PAGE 6-NOVEMBER, 1962-SOUTHERN SCHOOL NEWS TENNESSEE Texas (Continued From Page 3) treated politely by everybody consul~ Pupil Transfer Provisions Face about the situation, but he felt that~ increased from 2,920 to 3,282 and lack two children should be allowed to at of dormitory space kept enrollment tend schools in Flour Bluff distr · from going higher. At Texas Southern where they Jive. Review By U. S. Supreme Court University (Houston), enrollment grew Lt. Dillard, a native of Arkansas, from 3,292 to 3,517. with the U.S. Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. He expects to leave fi> (Continued From Page 1) c;;;:;;;;c:: :1:2.,,.._:;.;:ma · mwzm:m;;§'m cloud now hanging over Mississippi has Schoolmen 1411 a silver lining." another assignment in January. nu~ ), / court, the Davidson County system will said he attempted to rent a hoUSe ~ / Tennessee Highlights Patterson , who also heads the Missis­ 1 dese~egate an additional grade each Corpus Christi in an area where ho Oo18h year-keeping pace with the Nashville sippi Citizens Council, told about 25{) Pupil transfer provisions in the persons attending a meeting of the Biracial Schools could associate with Navy persollllt llf city school system. (The systems are Davidson County and Knoxville de· and others of "my position and incOl!ie' • j being mer'(ed under a metropolitan Jackson Citizens Council: segregalion plans face a review by ''We would like to serve warning to but was turned down at three differer rJ ~Isl~ · government plan.) Revealed By Six the U.S. Supreme Court. the ruthless politicians that we have locations because his family is Negro If' Counc;el for the Davido;on Countv Three Negroes have been enrolled just begun to fight the integration Vitest figures show that 172 T~ f OI school b'>ard. in a b,.ief. asked the Su­ school districts have abolished UI I by Christian Brothers College at movement." More Districts segr~ fl f pr.,me Court to refuse a hearing on the Patterson said that President K en- tion, in whole or partly, of 890 distrie Memphis. Ne.'(roes' aopeal and in effect, to let the nedy has "lost many Six more Texas public school districts having scholastics of both races. In a.. ylj_?:,: The director of Potomac Institute, whi~e Sou~~rn appeals court ruling stand. votes by sending troops mto MisslS­ were revealed to have admitted Ne­ Texas has 1,460 school districts, ~ ~i>'"~ Harold C. Fleming, predicted in The brief s:>id the ola11 W'lS shown bv sippi " and declared: groes with white students this fall, and fewer than last year. Enrollment is ei. ~' ~ exoerience to be workable and that Chattanooga on Oct. 11 that James two others made plans to do so in Sep­ timated to be about 70,000 higher tht. 1 ~ 1 : · lower federal courts had retained iu..;.,_ Meredith will "6nish his course" at 'Not in the . Sack' tember, 1963. last year's 2,192,911 ( 1,892,044 whitt; 111• tJJ diction to insure that it is not used to the University of Mississippi. "The South is not in the Democratic Reports to Texas Education Agency and 300,867 Negroes). :f!! ~ deprive anyone of a constitutional right. .,.. Robert Patterson of Greenwood, sack anymore. In my opinion the revealed deseg egation, apparently for .,,,,~ . Spot Check .. the first time, at Patton Sorin~s ISD. 'Results of Concentration' Miss., Cit izens' Councils of America Republican Party may be in a positio'l ~' r::: executive secretary, told the Jackson, to get the South's vote if they want it Dickens County, which had 181 white A spot check of SOUTlfERN Soi()(! 1~ Jn a similar bripf. the KnoxvillP board and no Negro students last year; Dell Tenn., Citizens' Council on Oct. 16 (in 1964)." NEWS indicated that about 6,500 Ne. ~ #' s!lin c:rlinnl offici"l" "rsp·niot avnM tle<>l­ City, Hudspeth County. 301 white and groes actually attend class with that "we have just begun to fight the P atterson also said that. contrary to wltit· r.:t~ •:t: in1t with the result" of conce,,tr;ition of "prevailing ooinion," the University of 'lo Negroes last year; Winters, Runnels students in Texas public schools this fat fl:.~ ~ integration movement." NP"l'nPs in one place and whites in ~iss i ssippi "is not an integrated school." County, 1,048 white and 10 Negroes last an increase of perhars 1.500 o·•e• 1~ ,. (::Jl another." Beverly Briley was elected mayor He added: "James Howard Meredith is year; Meadow, Terry County, 341 white year. Exact numbers in mixed school ;: • :ccr 'fhp brief added: of the new Nashville·Davidson County the most segregated Ne~o in the Unit­ and no Negroes hst year; Quitaque. are irnpo<isible to determi'1e f om ""'· ~'(':tJi' ''Wlipn a ouoil tnake<; a vnl11ntarv metropolitan government by a 24,- ed States. He is virtually a prisoner at Briscoe County, 256 white and 15 Ne­ ords available. In some places, no!:!bl- -.:. ii o annHcatio11 for tranc:fer in the intprest 000-vote plurality over Clifford Allen, the university." groes last year; and Los Fresnos_, Cam­ San Antonio, a few non-Nel?Toes at 1' r'. eron County, 1,092 white and no · Ne­ of b<>fipr sch""lin~ Atmo<:nhere for hi"1- who had the endorsement of the Da­ ''We plan to resist the movement to tend formerly all-Ne<?ro schools ai· 1tr ··· se1'. the board is obl;llated t" hPlo h im vidson County Independent Political integrate the schools by utilizing both groes last year. these are not included in the estima• JI'! i:;:1!!i out The tr-mc: fer of that chiM. whethP­ Council, an organization seeking vot­ the political and economic power of the The deseg•cgation at Quitaque was of 6 500 desegregated Ne~oes. IS! ·:;i South," Patterson continued, "our peo­ a recent election. Reports to the edu­ San Antonio has an estimated 2~ 11'' white or blark. is not in itcp}f a r~ci:>l ing solidarity among Negroes. denial of a'lother child's :>polic-ation ..." ple are more against the movement cation agency did not describe what Negroes attending formerly whi' ,£!- C: Avon N. Williarns Jr. of Nasl,,,;n,. than ever before." action preceded the oilier desegrega­ schools. El Paso reports that all 1O: ¢/. ~ tion. App:irenUy, these districts abol­ of its Negro puoils are dece1?Teg1fec ::: atto,.,,ev f'lr Ne<r'"o stutiPntc; h both What They Say ca<;es. !'Aid thP an"e"l" C"11rt flpnlcion" ished segregation policies by board or­ with 52 2'i8 whites. but each atte•1:.. ; ::i:P:: der before 1957, when the le~slaturP the school in his home district. A su~ ,¢ l>ts WPr0 anne<>]Ptl ,.ftpr thP TT S F;f+h Ch·­ Section of Proposed* * * cuit Cn11rt nf Anoi>:i}" h:id n1lP<i th'lt " Fleming Foresees passed a law requiring referendum ap­ c:tantial number of Corpu<; Ch~isti's Ir ;st: s ?:I simil"r nu"il tr:mc:fpr '"'Ian in 'T'Pxa" ,.,.... Charter Is Debated proval. NPstrO scholastics attend school wn: . ~irj:I UTV'o.,c;titutional. He alc:o said thP Uc:: Northeast Houston ISD agreed, be­ whites. i;2~; Fou--th Ci,.cuit Co11'1 of Anoealc: hR-" Ole Miss Degree J . A. Beauchamp, editor of the Mem­ fore goinl( to trial in a U.S. District Other districts where desegregatiir struck down a similar transfer plan in phis Wo-rld, on Oct. 18 urged members Court in Houston, to begin desegrega­ is the most advanced (usually in ratio; \l"!L ii r:t Virginia. of the Hyde Park-Hollywood Civic tion in September, 1963, on a grade-a­ of 20 or more whites per Ne?<> en- i!r c-;:!l For Negro Student League to support the proposed Mem­ year basis starting in elementary rolled) include Austin 400, Victoria 32~ . Conflicting Rulings phis-Shelby County consolidated gov­ schools. A lawsuit (Eastland v. Wheat) San Angelo 140, and Galveston 85. A:. ''We h"ve ~hted out to the RuorpmP Harold C. Flemin~ , director of Po­ errunent charter because of its anti­ was filed by Negro patrons of the dis­ these are increases over 1961-1962. A:. Court the co,,flict in the -11l'11l!c; bv th., tomac Institute, told the Tennessee discrimination clause. trict in October, 1951. Northeast Hous­ except San Angelo are operatin., o: ci,.c11it anpeals court," Williams said Conference on Human Relations at In a referendum held on Nov. 6, the ton ISD, in a suburb of Houston, has gradual desegregation plans. The We< i . ~ 2 He added: Chatt anooga on Oct. 11 that "it is quite proposal was defeated by about two to 8,669 white and 116 Negro pupils thic: Texas city made the change in a sing.! m::r. c clear that (James) Meredith will fhisb one but advocates promised to try again year. move several years ago. ''ThP tr.,,,sfPr orovic:ion is unconstitu­ ..::2r.a. ltis course" at the University of Missis­ with a revised charter. They noted tha tional in the firc:t place bPclluce it orPtl­ -; ippi. two attempts were required befor Desegregation Planned ic.,tP" the riltht to atte.,d a cert.a;" "II he doesn't, someone else will," "metro" succeeded in Nashville and Da \fiSf'"TlanPOll s 0 Schools in Brownfield, Terry County. s,.h~"l ,..,, thP basis of the ra<'e of th Fleming told the statewide group. vidson County. child 'T'he plan is d;.,cr;mi'l11torv ale,.. will drop segregation also next fall, ~ Fleming said minority groups must The Negro editor said t}ie chmer in­ approved in a recent election.
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