Index of Commands

Index of Commands

INDEX OF COMMANDS In this index of commands, anything between square brackets indicates an alternative or a facultative addition to the command in question; "x:" and "y:" mean the designation of a drive; "{text}" stands for a string of cha­ racters or a certain formula; "{file}" for a file or a group of files; "{name}" for the name of a sub-directory; and "{channel}" for an input or output channel. ATTRIB [+r] [x:]{file} 65 [-r] BACKUP x:[{file}] y:[/d][/m][/s] 92, 180 BASIC [[x:]{file}] 156 BASICA [[x:]{file}] 156 BREAK [ON] 127 [OFF] CD [[x:]\{name}] 86 CHOIR [[x:]\{name}] 86 CHKDSK [[x:]{file}][/f][/v] 32, 62 CLS 19 COMP [ [x: ]{file}] [ [y: ]{file}] 60 COPY {channel} [x:]{file} 55, 117, 176 [x:]{file} {channel} {channell} {channel2} [[x:][{filel}[+[y:][{file2}]]]] [y:][{file3}][/v] CTTY {channel} 124 DATE [{text}] 20, 130 DEBUG [[x:]{file}] 72 DEL [x:]{file} 61 DIR [[x:]{name}][/p][/w] 28 DISKCOMP [x:] [y:] 37 DISKCOPY x: [y:][/1] 34 200 MS-DOS AND PC-DOS - A PRACTICAL GUIDE ECHO [ON] 147 [OFF] [{text}] EDLIN [x:]{file} 96 ERASE [x:]{file} 61 FDISK 80 FIND[/c][/n][/v] "{text}" [x:]{file} 73 FORMAT [x:][/1][/8][/b][/s][/v] 38, 81, 169 [/4] GOTO {text} 150 GRAPHICS [{text}[/r][/b]] 135 GWBASIC [[x:]{file}] 157 IF [NOT] EXIST [x:]{file} {command} 149 KEYB {text} 173 LABEL [x:] {text} 43 MD [x:]\{name} 83 MKDIR [x:]\{name} 83 MODE {channel}{text} 120, 122, 172 {text} {channel1}={channel2} MORE <[x: ]{file} 54 PATH [\;]\{name1}[;\{name2} ••• ] 90 PAUSE [{text}] 147 PRINT [x:]{file1}[/c][/p] [[y:]{file2}[/c][/p]][/t] 136, 158 {text} PROMPT [ {text} ] 133, 152 RD [x:]\{name} 85 RMDIR [x:]\{name} 85 RECOVER [x:][{file}] 64 REM {text} 146 INDEX OF COMMANDS 201 REN [x:]{namel} {name2} 52 RESTORE x: y:[{file}][/s] 93 SET [{text}] 153 SORT [/{text}] <[x:]{filel}] [>[y:]{file2}][/r] 142 SYS [x:] 44 TIME [{text}] 20, 130 TREE [x:] 88 TYPE [x:]{file} 51 VER 19 VERIFY [ON] 54 [OFF] VOL [x:] 19 INDEX OF NAMES AND CONCEPTS .$$$ - 97 ·c - 51, 11, 98, 121 Cancel function - 71 Active drive - 17, 29, 35, 153 Carriage return - 70, 71 Active line - 102, 106, 112 - character - 70 Adapter - 119 CD command - 86, 87 Address - 72 Central Processing Unit - 13, 17, 26 Alternate mode - 75 Centronics - see Parallel channel ALT key - 16, 18, 75 CHDIR command - see CD command ANSI - 67, 75 Chip - 25 ANSI.SYS - 132, 133 CHKDSK command - 32, 42, 43, 47, APPEND command - 179 49, 62, 63 Apple II - 10 CLS command - 19, 157 Arrow keys - 105 Clusters - 63 ASCII - 67, 75 Colour/graphics adapter - 119, 121 - characters - 72 Colour monitor - 120, 121 - code - 67, 70, 165 .COM- 53 - file - 53, 166 COMl: device - 59, 122 - table - 68, 69, 70, 75, 164 Command - 17, 49 ATTRIB command - 65 - line - 17, 22 AUTOEXEC.BAT - 122, 134, 139, 148 COMMAND.COM - 44, 48, 49 AUX: - 119, 122 COMP command - 60 Compatibles - 10, 13 BACKUP command - 92, 93, 176, 180 CON: device - 58, 59 Backspace - 70 CONFIG.SYS file - 126, 181 - key - 18, 50, 105 Console - 58, 124 Bad sector - see Sector Control .BAK - 53, 99 - codes - 70 .BAS - 53, 166 - instructions - 18, 51, 70, 71 BASIC - 10, 15, 25, 47, 155 COPY command - 55, 59 - Advanced Disk - 156 COPY CON: command - 49, 50, 58, 95 - cassette - 15, 156 Country code - 130, 173 - Disk - 156 CPU - see Central Processing Unit BASICA - 155, 156 CTRL key - 16, 18, 70 .BAT - 53 CTTY device - 124 Batch file - 53, 145 Cursor - 16 Baud rate - 124 Binary Date - 20, 21, 23 - digits - 32 - current - 20 - system - 67 - invalid - 23 - value - 67 DATE command - 20, 21, 148 BIOS - see ROM BIOS DEBUG command - 72 Bit - 32 DEL Boot - 79, 82 - command - 49 .<BREAK> - 98, 127 - key - 18, 104 BREAK key - 127, 176 Delete - 61, 91, 115 Buffer - 22, 127, 129 Density - 25 Byte - 27, 32, 47 Device - 119, 126 - driver - 119, 122, 181 204 MS-DOS AND PC-DOS - A PRACTICAL GUIDE DIR command - 28, 29, 43, 49 Extension - 29, 47, 53 Directory - 28 F1 key - 22, 104, 107, 108 - current - 88 F2 key - 23, 104, 108 - root - 83 F3 key - 22, 23, 104, 105, 108, 110 Disk drive - see Drive F4 key - 23, 107, 110 DISKCOMP command - 37 F5 key - 108, 110 DISKCOPY command - 33, 35, 36, 37 F6 key - 96, 113 Disk - 25 FAT - see File Allocation Table - double-density - 27 FC command - 17 4 - double-sided - 27, 34 FDISK command - 80 - floppy - 26 FF - see Formfeed - flexible - 26 File Allocation Table - 47, 48 - fixed - 25 File - 47, 126 - hard - 10, 15, 25, 79, 92 - ASCII - 53 - single-sided - 34, 36 - backup - 99 - source - 34 - batch - 53 - system - 34 - name - 29 - target - 34 - program - 47 - virtual - see RAM disk - size - 29, 47 - Winchester - see hard disk - system - 33, 44, 45, 47, 48 Disk Operating System - 13 Filter - 139 Drive - 13, 14, 26, 27, 91, 181 FIND command - 73, 112, 144 - double density - 27 Fixed disk - see Disk - double-sided - 27, 36 Flexible disk - see Disk - high capacity - 27, 40 Floppy disk - see Disk - high density - 27 FOR command - 163 - single-sided - 27 FORMAT command - 38, 81, 169 - type - 27 Formfeed - 67, 71 - quad density - 27, 40 Function keys - 16, 22, 23, 104, .DOC- 53 132, 134 DOS - 10, 13, 14 - Partition - 80 Gates, Bill - 155 Double-sided - see Disk GOTO command - 150 DSDD- 27 Graphics - 121, 135, 167 DSQD- 27 - adapter - 120 - mode - 121 ECHO command - 147 GW-BASIC - 155, 157, 167 Editing keys - 22 EDLIN command - 50, 95 AH - 18, 70, 105 Electronic disk - see RAM disk Hard copy - 107 END key- 16 Head crash - 79 End of file-symbol - 58, 71 Hercules graphics card - 121 ENTER key - 14, 16 Hexadecimal value - 67, 70, 72, 132 Epson printer - 165 Hidden files - 33, 43, 44, 48, 49 ERASE command - 49, 61 High Capacity - see Drive Error messages - 11, 15, 16, 18 High Density - see Drive ESC- 70 HOME key - 16 - character - 164 .<HOME> - 157 - code - 132, 164 - key - 16, 18, 50, 105 IBM - 10, 13 .EXE - 53 - colour printer - 135 EXIT command - 149 - compatibles - 14 Extended character set - 75, 76, 77, - graphics printer - 135 173 - PC - 10, 13, 15, 79 INDEX OF NAMES AND CONCEPTS 205 IBMBIO.COM - 33 Modem - 13, 125 IBMDOS.COM - 33 Monitor - 13 IF EXIST command - 149 - adjustment - 120 Initialising - 38 - colour - 120 Input channel - 59, 119 - monochrome - 120 INS key - 16, 104 MORE command - 54, 140 Installable device drivers - 126 Mouse - 13 Intel MS-DOS - 9, 13, 16 - 8086 - 10 - Generic - 169, 174 - 8088 - 10 - system disk - 48 Interface - 1 7 - version - 10, 169 Interrupt function - 127, 176 Italics - 165 NEXT command - 163 Non-contiguity - 62 Joystick - 13 Norton Utilities - 61 NUL: - 69 Kb - see Kilobyte Numeric keypad - 16, 75 Kemeny, John G. - 155 NUM LOCK key - 16 Key bar - 159 KEYB command - 173 Operating system - see System Keyboard - 13, 16, 49, 74, 132, 173 Output channel - 59, 119 - European- 74, 129, 173 Overlay file - 53 - layout - 129 .OVR - 53 -QWERTY 16 Keypad - 16 4 p - 51, 71 Kilobyte - 32 Parallel channel - 59, 122, 123 Kurtz, Thomas E. - 155 Parameter - 30 Path - 90, 179 Label - 19, 33, 42, 150 PATH command - 88 LF - see Line feed PAUSE command - 147 Line editor - 95 PC - see Personal Computer Line printer - 159 PC-DOS - 9, 13, 16, 169, 171 Line feed - 67 PC Jr - 10 - function - 71 PC AT - 10, 27, 40, 79, 170 LOAD - 167 PC XT - 10, 79 Loading the system - 14, 82 Personal Computer - 10, 13 Loop - 163 PG DN key- 16 LPRINT command - 159, 164 PG UP key- 16 LPTI: - 59, 123 Pipeline - 139, 144 LPT2: - 59 Plotter - 13 LPT3: - 59 Printing - 51, 58, 136, 137, 158, 160 Mb - see Megabyte PRINT command - 137 MD command - 83, 86, 87 Printer - 122, 159, 164 Megabyte - 32 - daisywheel - 122 Memory- 32 - dot-matrix - 122, 165 - expansion - 129 - instruction - 71, 164 Menu - 80 - laser - 122 Microprocessor - 13 - parallel - 122 Microsoft - 10, 32, 155, 169 - serial - 122 MITS Altair - 155 PRN: device - 58, 59, 123 MKDIR command - see MD command Processor - 16 MODE command - 120, 121, 122, 124, Program - 155 172 Programming language - 155 206 MS-DOS AND PC-DOS - A PRACTICAL GUIDE PROMPT command - 133, 152 STEP command - 163 Prompt - 15, 17, 133, 134, 139, 152 Storage PRT SC key - 16, 51, 135 - media - 25 PS/2 - 79, 134 - capacity - 27, 32, 38, 82 Sub-directory - 83, 84, 86, 87, 91 Quick Unerase - 61 SUBST command - 91 QWERTY- 16 Syntax error - 158 SYS command - 44, 53 RAM - see Random Access Memory System - 13, 14, 15, 47, 71, 157 - disk - 128 - disk - 14, 17, 34, 48 - size - 128, 129 - files - 32, 45 Random Access Memory - 25, 32, 119 - version - 19 RD command - 85 Read-only file - 65 TAB key - 16, 71, 105 Read-Only Memory - 25, 156 Tape streamer - 79 RECOVER command - 64 Target - see Disk Redirecting - 140 Text REM command - 146 - file - 47, 50 Remote control - 124 - mode - 120, 121 REN command - 51, 99 TIME command - 20, 148 REPLACE command - 178 Tracks - 26 RESET procedure - 18 TREE command - 88, 89 RESTORE command - 92, 93, 180 Tree structure - 88 RETURN key - 14, 16, 50 TYPE command - 49, 51, 140 RMDIR command - see RD command .TXT - 53 ROM - see Read-Only Memory ROM BIOS - 25, 82 UnErase - 61 Root directory - 83, 86, 88, 90 Unformat - 170 RUN command - 167 Utility - 48, 49, 126 As - 71 Variable - 151, 162 Screen - 120, 158 VDISK - 128 - dump - 135 VER command - 19, 54 - editor - 95 Verifying - 54, 55 SCROLL LOCK key - 16 Version - 19 Search - 112 Virtual disk - see RAM disk - path - 90 VOL command - 19, 43 Seattle Computer Products - 10 Volume - see Label Sector - 26, 27 - bad - 33 Wildcard - 31, 52 - size - 27 Winchester - see Disk Serial Wordprocessing - 50 - channel - 122 WordPerfect - 95 - printer - 122 WordStar - 95 SET command - 153 SHIFT keys - 16 XCOPY command - 36, 176 Single-sided - see Disk SORT command - 139, 142 Az - 51, 71, 96, 113 Sound - 172 Source - see Disk Space - 142 Spacebar - 16 Speed - 172 SSDD - 27 .

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