THE SENTINEL - LEADER. SPARTA. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 rr SHOULDN'T HAPPEN IN IMS Celebrant ALPINE GRANGE r New Years Eve Happy New \ **ar j New V ear Greeting COMMUNITY Stabbed by a rabbit. Drowned on a rooftop. Conked by a r of brogans I saw the hills of the morning. because a clerk wanted exercise. Will Festive Occasion Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rogers were the gremlins and pixies who worked PzKMANQfT WAVE KIT The form of the new year arise; hosts at the card party Wedn-asday overtime In 1M4 repeat In 1SH5? Read He stood like a statue adorning evening. Prizes went to Phyllis Mora- "It Shouldn't Happen In 1945" In The ITi Mfeutf aJaltar »rary trp* ml2S For Native Scots The world with a background of ber, Glenn Rogers. Clarence Pitsch. American Weekly with this Sunday's and Alice Host. Consolation to Matil- (Dec. 31 > issue of The Detroit Sunday skies; . da Pitsch and Mark Thome. There was courage and grace in hi» Times BEN FRANKLIN STORE beautiful face. Mrs. Esther Sorr and Mr. and Mrs. Christmas never aroused much j Roy B Darling niteaued the all-day enthusiasm in Scotland—but on New And hope in his -glorious eyes. meeting of Kent Pomona Grange a* Year's eve the Wassail bowl goes; Court land Orange hall. Dec. 13. Al- around, filled with savory liquid nos-1 "J come from Time's boundless for- : pine Grange will entertain the Po- talgically fragrant. ever." , mora Granite at their hall on 7-mile Floating atop ihe Wassail bowl, He said, with a voice like a song; [ road February 8. apples stir memories of the "apple- "I come as a friend to endeavor. The lesson on types of lamp shades and suitable materials Tor the re-cov- howling" when boys switched the I come as a foe to all wrong. farming trunks of fruit trees petitioning 'a ering of shades w»«, hi the absence of To the sad and afraid I bring prom- good howling crop": somehow, the Mrs. Rogers, given by Mrs. R. B. Dar- ise of aid. "lamb's wool" (as the decoction of ling. at the home' of Mrs. Joe Fry ear Tuesday ev?nine The re-covering the Wassail bowl is often called) And the weak I shall gird and m.eke strong. demonstration will be given by Mrs seems reminiscent of young folks r^ogers at Mrs. Carrol: Chase's Jan- rushing to the nearest spring at the uary 16. stroke of 12 to drink the "cream of "I bring you more blessings than the well"—the first one so doing, terrors, I.FADER fXASSIFIEDS PAY! might expect good luck during the This charming young daughter of I bring you more sunlight than ensuing year. a marine corporal is all set to wel- gloom. I tear out your page of old errors. Handsel Monday—the Monday aft- come the advent of 1915. Judging er New Year s, is traditionally tho from her attentive look, she is wait- And hir*e them away in Time's "big Day" for Scotch boys and girls: ing only for the 12 o'clock whistles tomb; SAW FILING! and. in addition to being the Scotch heralding the arrival of the new , I reach you clean hands and lead on OF ALL TYPES HEAR IT DISCUSSED day of gift-giving, it is a day of year. to the lands. aiso gumming feasting and gaiety. Where the lilies of peace are in Monday - Wadnasday - Friday bloom." This attractive *oung Chinese girl Repair* on small motors and Small wonder, that families and adds her bit to the celebration of friends gather on New Year's eve to New Years Day Ante- electrleal appliances. New Year's eve in New York festivi- "Drink a cup of kindness vet IM E.W.T. ties. The Chinese new year—46»1— For Auld Lang Syne." dates the Birth of 'Open House' on begins considerably later than our 1275 Christ by 452 Years own. Ben Halstead WKAR Tell Me an Indian New Year's Day SOUTH MARTINDALE The celebration of New Years on Off East Gardner MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE STATION New Years Story January 1 began in 452 B. C.. and It was customary for the Dutch Phone 2414 SPARTA therefore, contrary to logical reason- settlers of New York to hold "open The ceremonial for the snow has VMONfJ THOSE WHO KNOW ing, had nothing whatsoever to'do house" on New Year's day and to T passed, when enemies are forgiven with the birth of Christ. provide light refreshments, usually Nl TRlTION BEST IT'S and harsh words forgotten, as a new The ancient Roman calendar be- centering around a large bowl of trail has been blazed for all through gan in, and with, the month of punch, for friends calling to pay the the New Year's festivities. March: there were ten months, the compliments of the season. " last six of which were named Quin- "ihe story-telling grandmother has During the latter part of the 19*.h tilis. Sextilis. September. October. taught the ancient chants and cus- century the custom of making short 9 VEAL AND BEEF November, and December—or. the toms through the beads of the caiis on New Year's day was in full strings of histo.ic wampum; but now Fifth. Sixth. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth months respectively. Nu- swing throughout America. Metro- she again has time to entertain the politan newspapers carried columns RECIPES children. ma added two months, January and February, placing the former at tne of "at home" notices which, includ- Gathered around her lodge-fire, ing names of social prominence and TH* naw January Builatin of racipat will ba raady for fraa they p!-iad for another story with beginning of the year and February at the end. In 452 B. C.. February those making no such pretenr?, an- fniRL diitribution January 2. It ii davotad to unrationad maat their bright eyes and shrill voices. nounced hours during which visi- racipat. Call and gat your fraa copy. To satisfy them, she tells an ancient was placed between January and March: thus establishing the order tors would be received: having duly legend about the clouds. ROIL to srwrto HEAT LOAE of months as of today. The ancient received, hosts and hostesses closed "Long moons ago when the world WITH CfLfRV STUWINO calendar year did net correspond to their receptions to join the proces- was first made, the sky at win- SWISS S1IAK the solar year and by the time the sion of ca!lers at other "open SAILS tertime was cloud'ess much as it is FORCUriHI Mil days cf Julius Caesar rolled around BARBECUED SPARC BIS. on clear m:dsurr.mcr days. The houses." the actual and calendar equinoxes STVVrCD VEAL UKHILOIR ground was covered with white snow A succession of "open houses" and WITH SAUSAGE STUfJINO were months apart: a siiuaiion which rnnr and iiit- iiccs, except the p;r.cs, -.cc— nnnrh hnwlj minimiTOi< the ' Caesar set out to remedy. bare. The cold wind whistled around accorded hostesses—in many cases MOWN SEEP STEW WITH DUMRLIKOS the bark cabins; and with a cloud- Caesar's astronomers and calen- —and even resumed in receptions BRAISED SHORT RIBS Of BETE MEAT AMD VEOETAtll WI less sky, everything above and be- dar experts tixed the calendar year being "crashed" by bibulous young low looked dreary. men; these abuses led to the aban- at 365 days—and because thev esti- Sold at A A P Store, Sparta Super "The children, too, missed the mated the solar year as of 365"« donment of the "open hcuse" cus- Market. Sparta; Saur & Sons, NUTRITION CENTER green leaves and changing colors days—an extra day way to be add- tom. New Yea.'s calls now being Kent City. mil no^a OA, COMPANY over the landscape and they gave a ed every fourth year. This Julian exchanged only by intimates and 2-'l wish that the sky might have clouds calendar was effective, by decree without any public announcement of now and then. It is true, dark-gray, of Caesar, on January 1. 46 B C. intention to receive. fierce-looking clouds came in great Actually, the earth toes around LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY! masses and covered all the sky and the sun in :<65 days, 5 hours. 48 m n- let down snowflakes to amuse the utes. and 46 seconds: and by 1532 children. But the children also A. D., th"? Julian calendar was 10 HOW ABOUT IT NEIGHBOR ? wished for bright clouds and the o d days behind the sun. Pope Gregory bear in the sky heard their wishes. XIII remedied the situation by or- dering that the calendar play leap THIS IS HO TIME "So the old bear blew his moist frog and the intervening days be- breath into the heavy clouds and tween October 5 and October 15. broke them up; he even made 1582, were lost forever. humps in some of them, and held on to the corners of others, until In order to prevent repetitions of when they passed over the village, the sun running away from the cal- each cloud had a different shape, endar and vice versa. Pope Gregory some like bears, some like wild cats, decided that a leap year should be some like hills and even some like omitted now and then: hence only funny people. Ever afterward, the those years divisible by four—ex- clouds took these strange shapes clusive of years numbering the cen- turies—should h?ve sfift rtays> and u/a likfl, — the ccntury-n.\ rking years shall be all children in midwinter."—Dr.
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