T he Kelow na Courier NUMIM-.k 13 K e lo w n a . Iliilish ( olninhia, 4'lims(Iay, Oclohcr 3<Stli, K)37 V O l u m p : 34 Prime Minister Tests Park Benches KELO W NA TAX RECEIPTS M rs. Isobel Stillin gfleet ESTABLISH N EW RECORD A w ard ed First H onours HISTORY OF CITY In Packing C om petition Canada’s Representative To Imperial Fruit Show Is 58 CANADIAN LEGION Leads A ll Municipalities in Provi nee Points Ahead Of Nearest Competitor— Okanagan Is Delighted With Success Of Kelowna Girl, Chosen OKANAGAN ZONE O f British Columbia From Group Of Twelve Valley Packers Flas Had Busy Time Since Landing In Old Country IS FORMED NOW Percentage Of 1937 Levy Collected To October 19tli Join North And South Zones Into KS. Isobel Stillingllect, Ciinada’s representative to the Imperial Reaches Unprecedented Figure Of 95.585—Over 76 One Group Embracing Okan­ Per Cent Of Arrears And Delinquent Taxes Paid M Fruit Show at Birmingham, England, which concludes today, agan And Similkamcen has received the British Empire packing competition award, accord­ ing to cabled advices to the B.C.F.G.A. yesterday afternoon. C O U R IE R EDITORIAL o r a number of years past the City of Kelowna has held a lead­ Picked from a group of twelve on a strictly competitive basis, PRAISED F ing and enviable position amongst the municipalities of British Mrs Stillingllcet was sent to England as a guest of the Canadian Columbia in regard to the percentage collected of the annual tax Government Fruit Trade Commissioner. All arrangements for her Strong Resolution For Comple­ levy. Since 1925 the figure has dropped below 90 per cent only trip and the contest which decided on the Kelowna woman,^ were tion Of Hope-Princeton twice, during the two worst years of the depression, 1932 and 1933, made by the B.C.F.G.A., through President A. K. Loyd and Sec­ Highway Is Passed and even at that the respective percentages of 89.22 and 89.15 were retary C. A. Hayden. very creditable in view of the circumstances. The peak was attained ValUiy DoUghted Elimination of the north and souUi in 1929, with 93.66 per cent, and it was thought by most people that zones in the Canadian Legion Okana­ such a figure could never be surpassed, yet last year payments came That Mrs. Stillingfleet has been gan organization, and the formation of awarded the highest possible honours G. W. SUTHERLAND one Valley Zone taking in sucli points within a small fraction of equalling the high mark, with 93.525 per among apple packers in Ihi; British as Endorby, Armstrong, Vernon, Ke­ cent. It has remained for 1937, however, to bear witness to the sup­ Empii'e has created considerable ex- lowna, Summerl.'uid, Penticton, and reme confidence of the people of Kelowna in their town and district WINS MUNICIPAL citcnieiit in the Okanagan, and espec­ Princeton, was accomplished at a re­ by eclipsing all records by a wide margin with the splendid showing ially in Kelowna, her home city, where cent meeting in Kelowna, when repre­ she has been a packer foi' the Cascade BY-ELECTION sentatives from, lhe.se points were pre­ of 95.585 per cent, which establishes a new high for the province. Fruit Co., for some years. sent for the initial session of tlie new The figures for the past thirteen years are as follows: 1937, The exact nature of the nKirking for group. 95.585; 1936,93.525; 1935,91.917; 1934,92.11; 1933,89.15; 1932, points in the Imperial Fruit Show is Native Son Of City Chosen To Peachland and Oliver will also bo 89.22; 1931, 91.06; 1930, 91.6; 1929, 93.66; 1928, 93.0; 1927, 92.6 ; 1926, not certain, but it is believed that 100 Succeed Late Aid. A. S. W ade asked to liave representatives at any future gatherings, one of which will 92.9; 1925, 90.66. marks are given as possibles foi each By Large Majority day’s paeking. Each contestant was be held shortly at Penticton or Sum- ------------ ;-----------------------------------------♦ I.urge Dtuluctioii In Arrears called upon, to pack for five days, and merland. I ITMr*UmKI CCCCiniU Another very .sali.sl'actory feature i.s In the by-election held on Tuesday L i U l l L f l E i w i l OJCnjOlvIl^ thai of Ihe total arrears and deliiiqu- five bo.xcs of apples were jiacked twice to fill the vacancy in the City Council G. N. Kennedy Elected caused by the death of Aid. A. Stanley Mr. G. N. Kennedy, President of the The total possible marks would, Kelowna Branch of the Canadian liC- Wade. Mr. George Wilbur Sutherland NOW ARRANGED_ _FOR______ has been paid, or over 76 per cent. therefore, be 500. and according to the twas the choice of the electors by^ a gion, is Zone representative to the wire from Mr. W. B. Gornall. in Lon­ H n N R R R F N N F T T The report of Mr. F. T. Dunn. CUy large majority over the other candid­ Provincial Command, and was elected n v i l v . 1\. O . U l - i l l l l t i l 1 Assessor and Collector, submitted at don, Mrs. Stillingfleet was 58 points ate, Mr. W. B. Hughes-Games. The as such at the Provincial Convention ahead of her nearest competitor. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain samples the seating comfort in Penticton last August. the regular meeling of the City Coun­ vote upon occasions other than the an­ cil on Monday night, sliovvcd that the Contestants from Australia and New nual eleetjon is usually not large, but in St James’ Park of one of the 325 new benches recently installed Mr. T. H. Wilson, of Penticton, has Distinguished Canadian To Speak in the London parks. They were paid for by public subscription, and been named Chairman of the Okana­ total levy for 1937. incUiding taxes on the poll on Tuesday was an exception, , Before Kelowna Gathering real estate and improvements, sower no fewer than 556 registering their one each was given by King peorge, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary. gan Zone, and Mr. Dave Addy. of Ke­ British Empire Champion lowna is the new Secretary. On November 2 connection and rental taxes, locdl im­ vote. The figures were; provement rates, codling rrioth special G. W. Sutherland 370 The North Okanagan Zone has been quite active and- has raised about $200. Rt. Honourable R. B. Bennett, Lead­ spray taxes and I.ibrary tax. amounted W. B; Hughes-Games ........ 184 DISTRICT GOVERNOR er of the Opposition in the Dominion to $112,768.79. (jf which $107,889.83 has Spoiled ballots ........ 2 JOSEPH BALL This money has been placed at the disposal of the Okanagart Zone and Parliament, and Leader of the Con­ been collected, or 95.585 per cent, up WILL OFFICIATE AT members of branches from the South servative Party in Canada, will be to October 19lh. the last day before Total poll .. 558 HONOURED BY Okanagan voiced their appreciation of guest of the Kelowna Board of Trade addition of a penalty of ten per cent. Majority for Sutherland, 186. at a luncheon gathering at the Royal The total levy for 1936 was $117,884.33, Mr. Sutherland is a native spri of the this gesture. GYRO INSTALLATION The Kelowna Courier’s recent edit­ Anne, at 12 o’clock shai’p, on Tuesday, of which $n0,.333.51, or 93..524 per cent, city and has lived all his life in Kel­ UNITED CHURCH orial on Fascist propaganda was November 2, according to latest ar­ was collected. owna, He is a son of the late IVlr, D. brought to the attention of tn^Oka- rangements made by the local Board. This year's prepayment of taxes pre­ W. Sutherland, otie of Kelowna’s earl­ Dick Parkinson And Directors To vious to September 1st, on which in­ Pioneer Who Came Here In 1903 nagan Zone members, and it was men­ It was previously expected that the iest residents, who had a municipal re­ Be Formally Introduced ex-Premier would be an evening terest at the rate of 4'/j per cent per Has Been Active In Com­ tioned that this editorial has already cord unequalled in British Columbia, T o _ O f^ e been forwarded to the Provincial Com­ speaker, but changes had to be made, annum was granted, amounted to $31.- having served seventeen terms as May­ munity Life mand for consideration. It has attrac­ as he is scheduled to address an eve­ 048.77. an increase pf $1,868.43 over the or and seven as Alderman, twenty-four District Governor Gene Ivy. of Yak­ ted such tvidespread attention that the ning meeting in Calgary on Wednes­ total of prepayments during 1936. when / years in all, and, with such an exarhple ima, Wash., will attend the Installation A large gathering of the United Dominion Command probably will con­ day, November 3, and must leave Ke­ the interest rate was 5 per cent. set by the father, Kelowna has good Dinner of the Gyro Club of Kelowna Church congregation met in the sider the angles discussed. lowna on Tuesday afternoon. Net collections exceeded the current reason to expect loyal and faithful ser­ on Tuesday evening. November 9, to Church Hall on Wednesday evening, One of the most important features Rated as one of the ablest speakers levy by $4,344.78.
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