Our Contest is a WInner — Page 2 Kamin Funds Rutgers Technology — Page 3 A Fresh Persepective — Page 5 Awards Banquet Photos — Pages 4, 6, 11 Vol. 20 • Issue 5 PRINTNew Jersey Press Association • www.njpa.org MAY 2009 NJPA EXECUTIVE COMMITTee MeeTING Web revenue is focus Thursday, May 7 10 am, teleconference of new webinar series LEGISlaTIVE Google, Craigslist, Weblistic, New Net Business: CORRESPONDENTS ReachLocal and Facebook have The Online Model ClUB SHOW become competitors of news- Wednesday, May 6 • 2 pm Wednesday, May 13 6 – 7:30 pm: Reception papers, taking market share What do the most success- 8 pm: Show and putting pressure on local ful media websites know that The Palace at Somerset Park news websites. you don’t? Most traditional New Jersey Press Association media outlets are not even tar- NJPA BOARD OF has partnered with other press geting the highest local online DIRECTORS MeeTING associations and Borrell Associ- ad spenders in their markets. Thursday, May 21 ates to present 12 webinars de- Are you uncovering all the 10:30 am signed to help participants learn new ad revenue opportunities NJPA Conference Room about online opportunities for in your community? Are you newspapers. targeting the right businesses? NJ PRESS FOUNDATION DOUBLE WInnER: Stefanie Dazio, second from left, received the The first series of four webi- Are you offering the right ad TRUSTeeS MeeTING 2009 Bernard Kilgore Memorial Scholarship and is the 2009 New nars, which ended in April, cov- products? Shoot for the big dol- Thursday, May 21 Jersey High School Journalist of the Year. Her proud family joined ered online classifieds. lars with the right strategy and 12 noon her at NJPA’s Press Night on April 2 when the awards were pre- The next series will focus on the right website. NJPA Conference Room sented: mother Paula, sister Brianna and father Michael. Stefanie is creating new sources of revenue. Top Online Categories: editor-in-chief of The Inkblot, the student paper at Communication GOVERNMenT AFFAIRS Each session is approximately Where’s the Money? High School in Wall Township. Inkblot advisor Andie Mulshine calls COMMITTee MeeTING one hour in length. Wednesday, May 20 • 2 pm Stefanie her “First Amendment Queen.” Tuesday, June 2 The New Revenue series is If you are chasing after the 11 am designed for top management, same business categories that teleconference marketing and sales managers, advertise in your paper, you are State cites home contractors online managers and account missing half the new ad dollars executives. available on the Internet. Look To register, go to www.njpa.org at the $13+ billion dollar lo- for advertising violations and click on the “PressForward” cal advertising pie and slice up By Tom Cafferty sumer Affairs by November 9, link. Or contact Peggy Stephan the most lucrative business cat- NJPA recently learned that the 2004. at NJPA: (609) 406-0600 ext. 14 egories for you. This session will State of New Jersey is taking ac- “In furtherance of the Bill, the or [email protected]. Topics cover how to capture these cat- tion against home improvement Division of Consumer Affairs and details follow. — Continues on Page 3 contractors whose advertise- has also adopted regulations, ments do not include their state- N.J.A.C. 13:45A-16.1 et seq. A issued registration number. home improvement contractor Legislative Correspondents We excerpt below a memo that subject to the Act and regula- NJPA sent out early in 2005 to all tions is defined as “a person en- members when the law, N.J.S.A. gaged in the business of making show May 13 at new site 56:8-144, was adopted. Members or selling home improvements Hobnobbing with New Jersey’s This year’s show will be held should be aware that subsequent and includes corporations, part- political movers and shakers is on Wednesday, May 13 at a new to this memo the effective date nerships, associations and any one attraction of the annual New location: The Palace at Somer- of the law was extended from other form of business organi- Jersey Legislative Correspon- set Park. The cocktail reception November 9, 2004 to December zation or entity.” The Act and dents Club gathering. starts at 6 pm, complete with FINAL RITES: The staff at 31, 2005. regulations prohibit a contractor But the main event is the hi- open bar, carving and pasta sta- The West Essex Tribune, Excerpt from the memo: from engaging in the business of larious musical roast featuring tions, and lots of hors d’oeuvres. preparing for a future with- “In 2004, the Legislature ad- making or selling home improve- songs written and performed by Dessert and the show begin at 8 out “Obie,” dressed him in a opted the Contractors’ Registra- ments unless registered with the statehouse reporters — familiar p.m. in the ballroom. shroud. See Page 4 for more tion Act. That Act requires home Division of Consumer Affairs. tunes with clever lyrics that poke Tickets must be ordered in ad- pictures. improvement contractors to reg- Further, the bill and regulations fun at this year’s headlines and vance. The cost is $135 per per- ister with the Division of Con- — Continues on Page 14 those who make them. son, with a limit of 12 tickets per Every year, hundreds of peo- organization, except for newspa- ple attend this event, including pers, which may order more. governors past and present; rep- Benefits scholarships resentatives from state, county Proceeds from this event pro- and local government; and lead- vide college scholarships for ers from business, education, young journalists. Two are given newspaper and other media or- in memory of former legislative ganizations. It is an outstanding correspondents Moon Mullins networking opportunity. Don’t and Boley Schwartz. The New miss it! — Continues on Page 3 Page 2 • MAy 2009 • InPrint INPRINT a monthly publication of As I see it... New Jersey Press Association 840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 305 West Trenton, NJ 08628-1019 Our contest is a winner! PHONE .............................................609-406-0600 FAX ....................................................609-406-0300 I want to dedicate this space to those include Bob Waitt of Greater Media EMAIL [email protected] who make our annual NJPA Better Newspapers, Kathy McDonough and NJNN FAX.........................................609-406-0399 Newspaper Contest one of the best of Doug McBride of Recorder Commu- NJNN EMAIL .................................. [email protected] its kind in the nation. nity Newspapers and Garry DeYoung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR John J. O’Brien The official results have been made of North Jersey Media Group. Their COMMUNICATIOns MGR Catherine Langley public for this year’s event and what untiring efforts, once again, made the MEMBER SERVICES MGR Peggy Stephan a competition it was! The contest fea- judging go remarkably well. BUSINEss MANAGER Denise Sawicki ACCTG COOrdINATOR Jane Hartsough tured close finishes in many of the ma- The Photo Contest was judged in IT MANAGER John Viemeister jor categories and once again we had a Louisville by photojournalists from NJNN DIRECTOR Amy C. Lear huge number of entries (over 1,500). several major Kentucky newspapers. MARKETING/RESEARCH MGR Brian Critchley MAjOR ACCT SPECIALIST Jennine Remington It is natural for all of us to tune in to NJPA’s IT Manager John Viemeister is PRINT MEDIA SPECIALIST Joe Odas the winners, but let’s take a moment to the person who makes the photo con- ADVErtISING AssISTANT Erin Rozansky consider what it takes to make all this test judging happen. His extraordi- ADVErtISING AssISTANT Adam Wilson happen. John J. O‘Brien nary organizational skills make a very SCAN/2x2 NEtwORKS MGR Diane Trent Editorial Contest NJPF DIRECTOR George White The , for example, Executive Director complicated process go off like clock- was judged by sending individual cat- New Jersey Press Association work and his expertise in making soft- BOARD OF DIRECTORS egories of entries via UPS to specific ware work for us greatly speeds up the CHAIRMAN newspapers in the judging state, Ken- tracking abilities. Believe me, Peg gets judging process. Arthur R. Hall tucky. There teams of staffers pored to know the ins and outs of that track- Many more NJPA staff hours went Cape May County Herald Times, Rio Grande over the entries for many hours in ing software very well each spring. It into producing the winner’s plaques, PRESIDENT newspaper conference rooms. is all worth it because this procedure certificates and correcting typos. The Bruce Tomlinson Before we even get to this point, makes losing an entry almost impossi- staff of the Kentucky Press Associa- New Jersey Herald, Newton the contest requires a huge amount of ble. Despite the expected slow returns tion, led by executive director David Vice President • Weeklies sorting, shipping and follow-up with by a few judges, this years’ editorial Thompson, did a fabulous job of or- Ray Worrall Worrall Community Newspapers, Union folks in the judging state. Members contest went flawlessly. ganizing their side of this operation. Vice President • dailies of the NJPA Editorial Contest Com- Newspaper staffers from Kentucky Last, but not least, I want to recognize Jennifer Borg mittee—including Renee Kiriluk-Hill also judged the Advertising and Circu- the many, many hours the judges from The Record (Bergen County), Hackensack of the Hunterdon County Democrat, lation Contests. For the first time, we Kentucky newspapers spent poring TREASURER Tom Vaubourg of The Record and Lar- copied the editorial procedure and over this year’s entries. It is no small Frank Gargano Gloucester County Times, Woodbury ry Benjamin, formerly of the Asbury UPS’d entries to individual newspa- endeavor. I sincerely hope New Jersey EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Park Press—were a tremendous help per staffs in the judging state.
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