon, telling "Tho Truth about Mr. Dukescherer was prominently furnishing the fruit growers of Coloma oflor* In pledginK their support to the here, do so at once and help make this brought to tho attention of the local west of tho station, which was reoently Moxloo";*Xll)ert Edward Wiggam, in known throughout the county, partic- and vicinity a better market proaldont and rongrow upon our reront celebration one grand sncress. authoritins, vacated by the Godfrey Canning fac- his popnlar scientitic lecture "Heredity ularly in Bainhridgo township, whore for their fruit* and their tomatoes entrance Into the world war. The fol Tho program committee has arranged About a week ago a stranger giving tory, has been leased by Nellis Sc Co. and Human Progress"; J. Fronklin he owned large farms. He Is survived and string beans than ever before lowing resolution wax drawn up hy a a program of sports and amusements his name as Edward Dyke, walked into for a receiving station and packing Caveny, the clever cartoonist and day by three sons, John, August and Ed- as tho Fridays propose to can at least cominlttoo of which 8. Eu^ono Whito- which will keep visitors busy from early Mr. Woodruff's ofllco and handed him house. They propose to buy all kinds igpdeler and Wallace Pruso AmsWy ward of Bainhridgo, and five daughters, twice as much fruit and vegetables as •Ide, general inanagor of the Central in tho morning until late at night. a note for $713, made out against a cer- of fruit offered by the farmers, provided in his pleasing literary gem, "Tho Pool Mrs. Anna Woodruff and Mrs. Sophie ever before. Community Chautauqua System, wan Hon. A. A. Worthlngton of Buchanan, tain John Koth of Dowogioc. The vis- it is packed in good condition, and will Seer of Lookorhle Street." Lennon of Benton Harlwr, Mrs. Dora The work of increasing tho capacity chalnnan and unanimously adopted hy ono of Berrien County's Itest orators, itor told how the note was put due, of ship from Coloma in carlots only, using Allen and Mrs. Edward McFaul of of the plant has caused a complete re- the Lyceum and Chantanqna Manogeni will deliver tho patriotic address at 11 the efforts he had mado to collect it and Iced cars so that the fruit will reach tho South Bend, Ind., and Mrs, E. P. Fox modeling of the factory. A large cold Amociation of America at their conven- a. m. and this addrem alone will be how as a last resort bo had decided to markets in better condition. storage room, which will be used a tion in Chicago on April 7th, 1017. ncm WEDDING worth your time s|)ent in Coloma. of Grand Rapids. Funeral services place it in the real estate man's hands A. E. Tniosdell. of Chicago, will be wore hold from tho Baptist church In great part of the time as a packing and WbereoH, the chautauqua and lyceum Tho parade will Iw tho biggest that for collecfion. Mr. Woodruff accepted the manager of the locol branch for labeling room, was erected during the movement ttxlay is one of the mnpt owe usi snimy has over been given in Coloma. The Benton Harbor, Saturday afternoon: his proposition ond immediately started Nellis & Co., with C. Vogt as assistant interment in Crystal Springs cemetery. winter, just east of tho old building. direct and efTectivo mediums for the Coloma division of State Troops will procedure to collect the note. manager and solicitor. Connecting the two buildings is a run- creation of public opinion in the United load the parade, Tho Coloma comot He corresponued with Mr. Both, in- Tho more buyers who can 1)0 induced way in which are located tho cookers States; and Employees of Paper Mill Will Make band will furnish music all day and forming him of Mr. Dyke's anxiety to to locate in Coloma. tho better market and tho cooling tank. There are twice Whereas, since the inception of tho evening. There will Iw dancing during collect the note, and asked that he give will he afforded fruit growers, and the Their Home in Coloma as many coolers as there were in the movement by such men as Wendell the afternoon and evening. the matter immediate attention. His more farmers will be brought to town. old plant, and they will all be necessary Phillipn, John B. Oongh, Henry Ward The wedding of Miss Halo Ryno, Tho Shannons, harmony singers and request was granted, for the next morn- during the rush of the canning season. Beecher, Ralph Waldo Emnmon and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ryno. dancers, and Master Charles Shannon, ing's mail found a letter from the Do m FOR OPENING In the main work room of tho cannery, otheni. it has ever strongly preached and George M. Ferguson of Bangor, tho Iwy sfcprano and buck dancer, will wagiac party. It, however, contained EDDIE BERCEN REPORTED new machinery has been added which the doctrine of practical idealism; has Mich., was celabrated at the bride's . give three performances during the day no money, stating that while ho was will greatly increase the eftlclency of stood emphatically for justice and home at Rlverview, North Coloma, Sat which will please all. Tho baseball aware that tho note was past due, he BijJ Party Will Be Held Saturday ilEDJinm IN ERANCE the plant. New canning and capping humanity; has fought unceasingly fur urday, .Tune '£1, 1017, at .VHO p. m. Tbo game in the afternoon, between tbo would like to obtain an extension of the truth and against the wrong, and machines have been installed; new wash- single ring ceremony was performed by Olendora dreys and tho Coloma Inde- Evening June 30th time because of pressing financial obli- News of His Death was Forwarded ing racks have been put in place, and has upheld unflinchingly the groat Rev. W. H. Fuller, pastor of the Con- pendents, should attract a largo crowd gations. He also wrote that if it were many other improvements made which principles of true Americanism; Rregatlonal church, of yisitors. In the evening there |will imixKsible to grant the exteasion, he by Canadian Officials will moke the work easier. After the Therefore, In the present crisis, wo. Tho couple were attended hy Miss a liand concert and a fireworks display. thought he could raise the money.
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