üMVERSITY OF ALBERTA SEDIMESTOLOGY,DEPOSITIONAL ARCHITECTURE, AWD DWCENESISOF THE CAYM~FORWTION AT TARPONSPRINGS ESTATES, G~YDCAYWY, BRITISH WEST INDIES Jason Christopher Montpetit O A thesis submined to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Department of Geology Edmonton, Alberta Fa11 1998 National Library Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographic Services services bibliographiques 39S Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington OttawaON K1AW OttawaON K1AW canada canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence alfowing the exclusive permettant a la National Lïbrary of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/fb, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriéte du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts f?om it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein The Cayman Formation (Middle Miocene) on Grand Cayman is formed of fabric retentive and fabric destructive microcrystallîne dolostones. In the Tarpon Springs area, this formation is divided into units 1 to m. Each unit, which represents a distinct depositional regirne, is bounded by discontinuities. These depositional units incorporate sediments that were deposited on the southem windward margin of an open bank. The complex diagenetic fabrics preserved in the study area are a product of fluctuating sea Ievels and paleowater tables that have affected the strata since the Late Miocene. Penods of subareal exposure have resulted in meteoric and vadose cementation, dissolution, poikilotopic calcite-dolomite fabrics. calcretization and karst development. Subareal exposure associated with the Messinian lowstand resulted in the development of the Cayrnan Unconformity, a high relief disconformable surface on top of the Cayrnan Formation. Subsequent transgressions led to the formation of marine cementation, bioerosion, pervasive matrix dolomitization and recrystallization. To my father, Jack Montpetit, for doing what was best for his family instead of his career. Thanks Dad. Looking back over the last several years it is difficult to remember ail those who have contributed (in some form) to this work. During my time at the University of Alberta, 1 was fortunate enough to befiiend and work with an exceptional group of people. Many of these people have had a profound affect on myself and this thesis. 1 am indebted to my supervisor, Dr. Brian Jones, for his fnendship and editing skills. I am also indebted to the other members of the "Fm Office", Paul Blanchon, Brent Wignall, Jen Vezina. Dave Hiils, Astrid Arts, Chun Li, Elizabeth Wilson, Bill Kalbfleisch, Ian Hunter and Leo Piccoli. These people taught me most of what I know about geolo~and in so doing taught me a little about life. They also managed to keep me alive for the last several years. 1 would like to thank al1 those associated with the Ichnological Research Group at the U of A, for their friendship, enthusiasm with regards to geology, witty lunchtirne banter, and their attempts at saving me fiom the "dark side". A special thanks to Astrid Arts for her fnendship, time shared, support and encouragement. 1 would also like to thank her family for always making me feel welcome and looking after me during the holidays. To my parents, thanks for your understanding, constant support and your encouragement. Thanks also to Judith Enarson for helping me with my numerous registration problems and other dealings with the university. Thanks to Bobby Bodden of Bodden Realty for giving us access to the study area and to the Water Authority and the M.R.C.U. for logistical support during our stays on the island. Finally, 1 would also like to thank the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (formerly the Department of Geology) and NSERC (grant A6090 to Dr. Man Jones) for financial support. CHAPTER2: STRATIGRAPHYAND SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THE CWMAN FORMA~ONAT TARPON SPRINGS ESTATES 2.1 STMTIGR~PHY 2.1.1 Disconfomity and Discontin&y surfaces 2.2 SEDIMENTOLOGYOF THE CAYMANFORMATION 2.2.1 Biota 2 -2.2 Facies in the Cayman Formation ut Tarpon Springes Estates 2-23 Facies Architecture CHAPTER3: DEPOSITIONALENVIRONMENT AND ARCHITECTURE OF THE CAYMANFORMATION AT TARPON SPRINGS ESTATES CHAPTER4: SEDIMENTOLOGYZ~NDDEPOSITIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE IRONSHOREFORMATION 4.1 ~TRODUCTION 4.2 SEDIMEWOLOGY 4.2.1 Facies of the Ironshore Formation 4.3 DEPOS~TIONAL ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER5: DIAGENESISOF m~ CAYMANFORMATION AT TARPONSPRINGS ESTATES 5.1 ~NTRODUCTION 5.2 ~ESCRIPTION OF D~AGENET~CFABRICS M THE CAYMANFORMATION 5.2.1 Matrix Dolomites 5 -2.2 Fossil Preservcrrion 5 -2.3 Fabric Preservation 5.2.4 Peloids 5.2.5 Marine Cements 5.2.6 Dissolurion 5 -2,621Macroscale dissolution 5.2.6b Microscale dissolution 5.2.7 Porosiv 5 -2.8 Meteoric Cements 5.2.8a Tvpe A cernent 5.2.8b Type B cernent 5.2.8~Type C cernent 5.2.8d Tvpe D cement 5.2.8e Additional cernents 5.2.9 Cnvi~Filling Sediments 5.2.1 0 Dolonzite Dissolution 5.2.1 1 Poikilotopic Calcite - Dolomite Fabrics 5 -3-1 2 Calcrete 5.2.1 3 Terra Rossa 5.2.14 Karst 5.3 PARAGENETICHISTORY OF THE CAYMANFOWTION 5.4 DOLOM~T~~AT~ONOF THE CAYMAN FORMATION TABLE Table 1: Coral associations in the Cayman Formation Table 2: Facies of the Cayman Formation at Tarpon Springs Estates FIGURE Fipre 1.1: Study area location and surficial geology of Grand Cayman Figure 1.2: Tectonic setting of the Cayman Islands Figure 1.3: Stratigraphie column of the Cayman Islands Figure 1.4: Location and surficial geology of Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 2.1 : Surficial geology of Grand Cayman Fipre 2.2: Location and surface exposure map of Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 23: Hardground developed in SOT #2 Figure 2.4: Faunal distribution in the Cayman Formation of well SOT #2 Figure 2.5: Distribution of coral associations in the Cayman Formation at Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 2.6: Distribution of facies in the Cayrnan Fomation at Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 3.1: Depth disaibution of biota and proposed water depth during deposition of the Cayman Formation at Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 3.2: Relative sea level (water depth) and water energy curve for the Cayman Formation at Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 3.3: Comparison of the Cayman Formation at Safe Haven, Tarpon Springs Estates and on Cayman Brac Figure 4.1 : Paleogeography of the Ironshore Fomation Figure 4.2: Sarnple of the Ironshore Formation fiom Tarpon Springs Estates Figure 5.1: SEM images and photomicrographs of the Cayman Formation Figure 5.2: Distribution of diagenetic fabrics in the Cayman Formation in well SOT if1 as seen in thin section Figure 5.3: Distribution of diagenetic fabrics in the Cayman Formation in well SOT #2 as seen in thin section Figure 5.4: Distribution of diagenetic fabrics in the Cayman Formation in weI1 SOT #3 as seen in thin section Figure 5.5 : Thin Section Photomicrographs of the Cayman Formation Figure 5.6: SEM images and photomicrographs of cements in the Cayman Formation Figure 5.7: Photomicrographs of the Cayman Formation Figure 5.8: Core photographs of the Cayman Formation Figure 5.9: Cernent and internai sediment in a cavity Figure 5.10: Summary diagrams showing the range of 6O(l8) values and the range of water salinity in which these various carbonate minerals may precipitate Figure 6.1 : Three dimensional representation of the Cayman Unconformity Figure 6.2: Distribution of the exposed peripheral ridge on Grand Cayman Figure 63: Surficial geology of Grand Cayman Figure 6.4: Development of a marine cemented peripheral margins Figure 6.5: Dissolution patterns developed on lirnestone blocks with varying amounts of acid min Figure 6.6: Development of erosional topography on limestone blocks Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 LOCATION Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman are British Protectorates situated in the northem part of the Caribbean Sea between 19O 15' and 1g045' North and 74O44' and 8 1°27' West (Figure 1.1 A). These islands are situated on the Cayman Ridge which composes the northem margin of the Cayman Trench. 1.2 CLI~WE Grand Capan's small size and low-lying nature precludes the island fiom exerting a strong control on its climatic regime (Blanchon, 1995). The island's climate is modi- fied by the Caribbean Sea, which results in high hurnidities, restricted air temperatures and relatively stable weather patterns (Burton, 1994). Preciptation patterns across the island exhibit considerable variation. Rainfall increases from east to west reflecting convection cloud development (Burton, 1994), with the West side and southwest corner receiving the greatest amount of precipitation (Ng, 1990). The year can be divided into a wet season and a dry season. The latter, from November to April, averages less than 8 cm/month whereas the former, from May to October, is characterized by 12 - 1 5 cm/ month (Sauer, 1982). Associated with the wet season are higher air temperatures as compared to the dry season. Cooler temperatures during the dry season are associated with cold fronts that produce strong winds from the northwest (Nor 'westers), which typically last 2 - 3 days. Grand Cayman is a Iow lying island with a maximum elevation that rarely exceeds 6 m above sea level (ad).
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