SDT328 cover_Layout 1 7/22/16 2:25 PM Page 1 A BZ Media Publication Making the case for Don’t let testing a sound type system crimp your agility. in JavaScript: Here’s JS++ In fact, put it first! AUGUST 2016 • ISSUE NO. 328 • $9.95 • www.sdtimes.com SDT328 Full Page Ads_Layout 1 7/21/16 3:07 PM Page 2 Other Mobile Printers Just Don’t Cut It. Improve your bottom line with the Epson® Mobilink™ P80 Plus. It’s the only 3" mobile receipt printer with a built-in auto cutter, to get customers in and out faster. The compact P80 Plus is just the latest innovation from the Mobilink line of printers that are a cut above ordinary receipt printers. Mobilink printers feature best-in-class battery life, the fl exibility to be used for stationary or mobile POS applications, rock-solid durability and seamless integration with mobile devices. epson.com/Mobilink Mobilink Printers Mobilink P80 Plus P80 P60II P20 3" receipt 2” receipt/label 2” receipt Specifi cations subject to change without notice. EPSON is a registered trademark, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. NFC Wireless Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2016 Epson America, Inc. SDT328 Full Page Ads_Layout 1 7/21/16 3:08 PM Page 3 Data entry errors. Consolidation headaches. Quality data shouldn’t be a pain. Try a little Vitamin Q. We supply Vitamin Q – “quality” – in data quality management solutions that profile, clean, enrich, and match your customer data – and keep it healthy over time. Add Vitamin Q to your data integration, business intelligence, Big Data, and CRM initiatives to ensure accurate data for greater insight and business value. ACT Get a FREE 30-day trial! NOW www.MelissaData.com/vitaminQ Solutions for 10,000+ Customers 30+ Years Data Quality & Cloud • On-Premise 240+ Countries Worldwide Strong Mailing Solutions • Services Germany India www.MelissaData.de www.MelissaData.in United Kingdom Australia www.MelissaData.co.uk www.MelissaData.com.au www.MelissaData.com 1-800-MELISSA SDT328 Full Page Ads_Layout 1 7/21/16 3:08 PM Page 4 SDT328 page 5_Layout 1 7/22/16 2:33 PM Page 5 Contents ISSUE 328 • AUGUST 2016 NEWS FEATURES 8 News Watch The case for JS++ 12 Brewing bitterness over Java 15 Software for the marijuana industry set to yield high returns 18 Unicorns’ days are numbered page 28 22 Don’t let testing Bringing lessons learned at Facebook to a stocks startup stop your agility page 34 24 Startup aims to transform the lives of the disabled with open source 26 Infragistics allows developers to embed ReportPlus into apps COLUMNS 47 GUEST VIEW by Wayne Ariola How much risk is too much for an RC? 49 ANALYST VIEW by Al Hilwa How imaging SDKs can solve today’s Rise of the elusive citizen developer application development challenges 50 INDUSTRY WATCH by David Rubinstein In SUM, applications are alive page 43 Software Development Times (ISSN 1528-1965) is published 12 times per year by BZ Media LLC, 225 Broadhollow Road, Suite 211, Melville, NY 11747. Periodicals postage paid at Hunting ton Station, NY, and additional offices. SD Times is a registered trademark of BZ Media LLC. All contents © 2016 BZ Media LLC. All rights reserved. The price of a one-year subscription is US$179 for subscribers in the U.S., $189 in Canada, $229 elsewhere. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SD Times, 225 Broadhollow Road, Suite 211, Melville, NY 11747. SD Times subscriber services may be reached at [email protected]. SDT328 page 6_Layout 1 7/21/16 3:22 PM Page 6 ® www.sdtimes.com Instantly Search EDITORIAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF David Rubinstein Terabytes of Text 631-421-4158 x105 • [email protected] SENIOR EDITOR Alex Handy • [email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA AND Christina Mulligan • [email protected] ONLINE EDITORS Madison Moore • [email protected] COPY EDITOR Adam LoBelia • [email protected] dtSearch’s document filters SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Mara Leonardi • [email protected] support popular file types, emails CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Patrick Hynds, Lisa Morgan, Alexandra Weber Morales with multilevel attachments, CONTRIBUTING ANALYSTS Rob Enderle, Michael Facemire, Mike Gilpin, databases, web data Mike Gualtieri, Jeffrey Hammond, Al Hilwa CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS [email protected] ADVERTISING TRAFFIC Mara Leonardi Highlights hits in all data types; [email protected] 25+ search options LIST SERVICES Shauna Koehler [email protected] REPRINTS Stacy Burris 631-421-4158 x108 • [email protected] ACCOUNTING Viena Ludewig 631-421-4158 x110 • [email protected] :LWK$3,VIRU1(7-DYDDQG&£ OTHER QUESTIONS [email protected] 6'.VIRUPXOWLSOHSODWIRUPV£ (See site for articles on faceted ADVERTISING SALES PUBLISHER David Lyman search, SQL, MS Azure, etc.) 978-465-2351 • [email protected] WESTERN U.S., WESTERN CANADA, EASTERN ASIA, AUSTRALIA, INDIA Paula F. 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Sparkling Water now includes the ability to interface with Apache Spark, Rogue Wave is updating its MLlib and Scala to give Spark user’s more visual capabilities. open-source framework for Sparkling Water 2.0 builds off of Sparkling Water, which was designed to give its users APIs, developing Web applications RDDs and multi-tenant context, as well as machine learning algorithms. Sparkling Water also and services. According to the allows enterprises to use H2O algorithms company, this is the first with MLlib algorithms on Apache Spark. major release in four years. Other new features and improvements Zend Framework 3 features include the ability to run Apache Spark support for PHP 7 and middle- and Scala through H2O’s Flow UI, support ware runtime and perform- for the Apache Zeppelin notebook, visual ance enhancements. intelligence for Apache Spark, and real- In addition, version 3 of the time machine learning for data products framework features an archi- using Spark Streaming and H2O. tectural structure that allows H2O.ai recently built a team of data visualization experts who focus on AI and machine learn- developers to use components ing algorithms. The team’s progress will come to Apache Spark via Sparkling Water, which gives within Zend Framework apps users an easy way to understand their visualizations of algorithmic results. or any other framework in order to reduce dependencies, AppSource contains more dows and ReportPlus Embed- and more than 20 visualiza- and to enable reuse within the than 200 business SaaS apps, ded. tions to create custom dash- PHP ecosystem. add-ins and content packs, ReportPlus is a data visual- boards. Another key update to the including new business apps, ization service that gives solution is a new middleware according to a Microsoft enterprises the ability to see runtime. Expressive is announcement. how their business is perform- Rails 5.0 released designed to focus on simplici- Other updates from ing, and it runs either in the with Action Cable, ty and interoperability, and it Microsoft will enable cus- cloud or on-premise. Infragis- API mode enables developers to cus- tomers to gain more insight tics is now including an After four betas, two release tomize their solutions. from their data so they can embedded SDK with Report- candidates, and hundreds of build apps with embedded Plus in order to allow develop- contributors, Rails 5.0 is finally intelligence and analytics. ers to take the solution and Microsoft updates done. One of the most impor- Microsoft announced the gen- embed it into their applica- tant features of this release is give customers eral availability of Power BI’s tions. Action Cable, a new framework insight from their data publish to web feature to help The desktop version was that handles WebSockets in developers create visualiza- created in response to cus- Microsoft customers will be Rails. Action Cable is an inte- tions and then publish them to tomer requests. According to able to use their data in com- grated solution for managing a blog or website. Some fea- Jason Beres, senior vice pres- bination with new updates and connections, with two layers: tures available in Power BI ident of developer tools at capabilities, such as the intro- one for server-side processing, include free authoring tools, Infragistics, the company duction of Microsoft Dynamics and a JavaScript layer for one-click publishing to the 365, Microsoft AppSource, heard users wanted some- client-side interaction. web, and cross-device sup- and Power BI Embedded. thing that could publish According to the Ruby on port. Microsoft Dynamics 365 reports from their desktops Rails team, Action Cable moves Microsoft’s current and laptops, so it created makes designing live features CRM and ERP cloud solutions Infragistics allows ReportPlus Desktop.
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