CURRENT PUBLICATIONS FROM UPL 2020 CURRENT PUBLICATIONS FROM UPL UPL Enabling a knowledge-based society Our aim is to provide service to education, culture, and research, and to continue to adapt to new circumstances, new needs, and new areas of intellectual growth We publish both national and international authors in Bangla and English languages UPL exports Bangla and English books to several countries of the world We publish educational books for schools and supplementary readers for children Contents Get to know Bangladesh through UPL 2 UPL New Arrivals 4 UPL Special Features 5 Administration, Politics and Public Policy 6 Agriculture and Livestock 7 Anthropology 8 Art, Architecture and Archaeology 9 Autobiography/Biography 9 Bangladesh Studies 10 Earth Science and Environmental Studies 11 Economics and Development Studies 12 m~PxcÎ Education and Public Health 16 BDwcGj-Gi bZzb eB 28 Gender Studies 17 Governance 17 A_©bxwZ I Dbœqb 29 History 18 AvZ¥Rxebx, BwZnvm 29 International Relations 19 Lv`¨ I cywó 32 Language, Life, Literature, Media and 20 ag© I `k©b 32 Communication bvix Dbœqb 33 Children's Literature 23 fvlv I mvwnZ¨ 33 Law 24 Awfavb I kã‡Kvl 33 Religion and Ethics 24 cÖvPxb mvwnZ¨ 34 Sociology and Social History 24 Dcb¨vm 34 UPL Titles on Bangladesh Liberation War 26 KweZv 36 †QvUMí 36 cÖeÜ 36 ågY Kvwnbx 37 †jvKmvwnZ¨ 38 wkï mvwnZ¨ I RbwcÖq weÁvb 38 f‚‡Mvj, ¯^v¯’¨, cwi‡ek I weÁvb 39 ivóªweÁvb I mgvR Dbœqb 40 wk¶v I MY‡hvMv‡hvM 42 mgvRweÁvb I b„ZË¡ 42 mvwnZ¨ msMÖn 42 BDwcGj †_‡K cÖKvwkZ gyw³hy‡×i eB 43 GET TO KNOW BANGLADESH THROUGH UPL A pioneer in academic and scholarly publishing in Bangladesh, UPL has cultivated the work of some of Bangladesh’s best scholars and literary talents. Our catalog includes books on politics, governance, history, sociology, development, gender, education, health, environment, anthropology, religion, economics, autobiography/biography, and a commendable collection of literary titles – in both English and Bangla languages. UPL’s scholarly publications are considered some of the best resources for research on Bangladesh and are highly sought after by academics worldwide. Our literary collection also presents the works of brilliant writers in the poetry, fiction and short story genres. UPL’s keystone Road to Bangladesh Series presents a comprehensive collection providing a well-rounded narrative of the events of 1971 and the emergence of independent Bangladesh. This collection, which UPL is dedicated to keeping permanently in print, includes a large number of primary sources, analysis, and literature relating to the Bangladesh Liberation War. UPL was formed in December of 1975 by Mohiuddin Ahmed, the former editor of Oxford University Press, Pakistan. Besides its own publishing activities, UPL has been the Bangladeshi distributor for several foreign publishers and has also worked with a wide range of international publishers, including Zed Books, Cambridge University Press, Kumarian Press, Women Unlimited and Zubaan Books, to create high-quality collaborative volumes. UPL’s catalog includes more than 600 titles in print, making us one of the most distinctive institutions in Bangladesh, committed to building a knowledge-based society. website: www.uplbooks.com 2 BDwcGj-Gi eB‡qi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`k‡K Rvbyb GKv‡WwgK I M‡elYvg~jK cÖKvkbvq evsjv‡`‡k AMÖMvgx cÖKvkbv ms¯’v wn‡m‡e BDwcGj G‡`‡ki †kÖô cwÐZ I mvwnZ¨ cÖwZfv‡`i iPbvi m¤¢vi M‡o Zy‡j‡Q| Avgv‡`i i‡q‡Q evsjv I Bs‡iwR fvlvq cÖKvwkZ ivRbxwZ, cÖkvmb, BwZnvm, mgvR weÁvb, Dbœqb, †RÛvi, wk¶v, ¯^v¯’¨, cwi‡ek, b„ZË¡, ag©, A_©bxwZ, AvZ¥Rxebx/Rxebx I mvwnZ¨ welqK D‡jøL‡hvM¨ wewfbœ eB| evsjv‡`k m¤ú‡K© M‡elYvi Rb¨ BDwcGj cÖKvkbv‡K c„w_exe¨vcx g~j¨evb Z_¨-Drm wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq Ges weØvb M‡elKe„›` Gme eB e¨envi K‡i _v‡Kb| GQvov Kwe, K_vwkíx I MíKvi, huv‡`i AwaKvskB evsjv‡`kx, Zuv‡`i Abb¨ mvaviY eB‡qi mgš^‡q ˆZix n‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i cÖKvwkZ mvwnZ¨g~jK eB‡qi ZvwjKv| BDwcGj-Gi Ab¨Zg †gŠwjK D‡`¨vM †ivW Uz evsjv‡`k wmwiR| GB wmwi‡Ri eB¸wj 1971 mvj I ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afz¨`‡qi ce© m¤ú‡K© mvgwMÖK w`K †_‡K Mfxi I we¯ÍvwiZ AbymÜv‡bi bvbv dmj cvV‡Ki mvg‡b Zy‡j a‡i‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki iƒc`vbKvix mg‡qi HwZnvwmK cÖvmw½KZv I ¸iæZ¡‡K we‡ePbv K‡i GB wmwi‡Ri eB¸wj †hb KL‡bv cvVK‡`i Rb¨ AcÖvc¨ bv nq BDwcGj Zv wbwðZ Ki‡Z e×cwiKi| GB wmwi‡Ri eB¸wj‡Z i‡q‡Q evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy× m¤ú‡K© M‡elYvjä cÖv_wgK Z_¨, we‡kølY I wbf©i‡hvM¨ eY©bv| A·‡dvW© BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm, cvwK¯Ív‡bi cÖv³b m¤úv`K gwnDwÏb Avn‡g` 1975 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^i gv‡m BDwcGj cÖwZôv K‡ib| wb‡R‡`i cÖKvkbv QvovI BDwcGj A‡bK¸wj we‡`kx cÖKvk‡Ki eB‡qi evsjv‡`k cwi‡ekK wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Avm‡Q| BwZg‡a¨ BDwcGj AvšÍR©vwZKfv‡e weL¨vZ wewfbœ cÖKvkbv ms¯’v †hgb †c½yBb eyKm, †RW eyKm, †KgweªR BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm, Kzgvwiqvb †cÖm, DB‡gb Avbwjwg‡UW Ges Ryevb eyKm - cÖf…wZ eB‡qi cÖKvkK‡`i m‡½ mn‡hvwMZvg~jK †hŠ_ cÖKvkbv Kvh©µ‡g Ask wb‡q‡Q| eZ©gv‡b BDwcGj cÖKvwkZ 600-Gi AwaK eB evRv‡i cÖPwjZ Av‡Q| DbœZgv‡bi eB‡qi GB wecyj m¤¢vi evsjv‡`‡k Ávb wfwËK mgvR MV‡b BDwcGj-Gi ¯^Zš¿ cÖvwZôvwbK f‚wgKv‡K cÖZxqgvb K‡i| BDwcGj cÖKvwkZ eB m¤ú‡K© Av‡iv we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z wfwRU Kiæb: www.uplbooks.com 3 UPL New Arrivals 4 UPL Special Features 5 UPL Stocklist 2020 ¸ V Administration, Politics and Public Policy ISBN Author/Editor Title First Price Published 978 984 506 271 8 Ahrar Ahmad Governance and Governed: Democracy and Development 2019 675.00 Navine Murshid in Bangladesh – Selected papers from the BDI 2013 and Akhlaque Haque 2015 conferences Rahim Quazi 978 984 506 222 0 Akbar Ali Khan Gresham's Law Syndrome and Beyond: An Analysis of the Bangladesh Bureaucracy, 3rd impression 2018 2015 700.00 978 984 05 1768 8 A.M.M. Shawkat Ali Faces of Terrorism in Bangladesh 2006 300.00 978 984 506 003 5 A.M.M. Shawkat Ali Civil Service Management in Bangladesh: An Agenda for Policy Reform (2nd impression 2010) 2007 560.00 0 978 984 506 043 1 A.M.M. Shawkat Ali Bangladesh Civil Service: 2 0 A Political-Administrative Perspective (2nd impression 2011) 2004 670.00 2 s 978 984 05 1771 8 A.T. Rafiqur Rahman Bangladesh in the Mirror: n o i An Outsider Perspective on a Struggling Democracy 2006 550.00 t a c 978 984 05 1453 3 Al Masud Hasanuzzaman Role of Opposition in Bangladesh Politics 1998 350.00 i l b u 978 984 05 1794 7 Dhruba Kumar Nepali State, Society and Human Security: An Infinite Discourse ? 2008 540.00 P h 978 984 05 1793 0 Gamini Keerawella Evolving Security Discourse in Sri Lanka: s i l From National Security to Human Security 2008 400.00 g n E 978 984 506 026 4 Golam Mohammad (ed.) National Security Bangladesh 2009 2010 660.00 978 984 506 112 4 Harun-or-Rashid Inside Bengal Politics: 1936-1947- Unpublished Correspondence of Partition Leaders (3rd impression 2019) 2003 480.00 6 + Paperback edition ? Limited stock † Distribution book * Temporarily out of print ISBN Author/Editor Title First Price Published 978 984 506 109 4 Harun-or-Rashid The Foreshadowing of Bangladesh: Bengal Muslim League and Muslim Politics: 1906-1947 (3rd impression 2015) 1987 750.00 978 81 241 2007 1 Hasna Jasimuddin Moudud Where Women Rule: South Asia † 2017 1390.00 978 984 506 132 2 Harun ur Rashid An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies (3rd impression, 2017) 2005 550.00 978 984 33 3065 5 Ishtiaq Jamil (ed.) et al. Understanding Governance & Public Policy in Bangladesh +† 2011 350.00 978 984 506 015 8 Imtiaz Ahmed (ed.) The Plight of the Stateless Rohingyas: Responses of the State, Society & the International Community 2010 500.00 (3rd impression, 2019) 978 984 05 1441 0 Mahbub ul Haq, Khadija Haq Human Development in South Asia 1998: The Education Challenge + 1998 450.00 978 984 8815 28 1 Mahendra P Lama Human Security in India: Discourse, Practices and Policy Implications 2010 600.00 978 984 506 007 3 Masihur Rahman Democracy in Crisis (2nd impression 2010) 2008 500.00 984 70220 0026 4 Moazzem Hossain Democracy's Roller Coaster Ride in Bangladesh 2009 360.00 978 984 8815 20 5 Mohammad Ameeruz Zaman In Quest of Fairness 2011 500.00 978 984 506 042 4 Mohammad Humayun Kabir et al. Ethnicity and Human Security in Bangladesh and Pakistan 2012 415.00 978 984 506 124 7 Mohammad Mohabbat Khan Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh (2nd edition 2013) 1998 425.00 978 984 337 582 7 Mohammad Mohabbat Khan Bureaucracy in Bangladesh: A Reformist Perspective 2013 350.00 978 984 8815 14 4 Monirul Hussain et al. Human Security in India: Health, Shelter and Marginalisation 2010 440.00 978 984 05 1661 2 Moonis Ahmar (ed.) Paradigms of Conflict Resolution in South Asia 2003 550.00 978 984 05 1653 7 Moudud Ahmed South Asia: Crisis of Development- The Case of Bangladesh (3rd impression 2005) 2002 400.00 978 984 506 037 0 Moudud Ahmed Bangladesh: A Study of the Democratic Regimes (2nd impression, 2017) 2012 850.00 978 984 506 130 8 Moudud Ahmed Bangladesh: Emergency and the Aftermath 2007-2008 2014 700.00 978 984 8815 02 1 Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir Notes from a Prison: Bangladesh (Seventh impression, 2017) 2009 600.00 978 984 506 277 0 Muinul Islam Role of the State in Bangladesh's Underdevelopment forthcoming 978 984 506 047 9 Nizam Ahmed Aiding the Parliament of Bangladesh: Experience and Prospect 2012 600.00 978 984 506 278 7 Nizam Ahmed (ed.) Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Parliament, Public Policy and the Local Government forthcoming 978 984 506 150 6 Nizam Ahmed (ed.) 40 Years of Public Administration and Governance in Bangladesh 2014 860.00 978 984 05 1634 6 Ranabir Samaddar Paradoxes of the Nationalist Time: Political Essays on Bangladesh 2002 300.00 978 984 506 009 7 Salma A Shafi Urban Crime and Violence in Dhaka 2010 500.00 978 984 05 1798 5 Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed The Ishtiaq Papers 2008 350.00 978 984 8815 18 2 Wali-ur Rahman Transition to Democracy: Kaleidoscope of a Changing World 2011 675.00 978 984 506 041 7 Zillur R.
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