MEETING OF THE TRUST BOARD TO BE HELD IN PUBLIC th ON Thursday 24 January 2019, 10:00AM, BOARDROOM, LAWTON HOUSE, TRUST HEADQUARTERS, BELLRINGER ROAD, TRENTHAM LAKES SOUTH, STOKE ON TRENT, ST4 8HH AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Note To NOTE any apologies for absence 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS Note 3. MINUTES OF THE OPEN AGENDA – 22nd November 2018 Approve To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2018 Enclosure 2 4. ACTION MONITORING SCHEDULE & MATTERS ARISING FROM THE Note MINUTES Enclosure 3 To CONSIDER any matters arising from the minutes 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT Note To RECEIVE a report from the Chief Executive Enclosure 4 6. CHAIR’S REPORT Note To RECEIVE a verbal report from the Chair 7. STAFF RETIREMENTS To EXPRESS our gratitude and recognize staff who are retiring Verbal To be introduced by the Chief Executive and presented by the Chair 8. REACH RECOGNITION TEAM AWARD ON EXCELLENCE To PRESENT the REACH Recognition Team Award to AMHP/BIA Team Verbal To be introduced by the Chief Executive and presented by the Chair 1 9 FUTURE OF LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES IN NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE Discussion To RECEIVE a presentation from Marcus Warnes, Accountable Officer, CCG Presentation QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC 10 To RECEIVE questions from members of the public Verbal TO ENHANCE SERVICE USER AND CARER INVOLVEMENT 11 SERVICE USER AND CARER COUNCIL Assurance To RECEIVE an update from Wendy Dutton, Chair of Service User Carer Council Verbal ENCOURAGE, INSPIRE AND IMPLEMENT RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AT ALL LEVELS 12 TOWARDS OUTSTANDING INNOVATIVE PRACTICE – INNOVATION Assurance NATION AND MIDTECH Enclosure 5 To RECEIVE a briefing re: Towards Outstanding Innovative Practice from Dr Buki Adeyemo, Executive Medical Director TO PROVIDE THE HIGHEST QUALITY SERVICES 13 NURSE STAFFING MONTHLY REPORT (OCTOBER 2018) Assurance To RECEIVE the Nurse Staffing Monthly Report from Maria Nelligan, Executive Enclosure 6 Director of Nursing & Quality 14 TOWARDS SMOKE FREE PROGRESS REPORT Assurance To RECEIVE the Towards Smoke Free Progress Report from Dr Buki Adeyemo Enclosure 7 Executive Medical Director 15 ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK REPORT (PQMF) – Month 8 Approval To RECEIVE the Month 8 Performance Report from Mike Newton, Deputy Director of Enclosure 8 Finance, Performance and Digital To Follow CREATE A LEARNING CULTURE TO CONTINUALLY IMPROVE 16 No items for discussion 2 MAXIMISE AND USE OUR RESOURCES INTELLIGENTLY AND EFFICIENTLY 17 FINANCE REPORT – MONTH 8 (2018/19) Approval To RECEIVE for discussion the Month 8 Financial position from Mike Newton, Deputy Enclosure 9 Director of Finance, Performance and Digital 18 ASSURANCE REPORT FROM THE FINANCE, PERFORMANCE & Assurance DIGITAL COMMITTEE Enclosure 10 To RECEIVE the Finance, Performance & Digital Committee Assurance report from th th the meeting held on the 5 December 2018 and 10 January 2019 from Tony Gadsby, Chair/Non-Executive Director 19 ASSURANCE REPORT FROM THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the Audit Committee Assurance report from the meeting held on the 5th Enclosure 11 December 2018 from Gan Mahadea, Chair/Non-Executive Director NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE DIRECTORATE SECTION 75 SOCIAL CARE Assurance 20 UPDATE Enclosure 12 To RECEIVE the North Staffordshire Directorate Section 75 Social Care Update from Jonathan O’Brien, Director of Operations 21 GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY / SPONSORSHIP REGISTER Assurance To RECEIVE the Gifts and Hospitality / Sponsorship Register from Laurie Wrench, Enclosure 13 Associate Director of Governance 22 REGISTER OF SEALED DOCUMENTS Assurance To RECEIVE the Register of Sealed Documents from Laurie Wrench, Associate Enclosure 14 Director of Governance 23 STOKE-ON-TRENT LOCAL SYSTEM REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Assurance To RECEIVE the Stoke-on-Trent Local System Review Progress Report from Laurie Enclosure 15 Wrench, Associate Director of Governance ATTRACT AND INSPIRE THE BEST PEOPLE TO WORK HERE 24 ASSURANCE REPORT FROM THE PEOPLE AND CULTURE COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the People and Culture Committee Report from the meeting held Enclosure 16 th 14 January 2019 from Patrick Sullivan, Non-Executive Director 25 ASSURANCE REPORT FROM QUALITY COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the Assurance report from the 6th December 2018 and the 10th January Enclosure 17 2019 meetings from Patrick Sullivan, Non-Executive Director 3 CONTINUALLY IMPROVE OUR PARTNERSHIP WORKING 26 Received as Item 16 within Closed Trust Board ANY OTHER BUSINESS The next public meeting of the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust Board will be held on Thursday 28th February 2019 at 10:00am. MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC To APPROVE the resolution that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) THE REMAINDER OF THE MEETING WILL BE IN PRIVATE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS Note SERIOUS INCIDENTS Assurance PERFORMANCE Approve ESTATES Assurance WORKFORCE AND AGENCY Assurance ANY OTHER BUSINESS 4 TRUST BOARD Minutes of the open section of the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust Board meeting held on Thursday 22nd November 2018 At 10:00am in the Boardroom, Trust Headquarters, Lawton House Bellringer Road, Trentham, Stoke on Trent, ST4 8HH Present: Chairman: Tony Gadsby Vice - Chairman Directors: Caroline Donovan Dr Dennis Okolo Lorien Barber Chief Executive Associate Medical Director / Clinical Director Non-Executive Director Stoke Community Maria Nelligan Suzanne Robinson Patrick Sullivan Executive Director of Nursing and Quality Director of Finance, Performance Non-Executive Director and Digital Jonathan O’Brien Director of Operations Gan Mahadea Non-Executive Director Joan Walley Non-Executive Director Andrew Hughes Joint Director of Strategy and Development In attendance: Laurie Wrench Jenny Harvey Joe McCrea Associate Director of Governance Unison Representative Associate Director of Communications Lisa Wilkinson Dr Keith Tattum Corporate Governance Manager (minutes) GP Associate Members of the public: Retirees Michael Fenwick - CQC Dean Burgess – Workforce Safety Linda Clarke - CQC Lead Lydia Marino - CQC Hilda Johnson - Healthwatch Phil Leese - Healthwatch Janine Burgess / Claire Ward 4 Grant Williams Elke Henson Rachel Bloor Charlotte Hodivala – Daiichi-Sankyo REACH Individual Recognition Award Adam Chambers - Substance Misuse Nurse Stoke Heath Prison 1 The meeting commenced at 10:05am. 236/2018 Apologies for Absence Action Dr Buki Adeyemo, Medical Director, Wendy Dutton, Chair of Service User Carer Council, David Rogers, Chairman, Linda Holland, Director of Workforce, Organisational Development and Inclusion 237/2018 Declaration of Interest relating to agenda items No declarations of interest th 238/2018 Minutes of the Open Agenda – 25 October 2018 th The minutes of the open session of the meeting held on 25 October 2018 were approved. Patrick Sullivan asked that it be noted that not all of the discussions held at the 27th September 2018 Quality Committee were included in the minutes further details of all the discussions that took place are however included within the summary. 239/2018 Matters arising The Board reviewed the action monitoring schedule and agreed the following:- 192/2018 – AHP Strategy – Complete - there is now a section on the internet and intranet. Appointed Head of AHP yesterday who will commence 1st December 2018 the successful candidate was Sarah Mountford from Learning Disabilities Services. 211/2018 – Matters Arising – Section 75 (Questions from Members of Public) – Update available January 2019 212/2018 – New Minister for Suicide Prevention – Complete 218/18 - Service User Care Council – Maria Nelligan confirmed the CCG have been contacted and she is awaiting formal feedback as they were not aware of the project Maria has a meeting arranged with the CEO of Healthwatch. Agreed to close as an action and bring back with a plan January 2019. 219/2018 – Towards Outstanding Innovative Practice – Suzanne Robinson has confirmed current arrangements go up to 31st March 2019 this will be discussed as part of commissioning round next year. This was shortlisted for HSJ Award last night but sadly unsuccessful 220/2018 – Nurse Staffing Monthly Report August 2018 / Recruitment 2 and Retention – Arrangements are in place for people to request a rota system that suits a work life balance. 224/2018 – Mortality Surveillance Quarter 1 Report - Update available January 2019 225/2018 – PQMF Month 5 - This has been included within performance reviews monthly not an exception this month as target has been met. 228/2018 – Assurance Report from Finance, Performance and Digital Committee – Agenda item 240/2018 Chief Executive’s Report This report updates the Board on activities undertaken since the last meeting and draws the Board’s attention to any other issues of significance or interest. CONTINUING OUR STRATEGY OF ‘BEING OPEN’ The Trust’s latest Board Development session focused on being open. The session on openness was led by Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, Zoe Grant. Zoe updated the Board on plans for Freedom to Speak Up Champions and we spent a fascinating session brainstorming how we can move to become truly outstanding in our approach and delivery of being open, allowing staff to raise concerns bringing together the
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