THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XXVI No 40 ALEXANDRIA, ONT‘:^RIO,-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1919 $1.50 A YEAR Wanted Lost Monilaii’s Election Dispersion Saie A good girl as general heip in A gold wrist watch between 17-3rd fajnily with one baby. Apply by let- Kenyon and Alexandria, on Satur- OF ter, with references to Mrs. H. R. day last. Finder kindly leave at fipoatest to Barnard, 4083 Tapper St., West- News office. 40-1. , 30 Pure Bred Holstein mount, Montreal. 40-1 Reports from all corners of the Cows 81 S High Grades County of Glengarry and adjoining Lost constituencies as well, received at AT Wanted this office, about the noon hour on J On Sunday last, ^ sum of money. Monday, indicated, a bumper crop Glen Rae Stock Farm I —Finder will be rewardfîd on leaving of votes in the elections that day Wanted a general servant. — Good same at News Office. 40-1. for the fifteenth Ontario Legislature BAINSVILLE, ONT. wages paid to satisfactory girl.— and balloting on the Refrendum for Apply to Mrs. A. G. F. Macdonald, the repeal of the Ontario Temper- 2nd Con. Lancaster, one mile Alexand r ia. 39-t-f. east of Curry Hill Found ance Act-*and-its three kindred ques- tions. Generally fair and cool weath- On Saturday, Oct. ISth, a new er prevailed. That with harvesting Tliurs. Dctober 30, 1919 Auction Sale cap, on Main Street. Owner will get completed and the roads in good same by applying to this office and shape in the country distrtricts', At Dalhousie Station, on Wednes- paying for advertisement. 40-1 contributed in some measure to the day, October 29th, 1919, household exceptionally big vote brought out. 12 matur9 cows, three due to furniture, etc., D. D. McCuaig, auc- The principal incentives that lent freshen around sale time; 3 two ^ear tioneer, Ed. Dennie, proprietor. additional interest were the Referen- olds, will be freshened by sale ; 5 Motorists 1 dum and general extension of fran- yearlings bred to freshen in spring ; YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BATTE- chise to women. $ of this season's heifer calves, one Auction Sale RY RE-CHARGED and repaired on Locally, while it was generally bull calf; 5’ high grade cows of At Glen Robertson, Monday, Nov. short notice at Cowan's Garage, conceded the women would avail DUNGAN A. ROSS Rear of Post Office, Alexandria. good quality, due to freshen in .the 8rd,' 1919, stock of tinware, hai*d- themselves of the franchise, few an- U.F.O. Candidate, retailed as mem- taring. This herd carries a combin- ware, household furniture, etc., Jos. ticipated such a general response. ber for Glengarry i?i the Provincial ation of breeding got by good R.O. Mr. J. f. lEoneily’s Hoii.se. General Hervey's ■ Legroulx, auctioneer, A. Thompson, Speculation was rife as to whether M. sires. In the herd there are three proprietor. ADMINISTRATOR’S or no the Hearst administration cows with good R.O.M. records. would weather the stonn of ballots. A number of the herd have been LOCHIEL ; Spjenilld BeconI [lection Uiress Some asserted and with good reason successful prize winners at Orms- NOTICE TO CeCDITORS that while the existing majority Glen Robertson ,... 197 60 town Show. They are all good, large Auction Sale To the Electors of Glengarry and might be materially decreased; yet. Glen Sandfield 73 164 In February .1915, upon, the forma- smooth individuals, pleasing to the At Lot'^F, Front Char., one mile In the matter of the Estate Ro- Stonnont. the Premier and his colleagues woukl Dalkeith 77 178 tion of the Canadian Oversea'n Railn eye and ethcient at the pail, and will dcrick Bertrand, Deceased, Lochiel ' 56 215 way Construction Corps L)r service west of South Lancaster Bridge, on A candidate for the United Farm- be returned with a substantial fol- be good investments. After many Saturday, November 8th, 1919, Val- Notice is hereby given, punsuant to lowing. Others co'ntended that with Kirk Hill 19 2|6 in, France, C, L.' Hervey, watt ers in the approaching bv e-election I commissioned in this battalion oa years of careful and judicious selec- uable Farm, Stock and Implements, the Statute in that behalf, that all Liberalism still very much alive, the fcConnick .... 72 119 appeal to all the electors of this Major commanding No. 1 company,^ tion, this herd is now well above the D. P. J. Tobin, auctioneer. Estate creditors of Roderick Bertrand, Late U.F.O. much in evidence and the LANCASTER : average in production and. quality,. of the Village of Maxville,_ in the great riding^o . consider the princi- Gunn’s 55 He had formerly served as Iioucenah.'t Bonneville, proprietors. ples for which we stand. Labor party also active the uncer- A number of the herd are bred to County of Glengarry, Tinsmith, who Curry Hill 122 162 in the Corps of Guides, being later We stand for a League of Nations tainty of the vote w'as problematic. King Segis Alcartra Posch sired by died on the Twenty-sixth day of Oc- North Lancaster W 84 75 promoted to a captaincy.' In Glen- to ensure the Peace of the world. Here in Alexandria, supporters of King Segis Alcartra Spofford who is tober, A.D. 1918, and aR others North Lancaster E 112 105 garry-Storraont he is best I'-nown os We stand -for the development of the two candidates, Messrs Archi- being j;nated to more noted cows For Sale having claims against, or entitled to bald J. Macdonald, the liberal stan- Glen Nevis ' 102 43 a practical, energetic ar.d capable than any bull in Canada. Dam got the British Empire along the lines of railway man. Many Glengn.rry and Registered Hbisteih Bull, 3 years share in her estate, are hereby noti- dard beai-cr and Dunco.n A. àoss, U. Green Valley ItO 78 partnership among nations free and Stormont men worke<i under him on -by the equally noted Count Segis old. Apply to John McKinnon or fied to send by post. prepaid or F.O. representative, got dow'n to CH ARI.O'rTENBTJ RG H equal, for the fullest exercise of Can- the National Transcontinentn.l Rail- Walker Pietize who has more 100 Dan McLean, R.R.2, GreeiiSeld, Ont. otherwise deliver to the undersigned work early appreciating the fact St. Raphaels 93 lbs milk and 30 lbs butter in 7 adian autojçiomy and against cen- way. At a later date, a year or t-wo' 40-3. solicitor for Margaret Bertrand. A,d- that with such a large vote to con- Williamstown 135 148 days than any sire in Canada. tralized Imperial control. before the war. he undertoolc the con- ministratrix, on or before the Twen- tend with, two ballots, etc., it South Lancaster 48 103 This young bull is one >ear, . 7 We stand for equal opportunities struction of the Glengarry ,aud Stor- ty-third day of Nov€«nbor, 1919, full would take all the time allotted- to Summorstown 71 143 months, .nicely marked, large ' and for all and ..special privileges to mont Railway running thi'ough the particulars of their claims. Iinme- record the vote. Automobiles were Tyotowa 43 103 smooth and of high quality, a show For Sale diatel5' after said date the' e.state none. f Cashion’a 0-len 8 heart of the County of Glengarryc; principally employed and it was in- 139 individual of the highest order. The Lot 21-7th Kenyon, good buildings We demand as our right-Represen- This railway was built by him, in al- will be distributed among the par- deed satisfactory to notice *lhe keen Martintown x ... 66' 240 very fact that a number of the fem- on property. For fuller particulars tation in Pafliament for our own ■ mast record time and was inmiodiat- ties entitled, having regard only to interest displaj'-ed in the election by Munroe’s Mills 35 154 ales are bred to this bull should apply to A. J. Campbell, Prop., R. claims of which the administratrix class in proportion to our numbers. ely put into active operation to the We would 'put an end to special the women. make them good investments for the R.2, Greenfield. 22-45. shall have notice, and all others Total votes 2772 4555 ‘great benefit and advantage, and p.ar- intending purchaser. Parties in will be excluded from the said dis- privileges being granted to wealthy The best of good feeling prevailed Majority for Ross. 1783. iticularly the farmers of the Tovm- search of a Herd Header whose tribution. corporations. , at all times and the election ma- ship of Lancaster and Charlotten- breeding and quality arc second to J. G. HARKNSSS, We would Idwer the tarifT to a re- chinery ran so smoothly that by 5 burgh, and as a, matter of course to none would do well to. have a look For Sale venue basis ^ a moans of lowering o'clock Standard time, every avail- ithe town of Cornwall. A good five year old mare, perfect- Solicitor for the Adminustratrix, at this fellow as he will be sold the cost of PTOduction and cost of able vote had been registered. Ilie Beferendym ly sound, color brown, weighs over Dated at Cornwall this twentieth ! While in France where tracks had with the Herd. living. While no provision had been made, 1400 Ibe.—Apply to Wilfrid Cadieux, day of October, A.D. 1919. 40-4 No. ‘ to be laid down in the forward arena There will also be sold one Pure We would take some of the bur- as was the custom in pre-war days, ll-6th Kenydn, Greenfield, R.R.2.
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