1 r- THE TUFTS DAILY I -- _--I. - Where Read It First Volume VI1 Number 14 You.- Wednesday, September 28, 1983 Text of Senator Senate Considers Lainoff‘s Letter Purchase of to Dobrinin, Notables by ANDREW FEINBERG Gromyko Last Sunday night, the XUSenate Text of last week’s letter sent by the held a three hour meeting that was at- lCU Senate to Soviet Ambassador tended in full, and covered several Dobrinin and Foreign Minister areas of new business. Discussed at Gromyko. The letter, which was also sent length was the possible Senate pur- chase of Notables; a new Campus zo the New York Times, was written by Senator Michael Lainoff in response Outreach program; and a proposal to the Korean Air lines incident earlier from the Tufts Disarmament Commit- this month. tee. Issues concerning the campus security system and the Tufts police Here, too, at Tufts University in Massachusetts, we have been tjuched were also discussed during the personally by the irresponsible down- meeting. Senator Mike Lainoff initiated a ing on September 1st of a civilian Korean airline by a Soviet missile. In proposal that the Senate purchase a complete set of Notables and place our case, the loss is not solely a col- -- them on reserve in Wessell Library. lective one for the 269 lives lost in the The XUSenate discussed the possible purchase of Notables, the initia- seas off Japan. Our personal loss is for tion of a new Campus Outreach Program, and a proposal from the Disar- Notables, published class notes, are a fellow student and friend, Sarah mament Committee at its Sunday night meeting. (photo by Ken Evans) available to students in most hitroduia tory courses. The notes, taken by Draughn, 20 years of age and enter- students, cost $29.50 per course. Call- ing her junior year at Tufts University. borders any less sacred? Are their na- passenger airplanes. Your nation, on ing them “instruments of learning,” Like the rest of her fellow tional security interests any less at the contrary, has demonstrated a form Lainoff feels that they are akin to passengers, Sarah had no intention or stake? Somehow other governments, of paranoia on the sacredness of published articles and deserve a place desire on that September day to both communist and non-communist borders that threatens us all-and that become embroiled in the increased alike, have demonstrated political and in the library, where all can gain ac- tensions of global politics. Besides her moral restraint, by not firing at cess to them. Lainoff also said that due to the cost academic life at Tufts, Sarah’s interests included drama and theater. In a First Fireside of the notes, a complete set of university of 4,000 students, many of Notables is a financial hardship for us knew Sarah and could call her a some students, and is therefore friend. On that ill-fated day in Chat to be economically discriminatory. Lainoff suggested, however, that the issue not September, Sarah was bound for Japan to visit her parents before spending the Held this Week be decided upon until it had been by the Senate next few month studying drama in researched further London, England. Her loss brings to On Thursday night, President Education Committee. Another prominent issue announc- this college severe grief. There is an Mayer will hold his first of three overwhelming feeling of loss Fireside Chats scheduled this ed at the meeting was the initiation of the Campus Outreach Program by throughout the campus. semester. The discussion period, Our personal loss, however, carries which will be held from 8-10 p.m., Senate president Courtney Ward. The with it graver concerns about the will be located in the main lobby of program’s goal is to bring the senators to the attention of the student body, future. What also concerns us is that Carmichael Hall. and allow students to express concerns this senseless incident of a civilian According to Director of Com- to their representatives. airliner’s destruction not be viewed munications, Curtis Barnes, the The program will function by hav- merely as a freak of international rela- Fireside Chats have been initiated in , ing senators question students about tions. It should not be considered the order to “find out what the students Tufts’ strengths and weaknesses, result of global infighting that is want to discuss.” publishing the telephone numbers of brushed aside under the guise of “The concept,” he explained,. ‘‘is senators in the Daily and the Soviet national security. Such a feedback. what their [the students’] concerns are.” Observer, and having senators attend defense ieduces the importance of their respective dorm government Sarah Drag’hn’s life and all human life meetings. This program, designed by in general. Although the event is far Car- Ward, is a fn!low-through on his cam- Your nation’s generals argue that michael residents, Barnes added that paign promises of last year to i:n,<rove Soviet borders are sacred; your it is a “community event,” and that communications between the ’Tufts Foreign Minister Gromyko declares other students are welcome to attend and ask questions as well. The second community and the XUSenate. that under similar circumstances, a In new business, Richard Arum, a similar violent action will be taken for chat will be held in a downhill dorm. member of the Tufts Disarmament national security reasons. It is difficult Committee, asked that the Senate relay for us at Tufts not to assume that these President Mayer will be holding the Barnes added that the session is in- tended for students to pose questions a committee resolution to the ap- similar circumstances of airlines being fvst of this fall’s Fireside Chats in propriate members in the Tufts ad- off-course, either deliberately or the main lobby of Carmichael on to President Niayer, but that if no ministration. The resolution states that through error, have occurred before in Thursday, in order to listen to questions are presented, Mayer will of- many parts of the world, without the students’ concerns. (fie photo) fer impromptu “report on the loss of human life. Are other nation’s universitv.” see NOTABLES,page ? page two I IiE rwrs DAILY Wednesday, September 28, 1983 I i- I t. .-.-- r’ i THE TUFTS DAILY BARR1 HOPE GORDON. News Editor MARK BERLIND, Arts Editor I A,MY SESSLER. A5sistant New Editor ETHAN GOLDMAN,AssisArtc.. .. Editor I RORIN SPADONI. Features Editor JIM GREENBAUM, Sports Editor A1 YSON BONAVOCLIA. Assistant Features Editor BRIAN MILAUSKAS.AssisSports Edito Soviet Ship RENEE GERARD. Assistant Business Manager ELISA CUARINO, Assistant Business ,Manager , BOSTON - The Boston Shipping Association seeks a court order against BSO Opens ,’ KES EVASS. Pho;ographv Editor SUSANNE SHAVELSON, Copy Editor JII.1. LIVINGSiDN, .\ssistant Photography Editor BARBARA MEHLMAN, Copy Editor longshoremen who refused to unload BOSTON - The Boston Symphony HARLAN MEYER, Clarsifieds Editor LISA HIRSCH, Layout Editor plywood from a Soviet ship, in protest KRISTIN HERMAN, Layout Editor Orchestra begins its 103rd season GII’SEPPE PATANIA. Classifieds Editor over Russia’s downing of a Korean jet. KATHY KOONEY, Graphics Editor Wednesday with conductur Seiji - ____- The Tufts Daily is a non-profit student-run newspaper Ozawa leading the opening published by the students of Tufts University, weekdays during performance. the academic year. Printing by the Harvard Crimson Inc., Bird Bide Cambridge. MA. Pkase address comspondcnce to: The Tufts . Daily, Curtis HAU, Tufts University, Medford, Ma. 02155. Telephone: 617-381-3090. Business hours 9-5 weekdays. U.S. BOSTON - All-star forward Larry postage paid in Medfnrd. Massachusetts. Bird reportedly is close to signing a sion of genuine regret over the loss of I- ------I.new contract with the Boston Celtics that would be the most lucrative in life. sports history. We consider these legitimate pleas 1 Letters to theEditor I from a student body that long has championed the causes of peace is likely to make “national securiiy” throughout the world. University Part of Your Education an issue that pushes both world super- students in America have been quick , powers again to the brink--including to criticize our own government when the deployment of cruise missles in To the Editor: it appears to follow a course that Europe, the establishment of military threatens world peace or strays from satellites in space, and the proliferation what we believe to be our democratic This letter is in response to Michael the context of the class. of nuclear weapons by all nations. ’ Merriman’s letter to the Daily on Fri- I agree that it would not be ap- foundations. At the very least, we can None of us may ever know the do no Iess than criticize your actions, day, Sept. 23, regarding the “disrup- propriate for a member of TuftsPIRG “rea1”truth of the Korean airlines tion” of his history class by a member to extensively expound upon hisher which leads us to a similar conclusion. flight. But certain facts have emerged: We have shed tears, and mourn for of TuftsPIRG. organization’s goals during class time. the plane was shot down, your govern- It is upsetting to me that a college However, a short announcement is all those who were on the Korean ment for several days attempted to plane, their friends and families. We student living in today’s world could certainly appropriate. Education distort the few facts that were known, have adopted such a narrow-minded should be a combination of our atten- grieve expecially for our friend, Sarah; and even today, your government is we recall her eager longings for a full view of education. Our time spent dance in academic classes, and our ex- not attempting to cooperate with other here at Tufts should involve not only periences in the real world.
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