Montenegro Annual Implementation Report 1 November 2020 Energy Community Secretariat Montenegro Summary Implementation Transposition Summary Indicators Implementation Status Descriptions Assessement Implementation in the electricity sector Electricity 77% of Montenegro is well advanced Implementation in the gas sector of Gas* 29% Montenegro is yet to begin Implementation in the oil sector of Oil 50% Montenegro is moderately advanced Renewable Implementation in the renewable 73% energy sector of Montenegro is well Energy advanced Energy Implementation in the energy effi- 74% ciency sector of Montenegro is well Efficiency advanced Implementation in the environment Environment 81% sector of Montenegro is almost completed Implementation in the climate sector Climate 62% of Montenegro is well advanced Implementation in the infrastructure Infrastructure 38% sector of Montenegro is still at an early stage Implementation in the statistics sector Statistics 75% of Montenegro is well advanced Implementation in the cybersecurity Cybersecurity 37% sector of Montenegro is still at an early stage * Due to the lack of a gas market, implementation of the gas acquis is not taken into account in the overall score of Montenegro 122 / Montenegro Montenegro State of Energy Sector Reforms Montenegro has been a frontrunner in implementing energy In terms of climate and environment, Montenegro is in the sector reforms in the Energy Community for years The country vanguard of the Energy Community The recently adopted Law continues legal reforms by adopting amendments of the Energy on Protection from the Negative Impacts of Climate Change and Law which introduce a legal basis for adoption of the 2030 the regulation establishing an emission trading scheme from energy and climate targets and the national energy and climate February 2020 constitute milestones not only for the country’s plan, as well as a framework for small LNG infrastructure In but also for the Energy Community’s path towards decarboni- the electricity sector, the Law’s amendments brought a legal sation Work on the National Energy and Climate Plan is still at basis for the organized day-ahead market and designation of a relatively early stage Montenegro has already surpassed its the nominated market operator Unbundling of the transmis- 2020 renewable energy target by a wide margin It successfully sion system operator has been achieved The same goes for performed auctions for one wind and one solar power project the distribution system An organized wholesale market does without a premium (other than making available the land) but not function yet, and a strategic partnership for servicing an a possibility to sign a power-purchase agreement The Pljevlja organized market remains to be finalized Montenegro has yet power plant is being opted out from compliance with the Large to transpose the REMIT Regulation The country did not make Combustion Plants Directive, and according to the Secretariat’s any progress in adopting the draft law on security of supply of estimations, will reach the end of its lifetime by the end of 2020 oil products This will essentially decarbonize the country’s electricity sector Montenegro paid direct subsides worth some EUR 400 000 to support coal-fired power generation in 2019 Montenegro’s power sector is mainly based on hydropower and still relies on one lignite-fired power plant in Pljevelja Trade on the new undersea electricity interconnection between Italy and Montenegro started recently The country is not connected to natural gas systems but could provide facilities for some quantities of LNG to be further transported by railway In recent years, Montenegro supported investments in wind and solar power plants Montenegro / 123 Montenegro Electricity Electricity Implementation Transposition Electricity Indicators Implementation Status Descriptions Assessement Amendments to the Energy Law adopted in 2020 fulfil the last remaining condition Unbundling 100% for unbundling of the transmission system operator The distribution network operator is unbundled in accordance with the acquis Transparent and non-discriminatory access to the system is ensured by published tariffs for connection and use of the Connection 85% Access to the system Network Codes are transposed, but not im- plemented yet The Transparency Regulation is transposed and partially implemented The wholesale market is open for competi- tion, including the balancing market, except for the balancing reserve Concentration is very high, despite the fact that a seat requirement for trade does not exist A 60% Wholesale market timeline for day-ahead market establish- ment and coupling is defined by the latest amendments of the Energy Law, but actual progress is slow The REMIT Regulation is not transposed Although the retail market is formally de- regulated, only the incumbent is supplying end-customers and, as the supplier of last 98% Retail market resort selected in a market-based procedure, performs the public service obligation to supply small customers and households The transmission system operator partici- pates in regional balancing cooperation and coordinated capacity calculation, but key outputs are yet to be achieved Similarly, Regional integration 43% the regional market coupling project is still being designed but not implemented The amendments to the Energy Law set the basis for the full transposition of the CACM Regulation The commissioning of the undersea cable between Montenegro sured a compliant separation of control in line with the regula- and Italy with 600 MW of capacity marked the reporting period tor’s and the Secretariat’s conditions Distribution is performed in Montenegro The transposition of Connection Network Codes by CEDIS, a legally unbundled undertaking owned by the electric and the designation of the supplier of last resort in a competitive power distribution company EPCG Functional unbundling was procedure were the main steps towards further electricity sector implemented in a compliant manner Transmission and distri- liberalization This development was facilitated by an amend- bution tariffs were set pursuant to the methodologies for the ment to the Energy Law adopted in July 2020, which removes regulatory period 2020 - 2022 in December 2019 The transmis- the last obstacle for transmission system operator unbundling sion tariff charged to generators connected to the transmission and sets the legal basis for functioning of organized day-ahead network continues to exceed the maximum value allowed by and intraday markets Regulation (EU) 838/2010 The transmission operator CGES, owned by the State and the The Government adopted two decrees ensuring the transpo- Italian transmission system operator Terna, was conditionally sition of the Connection Network Codes as well as a decree certified Amendments to the Law, adopted in July 2020, en- on requirements for connection of electricity generators to the 124 / Montenegro Retail Market Opening 100% 90% 97% 97% 80% 70% 60% 50% 44% 40% 30% 20% 29% 26% 25% 22% 23% 15% 10% 10% 8% 6% 7% 2% 0% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Supply to active eligible customers in % for Montenegro Supply to active eligible customers in % for the Energy Community Source: Ministry of Economy transmission and distribution networks The implementing rules In the retail market, all customers are eligible to choose their for network operators have not yet been amended accordingly supplier The Energy Law allows recognition of retail supply The Transparency Regulation is transposed and partially imple- licenses of undertakings established and licensed in another mented The existing system for data collection and publication Contracting Party or an EU Member State However, final cus- is currently being improved tomers are still supplied by the incumbent EPCG, the only ac- tive supplier Since June 2019, EPCG offers to customers the The wholesale market is fully deregulated Operations on the choice of different tariff models, with the aim to encourage wholesale market are managed by the electricity market op- energy efficiency and reduce costs Until 30 June 2020, 12% of erator COTEE Amendments of the Energy Law of July 2020 end-customers, who signed supply contracts with EPCG, opted brought the necessary legal basis for the functioning of the for a new supply package The supply of last resort is defined as power exchange and defined the roles and responsibilities of a public service obligation imposed on EPCG selected in a tender the nominated electricity market operator, the transmission op- procedure The price charged by the supplier of last resort to erator and the regulator in the market coupling process The households and small customers is based on the market price power exchange company BELEN is yet to establish a day-ahead subject to price increase restrictions set by the regulator Vulner- market The national balancing market functions In addition able customers are also supplied by the supplier of last resort to the incumbent generation company EPCG, which acts as a A Government decree, effective from 2019 onwards, defines balancing service provider, a contract for providing balancing a vulnerable customer and sets up a protection mechanism, services was signed with an industrial customer According to including a 50% subsidization of monthly bills for consumption the current methodology, the balancing reserve price is to be up to 600 kWh per month set by the regulator until sufficient competition is in place The price of balancing energy is not regulated,
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